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NEC Projector PX602UL-BK User Manual

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    PX6 02 U L-W H/PX6 02 U L- B K/ 
    User’s Manual
    Model No.
    							Ver. 1 9/14
    •	 Apple,	Mac,	Mac	OS,	and	MacBook	are	trademarks	of	Apple	Inc.	registered 	 in 	 the 	 U.S.	 and 	 other 	 countries.
    •	 Microsoft,	Windows, 	Windo ws 	Vista, 	Inter net 	Explorer , 	.NET 	F ramework 	and 	P owerPoint 	are 	either 	a 	registered 	
    trademark	or	trademark	of	Microsoft	Corporation	in	the	United	States	and/or	other	countries.
    •	 MicroSaver	is	a	registered	trademark	of	Kensington	Computer	Products	Group,	a	division	of	ACCO	Brands.
    •	 Adobe,	Adobe	PDF , 	Adobe 	Reader , 	and 	Acrobat 	are 	either 	registered 	tr ademarks 	or 	tr ademarks 	of 	Adobe 	Systems 	
    Incorporated	in	the	United	States	and/or	other	countries.
    •	 Virtual	Remote	Tool 	 uses 	WinI2C/DDC 	 library, 	 © 	 Nicomsoft 	 Ltd.
    •	 HDMI,	the	HDMI 	Logo 	and 	High-Definition 	Multimedia 	Interf ace 	are 	tr ademarks 	or 	registered 	tr ademarks 	of 	HDMI 	
    Licensing	LLC.
    •	 DisplayPort	and	Displa yPort 	Compliance 	Logo 	are 	tr ademarks 	o wned 	b y 	the 	Video 	Electronics 	Standards 	Associa-
    •	 HDBaseT™	is	a	trademark	of	HDBaseT	Alliance.
    •	 DLP	and	BrilliantColor	are	trademarks	of	T exas 	 Instruments.	
    •	 Trademark	PJLink	is 	a 	tr ademark 	applied 	f or 	tr ademark 	r ights 	in 	J apan, 	the 	United 	States 	of 	Amer ica 	and 	other 	
    countries	and	areas.
    •	 Wi-Fi®,	Wi-Fi	Alliance®,	and	Wi-Fi 	Protected 	Access 	(WP A, 	WP A2)®	are	registered 	tr ademarks 	of 	the 	Wi-Fi 	Alliance .
    •	 Blu-ray	is	a	trademark	of	Blu-ray	Disc	Association
    •	 CRESTRON	and	R OOMVIEW 	are 	registered 	tr ademarks 	of 	Crestron 	Electronics , 	Inc.	in 	the 	United 	States 	and 	other	
    •	 Ethernet	is	either	a	registered	trademark	or	trademark	of	Fuji	Xerox	Co.,	Ltd.
    •	 Other	product	and 	compan y 	names 	mentioned 	in 	this 	user’ s 	man ual 	ma y 	be 	the 	tr ademarks 	or 	registered 	tr ademarks	
    of	their	respective	holders.
    •	 TOPPERS	Software	Licenses
    	 The	product	includes	software	licensed	under	TOPPERS 	 License.
    	 For	more	inf ormation 	on 	each 	softw are, 	see 	“readme .pdf ”	inside 	the 	“about 	T OPPERS”	f older 	on 	the 	supplied 	CD-
    (1)	 The	contents	of	this	user’s	manual	may	not	be	reprinted	in	part	or	whole	without	permission.
    (2)	 The	contents	of	this	user’s	manual	are	subject	to	change	without	notice.
    (3)	 Great	care	has 	been 	tak en 	in 	the 	prepar ation 	of 	this 	user’ s 	man ual;	ho wever, 	should 	y ou 	notice 	an y 	questionab le 	
    points,	errors	or	omissions,	please	contact	us.
    (4)	 Notwithstanding	article 	(3), 	NEC 	will 	not 	be 	responsib le 	f or 	an y 	claims 	on 	loss 	of 	profit 	or 	other 	matters 	deemed 	
    to	result	from	using	the	Projector. 
    Important Information
    Safety Cautions
    Please	read	this	manual	carefully	before	using	your	NEC	projector	and	keep	the	manual	handy	for	future	reference.
