NEC Sentry Installation Guide
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NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 61 Sentry Installation Guide Emergency Conference Configuration The Emergency Conference software is configured automatically during installation if you answer “yes” to the autoconfig prompt. You may also configure Emergency Conference manually by using the Add Function of the Application Configuration option on the APM System Administration menu. The default application name is Sentry_Conference. Note: This section contains information that is entered in the Emergency Conference configuration file. For specific instructions on what these parameters mean and how to make these entries, use the APM Operations Manual. Application CharacteristicsWhen manually adding Emergency Conference to the APM Application Configuration file, define the parameters as follows: Note: These parameters are defined automatically if you answered “yes” to the auto- config prompt during installation. ParameterEntryDescription OAI Application Y(es) Indicates whether or not (Yes or No) Emergency Conference communicates with the NEAX2400 using OAI processes. CRT Application N(o) Indicates whether or not (Yes or No) Emergency Conference requires a terminal screen that is of the same type as the one used by the APM. Communication QueueN(o) Indicates whether or not (Yes or No) this non-OAI application needs an IPC queue to communicate with other processes.

Page 62NDA-30080 Revision 1.0 Emergency Conference Sentry Installation Guide Primary Configuration ParametersThese parameters are defined automatically if you answered “yes” to the autoconfig prompt during installation. On the APM Configuration Entry screen, make the entries indicated below for each Emergency Conference parameter. Entries for parameters marked by an asterisk (*) must be made exactly as shown. Other entries are examples and are site-dependent. Note: Use the instructions provided for this option in the APM Operations Manual. ParameterEntryDescription NameSentry_Conference The application name to be displayed in the APM menus. This name is displayed exactly as you enter it here, including case. Exec Filename*/oai/app/sentry/bin/ conferenceIndicates the path name of the executable file. Group*SENTRYNames the group to which Emergency Conference is associated. Response Mode*I(gnore)Indicates the action that the APM is to take with Emergency Conference should a member of the group terminate. Initialization BatchN(o)Indicates whether or not (Yes or No) Emergency Conference is to be initialized automatically when the OAI system is initialized. Termination Mode*MessageIndicates how the APM is to notify Emergency Conference to terminate. Standard Output/dev/nullDesignates the file into which Emergency Conference output is redirected. Number of Restarts0Indicates how many times the APM may restart Emergency Conference after it terminates erroneously.

NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 63 Sentry Installation Guide Emergency Conference OAI FacilitiesThese NEAX 2400 facilities are set up automatically if you answered “yes” to the autoconfig prompt during installation. To manually set up the facilities, use the Facilities command on the APM Configuration Entry screen and follow the instructions in the APM Operations Manual. Secondary OAI Configuration ParametersThese parameters are defined automatically if you answered “yes” to the autoconfig prompt during installation. Use the OAI-Conf command on the APM Configuration Entry screen to make the entries indicated below for each parameter. Entries for parameters marked by an asterisk (*) must be made exactly as shown. Other entries are examples and are site-dependent. Note:Use the instructions provided for this option in the APM Operations Manual. ParameterEntryDescription FacilitiesRCF SCF SMFR SMFNRequired by OAI Facilities Emergency Conference ParameterEntryDescription Database Name #1*/oai/db/cur/sentry The name of the sentry database. If this parameter is blank or invalid, the Emergency Conference program terminates. Database Name #2*/oai/db/cur/cards The name of the conference card database. If this parameter is blank or invalid, the Emergency Conference program terminates. For more information about databases, see Database Requirements on page 66 Timeout Value #1(blank) Not used. Timeout Value #2(blank) Not used. Tenant Number 1 Specifies the number of the tenant that Emergency Conference serves. Source Link NameOAI1TCP Identifies the port on the source side of the communication link. Destination Link NamePBX1TC Identifies the port on the destination side of the communication link. Association Recovery30 Designates the number of seconds Emergency Conference waits before trying to re-establish an association with the NEAX that has been released.

