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Nikon Camera D5200 Reference Manual

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    3Display bracketing options.
    Highlight the current bracketing setting and 
    press J.
    4Select a bracketing increment.
    Highlight a bracketing increment and press  J. 
    Choose from values between 0.3 and 2 EV (AE 
    bracketing) or 1 to 3 ( WB bracketing), or select 
    ADL  (ADL bracketing).
    5Frame a photograph, focus, and shoot.
    AE bracketing : The camera will vary exposure with 
    each shot.
     The first shot will be taken at the 
    value currently selected for exposure compensation.
     The bracketing increment 
    will be subtracted from the current value in the second shot and added in the 
    third shot, “bracketing” the current value.
     The modified values are reflected in 
    the values shown for shutter speed and aperture.
    WB bracketing : Each shot is processed to create three copies, one at the current 
    white balance setting, one with increased amber, and one with increased blue.
    If there is not enough space available on the 
    memory card to record three images, the 
    exposure-count display in the viewfinder will 
     Shooting can begin when a new memory 
    card is inserted.
    ADL bracketing : The first shot after bracketing is activated is taken with Active 
    D-Lighting off, the second at the current Active D-Lighting setting ( 069; if 
    Active D-Lighting is off, the second shot will be taken with Active D-Lighting set 
    to  Auto ).
    In continuous high-speed and continuous  low-speed release modes, shooting will 
    pause after each bracketing cycle.
     If the camera is turned off before all shots in the 
    bracketing sequence have been taken, bracketing will resume from the next shot in 
    the sequence when the camera is turned on. 
    AThe Bracketing Progress Indicator
    During AE bracketing, progress is shown by the bracketing 
    indicator in the information display:
    • v  : Camera ready to take first shot.
    • w  : Camera ready to take second shot.
    • x  : Camera ready to take third shot.
    During ADL bracketing, the setting that will be used for the next 
    shot is underlined in the information display.
    ADisabling Bracketing
    To disable bracketing and resume normal shooting, select  OFF in Step 4 on the previous 
     To cancel bracketing before all frames have been recorded, rotate the mode dial to a 
    setting other than  P,  S,  A , or  M.
    AExposure Bracketing
    The camera modifies exposure by vary ing shutter speed and aperture (mode  P), aperture 
    (mode  S), or shutter speed (modes  A and  M).
     If auto ISO sensitivity control is enabled in 
    modes  P,  S, and  A, the camera will automatically vary  ISO sensitivity for optimum exposure 
    when the limits of the camera exposu re system are exceeded; in mode M, the camera will first 
    use auto ISO sensitivity control to bring exposu re as close as possible to the optimum and 
    then bracket this exposure by varying shutter speed.
    ASee Also
    For information on using the  Fn button and the command dial to choose the bracketing 
    increment, see page 165. 
    Picture Controls
    Nikon’s unique Picture Control system makes it possible to share image processing 
    settings, including sharpening, contrast, brightness, saturation, and hue, among 
    compatible devices and software.
    Selecting a Picture Control
    The camera offers six Picture Controls. In  P,  S,  A , and  M modes, you can choose a 
    Picture Control according to the subject or type of scene (in other modes, the camera 
    selects a Picture Control automatically).
    1Place the cursor in the information display.
    If shooting information is not displayed in 
    the monitor, press the  P button.
     Press the 
    P  button again to place the cursor in the 
    information display.
    2Display Picture Control options.
    Highlight the current Picture Control and press 
    J .
    3Select a Picture Control.
    Highlight a Picture Control and press  J. To  
    return to the information display, press the 
    shutter-release button halfway.
    Q Standard Standard processing for balanced results.
     Recommended for most 
    R Neutral Minimal processing for natural results.
     Choose for photographs that will later 
    be extensively processed or retouched.
    S Vivid Pictures are enhanced for a vivid, photoprint effect.
     Choose for photographs 
    that emphasize primary colors.
    T Monochrome Take monochrome photographs.
    e Portrait Process portraits for skin with natural texture and a rounded feel.
    f Landscape Produces vibrant landscapes and cityscapes.
    P button Information display 
    Modifying Picture Controls
    Existing preset or custom Picture Controls (090) can be modified to suit the scene or 
    the user’s creative intent.
     Choose a balanced combination of settings using  Quick 
    adjust , or make manual adjustments to individual settings.
    1Display the Picture Control menu.
    To display the menus, press the  G button. 
    Highlight  Set Picture Control  in the 
    shooting menu and press  2.
    2Select a Picture Control.
    Highlight the desired Picture Control and 
    press 2.
    3Adjust settings.