    To	turn	off	main	power,	be	sure	to	remove	the	plug	from	power	outlet.
    The	power	outlet 	soc ket 	should 	be 	installed 	as 	near 	to 	the 	equipment 	as 	possib le, 	and 	should 	be 	easily 	
    This	symbol	w arns 	the 	user 	that 	uninsulated 	v oltage 	within 	the 	unit 	ma y 	be 	sufficient 	to 	cause 	electr ical 	
    shock.	Therefore, 	 it 	 is 	 dangerous 	 to 	 make 	 any 	 kind 	 of 	 contact 	 with 	 any 	 part 	 inside 	 of 	 the 	 unit.
    This	symbol	aler ts 	the 	user 	that 	impor tant 	inf ormation 	concer ning 	the 	oper ation 	and 	maintenance 	of 	this 	
    unit	has	been	provided.
    The	information	should	be	read	carefully	to	avoid	problems.
    DOC Compliance Notice (for Canada only)
    This	Class	B	digital	apparatus	complies	with	Canadian	ICES-003.
    Machine Noise Information Regulation - 3. GPSGV,
    The	highest	sound	pressure	level	is	less	than	70	dB	(A)	in	accordance	with	EN	ISO	7779.
    Avoid	displaying	stationary	images	for	a	prolonged	period	of	time.
    Doing	so	can	result	in	these	images	being	temporarily	sustained	on	the	surface	of	the	LCD	panel.
    If	this	should 	happen, 	contin ue 	to 	use 	y our 	projector .	The 	static 	bac kground 	from 	pre vious 	images 	will 	
    Disposing of your used product
    EU-wide	legislation	as	i mplemented	i n	e ach	M ember	S tate	r equires	t hat	u sed	e lectrical	a nd	e lectronic	p rod-
    ucts	carrying	the 	mar k 	(left) 	m ust 	be 	disposed 	of 	separ ately 	from 	nor mal 	household 	w aste.	This 	includes 	
    projectors	and	their 	electr ical 	accessor ies 	or 	lamps .	When 	y ou 	dispose 	of 	such 	products , 	please 	f ollow 	the 	
    guidance	of	your	local	authority	and/or	ask	the	shop	where	you	purchased	the	product.
    After	collecting	the 	used 	products , 	the y 	are 	reused 	and 	recycled 	in 	a 	proper 	w ay.	This 	eff ort 	will 	help 	us 	
    reduce	the	w astes 	as 	w ell 	as 	the 	negativ e 	impact 	such 	as 	mercur y 	contained 	in 	a 	lamp 	to 	the 	human 	health 	
    and	the	environment	at	the	minimum	level.
    The	mark	on	the	e lectrical	a nd	e lectronic	p roducts	o nly	a pplies	t o	t he	c urrent	E uropean	U nion	M ember	S tates. 
    Handling	the	cab les 	supplied 	with 	this 	product 	will 	e xpose 	y ou 	to 	lead, 	a 	chemical 	kno wn 	to 	the 	State 	of 	Calif ornia 	
    to	cause	birth	defects	or	other	reproductive	harm.	WASH 	 HANDS 	 AFTER 	 HANDLING.
    RF Interference (for USA only)
    The	Federal	Comm unications 	Commission 	does 	not 	allo w 	an y 	modifications 	or 	changes 	to 	the 	unit 	EXCEPT 	those 	
    specified	by	NEC 	Displa y 	Solutions 	of 	Amer ica, 	Inc.	in 	this 	man ual.	F ailure 	to 	comply 	with 	this 	go vernment 	regu-
    lation	could	v oid 	y our 	r ight 	to 	oper ate 	this 	equipment.	This 	equipment 	has 	been 	tested 	and 	f ound 	to 	comply 	with 	
    the	limits	for 	a 	Class 	B 	digital 	de vice, 	pursuant 	to 	P art 	15 	of 	the 	FCC 	Rules .	These 	limits 	are 	designed 	to 	pro vide 	
    reasonable	protection	against 	har mful 	interf erence 	in 	a 	residential 	installation.	This 	equipment 	gener ates, 	uses , 	and	
    can	radiate	r adio 	frequency 	energy 	and, 	if 	not 	installed 	and 	used 	in 	accordance 	with 	the 	instr uctions, 	ma y 	cause 	
    harmful	interference 	to 	r adio 	comm unications.	Ho wever, 	there 	is 	no 	guar antee 	that 	interf erence 	will 	not 	occur 	in 	a 	
    particular	installation.
