NEC Sentry Installation Guide
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NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 21 Sentry Installation Guide Sentry Alarm Control Terminal User Message Data Buffer Configuration The user message data buffer contains the message displayed in the message bar (see Message Bar Configuration on page 28). It contains the following fields: USER_MESSAGE The user message field. Null Text Data Buffer Configuration The null text data buffer defines an empty data buffer. It contains the following fields: NULL_TEXTThe null text field. Initialization Configuration FileThe initialization configuration file, “init.cfg” contains configuration parameters which are used during program initialization and contains the following constants: MON_CHECK_INTERVAL Specifies the time interval in seconds between monitor application checks. The Sentry Alarm Control Terminal application will periodically check the monitor applications (Emergency Conference, Annoyance Trap, etc.) to see if they are on line. LOGIN_USED Enables or disables the log in screen. SAVER_USED Enables or disables the screen saver. VALIDATE_LOG_OFF Enables or disables the log off validation dialog. VALIDATE_REMOVE Enables or disables the caller removal validation dialog. AUTO_POP_UP Enables or disables the automatic pop up of active windows. TERM_NAME Specifies the terminal name. This string is used in all status and error messages sent to the APM. INIT_FOCUS Specifies the window that will get initial focus. FEAT_DB_NAME Specifies the name of the feature database (see Feature Application Database on page 14). LOG_FILE Specifies the name of the debug logging file. If this variable is removed, debug logging is disabled.

Page 22NDA-30080 Revision 1.0 Sentry Alarm Control Terminal Sentry Installation Guide Screen Saver Configuration FileThe screen saver configuration file is called “logos.cfg” timer and displays information used by the screen saver. Screen Saver Delay Values The screen saver uses the following delay values: Logo Configuration The screen saver supports three different logos. A single logo can be displayed, or the screen saver can cycle through all three logos. Each logo definition contains the logo color attributes and the logo text. The following logo configuration parameters are used: Each logo definition contains logo color attributes and logo text. The logo definitions use the following syntax, where X is a number between 1 and the value specified in LOGOS_COUNT SAVER_DELAY The number of seconds the terminal must be idle before the screen saver is activated. REFRESH_DELAY The number of seconds a screen saver logo is displayed before it is refreshed. LOGOS_COUNT A numeric constant that specifies the number of logo definitions in the file. ALL_LOGOS A numeric constant which indicates that the screen saver should cycle through all logos. This value must be greater than LOGOS_COUNT WHICH_LOGO A numeric constant that specifies which screen saver logo to display. Set WHICH_LOGO to a value between 1 and LOGOS_COUNT to display a specific logo or ALL_LOGOS to cycle through all of the logos. LOGO_X_CLR The logo color LOGO_X_TXT The logo text

NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 23 Sentry Installation Guide Sentry Alarm Control Terminal Function Keys Configuration FileThe function keys configuration file, “keys.cfg”, contains function key definitions. Each function key definition contains a function key symbol, a handler routine index, and an optional handler parameter string. Function key assignments are changed by specifying a different handler index and/or parameter string for a function key symbol. Handler Routine Index Values The handler routine index values are used to identify a function key handler routine. These index values should not be changed unless the Sentry Alarm Control Terminal application is modified. The following index values are defined: NO_FUNCTION The no function handler index. This handler is assigned to any function key that will not be used. STAT_VIS The status window visible handler index. This handler will toggle the status window on and off. WIN_FOCUS_PREV The window focus previous handler index. This handler will switch focus to the previous window. WIN_FOCUS_NEXT The window focus next handler index. This handler will switch focus to the next window. FEATURE_VIS The feature window visible handler index. This handler will toggle a feature window on and off. STAT_FOCUS The status window visible focus handler index. This handler will switch focus between the status and revolving windows. SHOW_ACTIVE The show active windows handler index. This handler will show all windows that contain active callers. CALLER_DEL_ALL The delete all callers handler index. This handler will delete all callers in a feature window. CALLER_DEL_IDLE The delete idle callers handler index. This handler will delete all idle callers in a feature window. WIN_SCROLL_UP The window scroll up handler index. This handler scrolls the dynamic windows up. WIN_SCROLL_DN The window scroll down handler index. This handler scrolls the dynamic windows down. MSG_BAR_CLEAR The clear message bar window handler index. This handler will clear the message bar window. LOG_OFF The log off handler index. This handler allows a user to log off the terminal. KEY_HELP The function key assignment handler index. This handler displays the function key assignment dialog. COLOR_HELP The color assignment handler index. This handler displays the color assignment dialog. ALARM_OFF The turn off audio alarm index. This handler will send a message to the Annoyance Trap monitor requesting the deactivation of the audio alarm.

