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Panasonic PC Software Package Wv Asm200 Series Operating Instructions
Panasonic PC Software Package Wv Asm200 Series Operating Instructions
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100101 Display/edit text information It is possible to attach text information to the recorded images. Up to \ 200 characters (up to 10 lines) can be entered.Note: Displaying/editing of text information is available only when displaying\ images on a 1-screen. When display- • ing images on a multi-screen, the [TEXT] button will not be displayed. Step 1 Play recorded images on a 1-screen. Refer to the "Playback" section ( → + page 67) for how to play images. Step 2 Pause the playback by clicking the [PAUSE] button. Step 3 Click the [TEXT] button on the playback operation panel. Text information of the recorded images will be → displayed. Step 4 Edit the text information. Note: Available characters • The following characters are available for text in- formation. A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z a b c d e f g h i j k l m n o p q r s t u v w x y z 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ! " # $ % &‘ ( ) * + ,- . / : ; < = > ? @ [ \] ^ _ ` { | } (space) A break (line feed) can be entered by pressing the • [Ctrl] key and the [Enter] key simultaneously. Step 5 Click the [OK] button. The confirmation window will be displayed. → Step 6 Click the [OK] button. The edited text will be registered, and the confir- → mation window and the "Edit text" window will close.

102103 Convert a file to the standard format It is possible to convert an n3r file into an mp4 file.Note: If the downloaded n3r file is an image data from a device manufactured\ by other than Panasonic, the file • conversion will not be supported. Step 1 Click the [File conversion] icon on the tool bar. The file conversion window will be displayed. → Note: When a user who is not allowed to convert a file • logged in to this software, the [File conversion] icon will not be displayed. The details are as follows. n File Name Indicates the list of source n3r files. n Location Indicates the full paths of source n3r files. n Output Indicates the names of the folders to output the con- verted files. n [Select] button Open the folder to output a converted file. n Format Select the format of converted image data. Note: Currently, only the mp4 format can be specified. • n Image Size Select the resolution from the following. 1920 x1080/ 1280x960/ 1280x720/ 960x720/ 800x600/ 720x576/ 720x480/ 640x480/ 320x240 n Audio Select whether or not to load the audio (n3a) file dur- ing conversion. On: Load the audio file. Off: Not to load the audio file. n File Chain Select whether or not to combine two or more con- verted files together. On: Combine files. Off: Not to combine files. n [Add] button Select a source file. n [Delete] button Delete a source file from the list of the files to convert. n [Up] button Change the order of listed files to the ascending order. n [Down] button Change the order of listed files to the descending order. n [Start] button Start conversion. n [Cancel] button Cancel conversion.

102103 n Progress bar The status of the download will be displayed. n Conversion status "Number of files converted"/"Number of files to be converted" will be displayed. Step 2 Drag and drop the source n3r file into the list of files. Note: It is also possible to select the file by clicking the • [Add] button. It is impossible to convert h3r files. • File conversion starts sequentially according to • the order of the list. To combine two or more con- verted files together, the content of the source files should be ordered chronologically. Click the [Up]/[Down] button to correct the chronological order. Step 3 Click the [Select] button to select the destination folder. When the [OK] button is clicked, the selected folder will be displayed as the output destination. When the [Cancel] button is clicked, output to the selected folder will be canceled. Step 4 Select the options of "Image Size", "Audio" and "File Chain". Step 5 Click the [Start] button. File conversion will start. If the name of the con- → verted file is the same as an existing file, the window will be displayed to select whether or not to overwrite the existing one. When the [OK] button is clicked, the file will be over- written. When the [Rename] button is clicked, it is possible to change the file name. Note: If selecting a system folder such as "Program • Files" as an output folder, the file may not be cre- ated in the selected folder regardless of success- ful file conversion. In this case, OS virtualization will create a system folder and files under; C:\User\\AppData\Local\ VirtualStore Example: When trying to create files in "C:\ Program Files\Panasonic" by a user name "asm", mp4 files will be created under; C:\User name\asm\AppData\Local\VirtualStore\ Program Files\Panasonic The file name will be automatically determined. • The extension of the file will be changed from "n3r" to "mp4". The maximum size of an mp4 file is approx. 1.9 • GB. When the size exceeds 1.9 GB during conver- sion, the file will automatically be divided into sev- eral files. The unique and sequential numbers will be given to these files. When the conversion of a file fails in the process, • it will automatically be converted again into an- other file. However, the file will automatically be divided at the point of failure. When the file conversion error occurs, the details • will be displayed in the message area.