    If	this	equipment 	does 	cause 	har mful 	interf erence 	to 	r adio 	or 	tele vision 	reception, 	which 	can 	be 	deter mined 	b y 	
    turning	the	equipment 	off 	and 	on, 	the 	user 	is 	encour aged 	to 	tr y 	to 	correct 	the 	interf erence 	b y 	one 	or 	more 	of 	the 	
    following	measures:
    •	 Reorient	or	relocate	the	receiving	antenna.
    •	 Increase	the	separation	between	the	equipment	and	receiver.
    •	 Connect	the	equipment	into	an	outlet	on	a	circuit	different	from	that	to	which	the	receiver	is	connected.
    •	 Consult	the	dealer	or	an	experienced	radio	/	TV	 technician 	 for 	 help.
    For	UK	only:	In 	UK, 	a 	BS 	appro ved 	po wer 	cord 	with 	moulded 	plug 	has 	a 	Blac k 	(fiv e 	Amps) 	fuse 	installed 	f or 	use 	with 	
    this	equipment.	If 	 a 	 power 	 cord 	 is 	 not 	 supplied 	 with 	 this 	 equipment 	 please 	 contact 	 your 	 supplier.
    Important Safeguards
    These	safety	instr uctions 	are 	to 	ensure 	the 	long 	lif e 	of 	y our 	projector 	and 	to 	pre vent 	fire 	and 	shoc k.	Please 	read 	them 	
    carefully	and	heed	all	warnings.
    •	 Do	not	place	the	projector	in	the	following	conditions:
    -	 on	an	unstable	cart,	stand,	or	table.
    -	 near	water,	baths,	or	damp	rooms.
    -	 in	direct	sunlight,	near	heaters,	or	heat	radiating	appliances.
    -	 in	a	dusty,	smoky	or	steamy	environment.	
    -	 on	a	sheet	of	paper	or	cloth,	rugs	or	carpets.
    •	 If	you	wish	to	have	the	projector	installed	on	the	ceiling:
    -	 Do	not	attempt	to	install	the	projector	yourself.
    -	 The	projector	m ust 	be 	installed 	b y 	qualified 	technicians 	in 	order 	to 	ensure 	proper 	oper ation 	and 	reduce 	the 	r isk 	
    of	bodily	injury.
    -	 In	addition,	the 	ceiling 	m ust 	be 	strong 	enough 	to 	suppor t 	the 	projector 	and 	the 	installation 	m ust 	be 	in 	accordance 	
    with	any	local	building	codes.
    -	 Please	consult	your	dealer	for	more	information.
    Important Information  
    •	 Do	not	place 	an y 	objects , 	which 	are 	easily 	aff ected 	b y 	heat, 	in 	front 	of 	the 	projector 	lens .	Doing 	so 	could 	lead 	
    to	the	object	melting	from	the	heat	that	is	emitted	from	the	light	output.	
    Do	not	use 	the 	projector 	with 	it 	leaning 	to 	the 	left 	and 	r ight.	This 	ma y 	result 	in 	a 	malfunction, 	ho wever, 	por trait 	instal-
    lation*	is	possib le.	F or 	por trait 	installation, 	install 	the 	projector 	with 	the 	intak e 	v ent 	at 	the 	bottom.	Obser ve 	precautions 	
    for	portrait	installation.*	 A	customized	stand	and	a	safety	cover	(sold	separately)	need	to	be	attached	to	the	projector.	(→	page	136)
     Fire and Shock Precautions 
    •	 Ensure	that	there 	is 	sufficient 	v entilation 	and 	that 	v ents 	are 	unobstr ucted 	to 	pre vent 	the 	b uild-up 	of 	heat 	inside 	y our 	
    projector.	Allow 	 enough 	 space 	 between 	 your 	 projector 	 and 	 a 	 wall.	 (→	page	vii)
    •	 Do	not	try 	to 	touch 	the 	e xhaust 	v ent 	on 	the 	left 	front 	(when 	seen 	from 	the 	front) 	as 	it 	can 	become 	heated 	while 	the 	
    projector	is	tur ned 	on 	and 	immediately 	after 	the 	projector 	is 	tur ned 	off .	P arts 	of 	the 	projector 	ma y 	become 	tempor arily	
    heated	if	the 	projector 	is 	tur ned 	off 	with 	the 	PO WER 	b utton 	or 	if 	the 	A C 	po wer 	supply 	is 	disconnected 	dur ing 	nor mal 	
    projector	operation.	
