Security system
Panasonic Network Camera Server BB HCS301A Geting Started Manual
Panasonic Network Camera Server BB HCS301A Geting Started Manual
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Operating Instructions [For assistance, please call: 1-800-272-7033] 155 3.7 Using Setup Program The Setup Program can be used for the following purposes. Finding the IP address and port number of this product. Setting up this product automatically. Setting up this product manually to a Static or a DHCP setting. Disabling IPsec. Displaying the Setup page of this product. Finding this product 1.Insert the Setup CD-ROM into the CD-ROM drive of your PC. If the Panasonic Network Camera Setup...
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Operating Instructions 156 When the following dialog box is displayed, click [Unblock]. You can find the IP address and port number by looking up the MAC address of this product. IPv4 Information IPv6 Information Notes MAC address is written at the label on the bottom of this product. See the Getting Started for the setup from the MAC address. Status List window Displays IPv4 or IPv6 information. Por t No. MAC Address IP Address
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Operating Instructions [For assistance, please call: 1-800-272-7033] 157 Automatic Setup (Local or Internet Access) or Manual Setup 1.Click [Execute] on the List window shown on page 156. 2.Click each button to execute the program. Note See the Getting Started for the local and Internet access setup. Sets up this product to view on the LAN. Sets up the Internet access to this product. Manually sets up this product. Disables IPsec. If disabled, the button is displayed gray. Displays the...
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Operating Instructions 158 Manual Setup window Set up each parameter seeing page 39—page 40. If more than 20 minutes have passed since this product was turned on, this product cannot be set up from the Setup Program. If this product cannot be set up, restart this product. If Camera setup completed is displayed, click [Close] to finish the Manual Setup. 3.Close all Setup windows.
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Operating Instructions [For assistance, please call: 1-800-272-7033] 159 3.8 Setting Your PC 3.8.1 Setting the Proxy Server Settings on Web Browser If the proxy server is not used, the settings are not required. If you are using the proxy server, the following settings are required. To communicate with this product installed inside a LAN, changing the web browser settings is recommended. A firewall of a proxy server in a corporate environment may prevent access to this product. Consult your...
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Operating Instructions 160 3.Click the [Connections] tab, and click [LAN Settings]. 4.See if the Use a proxy server check box is checked or not. If checked, click [Advanced...]. If not checked, click [Cancel]. Proxy settings are not required. See if the check box is checked or not. If checked, click [Advanced...].
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Operating Instructions [For assistance, please call: 1-800-272-7033] 161 5.Enter the IP address into the Do not use proxy server for addresses beginning with data field. (Example: 6.Click [OK]. Note When accessing this product via a proxy server, the Talk Button is displayed gray. Talk feature cannot be used.
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Operating Instructions 162 3.8.2 Setting UPnP™ to Display the Shortcut in My Network Places To display the shortcut in the My Network Places folder, Windows component should be added. Enable UPnPTM (Universal Plug and Play) following the steps below. Note This feature is available only when Windows XP or Windows Me is being used. 3.8.3 Setting the Internet Temporary File Setting on Web Browser The old image may be displayed. In this case, set the web browser following the steps below. OSSteps...
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Operating Instructions [For assistance, please call: 1-800-272-7033] 163 3.9 ASCII Character Table (space) ! # $ % & ( ) * + , - . /0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 : ; < = > ? ASCII Character Table @ A B C D E F G H I J K L M N OP Q R S T U V W X Y Z [ \ ] ^ _` a b c d e f g h i j k l m n op q r s t u v w x y z { | } ~
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Operating Instructions 164 3.10 File Size and Number of Buffered Images The following table shows the relationship between the file size of the image and the maximum number of buffered images. Note The following file sizes were shown at the largest value. ResolutionItemsCaptureFavor ClarityStandardFavor MotionMobile phone* 640 × 480 (pixels) File SizeAbout 60 KBAbout 50 KBAbout 33 KBAbout 20 KB- Buffered Images-About 40About 60About 100- 320 × 240 (pixels) File SizeAbout 30 KBAbout 25 KBAbout...