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NEC Projector PX602UL-BK User Manual

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Page 61

4. Multi-Screen Projection
❶ Things that can be done using multi-screen projection
This	projector	can	be	used	singly	or	arranged	in	multiple	units	for	multi-screen	projection.
We	will	introduce	an	example	using	two	projection	screens	here.
Case 1
Using	a	single	projector	to	project	two	types	of	videos	at	the	same	time
Case 2
Using	four	projectors	(resolution:	WUXGA)	 to 	 project 	 video 	 with 	 a 	 resolution 	 of 	 2560 	 × 	 1600 	 pixels
Case 1. Using a single...

Page 62

Case 2. Using four projectors (resolution: WUXGA) to project videos with a resolution of 
2560 × 1600 pixels [TILING]
Connection example and projection image
On-screen	menu	operations
1	 Four	similar	videos	are	displayed	when	four	projectors	are	projected.
	 Please	request	the	dealer	to	adjust	the	projection	position	of	each	projector.
4. Multi-Screen Projection  

Page 63

2	 Operate	the	on-screen	menu	using	the	four	respective	projectors	to	divide	the	image	into	four	portions.
	 Display	[DISPLAY] 	→	[MULTI	SCREEN] 	→	[PICTURE	SETTING] 	Screen 	in 	the 	on-screen 	men u 	and 	select 	[TIL-
(1)	In	the 	screen 	f or 	setting 	the 	n umber 	of 	hor izontal 	units , 	select 	[2 	UNITS].	(n umber 	of 	units 	in 	the 	hor izontal 	direc-
(2)	In	the 	screen 	f or 	setting 	the 	n umber 	of 	v ertical 	units , 	select 	[2 	UNITS].	(n umber 	of 	units 	in 	the 	v...

Page 64

Things to note when installing projectors
•	 Leave	1	m 	or 	o ver 	space 	betw een 	the 	projectors 	when 	projectors 	are 	installed 	side 	b y 	side , 	so 	that 	the 	intak e 	and 	
exhaust	vents	of 	the 	projectors 	are 	not 	obstr ucted.	In 	addition, 	lea ve 	a 	space 	of 	at 	least 	30 	cm 	betw een 	the 	intak e/
exhaust	vent	and 	the 	w all.	When 	the 	air 	intak e 	and 	discharge 	outlet 	are 	obstr ucted, 	the 	temper ature 	inside 	the 	
projector	will	rise	and	this	may	result	in	a...

Page 65

❷ Displaying Two Pictures at the Same Time
The	projector	has 	a 	f eature 	that 	allo ws 	y ou 	to 	vie w 	tw o 	diff erent 	signals 	sim ultaneously.	Y ou 	ha ve 	tw o 	modes:	picture 	
in	picture	(PIP)	mode	and	picture	by	picture	(PICTURE	BY	PICTURE)	mode.
The	projection	video 	in 	the 	first 	screen 	displa y 	is 	kno wn 	as 	the 	main 	displa y 	while 	the 	projection 	video 	that 	is 	called 	
out	subsequently	is	known	as	the	sub-display.
Select	the	projection 	function 	under 	[DISPLA Y] 	→...

Page 66

Projecting two screens
1.	 Press	the	MENU 	b utton 	to 	displa y 	the 	on-screen 	men u 	and 	select 	[DISPLA Y] 	→	[PIP/PICTURE	BY 	PICTURE].
	 This	displays	the	[PIP/PICTURE	BY	PICTURE]	screen	in	the	on-screen	menu.
2.	 Select	[SUB	INPUT]	using	the	▼/▲ buttons, and press the ENTER button.
	 This	displays	the	[SUB	INPUT]	screen.
3. Select the input signal using the ▼/▲ buttons, and press the ENTER button.
	 The	[PIP]	(PICTURE 	IN 	PICTURE) 	or 	[PICTURE 	BY 	PICTURE] 	screen 	set 	up 	under 	[MODE]...

Page 67

Switching the main display with the sub-display and vice versa
1.	 Press	the	MENU 	b utton 	to 	displa y 	the 	on-screen 	men u 	and 	select 	[DISPLA Y] 	→	[PIP/PICTURE	BY 	PICTURE].
	 This	displays	the	[PIP/PICTURE	BY	PICTURE]	screen	in	the	on-screen	menu.
2.	 Select	[PICTURE	SWAP]	using	the	▼/▲ buttons and then press the ENTER button.
	 Display	the	screen	for	switching	the	display	positions.
3.	 Select	[ON]	using	the	▼ button and then press the ENTER button.
	 The	video	of	the	main	display	will...

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•	 The	following	operations	are	enabled	only	for	the	main	display.
•	 Visual	adjustments
•	 Video	magnification	/	demaginification	using	the	partial	D-ZOOM/ZOOM	+/−	buttons.
	 However,	magnification	/	demaginification	is	up	to	the	boundary	set	in	[PICTURE	BY	PICTURE].
•	 The	following	oper ations 	are 	enab led 	f or 	both 	the 	main 	displa y 	and 	sub-displa y.	These 	oper ations 	cannot 	be 	ap-
plied	individually.
•	 Momentary	deletion	of	video
•	 Video	pause

Page 69

❸ Displaying a Picture Using [EDGE BLENDING]
A	high	resolution 	video 	can 	be 	projected 	on 	an 	e ven 	bigger 	screen 	b y 	combining 	m ultiple 	projectors 	on 	the 	left, 	r ight, 	
top	and	bottom.
This	projector	is 	equipped 	with 	an 	“EDGE 	BLENDING 	Function”	that 	mak es 	the 	edges 	(boundar ies) 	of 	the 	projection 	
screen	indistinguishable.
•	 For	projector	throw	distances,	refer	to	“Throw	distance	and	screen	size”	on	page	153.
•	 Before	performing 	the 	Edge 	Blending 	function,...

Page 70

•	 Turn	on	the	projector	and	display	a	signal.
•	 When	performing 	settings 	or 	adjustments 	using 	the 	remote 	control, 	enab le 	the 	[CONTR OL 	ID] 	so 	as 	not 	to 	activ ate 	
the	other	projectors.	(→	page	105)
Setting the overlap of projection screens
1. Press the MENU b utton.
	 The	menu	will	be	displayed.
2.	 Select	[EDGE	BLENDING].
	 The	[EDGE	BLENDING] 	screen 	will 	be 	displa yed.	Align 	the 	cursor 	with 	[MODE] 	and 	then 	press 	the 	ENTER 	b...
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