    	 Use	caution	when	picking	up	the	projector.
    •	 Prevent	foreign	objects 	such 	as 	paper 	clips 	and 	bits 	of 	paper 	from 	f alling 	into 	y our 	projector .	Do 	not 	attempt 	to 	retr ieve	
    any	objects	that 	might 	f all 	into 	y our 	projector .	Do 	not 	inser t 	an y 	metal 	objects 	such 	as 	a 	wire 	or 	scre wdriver 	into 	y our 	
    projector.	If	something 	should 	f all 	into 	y our 	projector , 	disconnect 	it 	immediately 	and 	ha ve 	the 	object 	remo ved 	b y 	a 	
    qualified	service	personnel.
    •	 Do	not	place	any	objects	on	top	of	the	projector.
    •	 Do	not	touch	the	power	plug	during	a	thunderstorm.	Doing 	 so 	 can 	 cause 	 electrical 	 shock 	 or 	 fire.
    •	 The	projector	is 	designed 	to 	oper ate 	on 	a 	po wer 	supply 	of 	100-240V 	A C 	50/60 	Hz.	Ensure 	that 	y our 	po wer 	supply 	
    fits	this	requirement	before	attempting	to	use	your	projector.
    •	 Do	not	look	into	the	lens	while	the	projector	is	on.	Serious 	 damage 	 to 	 your 	 eyes 	 could 	 result.
    •	 Do	not	look 	into 	the 	light 	source 	using 	optical 	instr uments 	(such 	as 	magnifying 	glasses 	and 	mirrors).	Visual 	impair-
    ment	could	result.
    •	 When	turning	on	the	projector,	make	sure	no	one	within	projection	range	is	looking	at	the	lens.
    •	 Keep	any	items 	(magnifying 	glass 	etc.) 	out 	of 	the 	light 	path 	of 	the 	projector .	The 	light 	path 	being 	projected 	from 	the 	
    lens	is	extensive, 	theref ore 	an y 	kind 	of 	abnor mal 	objects 	that 	can 	redirect 	light 	coming 	out 	of 	the 	lens , 	can 	cause 	
    an	unpredictable	outcome	such	as	a	fire	or	injury	to	the	eyes.
    •	 Do	not	place	any	objects,	which	are	easily	affected	by	heat,	in	front	of	a	projector	exhaust	vent.
    	 Doing	so	could 	lead 	to 	the 	object 	melting 	or 	getting 	y our 	hands 	b urned 	from 	the 	heat 	that 	is 	emitted 	from 	the 	e xhaust 	
    Important Information  
    •	 Handle	the	power	cord	carefully.	A 	 damaged 	 or 	 frayed 	 power 	 cord 	 can 	 cause 	 electric 	 shock 	 or 	 fire.
    -	 Do	not	use	any	power	cord	other	than	the	one	supplied	with	the	projector.
    -	 Do	not	bend	or	tug	the	power	cord	excessively.
    -	 Do	not	place	the	power	cord	under	the	projector,	or	any	heavy	object.
    -	 Do	not	cover	the	power	cord	with	other	soft	materials	such	as	rugs.
    -	 Do	not	heat	the	power	cord.
    -	 Do	not	handle	the	power	plug	with	wet	hands.
    •	 Turn	off	the 	projector , 	unplug 	the 	po wer 	cord 	and 	ha ve 	the 	projector 	ser viced 	b y 	a 	qualified 	ser vice 	personnel 	under 	
    the	following	conditions:
    -	 When	the	power	cord	or	plug	is	damaged	or	frayed.
    -	 If	liquid	has	been	spilled	into	the	projector,	or	if	it	has	been	exposed	to	rain	or	water.	