104105 Control a decoder Control a decoder The following operations are available for a registered decoder.Displaying live images • Switching the screen pattern • Playing back the recorded images • Note: These functions will become available after the license for the WV-ASE20\ 4 is added. • Depending on the devices connected to the decoder, network status or res\ trictions of WJ-GXD400, images • from the decoder may sometimes not be displayed or controlled. Refer to \ the operating instructions of the decoder for further information about the restrictions. Select a decoder Step 1 Click the [Decoder control] icon on the tool bar, select "Decoder control(G)…" on the menu bar or select the decoder (online) icon displayed from the device tree. The "Decoder control" window will be displayed. → Note: When the "Decoder control" window is displayed • for the first time, the display will be conformed to the downloaded current decoder status. After the window is displayed once, the current status will not be downloaded until the window is closed and displayed again. Therefore, if the "Decoder con- trol" window has constantly been displayed, the status displayed on the window may differ from the actual status of the decoder depending on the control by another user or network errors. In this case, close and display the "Decoder control" window again. When the "Decoder control" window is displayed • by clicking the [Decoder control] icon on the tool bar or by selecting "Decoder control(G)…" on the menu bar, the first area specified for the decoder that is displayed at the upper-left will be selected.The HD300, NV200 • , ASR500 or GXD400 icon will not be displayed in the device tree on the "Device control" window. Step 2 Click (Select) the desired area associated with the desired decoder using a mouse. The selected frame (in orange) will move. →

104105 Start the audio output from the camera Step 1 Press the [Audio ON] button. The audio will be output from the selected camera → to the selected decoder. Note: It is possible to output the audio from only one • channel at a time. (The latest output has the prior- ity.) When "Unknown" is displayed for the selected • camera or no camera has been registered for the selected channel, the [Audio ON] and [Audio OFF] buttons will not be displayed. Switch the screen pattern of the decoder Step 1 Select the 1-screen, 3-screen or 6-screen icon above the displayed areas associated with the decoder. The screen pattern will be switched according to → the selected icon, and the selected icon will turn orange. Note: If the currently selected area disappears when the • screen pattern is switched, the first area will be selected with the frame. Display live images using the decoder Step 1 Select a camera from the device tree on the "Device control" window. Live images will be displayed on the selected area → associated with the selected decoder. Stop the audio output from the camera Step 1 Press the [Audio OFF] button. The audio output from the selected camera will be → stopped. Note: When "Unknown" is displayed for the selected • camera or no camera has been registered for the selected channel, the [Audio ON] and [Audio OFF] buttons will not be displayed.

106107 Display recorded images using the decoder Step 1 Select the desired area to play back recorded images associated with the desired decoder. Playback operation panel will be displayed when → the camera associated with the selected area is connected to the recorder. Step 2 Perform one of the following. Click the [PLAY] button on the playback operation • panel. Select the time & date and click the [Go to date] • button. Click the [Go to last] button. • Playback will start on the associated decoder. → Step 3 It is possible to control the following buttons when the decoder is in the playback status. [PREV RECORD] button: Playback will start after skipping to the previous recorded image. [REW] button: Fast reverse playback will be per- formed. Playback speed for fast reverse playback will be changed in the following order each time this button is clicked: Step2 (Approx.4x) → Step3 (Approx.8x) → Step4 (Approx.16x) → Step5 (Approx.32x) → Step6 (Approx.48x) → Step7 (Approx.96x)Note:The step will not be displayed on the "Device con- • trol" window. The status will be same as the nor- mal playback. [REV PLAY] button: Reverse playback of a recorded image will be performed. When playing MPEG-4 or H.264 images, some • frames of recorded images may not be displayed. Reverse playback will be performed with the set refresh interval of the camera. [ REW] button: Fast reverse playback will be per- formed. Playback speed for fast reverse playback will be changed in the following order each time this button is clicked: Step2 (Approx.4x) → Step3 (Approx.8x) → Step4 (Approx.16x) → Step5 (Approx.32x) → Step6 (Approx.48x) → Step7 (Approx.96x) The step will not be displayed on the "Device con- • trol" window. The status will be same as the nor- mal playback. This software does not support the fast playback • smooth mode of the ND400. The playback mode will be normal fast playback. [NEXT RECORD] button: Playback or reverse playback will start after skipping to the next recorded image. [PREV IMAGE] button: The previous frame will be displayed when this button is clicked during paus- ing. When playing MPEG-4 or H.264 images, some • frames of recorded images may not be displayed. Reverse frame by frame playback will be per- formed with the set refresh interval of the camera. [PAUSE] button: Playback will stop when this but- ton is clicked during playback. Playback will resume when this button is clicked during paus- ing. [STOP] button: Playback will stop and live images will be displayed. [NEXT IMAGE] button: The next frame will be dis- played when this button is clicked during pausing.

106107 Viewer software When an image file or an audio file is downloaded, the downloaded file w\ ill be saved as an image file (file name. n3r, file name.h3r) or an audio file (file name.h3a). The viewer software can be downloaded together with the downloaded image\ file or audio file. Playback, saving and printing of the downloaded image file or audio file are available us\ ing the viewer software.Note: Viewer software to be copied differs depending on the file to be downl\ oaded. • If the extension of the file is "n3r": n3vsetup.exe If the extension of the file is "h3r": Viewer.exe • The images of windows shown below for the following procedures are ND_Vi\ ewer.exe. • Install the viewer software Note: When the older version of the viewer software is installed, installation\ may not be successfully completed. • Uninstall the older version first before starting the installation. The "Viewer.exe" is unnecessary to install. • Step 1 Double-click the downloaded installer file "n3vsetup. exe". The installer will be launched. Follow the instruc- → tions displayed on the monitor. Note: Read the content of the "License Agreement" win- • dow and select "I accept the terms in the license agreement". It is possible to install the software even when • "User Name" and "Organization" on the "Customer Information" screen are blank. Select "Anyone who uses this computer (all users)". Select "Complete" for the setup type. • Step 2 Click the [Install] button. Installation will start. When the installation is → successfully completed, the installation comple- tion window will be displayed. Click the [Finish] button.

