Panasonic DLP Projector PT-DZ780 PT-DW750 PT-DX820 Operating Instructions
Panasonic DLP Projector PT-DZ780 PT-DW750 PT-DX820 Operating Instructions
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Chapter 4 Settings — [NETWORK] menu ENGLISH - 151 [Network config] page Click [Detailed set up] → [Network config]. fClick [Network config] to display the [CAUTION!] screen. fThe current settings are displayed by pressing the [Next] button. fClick [Change] to display the setting change screen. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [PROJECT OR NAME] Enter the name of the projector. Enter the host name if it is required when using a DHCP server etc. 2 [DHCP ON], [DHCP OFF] To enable the DHCP client function, set to [DHCP ON]. 3 [IP ADDRESS] Enter the IP address when not using a DHCP server. 4 [SUBNET MASK] Enter the subnet mask when not using a DHCP server. 5 [DEF AULT GATEWAY] Enter the default gateway address when not using a DHCP server. 6 [DNS1] Enter the DNS1 server address. Permissible characters for the entry of DNS1 server address (primary): Numbers (0 - 9), period (.) (Example: 7 [DNS2] Enter the DNS2 server address. A vailable characters for the entry of DNS2 server address (secondary): Numbers (0 - 9), period (.) (Example: 8 [Back], [Next] Click the [Back] button to return to the original screen. The current settings are displayed by pressing the [Next] button. Click the [Submit] button to update the settings. Note f When you use the “Forward” and “Back” functions of your browser , a warning message “Page has Expired” may appear. In that case, click [Network config] again since the following operation will not be guaranteed. f Changing LAN settings while connected to the LAN may cause the connection to cut out.

Chapter 4 Settings — [NETWORK] menu 152 - ENGLISH [Adjust clock] page Click [Detailed set up] → [Adjust clock]. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 [Time Zone] Select the time zone. 2 [Set time zone] Updates the time zone setting. 3 [NTP SYNCHRONIZATION] Set to [ON] to adjust the date and time automatically. 4 [NTP SERVER NAME] Enter the IP address or server name of the NTP server when you set to adjust the date and time manually. (To enter the server name, the DNS server needs to be configured.) 5 [Date] Enter the date to be changed. 6 [T ime] Enter the time to be changed. 7 [Submit] Updates the date and time settings. Note fThe replacement of the battery inside the projector is required when the time goes out of alignment right after correcting the time. Consult your dealer . [Ping test] page Check whether the network is connected to the E-mail server, POP server, DNS server, etc. Click [Detailed set up] → [Ping test]. 1 2 3 4 1 [Input IP address] Enter the IP address of the server to be tested. 2 [Submit] Executes the connection test. 3 Example of display when the connection has succeeded 4 Example of display when the connection has failed

Chapter 4 Settings — [NETWORK] menu ENGLISH - 153 [E-mail set up] page When there is a problem or the runtime of the lamp reaches a set value, \ an E-mail can be sent to preset E-mail addresses (up to two addresses). Click [Detailed set up] → [E-mail set up]. 1 2 3 4 5 6 1 [ENABLE] Select [Enable] to use the E-mail function. 2 [SMTP SERVER NAME] Enter the IP address or the server name of the E-mail server (SMTP). To enter the server name, the DNS server needs to be set up. 3 [MAIL FROM] Enter the E-mail address of the projector. (Up to 63 characters in single byte) 4 [MEMO] Enter information such as the location of the projector that notifies the sender of the E-mail. (Up to 63 characters in single byte) 5 [MINIMUM TIME] Change the minimum interval for the temperature warning E-mail. The default value is 60 minutes. In this case, another E-mail will not be sent for 60 minutes after sending the temperature warning E-mail even if it reaches the warning temperature. 6 [INT AKE AIR TEMPERATURE] Change the temperature setting for the temperature warning mail. A temperature warning E-mail is sent when the temperature exceeds this value.