    -	 If	the	projector	does	not	operate	normally	when	you	follow	the	instructions	described	in	this	user’s	manual.
    -	 If	the	projector	has	been	dropped	or	the	cabinet	has	been	damaged.
    -	 If	the	projector	exhibits	a	distinct	change	in	performance,	indicating	a	need	for	service.
    •	 Disconnect	the	power	cord	and	any	other	cables	before	carrying	the	projector.
    •	 Turn	off	the	projector	and	unplug	the	power	cord	before	cleaning	the	cabinet.
    •	 Turn	off	the	projector	and	unplug	the	power	cord	if	the	projector	is	not	to	be	used	for	an	extended	period	of	time.
    •	 When	using	a	LAN	cable:
    	 For	safety,	do	not	connect	to	the	terminal	for	peripheral	device	wiring	that	might	have	excessive	voltage.
    •	 Do	not	place 	y our 	fingers 	inside 	the 	lens 	hood 	while 	perf orming 	a 	lens 	shift.	F ailure 	to 	do 	so 	could 	result 	in 	fingers 	
    being	pinched	between	the	cabinet	and	lens.
    •	 Do	not	use 	the 	tilt-f oot 	f or 	pur poses 	other 	than 	or iginally 	intended.	Misuses 	such 	as 	g ripping 	the 	tilt-f oot 	or 	hang-
    ing	on	the	wall	can	cause	damage	to	the	projector.
    •	 Do	not	send 	the 	projector 	in 	the 	soft 	case 	b y 	parcel 	deliv ery 	ser vice 	or 	cargo 	shipment.	The 	projector 	inside 	the 	
    soft	case	could	be	damaged.
    •	 Select	[HIGH]	in 	F an 	mode 	if 	y ou 	contin ue 	to 	use 	the 	projector 	f or 	consecutiv e 	da ys.	(F rom 	the 	men u, 	select 	
    [SETUP]	→	[OPTIONS(1)]	→	[FAN	MODE]	→	[MODE]	→	[HIGH].)
    •	 Do	not	br ing 	the 	projector 	holding 	it 	b y 	the 	lens 	hood.	The 	projector 	ma y 	be 	dropped 	do wn 	and 	it 	ma y 	be 	cause 	
    of	human	injury.
    •	 If	a	safety 	co ver 	(sold 	separ ately) 	is 	used, 	do 	not 	carr y 	the 	projector 	b y 	the 	co ver.	The 	saf ety 	co ver 	can 	come 	off 	
    and	the	projector	may	be	dropped,	causing	personal	injury.
    •	 Do	not	unplug 	the 	po wer 	cord 	from 	the 	w all 	outlet 	or 	projector 	when 	the 	projector 	is 	po wered 	on.	Doing 	so 	can 	
    cause	damage	to	the	AC	IN	terminal	of	the	projector	and	(or)	the	prong	plug	of	the	power	cord.	
    	 To	turn	off 	the 	A C 	po wer 	supply 	when 	the 	projector 	is 	po wered 	on, 	use 	the 	projector’ s 	main 	po wer 	s witch, 	a 	po wer 	
    strip	equipped	with	a	switch,	or	a	breaker.
    Caution on Handling the Optional Lens
    When	shipping	the 	projector 	with 	the 	lens , 	remo ve 	the 	lens 	bef ore 	shipping 	the 	projector .	Alw ays 	attach 	the 	dust 	cap 	
    to	the	lens 	whene ver 	it 	is 	not 	mounted 	on 	the 	projector .	The 	lens 	and 	the 	lens 	shift 	mechanism 	ma y 	encounter 	damage 	
    caused	by	improper	handling	during	transportation.	
    Do	not	hold	the	lens	part	when	carrying	the	projector.
    Doing	so	could	cause	the	focus	ring	to	rotate,	resulting	in	accidental	dropping	of	the	projector.
    Remote Control Precautions
    •	 Handle	the	remote	control	carefully.
    •	 If	the	remote	control	gets	wet,	wipe	it	dry	immediately.
    •	 Avoid	excessive	heat	and	humidity.
    •	 Do	not	short,	heat,	or	take	apart	batteries.