    Press  1 or  3 to highlight the desired setting 
    and press  4 or  2 to choose a value ( 088).
    Repeat this step until  all settings have been 
    adjusted, or select  Quick adjust to choose a 
    preset combination of settings.
    settings can be restored by pressing the  O 
    4Save changes and exit.
    Press  J.
    AModifications to Original Picture Controls
    Picture Controls that have been modified from default settings are 
    indicated by an asterisk (“*”).
    G  button 
    ❚❚Picture Control Settings
    Quick adjust Choose from options between 
    –2 and  +2 to reduce or exaggerate the effect 
    of the selected Picture Control (note that  this resets all manual adjustments).
    For example, choosing positive values for  Vivid makes pictures more vivid. 
    Not available with  Neutral, Monochrome , or custom Picture Controls.
    Manual adjustments
    (all Picture Controls)Sharpening Control the sharpness of outlines.
    A to adjust sharpening 
    automatically according to the type of scene, or choose from values between 
    0  (no sharpening) and  9 (the higher the value, the greater the sharpening).
    Contrast Select 
    A to adjust contrast automatically according to the type of scene, or 
    choose from values between  –3 and  +3 (choose lower values to prevent 
    highlights in portrait subjects from be ing “washed out” in direct sunlight, 
    higher values to preserve detail in misty landscapes and other low-contrast 
    Brightness Choose 
    –1 for reduced brightness,  +1 for enhanced brightness.
     Does not 
    affect exposure.
    Manual adjustments
    (non-monochrome only)
    Saturation Control the vividness of colors.
    A to adjust saturation automatically 
    according to the type of scene, or choose from values between  –3 and  +3 
    (lower values reduce saturation  and higher values increase it).
    Hue Choose negative values (to a minimum of 
    –3) to make reds more purple, 
    blues more green, and greens more yellow, positive values (up to  +3) to 
    make reds more orange, greens more blue, and blues more purple.
    Manual adjustments (monochrome only)Filter 
    effects Simulate the effect of color filters on monochrome photographs. Choose 
    from  Off, yellow, orange, red, and green ( 089).
    Toning Choose the tint used in monochrome photographs from 
    B&W (black-and-
    white),  Sepia, Cyanotype  (blue-tinted monochrome),  Red, Yellow , Green , 
    Blue Green , Blue , Purple Blue , Red Purple  (0 89).
    D“A”  ( A u t o )
    Results for auto sharpening, contrast, and saturation vary with exposure and the position of 
    the subject in the frame.
    APreset Picture Controls Versus Custom Picture Controls
    The Picture Controls supplied with the camera are referred to as  preset Picture Controls.
    Custom Picture Controls  are created through modifications to existing Picture Controls using 
    the  Manage Picture Control  option in the shooting menu ( 090).
     Both preset and custom 
    Picture Controls can be selected in the information display or using the  Set Picture Control 
    option in the shooting menu.
     In addition, custom Picture Controls can be saved to a 
    memory card for sharing among other cameras of the same model and compatible software 
    ( 0 92). 
    AThe Picture Control Grid
    Pressing the  X button in Step 3 displays a Picture Control grid 
    showing the contrast and saturation for the selected Picture Control 
    in relation to the other Picture Controls (only contrast is displayed 
    when  Monochrome  is selected).
     Release the X button to return to 
    the Picture Control menu.
    The icons for Picture Controls that use auto contrast and saturation 
    are displayed in green in the Picture Control grid, and lines appear 
    parallel to the axes of the grid.
    APrevious Settings
    The line under the value display in the Picture Control setting menu 
    indicates the previous value for the setting.
     Use this as a reference 
    when adjusting settings.
    ACustom Picture Controls
    The options available with custom picture controls are the same as those on which the 
    custom picture control was based.
    AFilter Effects (Monochrome Only)
    The options in this menu simulate the effect  of color filters on monochrome photographs.
    The following filter effects are available:
    Y Ye l l o w
    Enhances contrast.
     Can be used to tone down the brightness of the sky in 
    landscape photographs.
     Orange produces more contrast than yellow, red 
    more contrast than orange.
    R Red
    G Green Softens skin tones.
     Can be used for portraits.
    Note that the effects achieved with  Filter effects are more pronounced than those 
    produced by physical glass filters.
    AToning (Monochrome Only)
    Pressing  3 when  Toning  is selected displays saturation options.
    Press 4 or  2 to adjust saturation. Saturation control is not available 
    when  B&W (black-and-white) is selected. 
    Creating Custom Picture Controls
    The Picture Controls supplied with the camera can be modified and saved as custom 
    Picture Controls.
