Panasonic Shaver Es Rt77 Operating Instructions
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Operating Instructions (Househol\f) Rechargeable \bhaver Mo\fel No. E\b‑RT77 E\b‑RT67 E\b‑RT47 English��������������������������������������������� 3 Français����������������������������������������� 19 Español ������������������������������������������ 35 BC
3 English Operating Instructions (Househol\f) Rechargeable \bhaver Mo\fel No. E\b‑RT77 E\b‑RT67 E\b‑RT47 Thank you for purchasing this\l Panasonic pro\fuct. Beforeoperatingthisunit,pleasereadtheseinstru\ftions\fompletel yandsa vethemf orfutureuse \b Safety precautions..................... 4 Intended use����������������������������������������8 Parts identification������������������������������9 Charging theshaver ���������������������������� 9 Using theshaver��������������������������������11 Cleaning theshaver �������������������������� 13Troubleshooting ��������������������������������15 Battery life ������������������������������������������ 16 Removing thebuilt-inrechargeable battery�������������������������������������������������16 Specifications ������������������������������������ 16 Contents
4 EnglishSafetypre\fautions To re\fuce the risk of injury, loss of life, electric shock, fire, an\f \famage to property, always observe the following safety precautions. Explanationofsymbols The following symbols are us\le\f to classify an\f \f\lescribe the level of hazar\f, injury, an\f property \famage cause\f wh\len the \fenotation is \fisre\lgar\fe\f an\f improper \luse is performe\f. DANGER Denotes a potentia\ll hazar\f that will res\lult in serious injury or \feath. WARNING Denotes a potentia\ll hazar\f that coul\f re\lsult in serious injury or \feath. CAUTION Denotes a hazar\f th\lat coul\f result in mino\lr injury. The following symbols are us\le\f to classify an\f \f\lescribe the type of instructions to be obser\lve\f. This symbol is use\f \lto alert users to a speci\lfic operating proce\fure that must not be performe\f. This symbol is use\f \lto alert users to a speci\lfic operating proce\fure that must be followe\f in or\fer to oper\late the unit safely. IMPORTANTSAFETYINSTRUCTIONS When using an elect\lrical appliance, basic precautions shoul\f \lalways be followe\f, inclu\fing the following: Rea\f all instructions before using this app\lliance. DANGERToredu\fetheriskofele\ftri\f sho\fk: 1. Do not reach for an appliance tha\lt has f allen into water. Unplug imme\fiately. 2. Do not place or sto\lre appliance where \lit can fall or be pulle\f into a \ltub or sink. Do not place in or \frop into water or other liqui\l\f. 3. Except when chargi\lng, alwa ys unplug this appliance from the \lelectrical outlet imme\fiat\lely after using. 4. Unplug this applian\lce before cleaning. WARNINGToredu\fetheriskofburns,fire , ele\ftri\fsho\f k, orinjur y toper sons: 1. Close supervision is necessar\l y when this appliance is use\f by, on, or near chil\f\lren or invali\fs. 2. Use this appliance \lonly for its inten\fe\f use\l as \fescr ibe\f in this manual. Do not use attachments not re\lcommen\fe\f by the manufacturer.
5 English 3. Never operate this appliance \lwhen it has a \famage\f cor\f or plug\l, when it is not w\lorking properly, after it has been\l \froppe\f or \famage\f,\l or after it has bee\ln \froppe\f into water. Return the appliance to a \lservice center for examination an\f repa\lir. 4. Keep the cor\f a way from heate\f surfaces. 5. Nev er \frop or insert any object into any opening. 6. Do not use out\foors\l or operate where aerosol (spr ay) pro\fucts are bei\lng use\f or where oxygen is being a\fmi\lnistere\f. 7. Do not use this ap\lpliance with \famage\l\f shaving b la\fes an\f/or foil, as it has the \l potential to result\l in facial injury. 8. Alwa ys attach plug to a\lppliance first, then\l to outlet. To \fisconnect, turn all controls to “off ” then remove plug from outlet.\l SAVETHESEINSTR UCTIONS WARNING Thisshaverhasabuilt-inre\fhargeablebattery\bDonotthr owintofire ,appl yheat,or\f harge,use ,orleaveinahightemperatureen vironment\b - Doing so may cause overheating, ignitio\ln, or explosion. Donot\fonne\ftordis\fonne\fttheadaptortoahouseholdoutletwithawethand\b- Doing so may cause electric shock or injury. Neverdisassembleex\feptwhendisposingoftheprodu\ft\b- Doing so may cause fire, electric shock, or injury. DonotuseanythingotherthanthesuppliedACadaptor\bAlso,donot\f hargean yotherpr odu\ftwiththesuppliedA C adaptor \b - Doing so may cause burn or fire \fue to a s\lhort circuit. Donotmodifyorrepair\b- Doing so may cause fire, electric shock, or injury. Contact an authorize\f service center for repair (battery change etc). Donotstorewithinrea\fhof\fhildrenorinfants\bDonotletthemuseit\b- Putting the inner \lbla\fes, the cleaning brush an\f/or the oil \l container in the m\louth may cause acci\fents a\ln\f injury. Donotdamage,modify ,orf or\fiblybend,pull,ortwistthe\for d\b Also, donotpla\fean ything hea vy onorpin\f h the\ford\b- Doing so may cause electric shock or fire \fue to a s\lhort circuit.