Chapter 4 Settings — [NETWORK] menu 154 - ENGLISH 8 787 9 7 [E-MAIL ADDRESS 1], [E-MAIL ADDRESS 2] Enter the E-mail address to be sent. Leave [E-MAIL ADDRESS 2] blank when two E-mail addresses are not to be used. 8 Settings of the conditions to send E-mail Select the conditions to send E-mail. [MAIL CONTENTS]: Select either [NORMAL] or [SIMPLE]. [ERROR]: Send an E-mail when an error occurred in the self-test. [LAMP1 RUNTIME]: Send an E-mail when the remaining lamp runtime for the lamp 1 has reached the value set at the right field. [LAMP2 RUNTIME]: Send an E-mail when the remaining lamp runtime for the lamp 2 has reached the value set at the right field. [INTAKE AIR TEMPERATURE]: Send an E-mail when the intake air temperature has reached the value set at the above field. [PERIODIC REPORT]: Place a check mark on this to send an E-mail periodically. It will be sent on the days and time with the check mark. 9 [Submit] Update the settings. [Authentication set up] page Set the authentication items when POP authentication or SMTP authentication is necessary to send an E-mail. Click [Detailed set up] → [Authentication set up]. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 1 [Auth] Select the authentication method specified by your Internet service provider . 2 [SMTP Auth] Set when the SMTP authentication is selected. 3 [POP server name] Enter the POP server name. Allowed characters: Alphanumerics (A - Z, a - z, 0 - 9) Minus sign (-) and period (.) 4 [User name] Enter the user name for the POP server or the SMTP server. 5 [Password] Enter the password for the POP server or the SMTP server. 6 [SMTP server port] Enter the port number of the SMTP server. (Normally 25) 7 [POP server port] Enter the port number of the POP server. (Normally 110) 8 [Submit] Update the settings.

Chapter 4 Settings — [NETWORK] menu ENGLISH - 155 Contents of E-mail sent Example of the E-mail sent when E-mail is set The following E-mail is sent when the E-mail settings have been establis\ hed. === P anas onic pr ojec t or r epor t ( CO NF I G URE ) === P r ojec t or T y pe : DZ 780 S er ial No : 123456789012 ----- E-mail set up dat a ----- T EMPERAT URE WARNING SET UP M I NI M UM T I M E at [ 60] m inut es int er v al I NT A K E A I R T E M P E RA T URE O v er [ 46 degC / 114 degF ] E RRO R [ ON ] LA M P 1 RUNT I M E [ ON ] at REMAIN [ 400] H LA M P 1 RUNT I M E [ ON ] at REMAIN [ 200] H LA M P 2 RUNT I M E [ ON ] at REMAIN [ 400] H LA M P 2 RUNT I M E [ ON ] at REMAIN [ 200] H INT AKE AIR T EMPERAT URE [ O F F ] P E RI O DI C RE P O RT S unday [ O F F ] M onday [ O F F ] T ues day [ O F F ] Wednes day [ O F F ] T hur s day [ O F F ] F r iday [ O F F ] S at ur day [ O F F ] 00: 00 [ O F F ] 01: 00 [ O F F ] 02: 00 [ O F F ] 03: 00 [ O F F ] 04: 00 [ O F F ] 05: 00 [ O F F ] 06: 00 [ O F F ] 07: 00 [ O F F ] 08: 00 [ O F F ] 09: 00 [ O F F ] 10: 00 [ O F F ] 11: 00 [ O F F ] 12: 00 [ O F F ] 13: 00 [ O F F ] 14: 00 [ O F F ] 15: 00 [ O F F ] 16: 00 [ O F F ] 17: 00 [ O F F ] 18: 00 [ O F F ] 19: 00 [ O F F ] 20: 00 [ O F F ] 21: 00 [ O F F ] 22: 00 [ O F F ] 23: 00 [ O F F ] ----- check syst em ----- M A I N CP U B US [ O K ] F A N [ O K ] INT AKE AIR T EMPERAT URE [ O K ] O PT ICS MO DULE T EMPERAT URE [ O K ] EXHAUST AIR T EMPERAT URE [ O K ] LAMP1 REMAIN T IME [ O K ] LAMP2 REMAIN T IME [ O K ] LAMP1 ST AT US [ F AILED ] LAMP2 ST AT US [ F AILED ] A P E RT URE (CO NT RA S T -S HUT T E R) [ O K ] S HUT T E R(M UT E -S HUT T E R) [ O K ] INT AKE AIR T EMP.SENSO R [ O K ] O PT ICS MO DULE T EMP.SENSO R [ O K ] EXHAUST AIR T EMP.SENSO R [ O K ] BAT T ERY [ O K ] CO LO R WHE E L [ O K ] LE NS M O UNT E R [ O K ] CO VER O PEN [ O K ] BRIG HT NESS SENSO R [ O K ] AIR F ILT ER CASE [ O K ] A I R F I LT E R [ O K ] AC PO WER [ O K ] ( E r r or c ode 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00) I nt ak e air t em per at ur e : - - - degC / - - - degF O pt ic s m odule t em per at ur e : - - - degC / - - - degF E x haus t air t em per at ur e : - - - degC / - - - degF P RO JE CT O R RUNT I M E 21 H P O WE R O N 34 t im es LA M P 1 O N 0 t im es LAMP1 ECO 0 H LA M P 1 NO RM A L 0 H LA M P 1 RE M A I N 4000 H LA M P 2 O N 0 t im es LAMP2 ECO 0 H LA M P 2 NO RM A L 0 H LA M P 2 RE M A I N 4000 H -------- Current st at us --------- MAIN VERSIO N 0.16 SUB VERSIO N 0. 01. 01 LAMP ST AT US LA M P 1=O F F LA M P 2=O F F I NP UT RG B 2 REMO T E2 ST AT US DISABLE ----- Wired Net work conf igurat ion ----- DHCP Client O F F I P addr es s 192. 168. 0. 8 M A C addr es s 10: 20: 30: 40: 50: 60 M on J an 01 12: 34: 56 20X X ----- Memo -----

