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NEC Projector PX602UL-BK User Manual

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Page 41

❺ Magnifying a Picture
You	can	magnify	the	picture	up	to	four	times.
NOTE:	The	maximum	magnification	may	be	less	than	four	times	depending	on	the	signal.
To	do	so:
1.	 Press	the	D-ZOOM	(+)	button	to	magnify	the	picture.
2. Press the ▲▼◀▶ button.
	 The	area	of	the	magnified	image	will	be	moved
3. Press the D-ZOOM (−) button.
	 Each	time	the	 D-ZOOM 	(−) 	b utton 	 is 	pressed, 	the 	 image 	is 	demagni-
•	 The	image	will	be	magnified	or	demagnified	at	the	center	of	the	screen.

Page 42

❻ Changing LIGHT MODE/Checking Energy-Saving Effect 
When	either	[ECO1] 	or 	[ECO2] 	in 	[LIGHT 	MODE] 	is 	selected, 	motion 	noise 	of 	the 	projector 	is 	cut 	do wn 	b y 	lo wering 	
brightness	of	its	light	source.	By 	 saving 	 energy 	 consumption, 	 the 	 CO2	emission	from	this	projector	can	be	reduced.
LIGHT	MODEIcon	at	the	bottom	
of	the	menuDescription
100%	brightness
The	screen	will	be	brightly	lit.
ECO1Brightness	will	be	at	about	80%.
The	cooling	fan...

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•	 The	[LIGHT	MODE]	can	be	changed	by	using	the	menu.
•	 There	is	an 	[ECO 	MESSAGE] 	function 	for 	displaying 	the 	LIGHT 	MODE 	setting 	in 	use 	on 	the 	screen 	when 	the 	power 	is 	turned 	on. 	
To	change	settings	for	this	message,	select	[SETUP]	→	[MENU	SETUP]	→	[ECO	MESSAGE].	(→ page 95)
•	 The	light	module	hours	used	can	be	checked	in	[USAGE	TIME].	Select	[INFO.]	→	[USAGE	TIME].
•	 After	a	lapse 	of 	1 	minute 	from...

Page 44

Checking Energy-Saving Effect [CARBON METER]
This	feature	will 	sho w 	energy-sa ving 	eff ect 	in 	ter ms 	of 	CO2	emission	reduction 	(kg) 	when 	the 	projector’ s 	[LIGHT 	MODE]	
is	set	to	either	[ECO1]	or	[ECO2].	This	 feature 	 is 	 called 	 as 	 [CARBON 	 METER].
There	are	tw o 	messages:	[T OTAL 	CARBON 	SA VINGS] 	and 	[CARBON 	SA VINGS-SESSION].	The 	[T OTAL 	CARBON 	
SAVINGS]	message	sho ws 	the 	total 	amount 	of 	CO2	emission	reduction 	from 	the 	time 	of 	shipment 	up 	to 	no w.	Y ou...

Page 45

❼ Correcting Horizontal and Vertical Keystone Distortion 
Use	the	[CORNERST ONE] 	f eature 	to 	correct 	k eystone 	(tr apezoidal) 	distor tion 	to 	mak e 	the 	top 	or 	bottom 	and 	the 	left 	
or	right	side	of	the	screen	longer	or	shorter	so	that	the	projected	image	is	rectangular.
1.	 Press	and	hold	the	3D	REFORM	button	for	2	seconds	at	least	to	reset	current	adjustments.
	 Current	adjustments	for	[GEOMETRIC	CORRECTION]	will	be	cleared.
2.	 Project	an	image	so	that	the	screen	is...

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5. Press the ▼	button	to	align	with	the	[CORNERSTONE]	and	then	press	the	ENTER	button.
The	drawing	shows	the	upper	left	icon	(	)	is	selected.
	 The	screen	will	switch	to	the	[CORNERSTONE]	screen.
•	 When	a	[GEOMETRIC 	CORRECTION] 	function 	other 	than 	[CORNERSTONE] 	has 	been 	set 	up, 	the 	[CORNERSTONE] 	screen 	
will	not	be 	displayed. 	When 	the 	screen 	is 	not 	displayed, 	either 	press 	the 	3D 	REFORM 	button 	for 	2 	or 	more 	seconds, 	or 	run 	

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13. Press  the ◀ or ▶	button	to	highlight	the	[OK]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
	 This	completes	the	[CORNERSTONE]	correction.
•	 Returning	to	the	[CORNERSTONE]	screen,	select	[CANCEL]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
•	 Even	when	the	projector	is	turned	on,	the	last	used	correction	values	are	applied.
•	 Carry	out	either	one	of	the	following	actions	to	clear	the	adjustment	value	of	[CORNERSTONE].
•	 In	Step	12,	select	[RESET]	and	then	press	the	ENTER	button.
•	 Press	the	3D	REFORM	button	for	2	or...

Page 48

❽ Preventing the Unauthorized Use of the Projector [SECURITY]
A	keyword	can 	be 	set 	f or 	y our 	projector 	using 	the 	Men u 	to 	a void 	oper ation 	b y 	an 	unauthor ized 	user .	When 	a 	k eyword 	
is	set,	turning 	on 	the 	projector 	will 	displa y 	the 	K eyword 	input 	screen.	Unless 	the 	correct 	k eyword 	is 	entered, 	the 	pro-
jector	cannot	project	an	image.	
•	The	 [SECURITY] 	 setting 	 cannot 	 be 	 cancelled 	 by 	 using 	 the 	 [RESET] 	 of 	 the 	 menu.
To	enable	the	Security...

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7.	 Type	in	the	same	combination	of	▲▼◀▶ buttons and press the ENTER button.
	 The	confirmation	screen	will	be	displayed.
8.	 Select	[YES]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
	 The	SECURITY	function	has	been	enabled.
To	turn	on	the	projector	when	[SECURITY]	is	enabled:
1. Press the  button.
•	 If	using	the	remote	control,	press	the	POWER	ON	button.
	 The	projector	will 	be 	tur ned 	on 	and 	displa y 	a 	message 	to 	the 	eff ect 	
that	the	projector	is	locked.
2. Press the MENU button.
3. Type in the...

Page 50

To	disable	the	SECURITY	function:
1. Press the MENU button.
	 The	menu	will	be	displayed.
2.	 Select	[SETUP]	→	[CONTROL]	→	[SECURITY]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
	 The	OFF/ON	menu	will	be	displayed.
3.	 Select	[OFF]	and	press	the	ENTER	button.
	 The	SECURITY	KEYWORD	screen	will	be	displayed.
4. Type in your keyword and press the ENTER button.
	 When	the	correct	keyword	is	entered,	the	SECURITY	function	will	be	disabled.
NOTE:	If	you 	forget 	your 	keyword, 	contact 	your 	dealer . 	Y our 	dealer 	will...
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