NEC Sentry Installation Guide
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NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 111 Sentry Installation Guide History Logging where X is the sequential printer number (1, 2, etc.) and PARITY_???? is one of the following parity constants: PARITY_NONE PARITY_ODD PARITY_EVEN Printer Device Data BitsThe printer device data bits is specified with the PRINTER_X_DATA_BITS variable, which uses the following syntax: INTCONST PRINTER_X_DATA_BITS DATA_BITS_? where X is the sequential printer number (1, 2, etc.) and DATA_BITS_? is one of the following data bits constants: DATA_BITS_5 DATA_BITS_6 DATA_BITS_7 DATA_BITS_8 Printer Device Stop BitsThe printer device stop bits is specified with the PRINTER_X_STOP_BITS variable, which uses the following syntax: INTCONST PRINTER_X_STOP_BITS STOP_BITS_? where X is the sequential printer number (1, 2, etc.) and STOP_BITS_? is one of the following data bits constants: STOP_BITS_1 STOP_BITS_2

Page 112NDA-30080 Revision 1.0 History Logging Sentry Installation Guide Format Configuration Files Each Sentry OAI application has its own set of two format configuration files which control the logging formats. The first file contains data field constant configurations and does not require any modification. The second file contains unique definitions for each history log file or printer and may be modified. The following files are created during the Annoyance Trap installation: annoyDb.cfg data field constants annoyLog.cfg history log definitions The following files are created during the Emergency conference installation. confDb.cfg data field constants confHist.cfg history log definitions The following files are created during the Executive Override installation. overDb.cfg data field constants overHist.cfg history log definitions\ The overDb.cfg file is shared by all Executive Override configuration. This overHist.cfg may also be shared, or it may be copied to allow different history logging configurations for each application. History log configuration variable names use the format LOG_X_????, where X is a sequential number (1, 2, 3, etc.) and the ???? is the variable type (TYPE, NAME, STARTED, etc.). History Log configuration variable names must occur in sequential order, starting with 1. For example, if there are 3 history log files and/or printers in the system, the configuration variables for the first would be called LOG_1_????, the second LOG_2_????, and the third LOG_3_????. The following sections describe common configuration variables defined in the anoyLog.cfg, confHist, cfg, and overHist.cfg files. History Log CountThe configuration variable LOG_COUNT specifies the number of history log definitions and uses the following syntax: INTCONST LOG_COUNT X where X is the number of history log definitions (1, 2, etc.). If x=0, then no history will be written to a file or printer. History Log TypeThe history log type is specified with the LOG_X_TYPE variable, which uses the following syntax: INTCONST LOG_X_TYPE LOG_???? where X is the sequential history log number (1, 2, etc.) and LOG_???? is one of the following log type constants: LOG_FILE: history log messages are written to a Unix File LOG_PRINTER: history log messages are written to a serial printer

NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 113 Sentry Installation Guide History Logging History Log NameThe history log name is specified with the LOG_X_NAME variable, which uses the following syntax: STRCONST LOG_X_NAME “/oai/log/sentry/override” where X is the sequential history log number (1, 2, etc.) and the name contained in quotes is either a Unix File path (if LOG_X_TYPE is set to LOG_FILE) or a tty device (if LOG_X_TYPE is set to LOG_PRINTER). History Log Message FormatsEach message format is defined using a configuration variable called a STRDEF, which has the following syntax: STRDEF FLDDEF . . . FLDDEF DEFEND The keyword STRDEF identifies the start of the variable. The following specifies the name of the variable. The following names are used by the Annoyance Trap History Log Configuration files. LOG_X_STARTED: History Logging is started LOG_X_STOPPED: History Logging is started LOG_X_LOGIN: A user has logged in LOG_X_LOGOUT: A user has logged out LOG_X_STA_STA: An event occurred between two stations LOG_X_STA_TRK: An event occurred between a station and a trunk LOG_X_TRK_STA: An event occurred between a trunk and a station LOG_X_STA_STA: An event occurred between two trunks. The following names are used by the Emergency Conference History Log configuration files: LOG_X_STARTED: History Logging is started LOG_X_STOPPED: History Logging is started LOG_X_LOGIN: A user has logged in LOG_X_LOGOUT: A user has logged out LOG_X_EVENT: An event has occurred The following names are used by Executive Override History Log configuration files: LOG_X_STARTED: History Logging is started LOG_X_STOPPED: History is started LOG_X_EVENT: An event has occurred where X is the sequential history log number (1, 2, etc.).