Page 24NDA-30080 Revision 1.0 Sentry Alarm Control Terminal Sentry Installation Guide Function Key Definitions Function key assignments are controlled by assigning handler routine index values and optional parameter strings to function key symbols. The following function key symbols are defined in the “keys.cfg” file, and the data associated with these symbols may be modified as desired to specify function key assignments: Function key symbolFunction Key F1 key F2 key F3 key F4 key F5 key F6 key F7 key F8 key F9 key F10 key F11 key F12 key Shift-F1 key Shift-F2 key Shift-F3 key Shift-F4 key Shift-F5 key Shift-F6 key Shift-F7 key Shift-F8 key Shift-F9 key Shift-F10 key Shift-F11 key Shift-F12 key

NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 25 Sentry Installation Guide Sentry Alarm Control Terminal Dialogs Configuration FileThe dialogs configuration file, “dialogs.cfg”, contains all pop up dialog window configurations. Each dialog has an associated dialog definition containing the following information: Number of rows and columns in the dialog. The location of the dialog on the screen. The dialog border style and color attributes. The dialog title offset, color attributes, and string constant. The following text color attributes: Normal text. Highlighted text. Last line in the dialog. A list of static and dynamic text fields and color attributes. All dialogs also have the following configuration parameters: Visibility Flag, specifies whether the dialog is initially visible or hidden. Anchored Flag, specifies whether the dialog is displayed at a fixed location on the screen, or if it may be moved to another location. Resize Allowed Flag, specifies whether the dialog may be resized. Focus Allowed Flag, specifies whether the dialog is allowed to receive input focus. Other dialog configuration parameters may also be specified. Function Key Help Dialog Configuration The function key help dialog configuration defines the appearance of the function key help dialog. It contains the following fields: HELP_DIAGThe help dialog configuration. HELP_VIS The help dialog visible flag. HELP_ANCHORThe help dialog anchored flag. HELP_SCALEThe help dialog resize allowed flag. HELP_FOC_OKThe help dialog focus allowed flag. Log Off Validation Dialog Configuration The log off validation dialog configuration defines the appearance of the log off validation dialog. It contains the following fields: LOG_OFF_DIAGThe log off validation dialog configuration. LOG_OFF_VISThe log off dialog visible flag. LOG_OFF_ANCHORThe log off dialog anchored flag. LOG_OFF_SCALEThe log off dialog resize allowed flag. LOG_OFF_FOC_OKThe log off dialog focus allowed flag.

Page 26NDA-30080 Revision 1.0 Sentry Alarm Control Terminal Sentry Installation Guide Caller Removal Validation Dialog Configuration The caller removal validation dialog configuration defines the appearance of the caller removal validation dialog. It contains the following fields: CALL_RM_DIAGThe caller removal validation dialog configuration. CALL_RM_VISThe caller removal dialog visible flag. CALL_RM_ANCHORThe caller removal dialog anchored flag. CALL_RM_SCALEThe caller removal dialog resize allowed flag. CALL_RM_FOC_OKThe caller removal dialog focus allowed flag. Color Assignments Dialog Configuration The color assignments dialog configuration defines the appearance of the color assignments dialog. It contains the following fields: COLORS_DIAGThe color assignments dialog configuration. COLORS_VISThe color assignments dialog visible flag. COLORS_ANCHORThe color assignments dialog anchored flag. COLORS_SCALEThe color assignments dialog resize allowed flag. COLORS_FOC_OKThe color assignments dialog focus allowed flag. TITLE_COLThe color assignments feature title column value. RINGING_COLThe color assignments call ringing column value. ANSWERED_COLThe color assignments call answered column value. RELEASED_COLThe color assignments call released column value. QUEUED_COLThe color assignments call queued column value. ABANDONED_COLThe color assignments call abandoned column value. MRK_NOR_COLThe color assignments caller marked column value. MRK_HI_COLThe color assignments caller marked and highlighted column value.

NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 27 Sentry Installation Guide Sentry Alarm Control Terminal Windows Configuration FilesThe windows configuration files contain information that defines the Sentry Alarm Control Terminal screen layout. Each window has an associated windows definition file containing the following information: Number of rows and columns in the window. The location of the window on the screen. The window border style and color attributes. The window title offset, color attributes, and string constant. The following text color attributes: Normal text. Highlighted text. Last line in the window. A list of static and dynamic text fields and color attributes. Visibility Flag: specifies whether the window is initially visible or hidden. Anchored Flag: specifies whether the window is displayed at a fixed location on the screen, or if it may be moved to another location. Resize Allowed Flag: specifies whether the window may be resized. Focus Allowed Flag: specifies whether the window is allowed to receive input focus. Scrolling windows also have the following configuration parameters: Scroll Area Row Offset: for scrolling windows, specifies the scrolling area offset from the top of the window. Scroll Area Column Margin: for scrolling windows, specifies the scrolling area margin from the left side of the window. Other window configuration parameters may also be defined. Title Bar Configuration The title bar configuration defines the appearance of the title bar. It contains the following fields: TITLE_WINThe title bar window definition. CLOCK_FORMATThe title bar clock format definition. CLOCK_INTERVALThe title bar clock refresh interval in seconds. TITLE_VISThe title bar visibility flag. TITLE_ANCHORThe title bar anchored flag. TITLE_SCALEThe title bar resize allowed flag. TITLE_FOC_OKThe title bar focus allowed flag.

Page 28NDA-30080 Revision 1.0 Sentry Alarm Control Terminal Sentry Installation Guide Message Bar Configuration The message bar configuration defines the appearance of the message bar. It contains the following fields: MSG_WINThe message bar window definition. MSG_VISThe message bar visible flag. MSG_ANCHORThe message bar anchored flag. MSG_SCALEThe message bar resize allowed flag. MSG_FOC_OKThe message bar focus allowed flag. Login Screen Configuration The login screen configuration defines the appearance of the login screen. It contains the following fields: LOGIN_WINThe login screen window definition. LOGIN_VISThe login screen visibility flag. LOGIN_ANCHORThe login screen anchored flag. LOGIN_SCALEThe login screen resize allowed flag. LOGIN_FOC_OKThe login screen focus allowed flag. Status Window Configuration The status window configuration defines the appearance of the status window. It contains the following fields: STATUS_WINThe status window definition. STATUS_FORMATThe status window data format definition. STATUS_ROW_OFFThe status window scroll area row offset. STATUS_COL_MGNThe status window scroll area column margin. STATUS_VISThe status window visible flag. STATUS_ANCHORThe status window anchored flag. STATUS_SCALEThe status window resize allowed flag. STATUS_FOC_OKThe status window focus allowed flag. STATUS_HLT_OKThe status window highlight bar visible flag. STATUS_SEL_NORThe status window line selected color attribute. STATUS_SEL_HIThe status window highlighted line selected color attribute.

NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 29 Sentry Installation Guide Sentry Alarm Control Terminal Feature Window Configuration Each feature window has a configuration file that defines the appearance of the window. The configuration file contains the following fields (the characters “XXXX” are replaced with the name of the feature window, such as “FIRE”, “ADMIN”, etc.): XXXX_WINThe feature window definition. XXXX_FORMATThe feature window data format definition. XXXX_MONITORThe name of the monitor application associated with the feature window. XXXX_ROW_OFFThe feature window scroll area row offset. XXXX_COL_MGNThe feature window scroll area column margin. XXXX_VISThe feature window visible flag. XXXX_ANCHORThe feature window anchored flag. XXXX_SCALEThe feature window resize allowed flag. XXXX_FOC_OKThe feature window focus allowed flag. XXXX_HLT_OKThe highlight bar visible flag. XXXX_SORTThe feature window sort method. XXXX_FILTERThe feature window filtering method. XXXX_RELThe feature window caller released color attribute. XXXX_RINGThe feature window caller ringing color attribute. XXXX_ANSThe feature window caller answered color attribute. XXXX_QUEUEThe feature window caller queued color attribute. XXXX_ABNDThe feature window caller abandoned color attribute. XXXX_MRK_NORThe feature window caller marked color attribute. XXXX_MRK_HIThe feature window caller marked and highlighted color attribute.

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