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Nortel Modular Ics 6.1 System Coordinator Guide

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P0603535  02 Modular ICS 6.1 System Coordinator Guide
access code: Different sequences of 
characters used to gain access to these 
Norstar features: Line pools, Call park, 
external lines, Direct-Dial telephone, 
Auto DN, and DISA DN. Destination 
codes are also a form of access code.
alarm code: A number that appears 
on the alarm telephone display, 
informing you that the  ICS has detected 
a fault in the system.
alarm telephone: A telephone that is 
designated to receive reports of Norstar...

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Modular ICS 6.1 System Coordinator Guide P0603535  02
turned on or off under Daylight time 
Sys prgrmmng.
Automatic Telephone 
Relocation:  A feature that allows a 
telephone to retain personal and system 
programming when the telephone is 
plugged into a different Norstar modular 
Automatic Telephone 
 is enabled under Set 
relocation in 
Sys prgrmmng.
auxiliary ringer: A separate external 
telephone ringer or bell which can be 
programmed to ring when a line or a...

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P0603535  02 Modular ICS 6.1 System Coordinator Guide
Call Forward On Busy: A feature 
that forwards all calls at your telephone 
to another designated telephone if your 
telephone is busy. This feature is 
assigned under 
Capabilities in Terminals&Sets programming.
Call Forward Override: An 
automatic system feature that allows 
you to call someone and ask them to 
stop forwarding their calls to you.
Call Information:  
Call Information allows you to display 
information about...

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Modular ICS 6.1 System Coordinator Guide P0603535  02
Camp timeout: The length of a delay 
before a camped call is returned to the 
telephone that camped the call. The 
length of delay is set under 
 in Sys prgrmmng.
Central answering position
(CAP): An M7324 telephone and one 
or more CAP modules or a T7316E 
telephone and one or more KIMs that 
are designated as a CAP under 
 in Sys prgrmmng. The CAP 
provides backup answering and can be 
used to monitor...

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data terminal: A device, such as a 
modem, that can be used to  transfer data 
instead of sound over a telephone 
network. You cannot use Norstar 
programming to set up such devices. 
See the documentation that 
accompanies the device.
date: See Show Time or Time and 
defaults: The settings for all Norstar 
features when the system is first 
installed. Settings are changed from 
their defaults in programming. In this 

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password. Once the password is 
accepted, the caller hears system dial 
tone and can use Remote Access 
features. See Remote Access.
Disconnect Supervision: A setting 
that enables the Norstar system to detect 
if an external caller hangs up. Once an 
external caller hangs up, the Norstar 
system can disconnect its line. 
Disconnect Supervision is enabled 
under Trunk/Line data in Lines 
display: A liquid crystal display...

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external paging: A feature you can 
use to make voice announcements over 
an externally-mounted loudspeaker 
connected to the ICS. The external 
speaker is not a Norstar component and 
must be supplied by the customer.
feature button: Many Norstar 
features are invoked by pressing the 
Feature (
²) button followed by a 
feature code. The feature button is also 
used to exit a feature.
feature code: A number that is used 
to activate a...

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Host system signaling: (Also 
referred to as end-to-end signaling.) 
System telephones can access a remote 
system or dial a number on an alternate 
carrier by means of host feature 
activation, such as Link, Pause and Run/
Hospitality The Hospitality features 
allow business which use hospitality 
telephones, or room-based telephones, 
to control access, alarms, and 
maintenance duties through the 
Hotline: This...

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P0603535  02 Modular ICS 6.1 System Coordinator Guide
attach one or more module to a T7316E 
Last Number Redial: ²Þ
A feature that allows you to redial the 
last external number you dialed.
Fixed line: 
A telecommunications line between two 
service points leased from a 
communications carrier for private use, 
usually incurring a monthly service rate. 
Fixed  lines  setting is  used  solely by data 
Least cost routing: See Routing 
line: The complete path of...

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M7310 telephone: A telephone that 
has a two-line display, three display 
buttons, 10 programmable memory 
buttons with indicators, and 12 dual 
memory programmable buttons without 
indicators. An M7310 can be equipped 
with a Busy Lamp Field.
M7324 telephone: A telephone with 
a two-line display, three display buttons, 
and 24 programmable memory buttons 
with indicators. An M7324 telephone 
can be equipped with a CAP module.
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