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ProForm Xp 400 R Manual

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    11\bOrie ntthe Sea t(9) assho wn\b Attach theSeatto
    the Sea tCa rriag e(6) with four 1/4" x38mm
    P atch Scre ws(61)and fourM 6 W ashe rs(63 )\b
    Note: ThePatc hScr ews andthe Washe rs
    maybeprea ttached to the under sideofthe
    61 61
    1\f\b Attach the Pulse BarC over (15) tothe Seat
    Carria ge(6) with twoM4 x16 mm Scre ws(6\f)\b1\f
    15\bMake surethat allpart sare properly tightened beforeyouusethe exercise cycle.Note:Afterassem blyis
    completed, some extrapar tsmay be left over \bP lace ama tbene ath the ex ercis ecy cle to pro tect thefloor\b
    13\bPlug the Puls eWi re (38) into thePulse
    Recep tacle (39) inthe Fram e(1) \b13
    14\b Ide ntify the Righ tPeda l(44) ,whi chismarked
    wi th an “R\b” Using anadjustab lewren ch, firmly
    tighten the Righ tPe dal clockw iseinto the right
    sideof the Cran k(17) \bTi ghten the Lef tPed al
    (not shown) cou\f terclockw iseinto the left side
    of the Cra nk\b IMP ORT ANT:Tighte nbot h
    Peda lsas firml yas poss ible.After using the
    exe rcise cycle for one week, retighten the
    Pe dals.
    Adju stthe strap onthe Right Pedal (44) to the
    desire dposit ion,and press the end sof the
    st rap sonto the tabs on the Righ tPed al\bAdjust
    thestrap onthe LeftPe dal (not show n)in
    thesame way.14
    44 17 391
    Toadj ust the ped al
    stra ps,first pull the
    end sof the strap s
    offthe tabs on the
    ped als\b Adju stthe
    stra pstothe
    desired positio n,
    andthen pressthe
    end sof the strap s
    ontothe tabs\b
    These at can be
    adjusted forward or
    backward to the
    position thatis the
    mo stcomfort able
    for you\b Toadjust
    the seat,pu sh
    downwa rdon the
    adju stmen than dle,
    slid ethe seatto the
    desired positio n,
    andthen pull
    upward on the
    adju stmen than dle
    to lock the sea tin
    Tomove the exer cise cycl e,lif t the re ar stabili zeruntil
    the exer cise cycl ecan bemove don the front wheels\b
    Car efully m ove the exer cise cycl eto th e desi red loca -
    tion and then lo w er it to the floor \b
    Ped al
    Stra p
    Se at
    H er e
    Adju stm ent
    Handl e
    Theadvan cedconsole offersan arr ay of fe atu re s
    designed toma keyour wor kouts more effe ctive and
    enjoyable \bW he nyou select theman ualm ode of th e
    co nsole ,yo ucan changethe resi sta nce of th e peda ls
    withatouch ofthe dial\b Asyou exer cise,th e console
    will provid eco ntinuo usexe rcise feedb ack\b Youca n
    even measu reyour heartrate using the handg rip
    pulse sensor\b
    Theco nsole also offe rs ten pr eset train er wo rkouts\b
    Each workou taut omatic allychang esth e re sista nce of
    thepedals andpro mpts youtoincr ease or decrea se
    your peda lingpace asitguid esyou thro ugh an effec -
    tivewo rkout \b
    Inaddition ,the reare fourca lor iegoal workou ts
    designed tohelp you bur n150 ,175, \f00, or \f\f5 calo-
    rie sin a30 minu tewo rkout\b Thecalorie goa lworkou ts
    automat ically contro lth e resistan ceofth e pe dals and
    pro mptyo uto vary yourped aling pace whil eco unting
    down the ca lorie syou burn\bThe consol ealso fe at ur es the new iFit interacti ve
    wor kout system\bThe iFit in te ract ive workou tsystem
    enab les the conso le to acce ptiFit cardscontai ning
    wor kout sdesi gned to hel p you achieve speci fic fitness
    goal s\bFor exam ple, lose unwante d po unds with the 8-
    week Weight Loss wor kout \biFit wor kou ts contr olthe
    resista nce ofthe pedalswh ile gui ding youthrough
    your wor kout s\biFi tcar dsareavai la ble separatel y\b To
    purchas eiFi tcards, gotoww w.iFit. com orcall the
    telephone numberon the front cover ofthis man-
    ual.iFit cards are also ava ilabl eat select stores.