108109 How to use the viewer software (ND_Viewer) Note:Viewer software to be used differs depending on the fi le to be played. • If the extension of the fi le is "n3r": ND_Viewer.exe If the extension of the fi le is "h3r": Viewer.exe • It is impossible to play only an audio fi le (extension:h3a) using the viewer software. • Uninstall the viewer software Note: The "Viewer.exe" is unnecessary to uninstall. Delete the fi le directly. • Step 1 Open "Programs - Uninstall a program" in "Control Panel" of Windows 7. Step 2 Select "ND_Viewer" from the presently installed programs and click the [\ Uninstall] button. The uninstall program will be launched and the wizard will be displayed.\ → Step 3 Uninstall the program by following the displayed instructions. Playback opera- tion button Image display area Search box List display area Playback operation window when images are displayed on a full screen

108109 Step 1 Start the viewer software and click the button. The "Open" window will be diplayed. → Step 2 Select the desired download file (file extension:n3r) and click the [Open] button. Or drag and drop the image data file into the viewer software without displaying the "Open" window. The information of the selected file will be dis- → played in the list display area. Date & Time: Indicates a start time and an end time for copying the recorded images. Cam: Indicates the camera number. Note: Do not change the file name of the copied or downloaded image data. If\ the file name is changed, the file in- • formation will not be displayed correctly. It is possible to select multiple files (up to 100 files) by click\ ing the desired files while holding down the [Ctrl] • key or the [Shift] key on the user keyboard and display all of them in a\ list by drag & drop. The files can be sorted by start time and date in ascending or descend\ ing order by clicking the header of • the list display area. To add image data to the list display area, right-click the list and sel\ ect [Add file] from the menu displayed. • When the window for opening files is displayed, proceed to Step 2. The\ image data added will be displayed on the sorted list. When the number of displayed image data files has reached 100, no more\ files can be added. The total • number of selected image data files is displayed under [Total:] on the\ list. Clicking the • button will delete all data displayed on the list. Another way to clear\ the list is to right-click the list and select [Clear all list]. When there is a data in the same directory as the viewer software or the\ "data" folder in the same directory, • the data will automatically be loaded for playback. It is possible to change the aspect ratio of the image display area by s\ electing the ratio from • . Select the setting in accordance with the aspect ratio and the image capture si\ ze of the image data. Select recorded images currently being played

110111 Playback of recorded images Use the playback operation button to play downloaded images. If an image\ from the same camera is displayed on the list, the next image in playback mode or the previous image in re\ verse playback mode will be played back consecutively. If the same camera channel is absent on the list, pl\ ayback will stop, the image display area will turn black and the unit is paused.Note: When starting playback of password protected data, the password entry sc\ reen will be displayed. Enter the • current password correctly. Clicking the • button in playback (or the button in reverse playback) will play the next (or previ- ous) image on the list of the camera whose image is currently being pla\ yed back. When the • button is clicked, the displayed image will be enlarged two times. Clic\ king the button will reset the image to its original size. If there is audio data (file name .n3a), the • / buttons will be displayed. Click these buttons to play back with or without audio. When this software and the viewer software are running at the same time,\ audio may not be played prop- • erly. To play audio correctly, use either of them and close the other. Playback images and audio may sometimes not be synchronized exactly. • When the [Search] button is clicked after selecting [Date &Time] and [Ca\ mera(ch)] in the search box, play- • back of the image data of the selected camera data will start from the t\ op of the data corresponding to the selected time and date. Clicking the • button will display the image on a full screen. Clicking the [Restore] b\ utton on the operation window or pressing the [Esc] key on the keyboard will return the image d\ isplay to the previous status. When performance of the PC in use is low, images may not be played smoot\ hly. • To play image data together with audio data, click the [Audio ON] button\ . (When using Viewer.exe) • It is impossible to play audio when no sound card is installed on the PC\ . (When using Viewer.exe) • Clicking the [Hide] button or right-clicking the mouse can hide the play\ back operation window. • Mark the "Smooth" checkbox to display the fast playback images more smoo\ thly. The fast playback speed • may be limited depending on the performance of the PC in use or process \ status. Save the downloaded image as a JPEG file It is possible to save the paused image as a jpeg file (extension: jpg)\ . Saving the downloaded file is available only when the image is paused. Step 1 Click the button. The "Save As" window will be displayed. → Step 2 Enter the file name and select "JPG (*.jpg)" for "Save as type". Designate the folder and click the [Save] button. The paused image will be saved as a JPEG file. → Note: When using Viewer.exe, it is possible to save as a • bitmap file by selecting "BMP (*.bmp)".