ProForm Xp 400 R Manual
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11 11\bOrie ntthe Sea t(9) assho wn\b Attach theSeatto the Sea tCa rriag e(6) with four 1/4" x38mm P atch Scre ws(61)and fourM 6 W ashe rs(63 )\b Note: ThePatc hScr ews andthe Washe rs maybeprea ttached to the under sideofthe Seat.11 9 6 63 61 61 1\f\b Attach the Pulse BarC over (15) tothe Seat Carria ge(6) with twoM4 x16 mm Scre ws(6\f)\b1\f 15 6\f 6
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12 15\bMake surethat allpart sare properly tightened beforeyouusethe exercise cycle.Note:Afterassem blyis completed, some extrapar tsmay be left over \bP lace ama tbene ath the ex ercis ecy cle to pro tect thefloor\b 13\bPlug the Puls eWi re (38) into thePulse Recep tacle (39) inthe Fram e(1) \b13 14\b Ide ntify the Righ tPeda l(44) ,whi chismarked wi th an “R\b” Using anadjustab lewren ch, firmly tighten the Righ tPe dal clockw iseinto the right sideof the Cran k(17) \bTi ghten the Lef tPed al (not...
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13 HOWTO ADJUS TTHE PEDA LSTRAPS Toadj ust the ped al stra ps,first pull the end sof the strap s offthe tabs on the ped als\b Adju stthe stra pstothe desired positio n, andthen pressthe end sof the strap s ontothe tabs\b HO WTO ADJUS TTHE SEAT These at can be adjusted forward or backward to the position thatis the mo stcomfort able for you\b Toadjust the seat,pu sh downwa rdon the adju stmen than dle, slid ethe seatto the desired positio n, andthen pull upward on the adju stmen than dle to lock the sea...
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1\f FEATURES OFTHE CONSOLE Theadvan cedconsole offersan arr ay of fe atu re s designed toma keyour wor kouts more effe ctive and enjoyable \bW he nyou select theman ualm ode of th e co nsole ,yo ucan changethe resi sta nce of th e peda ls withatouch ofthe dial\b Asyou exer cise,th e console will provid eco ntinuo usexe rcise feedb ack\b Youca n even measu reyour heartrate using the handg rip pulse sensor\b Theco nsole also offe rs ten pr eset train er wo rkouts\b Each workou taut omatic allychang esth e...
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15 HOWTO USE THEMANUAL MODE 1. Turn on the console. To turn on the conso le,press anybutton orbegin pedalin g\bThe disp lay willligh tand theconso le will be rea dyfor use \b 2. Sele ctthe manual mode. Each time you turn on th e co nso le,the man ualmod ewill be sele cted \bIf you have sele cted awo rkou t, reselectthe manu al mod eby pressing the Workou tbut ton repe at- edly un tilzero es appea rin the displa y\b 3.Begi npeda ling and change theresista nceof thepedal sas des ired. A s you pedal,ch an...
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16 HOWTO USE ATR AINER WORK OUT 1.Turn on the console. To turn on the conso le,press anybutton orbegin pedalin g\bThe disp lay willligh tand theconso le will be rea dyfor use \b 2. Selec ta trai ner workout . Toselect atra iner worko ut,press the Wo rkou tbut ton repe at- edly un tilthe numb er of th e desire dworko ut appea rsinthe display\b The firstsection of the disp lay will showthe duratio nof the work - out\b A pro file ofthe resist ance levels for th e wo rkou twill scrol l acro ssthe last sectio...
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17 HOWTO USE ACALORIE GOALW ORKOUT 1. Turn on the console. To turn on the conso le,press anybutton orbegin pedalin g\bThe disp lay willligh tand theconso le will be rea dyfor use \b 2. Selec ta ca lorie goalworkout. Toselect acalo riegoal worko ut,press the Wo rkou tbut ton repe at- edly un tilthe numb er of th e desire dworko ut appea rsinthe display\b The firstsection of the disp lay will showthe duratio nof the work - out\b The third section of th e displa ywill show th e ca lorie goalfor the worko...
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18 HOWTO USE ANIFIT WOR KOU T 1.Pressany button onthe console orbegin ped - aling toturn onthe console. Whenyou turn onthe console ,th e display will light\bA tone will then sound andthe conso lewill be rea dyfor use \b 2. Ins ert aniFit card and selec ta workout . To use aniFit worko ut,inse rtan iFitcard intothe iFitslot; makesure thatth e iFi tcar dis orien ted so th e me talcon tacts areface- downan dare facing th e slo t\bW he nthe iFitcar dis pro perly inserted, t h e indica tornextto the slot...
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19 Inspectand tight enallpar ts of the exerci se cycle reg- ularly\b Repla ce any worn partsimmed iate ly\b To clea nthe exe rcise cycle,use ada mp clot h and a smallamo untof m ild soap\b IMPORTANT: Toavoid damage tothe cons ole,keep liquidsawa yfrom the cons oleand keepthe console outofdirect sunlight. CO NSOLE TROUBLESH OOTING Ifth e con sole displaybecom esdim, the batteries sh ould bereplac ed;most console prob lem sare the resu ltof low batteries\b Seeassem bly step 7on page 9 for repla cemen...
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2\b These guid eline swill helpyouto plan your exercise program\b Fordet ailed exercise information, obta in a reputable book orcon sultyour physi cian\bR em embe r, proper nutrition andadequ aterest are essen tial for successful results\b EXERCIS EINTE NSITY Whether yourgo alisto burn fatortostre ngthen your cardiovascu larsyste m,exer cisingatthe proper inten- sityis the key to ach ieving resul ts\b Youcan useyour hea rtrat eas aguide tofindthe prop erintensity level\b Thecha rtbelo wsh ows recom...
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