    To use the manual mode, seepage 15\bTo use a
    trai ner work out, seepa ge 16\bTo useacalorie goal
    workout ,se epage 17\bTouse aniFit worko ut,see
    page 18\bTo use theinfor mation mode, seepage
    Not e: If th er eis a sh eet ofclear pla st ic on the face of
    the con sole,rem ove the plast ic\b
    1. Turn on the console.
    To turn on the conso le,press anybutton orbegin
    pedalin g\bThe disp lay willligh tand theconso le will
    be rea dyfor use \b
    2. Sele ctthe manual mode.
    Each time you turn on
    th e co nso le,the
    man ualmod ewill be
    sele cted \bIf you have
    sele cted awo rkou t,
    reselectthe manu al
    mod eby pressing the
    Workou tbut ton repe at-
    edly un tilzero es
    appea rin the displa y\b
    3.Begi npeda ling and change theresista nceof
    thepedal sas des ired.
    A s you pedal,ch an ge
    th e re sista nceofthe
    p edals byturning the
    Resist ancedial\b To
    incre ase the resis -
    ta nce, turn the
    Resist ancedial cloc kwise; todecr ease theresis -
    ta nce, turn the Resistan cedial counterclockwise\b
    Not e:Aft eryou changethe resi stance, itwill take a
    mome ntforth e ped alsto re ach theselecte dresis -
    ta nce level\b
    \f.Foll owyour progress withthe display.
    The upper sec tion of
    th e displa ywill show
    th e elap sed time and
    th e dista nce, inmiles
    or kilomet ers,tha tyou
    have ped aled \bThe dis-
    p la y will chan ge modesever yfew second s\bNo te:
    Wh enyou select awo rkou t,the disp laywill show
    th e time remain ing in the wor kout inste ad of th e
    ela psed time\b
    The second sect ion
    of th e displa ywill show
    yourpe daling pace in
    miles orkilo met ersper
    hour\bThe thi rd sect ion of
    the displ ay will show
    the appr oximat e num -
    berofcal ories you
    have burned andthe
    re si st ance level ofthe
    pedal s\bTh edisp lay will cha ngemodes every few
    seconds\b Thedisp lay will al so show your heart
    rate wh en you use the hand grip pul se sensor (see
    st ep 5be low) \b
    The last section of
    the displ ay will show a
    track rep resent ing 1/4
    mi le (40\f met er s)\b As
    yo uexer cise, indi ca-
    tor swill appe arin
    su ccessi onarou nd the track until th e enti retrack
    appear s\bThe tr ack will th en disap pear andthe
    indica tors will aga inbegi nto appe arinsuccessi on
    Theconsol ecan show speedand distance in
    either miles orkilom eters. Theletters MPH or
    Km/H will ap pear in the disp lay to ind ica te whi ch
    unitof measur ement is se lecte d\bTo change the
    unitof measur ement ,see THEIN FORMATION
    MO DE on page 18\b
    5. Meas ure your heart rat eif de sired.
    Ifther eare sheet s
    ofcle ar plast ic on
    the metalcont acts
    on the handgri p
    pulsesensor ,
    remove the plast ic.
    Next ,ho ldthe hand-
    gr ip pul se sen sor
    with you rpal msrest -
    ing onthe meta l
    co ntact s\bAvoi d
    movi ngyour hands
    or grippi ng the
    cont act stoo tightl y. W hen your pulse is
    detected, ahear t- sh aped symb olwill flash in the
    disp la y each tim e yo ur heartbe atsand then your
    hear trat e will be show n\b Fo rth e most accur ate
    heartrat e readi ng,hol dth e cont actsfor atleast 15
    6. When you are fini shed exerci sing, theconsole
    will turn offaut oma tic al ly .
    If the pedal sdo not move for afew seco nds, the
    tim e will begi nto flash in the disp lay and thecon-
    sole will pa use\b If th e pe dal sdo not move fora
    few minut esand no but tons arepr essed ,the con-
    sole will tur noff and the displ ay will be reset\b
    Cont acts 
    1.Turn on the console.