    •	 Do	not	throw	batteries	into	fire.
    •	 If	you	will	not	be	using	the	remote	control	for	a	long	time,	remove	the	batteries.
    •	 Ensure	that	you	have	the	batteries’	polarity 	 (+/−) 	 aligned 	 correctly.
    •	 Do	not	use	new	and	old	batteries	together,	or	use	different	types	of	batteries	together.
    •	 Dispose	of	used	batteries	according	to	your	local	regulations.
    Important Information  
    Light Module
    1.	 A	light	module	containing	multiple	laser	diodes	is	equipped	in	the	product	as	the	light	source.
    2.	 These	laser	diodes 	are 	sealed 	in 	the 	light 	module .	No 	maintenance 	or 	ser vice 	is 	required 	f or 	the 	perf ormance 	of 	
    the	light	module.
    3.	 End	user	is	not	allowed	to	replace	the	light	module.
    4.	 Contact	qualified	distributor	for	light	module	replacement	and	further	information.
    Laser Safety Caution
    •	 This	product	is	classified	as	Class	2	of	IEC60825-1	Second	edition	2007-03.
    	 Also	complies	with 	FD A 	perf ormance 	standards 	21 	CFR 	1040.10 	and 	1040.11 	f or 	laser 	products 	e xcept 	f or 	de via-
    tions	pursuant	to	Laser	Notice	No.50,	dated	June	24,	2007.	
    	 Obey	the	laws	and	regulations	of	your	country	in	relation	to	the	installation	and	management	of	the	device.
    •	 The	laser	module	is	equipped	in	this	product.
    	 Use	of	controls 	or 	adjustments 	of 	procedures 	other 	than 	those 	specified 	herein 	ma y 	result 	in 	hazardous 	r adiation 	
    •	 This	caution	labels	are	on	the	side	face	of	the	cabinet.
    	 The	explanatory	label	of	the	CLASS	2	LASER	PRODUCTS	is	on	the	right	side	of	the	projector	body.
    About High Altitude mode
    •	 Set	[FAN	MODE]	to	[HIGH]	when	using	the	projector	at	altitudes	approximately	2500	feet/760	meters	or	higher.
    	 Using	the	projector 	at 	altitudes 	appro ximately 	2500 	f eet/760 	meters 	or 	higher 	without 	setting 	to 	[HIGH] 	can 	cause 	
    the	projector	to 	o verheat 	and 	the 	protector 	could 	shut 	do wn.	If 	this 	happens , 	w ait 	a 	couple 	min utes 	and 	tur n 	on 	the 	
    •	 Using	the	projector 	at 	altitudes 	appro ximately 	2500 	f eet/760 	meters 	or 	higher 	can 	shor ten 	the 	lif e 	of 	optical 	compo-
    nents	such	as	the	light	module.
    About Copyright of original projected pictures:
    Please	note	that 	using 	this 	projector 	f or 	the 	pur pose 	of 	commercial 	gain 	or 	the 	attr action 	of 	pub lic 	attention 	in 	a 	v enue 	
    such	as	a 	coff ee 	shop 	or 	hotel 	and 	emplo ying 	compression 	or 	e xpansion 	of 	the 	screen 	image 	with 	the 	f ollowing 	func-
    tions	may	raise	concern	about	the	infringement	of	copyrights	which	are	protected	by	copyright	law.
    [ASPECT	RATIO],	[KEYSTONE],	Magnifying	feature	and	other	similar	features.
    Turkish RoHS information relevant for Turkish market
    EEE Yönetmeliğine Uygundur.
    This	device	is 	not 	intended 	f or 	use 	in 	the 	direct 	field 	of 	vie w 	at 	visual 	displa y 	w orkplaces.	T o 	a void 	incommoding 	reflec-
    tions	at	visual	display	workplaces	this	device	must	not	be	placed	in	the	direct	field	of	view.
    Important Information  
     Health precautions to users viewing 3D images
    Before	viewing,	be 	sure 	to 	read 	health 	care 	precautions 	that 	ma y 	be 	f ound 	in 	the 	user’ s 	man ual 	included 	with 	y our 	3D	
    eyeglasses	or	y our 	3D 	compatib le 	content 	such 	as 	Blu-r ay 	Discs , 	video 	games , 	computer’ s 	video 	files 	and 	the 	lik e.