6 EnglishWARNING Donotuseinawayex\feedingtheratingofthehouseholdoutletorthewiring\b- Excee\fing the rating by connecting too m\lany plugs to one househol\f outlet may cause fire \fue to \loverheating. Alwaysensuretheapplian\feisoperatedonanele\ftri\fpo wersour \femat\f hedtotheratedv oltageindi\fatedontheA C adaptor \b Fully inser t thepo wer plug\b- Failure to \fo so may cause fire or elec\ltric shock. Regularly\fleanthepowerplugandtheapplian\feplugtopre ventdustfr oma\f\fum ulating\b - Failure to \fo so may cause fire \fue to \linsulation failure cause\f by humi\fity. Disconnect the a\fap\ltor an\f wipe with a\l \fry cloth. Immediatelystopusingandremovetheadaptorifthereisanabnormalityormalfun\ftion\b- Using it in such c\lon\fitions may cause fire, electric shock, or injury. •Themainunit,adaptoror\for disdef ormedorabnormallyhot\b•Themainunit,adaptoror\for d hasb urning smell\b•Thereisabnormalsoundduringuseor\f harging ofthemainunit,adaptoror\for d\b - Imme\fiately request\l inspection or rep\lair at an authorize\f service center. Ifoilis\fonsumeda\f\fidentally,donotindu\fevomiting,drinkalar geamountofwaterand\fonta\ftaph ysi\fian\b If oil\fomesinto\fonta\ftwithe yes, washimmediatelyandthor oughly withrunningwaterand\fonta\ftaph ysi\fian\b - Failure to follow these instructions may result in physical problems. Thisapplian\feisnotintendedforusebypersons(in\fluding\f hildren)withredu\fedph ysi\fal,sensor yormental\fapabilities,orla\f k ofe xperien\fe andknowledg e, unlessthe y ha ve beengivensupervisionorinstru\ftion\fon\ferninguseoftheapplian\feb y aper son responsib le f or theirsaf ety\b Childrenshouldbesuper vised toensurethatthe y donotpla y withtheapplian\fe \b - Failure to \fo so may cause an acci\fent\l or injury. Thesupply\ford\fannotberepla\fed\bIfthe\for disdamag ed,theA Cadaptorshouldbedis\far ded\b - Failure to \fo so may cause an acci\fent\l or injury. CAUTION Donotallowpinsortrashtoadheretothepowerplugortheapplian\feplug\b- Doing so may cause electric shock or fire \fue to a s\lhort circuit.
7 English CAUTION Donotuseex\fessivepressuretoapplythesystemouterfoiltoy ourliporotherpar tofy ourfa\fe \bDonotappl y thesystemouterf oil dire\ftl y tob lemishes orinjuredskin\b- Doing so may cause injury to the skin. Donotfor\fefullypressthesystemouterfoil\bAlso,donottou\f hthesystemouterf oilwithfing ersornailswheninuse \b - Doing so may cause injury to skin or re\fuce\l the life of the system outer foil. Donottou\fhthebladese\ftion(metalli\fse\ftion)oftheinnerb lade\b - Doing so may cause injury to your han\fs. Donotusethisprodu\ftforhaironheadoranyotherpar tofthebod y\b - Doing so may cause injury to skin or re\fuce\l the life of the system outer foil. Donotshareyourshaverwithyourfamilyorotherpeople\b- Doing so may result in infection or inflammat\lion. Donotwrapthe\fordaroundtheadaptorwhenstoring\b- Doing so may cause the wire i\ln the cor\f to break\l with the loa\f, an\f may cause fire \fue to \la short circuit. Che\fkthesystemouterfoilfor\fra\fksordeformationsbef oreuse \b - Failure to \fo so may cause injury to the skin. Besuretopla\fetheprote\ftive\fapontheshaverwhen\farr yingar oundorstoring\b- Failure to \fo so may cause injury to skin or re\fuce\l the life of the system oute\lr foil. Dis\fonne\fttheadaptorortheapplian\feplugbyholdingontotheadaptorortheapplian\fepluginsteadofthe\for d\b - Failure to \fo so may cause electric shock or injury. ► Disposingofthere\f hargeablebatter y DANGER There\fhargeablebatteryisex\flusivelyforusewiththissha ver\bDonotusethebatter ywithotherprodu\fts\b Donot\f harge thebatter y afterithasbeenremo ved fromthepr odu\ft\b •Donotthr ow intofireorappl y heat\b•Donothit,disassemb le, modify , orpun\fturewithanail\b•Donotletthepositiveandnegativeterminalsofthebatter y g et in\fonta\ftwithea\f h otherthr ough metalli\fobje\fts\b•Donot\farr y orstorethebatter y tog ether withmetalli\fje welry su\f h asne\f kla\fes andhairpins\b•Donot\f harge, use , orlea ve thebatter y whereitwillbee xposed tohightemperatures,su\f h asunderdire\ftsunlightornearothersour\fesofheat\b•Neverpeeloffthetube \b - Doing so may cause overheating, ignitio\ln, or explosion.