    To turn on the conso le,press anybutton orbegin
    pedalin g\bThe disp lay willligh tand theconso le will
    be rea dyfor use \b
    2. Selec ta trai ner workout .
    Toselect atra iner
    worko ut,press the
    Wo rkou tbut ton repe at-
    edly un tilthe numb er
    of th e desire dworko ut
    appea rsinthe display\b
    The firstsection of the
    disp lay will showthe
    duratio nof the work -
    out\b A pro file ofthe
    resist ance levels for
    th e wo rkou twill scrol l
    acro ssthe last sectio n
    of th e displa y\bNo te:
    Comp leteprof ilesof the workouts are printed on
    th e sid es ofthe co nsol e\b
    3.Pressthe Startbutt onorbegin pedaling to
    sta rt the workout.
    Each workou tis divid edinto 30one-m inute seg-
    men ts\bOneresista ncelevel andonepace setting
    a re pro grammed foreach segm ent\bNote: The
    same resistance level and /o r pace settin gmay be
    pro gramme dforco nse cutive segme nts\b
    Durin gthe workou t,the wor kout profil ewill show
    yourpro gress\b The flashin gsegm entof th e profile
    rep resen tsthe curre ntsegm entofthe workou t\b
    The heigh tof th e fla shing segmentindica testhe
    resist ance level for the current segment\b Atthe
    end of each segmen tof the wor kout, ase ries of
    to nes willsoun dand the next segmen tof the pro -
    file will beg into fla sh\b Ifa differ entresista ncelevel
    is progra mmed for the ne xtsegm ent,theresis -
    ta nce levelwill flash inthe center display fora few
    seco ndstoale rt you \bThe resi sta nce ofthe ped als
    will then chan ge\bAs youexer cise, the
    di sp la y will pr om ptyou
    to keep your peda ling
    pace near the pace
    setting fo r th e cur re nt
    segm ent \bWhen the
    wor d“fast er”ap pear sin th e displ ay,in cr ease your
    pace\b Whenthe wor d“sl ow er ”ap pears, decrease
    your pace\b When the cent erofthe target flashes,
    mai ntain your current pace\b
    IMPO RT ANT: The pace settings areintended
    onl yto prov ide mot ivat ion. Your actual pace
    maybeslowe rthan the pace settings. Make
    sure to peda lat apac ethat is com for table for
    If the re sist ance leve lfor the curre nt segm entis
    too high or to o low ,you canmanua llyoverr idethe
    leve lby tur ning the Resi sta nce dial\bIMPORT ANT:
    When the cur rent segm entofthe workout
    ends, the pedal swi ll aut omat ica lly adj ust to
    the resistance setting for the nex tsegment .
    Ifyou stop pe dal in g for seve ra lseconds, thecon-
    sole will pa use andthe tim e will begin toflash in
    the displ ay\bTo rest art th e wo rko ut,press theStar t
    button or sim ply resum eped aling\b
    Th ewor kout will cont inue until the display showsa
    tim e of 0:0 0\b Not e: If you continu eto pe dal after
    the wor kout is co mplet ed, the displ ay will conti nue
    toshow exercise fee dback; however, th e displ ay
    will not showth e elapse dtime until you select the
    man ualmode orane wwo rko ut\b
    \f. Follow your progress with the displ ay.
    See step 4on page 15\b
    5. Mea sure your hear trat eif desire d.
    Seestep 5on page 15\b
    6. When you are fini shed exerci sing, theconsole
    will turn offaut oma tic al ly .
    See step 6on page 15\b 
    1. Turn on the console.
    To turn on the conso le,press anybutton orbegin
    pedalin g\bThe disp lay willligh tand theconso le will
    be rea dyfor use \b
    2. Selec ta ca lorie goalworkout.
    Toselect acalo riegoal
    worko ut,press the
    Wo rkou tbut ton repe at-
    edly un tilthe numb er
    of th e desire dworko ut
    appea rsinthe display\b
    The firstsection of the
    disp lay will showthe
    duratio nof the work -
    out\b The third section
    of th e displa ywill show
    th e ca lorie goalfor the
    worko ut\bAprof ile of
    th e re sista ncelevels
    fo r th e worko utwill scrollacr oss thelast sectio nof
    th e displa y\bNot e:Com plete profil es ofthe work-
    outs are print edon the sid es ofthe console\b
    3.Pressthe Startbutt onorbegin pedaling to
    sta rt the workout.
