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Nikon Camera D5200 Reference Manual

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    3Choose the number of shots.
    Highlight Number of shots  and press 2.
    The dialog shown at right will be displayed.
    Press  1 or  3 to choose the number of 
    exposures that will be combined to form a 
    single photograph and press  J.
    4Choose the amount of gain.
    Highlight  Auto gain  and press  2.
    The following options will be displayed.
    Highlight an option and press  J.
    • On: Gain is adjusted according to number 
    of exposures actually recorded (gain for 
    each exposure is set to 
    1/2 for two 
    exposures, 1/3 for three exposures).
    • Off : Gain is not adjusted when recording multiple exposure.
    if background is dark.
    5Frame a photograph, focus, and shoot.
    In continuous high-speed and continuous 
    low-speed release modes ( 029), the camera 
    records all exposures in a single burst; 
    shooting will pause after each multiple exposure.
     In self-timer mode, the 
    camera will automatically record the number of exposures selected in Step 3, 
    regardless of the option selected for Custom Setting c3 ( Self-timer) > Number 
    of shots  (0 160).
     In other release modes, one photograph will be taken each 
    time the shutter-release button is pr essed; continue shooting until all 
    exposures have been recorded.
    ❚❚Interrupting Multiple Exposures
    To interrupt a multiple exposure  before the specified number of 
    exposures have been taken, select  Off for  Multiple exposure > 
    Multiple exposure mode  in the shooting menu.
     A multiple 
    exposure will be created from the exposures that have been 
    recorded to that point.
     If  Auto gain  is on, gain will be adjusted 
    to reflect the number of exposures actually recorded.
     Note that 
    shooting will end automatically if:
    • The mode dial is rotated to a setting other than  P,  S,  A , or  M
    • A two-button reset is performed ( 053)
    • The camera is turned off
    • The battery is exhausted
    • One of the exposures is deleted
    AThe Multiple Exposure Indicator
    Progress is shown by the multiple exposure indicator in the 
    information display.
    • $ (on): Camera ready to record new multiple exposure.
     Press the 
    shutter-release button all the way down to begin shooting.
    • $ (flashes): Shooting in progress.
    DMultiple Exposures
    Do not remove or replace the memory card while recording a multiple exposure.
    The information listed in the playback phot o information display (including metering, 
    exposure, shooting mode, focal length, date of  recording and camera orientation) is for the 
    first shot in the multiple exposure. 
    White Balance
    White balance ensures that colors are unaffected by the color of the light source. 
    Auto white balance is recommended for most light sources; in P,  S,  A , and  M modes, 
    other values can be selected if necessa ry according to the type of source:
    1Place the cursor in the information display.
    If shooting information is not displayed in 
    the monitor, press the P button.
     Press the 
    P  button again to place the cursor in the 
    information display.
    2Display white balance options.
    Highlight the current white balance setting in the 
    information display and press  J.
    3Choose a white balance option.
    Highlight an option and press  J. To  r e t u r n  t o  
    shooting mode, press the shutter-release button 
    vAuto Automatic white balance adjustment. Recommended in most situations.
    JIncandescentUse under incandescent lighting.
    IFluorescentUse with the light sources listed on page 77.
    HDirect sunlightUse with subjects lit by direct sunlight.
    NFlashUse with the flash.
    GCloudyUse in daylight under overcast skies.
    MShadeUse in daylight with subjects in the shade.
    LPreset manualMeasure white balance or copy white balance from existing photo ( 079).
    P button Information display 
    AThe Shooting Menu
    White balance can be selected using the  White balance option in 
    the shooting menu ( 0150), which also can be  used to fine-tune 
    white balance ( 078) or measure a value for preset white balance 
    ( 0 79).
    The  IFluorescent  option in the  White balance  menu can be used 
    to select the light source from the bulb types shown at right.
    AColor Temperature
    The perceived color of a light source varies with the viewer and other conditions.
    temperature is an objective measure of the color of a light source, defined with reference to 
    the temperature to which an object would have to be heated to radiate light in the same 
     While light sources with a color temp erature in the neighborhood of 5000–
    5500 K appear white, light sources with a lowe r color temperature, such as incandescent 
    light bulbs, appear slightly yellow or red.
     Light sources with a higher color temperature 
    appear tinged with blue.
     The camera white balance options are adapted to the following 
    color temperatures (all figures are approximate):
    • I (sodium-vapor lamps):  2700 K
    • J  (incandescent)/
    I (warm-white fluorescent):  3000 K
    • I (white fluorescent):  3700 K
    • I (cool-white fluorescent):  4200 K
    • I (day white fluorescent):  5000 K•
    H  (direct sunlight):  5200 K
    • N (flash):  5400 K
    • G  (cloudy):  6000 K
    • I (daylight fluorescent):  6500 K
    • I (high temp. mercury-vapor):  7200 K
    • M  (shade):  8000 K
    AThe Fn Button
    For information on automatically varying white balance settings over a series of shots, see 
    page 83.
     For information on using the  Fn button and the command dial to select a white 
    balance option, see page 165. 
    Fine-Tuning White Balance
    White balance can be “fine-tuned” to compensate for variations in the color of the 
    light source or to introduce a deliberate color cast into an image.
     White balance is 
    fine-tuned using the  White balance option in the shooting menu.
    1Display white balance options.
    To display the menus, press the  G button. 
    Highlight  White balance  in the shooting 
    menu and press  2 to display white balance 
    2Select a white balance option.
    Highlight an option other than  Preset 
    manual  and press  2 (if  Fluorescent  is 
    selected, highlight a lighting type and press 
    2 ).