Page 114NDA-30080 Revision 1.0 History Logging Sentry Installation Guide After the STRDEF line is one or more FLDDEF lines. Each FLDDEF specifies the position and appearance of a data field. The keyword DEFEND identifies the end of the variable. Each FLDDEF line contains a value which specifies the name of a DBFIELD. All DBFIELD are contained in the data field constant configuration file associated with the application. The value specifies the field’s starting position within the message (1 specifies the first character in the message), specifies the maximum size of the field, specifies the color attributes (this value should always be set to NONE), and the optional values may be used to append one or more text constants or DBFIELD values to the message field. Munge values always occur in pairs. The first value is the munge keyword (MUNGE_TXT or MUNGE_FLD), the second is the munge value. If MUNGE_TXT is specified as the keyword, then a text constant enclosed in quotes must follow. If MUNGE_FLD is specified, then a DBFIELD name must follow. Munge pairs can be strung together as shown in the following FLDDEF example: FLDDEF HOURS_24 1 5 NONE MUNGE_TXT “:” MUNGE_FLD MINUTES This FLDDEF creates a message with the format “HH:MM” if the DBFIELD variables HOURS_24 and MINUTES have been defined. Note that the length value is set to 5 to include the length of the munge fields.

NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 115 Sentry Installation Guide History Logging History Log Message Formats (Continued)All history log messages can use the following date and time DBFIELD values to display time stamp information: MONTH_NUM: Numeric Month (1-12, where 1 = January, 12 = December) MONTH_ABRV: Abbreviated Month Names (Jan, Feb, etc.) MONTH_FULL: Full Month Names (January, February, etc.) DAY_NUM: Numeric Data (1-31) WEEK_DAY_ABRV: Abbreviated Weekday Names (Mon, Tue, etc.) WEEK_DAY_FULL: Full Weekday Names (Monday, Tuesday, etc.) YEAR_ABRV: Last two digits of the year (95 = 1995, 96 = 1996, etc.) YEAR_FULL: Full year (1995, 1996, etc.) HOURS_24: 24 Hour Time (0 = midnight, 12 = noon, 23 = 11:00 PM) HOURS_12: 12 Hour Time (1-12) MINUTES: Minutes (0-59) SECONDS: Seconds (0-59) AM_PM: AM / PM string (AM for midnight to 11:59 AM, PM for noon to 11:59 PM)

Page 116NDA-30080 Revision 1.0 History Logging Sentry Installation Guide Annoyance Trap MessagesUser Login, User Logout, and Annoyance Trap Event Messages can use the following DBFIELD values: APPLICATION: Application Type, will always be “Trap” to indicate Annoyance Trap MONITORED_NUM: The Monitored Number used to trigger the Annoyance Trap User Login and User Logout Messages can use the following DBFIELD values: TERMINAL_NAME: The name of the terminal the user is accessing USER_NAME: The name of the user Annoyance Trap Event Messages can use the following DBFIELD values: CALLER_EXT: The caller’s extension number CALLER_RT: The caller’s route number CALLER_TK: The caller’s trunk number CALLER_LOC: The caller’s location obtained from the APM Buildings database CALLER_STAT: The caller’s status (Ringing, Answered, etc.) CALLER_CLASS: The caller’s class (Operator or Caller) CALLER_CONNECT: The extension that is connected to the caller CALLER_CON_RT: The route that is connected to the caller CALLER_CON_TK: The route that is connected to the caller Emergency Conference MessagesUser Login, User Logout, and Conference Event Messages can use the following DBFIELD values: APPLICATION: Application Type, will always be “Conf” to indicate Conference MONITORED_NUM: The Monitored Number used to trigger the conference CONF_NAME: The Conference Name obtained from the APM Conference database User Login and User Logout Messages can use the following DBFIELD values: TERMINAL_NAME: The name of the terminal the user is accessing USER_NAME: The name the user Conference Event Messages can use the following DBFIELD values: CALLER_EXT: The caller’s extension number CALLER_LOC: The caller’s location obtained from the APM Buildings database CALLER_STAT: The caller’s status (Ringing, Answered, etc.) CALLER_CLASS: The caller’s class (Operator or Caller)

NDA-30080 Revision 1.0Page 117 Sentry Installation Guide History Logging Executive Override MessagesExecutive Override Event Messages can use the following DBFIELD values: OVERRIDE_TYPE: The override type (Basic, Auto, Moni) WARNING_FLAG: The warning tone flag (None, Tone1, Tone2) JOIN_METHOD: The override join method (2-Way, 3-Way) EVENT_ABVR: The two character override event abbreviation (AI, CF, CO, CT, DF, DI, DP, DR, DU, IU, JC, MF, NA, OC, OR, OU, SF, TF, UT). EVENT_FULL: The long override event description (AuthInv, ConfFail, CampOn, CampOnTO, DirectFail, DestInv, DestProt, DestRel, DestUnkn, InitUnkn, JoinConv, MoniFail, NoAnswer, OvrComplt, OvrReqst, OvrUnkn, SmfrFail, TimerFail, UserTerm) INTIATOR: The extension that initiated the override DESTINATION: The destination extension to override PARTY_2: The extension of the party connected to the destination AUTH_CODE: The authorization code entered by the user AUTH_NAME: The authorized user’s name AUTH_EXT: The authorized user’s extension

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