    Each calorie goalwor kout will hel pyou burn 150,
    175, \f00, or \f\f5ca lor ies\b D uri ng each workout,
    th e co nso lewill co unt down the number ofcalories
    to be burne d\b
    Each workou tis divid edinto 30one-m inute seg-
    men ts\bOneresista ncelevel andonepace setting
    a re pro grammed foreach segm ent\bNote: The
    same resistance level and /o r pace settin gmay be
    pro gramme dforco nse cutive segme nts\b
    Durin gthe workou t,the wor kout profil ewill show
    yourpro gress\b The flashin gsegm entof th e profile
    rep resen tsthe curre ntsegm entofthe workou t\b
    Thehe igh tof th e fla shing segmentindica testhe
    resist ance level for the current segment\b Atthe
    end of each segmen tof the wor kout, ase ries of
    to nes willsoun dand the next segmen tof the pro -
    file will beg into fla sh\b Ifa differ entresista ncelevel
    is progra mmed for the ne xtsegm ent,theresis -
    ta nce levelwill flash inthe center display fora few
    seco ndstoale rt you \bThe resi sta nce ofthe ped als
    will then chan ge\bAs youexer cise, the
    disp la y will pr om ptyou
    to keep your peda ling
    pace near the pace
    setting fo r th e cur re nt
    se gm ent \bWhen the
    wor d“fast er”ap pear sin th e displ ay,in cr ease your
    pace\b Whenthe wor d“sl ow er ”ap pears, decrease
    your pace\b When the cent erofthe target flashes,
    mai ntain your current pace\b
    IMPO RT ANT: The pace settings areintended
    onl yto prov ide mot ivat ion. Your actual pace
    maybeslowe rthan the pace settings. Make
    sure to peda lat apac ethat is com for table for
    If the re sist ance leve lfor the curre nt segm entis
    too high or to o low ,you canmanua llyoverr idethe
    leve lby tur ning the Resi sta nce dial\bIMPORT ANT:
    When the cur rent segm entofthe workout
    ends, the pedal swi ll aut omat ica lly adj ust to
    the resistance setting for the nex tsegment .
    Ifyou stop pe dal in g for seve ra lseconds, thecon-
    sole will pa use andthe tim e will begin toflash in
    the displ ay\bTo rest art th e wo rko ut,press theStar t
    button or sim ply resum eped aling\b
    Th ewor kout will cont inue until the display showsa
    tim e of 0:0 0\b Not e: If you continu eto pe dal after
    the wor kout is co mplet ed, the displ ay will conti nue
    toshow exercise fee dback; however, th e displ ay
    will not showth e elapse dtime until you select the
    man ualmode orane wwo rko ut\b
    \f. Follow your progress with the displ ay.
    Dur ing acal orie go alwor kout ,the third secti onof
    the displ ay will show the num ber ofcalori estobe
    bur ned dur in g the rem aining seg ments of the
    wor kou t\b
    Theother disp la ys will sh ow th e inf ormation
    descr ib ed in step 4on page 15\b
    5.Mea sure your hear trat eif desire d.
    Seestep 5on page 15\b
    6. When you are fini shed exerci sing, theconsole
    will turn offaut oma tic al ly .
    See step 6on page 15\b 
    1.Pressany button onthe console orbegin ped -
    aling toturn onthe console.
    Whenyou turn onthe console ,th e display will
    light\bA tone will then sound andthe conso lewill
    be rea dyfor use \b
    2. Ins ert aniFit card and selec ta workout .
    To use aniFit worko ut,inse rtan iFitcard intothe
    iFitslot; makesure thatth e iFi tcar dis orien ted so
    th e me talcon tacts areface- downan dare facing
    th e slo t\bW he nthe iFitcar dis pro perly inserted,
    t h e indica tornextto the slot willlight and word s
    will appe arinthe dis play \b
    Next ,se lect the des ired worko uton the iFitcard
    by pressin gthe up an ddow nbu tton snext tothe
    iFit slot\b
    Pre ss the Sta rtbutton orbegi nped aling tostart
    you rworko ut\biFit workou tsfunction inthe same
    way astrain erwo rko uts\b Touse the worko ut,see
    steps 3to 5on pag e16\b
    Whe nyou are finis hed exercising, remove the
    iFi tca rd.