Chapter 4 Settings — [NETWORK] menu 156 - ENGLISH Example of the E-mail sent for an error The following E-mail is sent when an error has occurred. === P anas onic pr ojec t or r epor t ( E RRO R) === P r ojec t or T y pe : DZ 780 S er ial No : 123456789012 ----- check syst em ----- M A I N CP U B US [ O K ] F A N [ O K ] INT AKE AIR T EMPERAT URE [ O K ] O PT ICS MO DULE T EMPERAT URE [ O K ] EXHAUST AIR T EMPERAT URE [ O K ] LAMP1 REMAIN T IME [ O K ] LAMP2 REMAIN T IME [ O K ] LAMP1 ST AT US [ F AILED ] LAMP2 ST AT US [ F AILED ] A P E RT URE (CO NT RA S T -S HUT T E R) [ O K ] S HUT T E R(M UT E -S HUT T E R) [ O K ] INT AKE AIR T EMP.SENSO R [ O K ] O PT ICS MO DULE T EMP.SENSO R [ O K ] EXHAUST AIR T EMP.SENSO R [ O K ] BAT T ERY [ O K ] CO LO R WHE E L [ O K ] LE NS M O UNT E R [ O K ] CO VER O PEN [ O K ] BRIG HT NESS SENSO R [ O K ] AIR F ILT ER CASE [ O K ] A I R F I LT E R [ O K ] AC PO WER [ O K ] ( E r r or c ode 00 00 00 60 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 03 00 00 00) I nt ak e air t em per at ur e : - - - degC / - - - degF O pt ic s m odule t em per at ur e : - - - degC / - - - degF E x haus t air t em per at ur e : - - - degC / - - - degF P RO JE CT O R RUNT I M E 21 H P O WE R O N 34 t im es LA M P 1 O N 0 t im es LAMP1 ECO 0 H LA M P 1 NO RM A L 0 H LA M P 1 RE M A I N 4000 H LA M P 2 O N 0 t im es LAMP2 ECO 0 H LA M P 2 NO RM A L 0 H LA M P 2 RE M A I N 4000 H -------- Current st at us --------- MAIN VERSIO N 0.16 SUB VERSIO N 0. 01. 01 LAMP ST AT US LA M P 1=O F F LA M P 2=O F F I NP UT RG B 2 REMO T E2 ST AT US DISABLE ----- Wired Net work conf igurat ion ----- DHCP Client O F F I P addr es s 192. 168. 0. 8 M A C addr es s 10: 20: 30: 40: 50: 60 M on J an 01 12: 34: 56 20X X ----- Memo -----

