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Panasonic Ramsa Audio Mixer Wr Da7 Users Guide

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Page 171

Chapter 11 
DA7 Users’ Guide11-17
Selecting a Table
After turning on the  button in the [MIDI>RMT]window, cursor to a
channel. Select the [SOLO] or [ON] button, a [PAN]soft knob, or a
[FADER]. Press the ENTERbutton,and the pop up window [REMOTE
With the cursor highlighting [SW1], rotating the JogDialwill scroll
through the selections [SW1], [SW2], [SW3], [KNOB1], [KNOB2],
[KNOB3], [FADER1], [FADER2],and [FADER3]. The Step number of

Page 172

Operator Title Input
Cursor to the  button, and press the ENTER button to set the edit mode.
(Remote operation is not allowed in the edit mode.) Cursor to the [TITLE]of
the relevant operator, and press the ENTER button. The Name Edit Window
appears. Input the title.
See Section 5-3 Library Windows, for more information on the [Name
Edit Window]for title input operations.
From this area you can switch the modes between control change and free
definition. Press the  button to select the...

Page 173

Chapter 11 
DA7 Users’ Guide11-19
Cursorto the [COMMAND MODE]area. Select either  or
[CONTROL CHANGE]. Select the control change number with the
JogDial. In  the message can be edited.
Edit the Control Change
Cursorto the  button, and press the ENTERbutton. The [CTRL
CHG NO]area appears.
Cursor to the [CTRL CHG NO]area, and rotate theJogDialto select the
control change number from 000 – 119.
Edit of User Definition Data
The [SW STS]area works when using the JogDial....

Page 174

[Library Selection]Window
Set Registration of the MIDI remote to the panel in the [MIDI>SETUP]
Select a channel set for the MIDI remote, and press the SELECTLED button.
The [MIDI>REMOTE]window will appear. [SOLO],[ON], and [FADER]
directly operate each channel. For[PAN], select each channel by pressing the
SELECT LED button, and rotate the [PAN] knob.
The[MIDI>REMOTE]window is displayed every eight channels. If you
operate a channel which is not shown while the [MIDI>REMOTE]window is

Page 175

Calling of [MIDI>RMT]Library
Press the  button on the window, and the library window will
Cursorto the scroll part, and rotate the JogDialto select a library.
Cursorto the  button, and press the ENTERbutton.
Recalling is performed . The library window closes, and the title of the
called library appears on the  part on the [MIDI>REMOTE]
window. Select a library from 1 through 5.
Registration of [MIDI>REMOTE]Library
Cursorto the scroll selection field, and select a library for registration by

Page 176

DA7 Users’ Guide12-1
Pressing the D-I/O(Digital Input/Output) button on the Top Panel displays
the most recently accessed [D-I/O] window group selection. These windows
give you control over the digital input and output features of the DA7.
Pressing the D-I/Obutton cycles the windows in this group: [INPUT SET],
[TO SLOT], and [DITHER].
Chapter 12
SETUP Section
D-I/O button

Page 177

12-1 D-I/O, INPUT SET Window
This is where you set the sample rate frequency that the DA7 will operate at,
as well as select the wordclock master source. You can also route the various
digital input sources to the faders, and get a visual confirmation of which
option cards are in which slots.
The settings selected in the [SOURCE SELECT]area adjust the sampling
rate frequency, wordclock reference, and reference source for the mixer.
Cursor to the selection button, and press the...

Page 178

Chapter 12 
DA7 Users’ Guide12-3
[Fs] Field
The [Fs](frequency sample) data field shows the current frequency selected,
44.1k or 48k or external wordclock.
When you select the internal sample frequency of 44.1k, this button will
appear as inverse video in the window. The DA7 becomes the master
wordclock source, and generates the sample frequency reference of 44.1kHz.
When you select the sample frequency of internal 48k, this button will
appear as inverse video in the window. The...

Page 179

When the DA7is the last device in a wordclock chain, the termination switch
must be on. In the [D-I/O>INPUT SET]window, cursorto the  , and
press the ENTERbutton.
When the DA7is connected between devices, the wordclock termination
switch must be off. A wordclock signal will pass through the mixer, relaying
the signal to the next device in the chain. The  button must be
selected when the DA7is relaying the wordclock reference.
The input and output wordclock signal specifications are provided in the...

Page 180

Chapter 12 
DA7 Users’ Guide12-5
Video Sync Operations
When the DA7is using the optional SMPTE/V SYNC card, it can receive a
video input signal from an external device and use it to drive the internal
wordclock. The video sync input port has a built-in 75Wresistor for
A video sync signal into the SMPTE option card can be used as an
incoming clock source to the DA7. The DA7can then be slaved to a
video controller for video production applications. When the 
button is selected,...
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