    Remo vethe iFit card when youar efin ished exer -
    cisin g\b St ore the iFit cardin asecur eplace\bTHE IN FO RM ATION MOD E
    Theconso lefeat ures an inf or mation mode thatallows
    yo uto sel ect aun it of measu rement for the consol e
    and to view usage inf or ma tion for the exe rcise cycle\b
    Toselect the inf or matio n mod e, press andhol ddow n
    the Wo rko ut but ton for afew second s\b
    Thedispl ay will show the
    se lecte duni tof measu re -
    men t\bAn “E ”for Engl ish
    mi les oran “M ”fo r me tric
    kil om eter swill appea rin
    the displ ay\bTo chang ethe
    un it of measur ement ,
    pre ssthe Star tbut ton
    r ep eat edlyto se le ct th e
    de sire d uni tof mea sur e-
    men t\bNot e: When you
    rep la ce the bat teries, it
    may benecessar yto rese -
    lect the unitof
    mea surement \b
    Thedispl ay will al so sho wth e tot al distance pedaled
    sincethe exe rcise cycl ewas purcha sed andthe total
    number ofhoursth e exe rcise cycl ehas been used\b
    Thetot al distance pedal ed will ap pear inthe first sec -
    tion ofth e displ ay\b Th etot al num berof hours the
    exercise cycl ehas been usedwill appe arinthe third
    se ction ofthe disp la y\b
    To exitthe inf or mat ion mode ,pr ess theWorkout but-
    ton \b
    iFit Slot
    iFitCa rd 
    Inspectand tight enallpar ts of the exerci se cycle reg-
    ularly\b Repla ce any worn partsimmed iate ly\b
    To clea nthe exe rcise cycle,use ada mp clot h and a
    smallamo untof m ild soap\b IMPORTANT: Toavoid
    damage tothe cons ole,keep liquidsawa yfrom
    the cons oleand keepthe console outofdirect
    Ifth e con sole displaybecom esdim, the batteries
    sh ould bereplac ed;most console prob lem sare the
    resu ltof low batteries\b Seeassem bly step 7on page 9
    for repla cemen tinstruction s\bIfthe handgrip pulse sen-
    sordoes not function properly,see step 5on page 15\b
    Ifth e con sole does notdi spla ycor rect feedb ack, the
    reed switch should beadjusted\b Toadju st th e ree d
    swit ch,you must first rem ove theleftpe dal and the
    left shie lds\b Using an adju stable wrench ,tu rn the left
    ped alclo ckwise andremo veit\bNext ,re move the
    scre wsfromthe left and rig ht shie lds\b Then, gently
    remove the left sh ield\b
    Locate theReed Switch (\f4)\b Tur nthe Crank(17 )until
    a Magne t(5 0) isalign edwith th e Reed Sw itch\b Next,
    loosen, butdo not remo ve, the indica te d M4 x16mm
    Screw (6\f)\b Slid ethe Reed Switch slightly closer toor
    awa yfrom theMagnet, andthen retighten the Scre w\b
    Turn the Crank fora mo ment\b Rep eatthese actions
    untilthe conso ledisplays correct feedb ack\b Whe nthe
    Re ed Switch iscorre ctlyadjusted, rea ttach thele ft
    sh ield and the leftpe dal\bHO WTO ADJU ST THE BELT
    If you can feel the peda lsslipwh ile you arepedal ing,
    eve nwhen the resi stance is at th e highe stle vel, the
    belt m ay need to be adj ust ed\b
    To adjust the bel t, yo umust first remove theright
    pe dal and the right shield\b Using an adjusta ble
    wrench, tur nthe rig ht ped alcount erclockwise and
    remove it\b N ext ,rem ove the screwsfro mth e left and
    right shields\b Then ,gent ly rem ove the righ tshiel d\b
    Totigh te n the bel t, fir st loosen the M8 x\f\fmm Flat
    Head Scre w(67)\bN ext ,tight en the M10 x90m m
    Button Scr ew (69) unt il the Bel t(1 8) istig ht\b Then,
    retight en the M8 x\f\fm mFla tH ead Screw (67)\b
    Reattach th e right shiel d and the righ tpedal\b