    1Select Manage Picture Control .
    To display the menus, press the  G button. 
    Highlight  Manage Picture Control  in the 
    shooting menu and press 2.
    2Select  Save/edit .
    Highlight Save/edit  and press  2.
    3Select a Picture Control.
    Highlight an existing Picture Control and 
    press  2, or press  J to proceed to step 5 to 
    save a copy of the highlighted Picture 
    Control without further modification.
    4Edit the selected Picture Control.
    See page 88 for more information. To  
    abandon any changes and start over from 
    default settings, press the  O button.
     Press  J 
    when settings are complete.
    5Select a destination.
    Highlight a destination for the custom 
    Picture Control (C-1 through C-9) and 
    press 2.
    G  button 
    6Name the Picture Control.
    The text-entry dialog shown at right will be 
     By default, new Picture Controls 
    are named by adding a two-digit number 
    (assigned automatically) to the name of the 
    existing Picture Control; to use the default 
    name, proceed to Step 7.
     To move the cursor in the name area, rotate the 
    command dial.
     To enter a new letter at the current cursor position, use the 
    multi selector to highlight the desired ch aracter in the keyboard area and press 
    J .
     To delete the character at the cu rrent cursor position, press the O button. 
    Custom Picture Control names can be up to nineteen characters long. Any 
    characters after the nineteenth will be deleted.
    7Save changes and exit.
    Press  X to save changes and exit. The new 
    Picture Control will appear in the Picture 
    Control list.
    AManage Picture Control > Rename
    Custom Picture Controls can be renamed at any time 
    using the  Rename option in the  Manage Picture 
    Control  menu.
    AManage Picture Control > Delete
    The  Delete  option in the  Manage Picture Control  
    menu can be used to delete selected custom Picture 
    Controls when they are no longer needed.
    AThe Original Picture Control Icon
    The original preset Picture Control on which the 
    custom Picture Control is based is indicated by an icon 
    in the top right corner of the edit display. Original Picture Control icon
    Name area 
    Sharing Custom Picture Controls
    Custom Picture Controls created using the Picture Control Utility available with 
    ViewNX 2 or optional software such as Capture NX 2 can be copied to a memory card 
    and loaded into the camera, or custom Picture Controls created with the camera can 
    be copied to the memory card to be used in compatible cameras and software and 
    then deleted when no longer needed.
    To copy custom Picture Controls to or from the 
    memory card, or to delete custom Picture Controls 
    from the memory card, highlight  Load/Save in the 
    Manage Picture Control  menu and press2.
    following options will be displayed:
    • Copy to camera : Copy custom Picture Controls from the 
    memory card to custom Picture Controls C-1 
    through C-9 on the camera and name them as 
    • Delete from card : Delete selected custom Picture 
    Controls from the memory card.
     The confirmation 
    dialog shown at right will be displayed before a 
    Picture Control is deleted; to delete the selected 
    Picture Control, highlight  Ye s and press  J.
    • Copy to card : Copy a custom Picture Control (C-1 
    through C-9) from the camera to a selected 
    destination (1 through 99) on the memory card.
    ASaving Custom Picture Controls
    Up to 99 custom Picture Controls can be stored on the memory card at any one time.
    memory card can only be used to store user-created custom Picture Controls.
     The preset 
    Picture Controls supplied with the camera can not be copied to the memory card, renamed, 
    or deleted. 
    Live View
    Follow the steps below to take photographs in live view.
    1Rotate the live view switch.
    The mirror will be raised and the view through 
    the lens will be displayed in the camera monitor.
    The subject will no longer be visible in the 
    2Position the focus point.
    Position the focus point over your subject as 
    described on page 96.
    Press the shutter-release button halfway. The 
    focus point will flash green while the camera 
     If the camera is able to focus, the focus 
    point will be displayed in green; if the camera is unable to focus, the focus point 
    will flash red (note that pictures can be taken even when the focus point flashes 
    red; check focus in the monitor before shooting).
     Except in  i and  j modes, 
    exposure can be locked by pressing the  A (L ) button.
    4Ta k e  t h e  p i c t u r e .
    Press the shutter-release button the rest of the 
    way down.
     The monitor turns off and the 
    memory card access lamp lights during 
     Do not remove the battery or memory 
    card or unplug the optional AC adapter until 
    recording is complete .
     When shooting is 
    complete, the photograph will be displa yed in the monitor for a few seconds or 
    until the shutter-release button is pressed halfway.
     The camera will then return 
    to live view mode.
     To exit, rotate the live view switch.
    Framing Photographs in the Monitor
    Live view switch
    Focus point
    Memory card access lamp 
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