8 EnglishIntendeduse •This WET/DRY shaver can be use\f for wet shaving using sha ving lather or for \fry shaving. You can use this watertight shaver in the shower an\f clean with w\later. The following symbol means suitable for use in a bath or\l shower. ► Notes •Treat yourself to wet lather shaves for at least three w\leeks an\f notice the \fiff erence. Your Panasonic WET/DRY shaver requires a little time to ge\lt use\f to because y\lour skin an\f bear\f n\lee\f about a month to a\f\ljust to any new shaving metho\f. • Keep both the inner \lb la\fes inserte\f. If only one of the\l inner bla\fes is inserte\f, the shaver may be \famage\f. • If you clean the sha ver with water, \fo not use salt w\later or hot water. Do not soak the s\lhaver in water for a long perio\f of time. • Clean the housing o\lnly with a soft clo\lth slightly \fampene\f\l with tap water or soap y tap water. Do not use thinne\lr, benzine, alcohol or other ch\lemicals. • \btore the shav er in a place with \llow humi\fity after us\le. •Do not store the s\lhav er where it will be \lexpose\f to \firect su\lnlight or other heat sour\lces. WARNING Afterremovingthere\fhargeablebattery,donotkeepitwithinrea\f hof\f hildrenandinfants\b- The battery will harm the bo\fy if acci\fe\lntally swallowe\f. If this happens, consult a physician imme\fiately\l. Ifthebatteryfluidleaksout,takethef ollowingpro\fedures\bDonottou\f hthebatter ywithy ourbarehands\b- The battery flui\f may cause blin\fness if it come\ls in contact with your eyes. Do not rub your eyes. Wash imme\fiately wit\lh clean water an\f consult a physician. - The battery flui\f may cause inflammatio\ln or injury if it comes in contact w\lith the skin or clo\lthes. Wash it off thoroug\lhly with clean water an\f consult a \l physician.
9 English Partsidentifi\fation ES-RT47ES-RT77/ES-RT67 ES-RT77/ES-RT67 FrontBack ES-RT77/ES-RT47 ES-RT77/ES-RT47 AMainbody 1 Protective cap 2 \bystem outer foil 3 Foil fr ame 4 Foil fr ame release buttons 5 Thumb rest 6 Po wer switch 7 \bwitch on lampES-RT77/ES-RT67 Battery capacity lamp 9 Charge status lamp \l() : Appliance sock et ; Outer foil section < \bystem outer foil release b uttons = Inner bla\fes > Tr immer ? Tr immer han\fle @ Lock release b utton B ACadaptor(RE7-59) A A\faptor B Po wer plug C Cor\f D Appliance plug CCombatta\f hment ES-RT77/ES-RT47 E Comb F Tr imming height win\fo\lw Comb attachment rel\lease buttons H Tr imming height switch button Accessories D Tra vel pou\f h ES-RT77/ES-RT67 EOilES-RT77/ES-RT47 Chargingtheshaver 1 1Inserttheapplian\fepluginto thesha ver\b •Turn the shaver off before inserting. 2 2Plugintheadaptorintoa householdoutlet\b • Wipe off any w ater \froplets on th\le appliance socket.1 2 3 3Dis\fonne\fttheadaptorafter\fhargingis \fompleted\b • Charging is complet\le\f after approx. 1 hour. The charging time \lmay \fiffer with the chargi\lng capacity.
10 English •Charging the batter\ly f or more than 1 hou\lr will not affect battery performance. • Top‑up charging will no\lt cause re\fuctions \lin batter y performance. • If the shape of th\le plug \foes not fit \lthe pow er outlet, use an attachment plug a\fa\lptor of the proper\l configuration. Note You cannot operate the shaver while charging. While charging ES-RT77/ES-RT67ES-RT47 The charge status \llamp () glows. The number of the batter\ly capacity lamp will i\lncrease as charging progresses. The charge status \llamp ( ) glows. After charging is \lcomplete\fES-RT77/ES-RT67ES-RT47 All the battery capacity lamps light up for 5 secon\fs an\f then all lamps turn off. The charge status \llamp () turns off. Abnormal chargingES-RT77/ES-RT67ES-RT47 The charge status \llamp () blinks twice every secon\f. • After charging is \lcomplete\f, turning the po wer switch ON with the shaver plugge\f in will c\lause the charge st\latus lamp ( ) to light up an\f then t\lurn off after 5 seco\ln\fs. This shows that the shaver is fully charge\f.\l • Recommen\fe\f ambient \ltemperature f or charging is 10 – 35 °C (50 – 95 °F). It may take longer to charge \lor the battery may fail to charge properly in extremely high or lo\lw temperatures. Charge the shaver within the recommen\fe\f ambient temperature range. • When charging the \lshav er for the first time o\lr when it has not \l been in use for more than 6 mon\lths, the charging tim\le may change or the char\lge status lamp ( ) may not glow for a few minutes. It will eventually glow if kept connecte\f.