Chapter 4 Settings — [NETWORK] menu ENGLISH - 157 [Change password] page Click [Change password]. 1 2 3 1 [Administrator] Used to change the setting of the [Administrator]. 2 [User] Used to change the setting of the [User]. 3 [Next] Used to change the setting of the password. [Administrator] account 1 2 3 4 1 [Account] Displays the account to change. 2 [Current] [User name]: Enter the user name before the change. [Password]: Enter the current password. 3 [New] [User name]: Enter the desired new user name. (Up to 16 characters in single byte) [Password]: Enter the desired new password. (Up to 16 characters in single byte) [Password(Retype)]: Enter the desired new password again. 4 [OK] Determines the change of password.

Chapter 4 Settings — [NETWORK] menu 158 - ENGLISH [User] account 1 23 1 [Account] Displays the account to change. 2 [New] [User name]: Enter the desired new user name. (Up to 16 characters in single byte) [Password]: Enter the desired new password. (Up to 16 characters in single byte) [Password(Retype)]: Enter the desired new password again. 3 [OK] Determines the change of password. [Change password] (For user rights) Only the change of password is enabled under the user rights. 1 2 4 3 1 [Old Password] Enter the current password. 2 [New Password] Enter the desired new password. (Up to 16 characters in single byte) 3 [Retype] Enter the desired new password again. 4 [OK] Determines the change of password. Note fTo change the account of the administrator, you must enter the [User name] and [Password] in [Current]. [Crestron Connected(TM)] page The projector can be monitored/controlled with Crestron ConnectedTM. To start the operation page of Crestron Connected TM from the web control screen, you need to access with the administrator rights. (For user rights, the [Crestron Connected(TM)] button is not displayed on the web control screen.) The operation page of Crestron Connected TM is displayed by clicking [Crestron Connected(TM)]. It is not displayed if Adobe Flash Player is not installed on your computer, or the browser you use does not support Flash. In that case, click [Back] on the operation page to go back to the previous page.

Chapter 4 Settings — [NETWORK] menu ENGLISH - 159 Operation page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 1 [Tools], [Info], [Help]Tabs for selecting the setting, information, or help page of the projector. 2 [POWER] T urns on/off the power. 3 [SHUTTER] Switches whether to use the shutter function (enabled (shutter: closed)/disabled (shutter: open)). 4 [Input Select] Controls input selection. Not available when the power of the projector is turned of f. 5 Menu screen control buttons Navigates the menu screen. 6 Freeze/image quality adjustment Controls items related to freeze/image quality . 7 [Back] Performs return to the previous page. [Tools] page Click [Tools] on the operation page. 1 2 3 4 5 1 [Control System] Set the information required for communicating with the controller to be connected with the projector . 2 [User Password] Set the user rights password for the operation page of Crestron Connected TM. 3 [Admin Password] Set the administrator rights password for the operation page of Crestron Connected TM. 4 Network status Displays the settings of wired LAN. [DHCP] Displays the current setting. [Ip Address] Displays the current setting. [Subnet Mask] Displays the current setting. [Default Gateway] Displays the current setting. [DNS Server] Displays the current setting. 5 [Exit] Returns to the operation page.

Chapter 4 Settings — [NETWORK] menu 160 - ENGLISH [Info] page Click [Info] on the operation page. 4 5 6 7 1 2 3 8 1 [Projector Name] Displays the projector name. 2 [Mac Address] Displays the MAC address. 3 [Lamp1 Hours], [Lamp2 Hours] Displays the runtime of the lamp 1 and the lamp 2. 4 [Power Status] Displays the status of the power . 5 [Source] Displays the selected input. 6 [Lamp Mode] Displays the setting status of [LAMP POWER] (x page 113). 7 [Error Status] Displays the error status. 8 [Exit] Returns to the operation page. [Help] page Click [Help] on the operation page. The [Help Desk] window is displayed. 1 1 [Help Desk] Send/receive messages to/from an administrator who uses Crestron Connected TM.