     The fine-tuning options shown at right 
    will be displayed.
     Fine-tuning is not 
    available with  Preset manual  white balance.
    3Fine-tune white balance.
    Use the multi selector to fine-tune white 
    4Save changes and exit.
    Press J.
    AWhite Balance Fine-Tuning
    The colors on the fine-tuning axes are relative, not absolute.
     For example, moving the 
    cursor to  B (blue) when a “warm” setting such as  J (incandescent) is selected will 
    make photographs slightly “colder” but will not actually make them blue.
    G  button
    Increase green
    Increase blue Increase 
    Increase magenta 
    Preset Manual
    Preset manual is used to record and recall custom white balance settings for shooting 
    under mixed lighting or to compensate for light sources with a strong color cast.
    methods are available for setting preset white balance:
    ❚❚ Measuring a Value for  Preset White Balance
    1Light a reference object.
    Place a neutral gray or white object under the lighting that will be used in the 
    final photograph.
    2Display white balance options.
    To display the menus, press the  G button. 
    Highlight  White balance  in the shooting 
    menu and press  2 to display white balance 
     Highlight  Preset manual  and press 
    2 .
    3Select  Measure .
    Highlight  Measure and press  2. The menu 
    shown at right will be displayed; highlight 
    Ye s  and press  J.
    The message shown at right will be 
    displayed before the camera enters preset 
    measurement mode.
    When the camera is ready to measure white 
    balance, a flashing  D (L ) will appear in 
    the viewfinder and information display.
    Measure Neutral gray or white object is placed under lighting that will be used in final photo 
    and white balance measured by camera (see below).
    Use photo White balance is copied from photo on memory card ( 082).
    G  button 
    4Measure white balance.
    Before the indicators stop flashing, frame the 
    reference object so that it fills the viewfinder 
    and press the shutter-release button all the 
    way down.
     No photograph will be recorded; 
    white balance can be measured accurately 
    even when the camera is not in focus.
    5Check the results.
    If the camera was able to measure a value for 
    white balance, the message shown at right 
    will be displayed and  a will flash in the 
    viewfinder for about eight seconds before 
    the camera returns to shooting mode.
    return to shooting mode immediately, press 
    the shutter-release button halfway.
    If lighting is too dark or too bright, the 
    camera may be unable to measure white 
     A message will appear in the 
    information display and a flashing  ba 
    will appear in the viewfinder for about 
    eight seconds.
     Return to Step 4 and 
    measure white balance again. 
    DMeasuring Preset White Balance
    If no operations are performed while the displays are flashing, direct measurement mode 
    will end in the time selected for Custom Setting c2 ( Auto off timers; 0 160).
     The default 
    setting is eight seconds.
    DPreset White Balance
    The camera can store only one value for preset  white balance at a time; the existing value will 
    be replaced when a new value is measured.
     Note that exposure is automatically increased 
    by 1 EV when measuring white balance; when shooting in mode  M, adjust exposure so that 
    the exposure indicator shows ±0 ( 059).
    AOther Methods for Measuring Preset White Balance
    To enter preset measurement mode (see above)  after selecting preset white balance in the 
    information display ( 076), press  J for a few seconds.
     If white balance has been assigned to 
    the  Fn button ( 0165), white balance preset measurement mode can be activated by 
    keeping the  Fn button pressed for a few seconds after selecting preset white balance with 
    the  Fn button and command dial.
    AStudio Settings
    In studio settings, a standard gray panel can be used as a reference object when measuring 
    preset white balance. 
    ❚❚Copying White Balance from a Photograph
    Follow the steps below to copy a value for white balance from a photograph on the 
    memory card.
    1Select  Preset manual .
    To display the menus, press the  G button. 
    Highlight  White balance  in the shooting 
    menu and press  2 to display white balance 
     Highlight  Preset manual  and press 
    2 .
    2Select  Use photo .
    Highlight Use photo  and press 2.
    3Choose  Select image .
    Highlight Select image  and press 2 (to skip 
    the remaining steps and use the image last 
    selected for preset white balance, select  This 
    image ).
    4Choose a folder.
    Highlight the folder containing the source 
    image and press  2.
    5Highlight the source image.
    To view the highlighted image full frame, 
    press and hold the  X button.
    6Copy white balance.
    Press  J to set preset white balance to the 
    white balance value for the highlighted 
    G  button 
    Bracketing automatically varies exposure, white balance, or Active  D-L ighting (ADL) 
    settings slightly with each shot , “bracketing” the current value.
     Choose in situations 
    in which it is difficult to set exposure or  white balance and there is not time to check 
    results and adjust settings with each shot,  or to experiment with different settings for 
    the same subject.
    1Choose a bracketing option.
    After pressing  G to display the menus, 
    highlight Custom Setting e2 ( Auto 
    bracketing set ) and press 2.
    The options shown at right will be displayed.
    Highlight the desired bracketing type and 
    press  J.
    2Place the cursor in the information display.
    If shooting information is not displayed in 
    the monitor, press the  P button.
     Press the 
    P  button again to place the cursor in the 
    information display.
    k AE 
    bracketing Vary exposure over a series of three photographs.
    Shot 1: unmodified Shot 2: exposure reduced Shot 3: exposure increased
    m WB 
    bracketing Each time the shutter is released, the camera creates three images, each with a 
    different white balance.
     Not available with image qualities of NEF (RAW ).
    ! ADL 
    bracketing Take one photo with Active D-Lighting off, and another at the current Active 
    D-Lighting setting.
    P button Information display 
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