    6\f 17
    These guid eline swill helpyouto plan your exercise
    program\b Fordet ailed exercise information, obta in a
    reputable book orcon sultyour physi cian\bR em embe r,
    proper nutrition andadequ aterest are essen tial for
    successful results\b
    Whether yourgo alisto burn fatortostre ngthen your
    cardiovascu larsyste m,exer cisingatthe proper inten-
    sityis the key to ach ieving resul ts\b Youcan useyour
    hea rtrat eas aguide tofindthe prop erintensity level\b
    Thecha rtbelo wsh ows recom mended heart ratesfor
    fat burn ing andae rob icexer cise\b
    Tofind the pro per inten sity level ,find your ageatthe
    bot tom of the chart (ages are rou nded offtothe near -
    estten years) \bThe three num berslisted above your
    age define your“tra ining zone\b” Thelowest numbe ris
    the heartrate for fat bur ning ,th e middl enu mbe ris the
    hea rtrat efor maximu mfat bur ning, and thehigh est
    numbe ris the heartrate foraerobicexercise \bBurning Fat—To bur nfat effect ivel y, you must exer-
    cise atalow int en sityleve lfo ra sustained period of
    time\b Dur ing the fir st fe w minut esof exercise, your
    bodyuses carbo\b ydrate cal ories fo r ene rgy\b Onl yafter
    th e fir st few minut esofexer cise does your body begin
    touse stor ed fat cal ories for ener gy\bIf your goalis to
    bur nfat ,adj ust the int ensi ty of you rexercise untilyour
    hear trat e is ne ar the low est nu mb erinyour trai ning
    zo ne\b For maxi mum fat burning, exercise withyour
    heartrat e ne ar th e middl enum ber in you rtrai ning
    zo ne\b
    Ae robi cExerc is e—I fyo ur goal is to stren gthen your
    cardi ovascul arsyst em,you mustperform aerobic
    exer cise, whi ch is act ivi ty th at requi reslarge amounts
    ofoxygen for prolonge dper iods oftime\b Foraer obic
    exer cise, adjust the in te nsi tyof your exercise until
    your hea rtrat e is near the highest number inyour
    trai ning zone\b
    Wa rming Up —Sta rtwith 5to 10 minut esofstre tchin g
    and light exer cise \bA war m-up incr ease syour body
    temp eratur e, hear trat e, andcircul ation in prepar ation
    forexer cise\b
    Trai ning Zone Exe rci se—Exe rci se fo r \f0 to30 min-
    ut es wit h your heart ra te in your tr ai ning zone\b (Dur ing
    th e fir st few wee ks ofyour exer cise program, donot
    keep your hear trat e in you rtr ai ning zon efor longer
    th an \f0minut es\b )B rea th e regul arly an ddee plyasyou
    exer cise–neve rhol dyou rbreat h\b
    Cool ing Dow n—Fi nish wit h 5to 10 minutes of
    stretchi ng\bS tr et chi ng incr eases the flexibility ofyour
    mu scles and helps to pre ven tpost -exercise probl ems\b
    To mai ntain orimprov eyour condi tion, complet e thr ee
    wor kout sea ch week, wit h at least one dayof rest
    bet ween wor kou ts\bAfter afe w mont hsofreg ular exer-
    cise,you maycom plet e up to five workouts each
    week, if desi red\b Rem em ber ,the keyto success isto
    ma keexer cise are gula rand enjo ya ble part ofyour
    eve ryday life\b
    WAR NING:Befor ebegi nning thi s
    or any exerc ise pr ogr am,consult yourphysi -
    cian .Thi sis especially impor tant forpers ons
    over age 35orper sons withpre-existing
    health proble ms.
    Thepulsesensor isnot am edical device.
    Var ious factors may affec tthe accuracy of
    heart rate readings. Thepulse sensor is
    intende donly as an exer cise aid indete rmin -
    ing heart rate tre nds ingener al. 
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