Page 64NDA-30080 Revision 1.0 Emergency Conference Sentry Installation Guide User-Defined Parameters Note:The following parameters contain configuration pairs consisting of a keyword, at least one blank space, and an option. Multiple configuration pairs may be specified in a single parameter if space permits. Case is ignored for keywords, but options must match exactly. The configuration pairs may occur in any order, and the following keywords and options are supported. ParameterEntryDescription User Defined #1 /oai/app/sentry/cfg/history/ Mconf.cfgThe name of the history logging master configuration file (See Appendix A). If this parameter is blank, the Emergency Conference program sends a warning message to the APM. If an invalid file name is entered, an error message is sent to the APM and the Emergency Conference program terminates. User Defined #2/oai/db/cur/tenants Contains the name of the Tenant Number database (see Database Requirements on page 66). If this parameter is blank, the Emergency Conference program sends a warning message to the APM and the tenant number supplied by the OAI configuration is used by default for all extensions. If an invalid parameter is specified, an error message is sent to the APM and the Emergency Conference program terminates. User Defined #3/oai/db/cur/blding Contains the name of the Building database (see Database Requirements on page 66). If this parameter is blank or invalid, an error message is sent to the APM and the Emergency Conference program terminates. User Defined #4overridePilot nnnn Specifies the pilot number required to override a busy destination. Valid syntax is overridePilot where “nnnnn” is a monitored number which specifies the pilot number and can be no more than five digits. If this option is invalid, the Emergency Conference program sends a error message to the APM and terminates. Assign this number on the MAT using the AMNO command. User Defined #5overrideTonePhone nnnnn Specifies the dummy phone extension. The dummy phone is used to provide a warning tone when a busy destination is overridden. Valid syntax is overrideTonePhone where “nnnnn” specifies the dummy telephone number, which can be no more than five digits. If this option is invalid, the Emergency Conference program sends an error message to the APM and terminates. The dummy phone is a D term station with off hook suppression enabled. User Defined #6redialReleasedContacts Specifies whether released contacts are dialed immediately when a new caller dials the conference monitored number. Valid syntax is redialReleasedContacts where “TRUE” indicates that idle contacts are always dialed when a caller initiates a conference. “FA L S E” indicates that a contact that has released will not be dialed until all contacts have released.

NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 65 Sentry Installation Guide Emergency Conference User Defined #7 forceCardSetClear Specifies how stations connected to dedicated card set lines are handled during initiation. Valid syntax is forceCardSetClear where “TRUE” indicates that the stations connected to dedicated card set lines are released. “FA L S E” indicates that stations connected to dedicated card set lines are not released. User Defined #8 errorDestination Specifies the extension number of the destination that receives trans- ferred parties that could not be reconnected to the transferring party. Valid syntax is errorDestination where “number” specifies the pilot number. If an invalid option is specified, the default value of “0” is used. User Define #9 flashHookDisableSFC Specifies the service feature class used to disable a station’s flash hook ability while the station is connected to a conference card line. Valid syntax is flashHookDisableSFC where “number” is an OAI Service Feature Class value from 1 to 15. If an invalid option is specified, the Emergency Conference program sends an error message to the APM and terminates. If this parameter is not specified, then a station will be able to flash hook while connected to a conference card line. Every station connected to a conference will temporarily change to this SFC; therefore, you must use the ASFC MAT command; SFI=24 allows this SFC. User Defined #10debug Enables debug logging to stdout, stderr, or a UNIX file. Valid debug pairs are debug stdout, debug stderr, or debug where “filename” specifies a UNIX filename. If an invalid option is specified, the Emergency Conference program sends an error message to the APM and terminates.

Page 66NDA-30080 Revision 1.0 Emergency Conference Sentry Installation Guide Database Requirements Emergency Conference requires six databases: Sentry, Conference Card, Tenant Number, Building, Contacts, and Authorized Caller. This section contains information you need to create Emergency Conference databases. Use this information with the procedural instructions in the APM Operations Manual. If you encounter messages during this process, refer to the “Process” and “Error Messages” chapters of the APM Operations Manual. Database CreationThe following steps are done automatically during installation: 1. Create a Master Definition File Create the master definition file that defines the fields in the master database file. 2.Create an Application Definition File Create a definition file for the Emergency Conference database. This file defines the formats by which data from the master file is to be converted to meet the needs of Emergency Conference. Database RecordsAfter database is created, perform the following steps to add, modify, or delete records: 1. Build a Master Database File Enter data (such as phone extension numbers) into the master database fields that were defined in the master definition file. 2. Process the Application Database Use the Process Application Databases option on the APM Database Administration menu to create the file that will be used by Emergency Conference. When the Process option is activated, data is drawn from the master database and converted to the formats specified in the application definition file. 3. Install the Application Database Use the Install Application Databases option on the APM Database Administration menu to enable Emergency Conference to copy its database. 4. Reboot the Emergency Conference application

NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 67 Sentry Installation Guide Emergency Conference Sentry DatabaseThe Sentry database contains information used by the Emergency Conference, Emergency Conference, and the Sentry Alarm Control Terminal applications. Each database record contains the following fields: Monitored Number The monitored number used by the caller to access the Emergency Conference or Annoyance Trap. Category An ASCII string containing the record category, which is set to ‘conference” for Emergency Conference records or “annoyance” for Annoyance Trap records. Name An ASCII string containing the Emergency Conference or Annoyance Trap name. Minimum Lines Used The minimum number of lines required by an Emergency Conference. When reserving a conference card set from the conference card set pool (see Conference Card Database on page 70) the first available card set that contains at least this number of lines will be returned. A value of zero will cause the first available set with the smallest number of lines to be returned. If a dedicated card set is used, this value has no effect. First Line Number The first line number of the dedicated conference card set used by this Emergency Conference. If this value is zero, a conference card set from the conference card set pool will be used (see Conference Card Database on page 70). Override Allowed A simple Y/N character that determines whether or not this emergency conference will override busy destinations. Warning Tone Issued A simple Y/N character that determines whether or not this Emergency Conference will issue a warning tone when a caller joins a conference. Window Symbol The name of the window symbol associated with this Emergency Conference or Annoyance Trap. This field is used by Sentry Alarm Control Terminal application. Contact Database The name and path of the contacts database file (see Contacts Database on page 73) used by this Emergency Conference, for example “/oai/db/cur/conf1”. The file specified in this field contains a list of contacts that are connected to the conference card set when a user initiates this conference. If this field is blank or the specified database is empty, then no contacts are defined for this conference. Authorized Database The name and path of the authorized caller database file (see Authorized Caller Database on page 74) used by this Emergency Conference, for example “/oai/db/ cur/caller1”. The file specified in this field contains a list of extensions that are

Page 68NDA-30080 Revision 1.0 Emergency Conference Sentry Installation Guide allowed to initiate this conference. If this field is blank or the specified database is empty, then this conference may be initiated from any extension. If you use the name and path of the contact database, then only the contacts can be authorized.

NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 69 Sentry Installation Guide Emergency Conference Sentry Database (Continued)The Sentry master database is named “sentry_m” by default and contains the following fields. Table 4-1 Sentry Master Database Fields The Sentry application database is named “sentry” by default and contains the following fields. Table 4-2 Sentry Application Database Fields Field Description Type SizeMinimum Va l u eMaximum Va l u eExample Va l u e Monitored Number ASCII 10 5776 Category ASCII 25 conference Name ASCII 25 conference1 Minimum Lines Used Numeric 2 0 42 0 First Line Number Numeric 5 0 99999 0 Override Allowed ASCII 1 n y Warning Tone Issued ASCII 1 y y Window Symbol ASCII 25 ALARM_WIN Contact Database ASCII 25 /oai/db/cur/conf1 Authorized Database ASCII 25/oai/db/cur/ caller1 Field Description Data Type Monitored Number ASCII Category ASCII Name ASCII Minimum Lines Used Short Integer First Line Number Long Integer Override Allowed ASCII Warning Tone Issued ASCII Contact Database ASCII Authorized Database ASCII

Page 70NDA-30080 Revision 1.0 Emergency Conference Sentry Installation Guide Conference Card DatabaseThe conference card database contains a list of conference card sets. Conference card sets can be configured as a dedicated or pool sets. A dedicated set is reserved by specifying the first extension in the set and is normally associated with a specific conference. A pool set is reserved on a first come, first serve basis and can be used by several conferences sequentially. Each conference card database record contains the following fields: First Extension - The first extension in the card set. All other extensions are assumed to follow in ascending order. Available Extensions - The number of extensions in the set. This should be 8 for a single card set, or a multiple of 6 for a multi-card set. In Pool - A simple Y/N character that specifies if this is a dedicated set (‘N’) or in the pool (‘Y’). The Conference Card master database is named “Cards_m” by default and contains the following fields. Table 4-3 Conference Card Master Database Fields The Conference Card application database is named “cards” and contains the following fields. Table 4-4 Conference Card Application Database Fields Field Description Type SizeMinimum Va l u eMaximum Va l u e First Extension Numeric 5 0 99999 Available Extensions Numeric 2 0 42 In Pool ASCII 1 n Field Description Data Type First Extension Long Integer Available Extensions Short Integer In Pool ASCII