    To	avoid	any	adverse	symptoms,	heed	the	following:
    •	 Do	not	use	3D	eyeglasses	for	viewing	any	material	other	than	3D	images.
    •	 Allow	a	distance 	of 	2 	m/7 	f eet 	or 	g reater 	betw een 	the 	screen 	and 	a 	user .	Vie wing 	3D 	images 	from 	too 	close 	a 	
    distance	can	strain	your	eyes.
    •	 Avoid	viewing	3D 	images 	f or 	a 	prolonged 	per iod 	of 	time .	T ake 	a 	break 	of 	15 	min utes 	or 	longer 	after 	e very 	hour 	
    of	viewing.
    •	 If	you	or 	an y 	member 	of 	y our 	f amily 	has 	a 	histor y 	of 	light-sensitiv e 	seizures , 	consult 	a 	doctor 	bef ore 	vie wing 	3D 	
    •	 While	viewing 	3D 	images , 	if 	y ou 	get 	sic k 	such 	as 	nausea, 	dizziness , 	queasiness , 	headache , 	e yestrain, 	b lurry 	
    vision,	convulsions,	and	numbness,	stop	viewing	them.	If 	 symptoms 	 still 	 persist, 	 consult 	 a 	 doctor.	
    •	 View	3D	images	from	the	front	of	the	screen.	Viewing 	 from 	 an 	 angle 	 may 	 cause 	 fatigue 	 or 	 eyestrain.	
    Replacing the light source
    •	 The	laser	light 	source 	of 	this 	de vice 	is 	r ated 	f or 	20,000 	hours* 	of 	use .	The 	ser vice 	lif e 	of 	light 	source 	can 	be 	aff ected 	
    by	the	usage 	en vironment.	Contact 	the 	NEC 	customer 	ser vice 	suppor t 	center 	to 	purchase 	a 	replacement 	light 	source .
    *	 It	is	the 	nominal 	hours 	b y 	50% 	br ightness 	reduction 	of 	the 	independent 		laser 	light 	source , 	and 	it 	is 	not 	guar anteed.
    Power management function
    In	order	to 	k eep 	po wer 	consumption 	lo w, 	the 	f ollowing 	po wer 	management 	functions 	(1) 	and 	(2) 	ha ve 	been 	set 	when 	
    shipped	from	the 	f actory.	Please 	displa y 	the 	on-screen 	men u 	and 	change 	the 	settings 	(1) 	and 	(2) 	according 	to 	the 	
    aim	of	using	the	projector.
    1. STANDBY MODE (Factory preset: NORMAL)
    •	 When	[NORMAL]	is	selected	for	[STANDBY	MODE],	the	following	terminals	and	functions	will	not	work:
    	 HDMI	OUT	terminal,	Ethernet/HDBaseT	Port,	USB	Port,	LAN	functions,	Mail	Alert	function
    	(→	page	114)
    2. AUTO POWER OFF (Factory preset: 1 hour)
    •	 When	[1:00] 	is 	selected 	f or 	[A UTO 	PO WER 	OFF], 	y ou 	can 	enab le 	the 	projector 	to 	automatically 	tur n 	off 	in 	1 	
    hour	if	there	is	no	signal	received	by	any	input	or	if	no	operation	is	performed.
    	(→	page	115)
    Important Information  
    Clearance for Installing the Projector
    Allow	ample	clearance	between	the	projector	and	its	surroundings	as	shown	below.
    The	high	temperature	exhaust	coming	out	of	the	device	may	be	sucked	into	the	device	again.
    Avoid	installing	the	projector	in	a	place	where	air	movement	from	the	HVAC	is	directed	at	the	projector.
    Heated	air	from 	the 	HV AC 	can 	be 	tak en 	in 	b y 	the 	projector's 	intak e 	v ent.	If 	this 	happens , 	the 	temper ature 	inside 	the 	
    projector	will	rise	too	high	causing	the	over-temperature	protector	to	automatically	turn	off	the	projectors	power.
    Example 1 – If there are walls on both sides of the projector.
    30	cm/11.8"	or	greater30 	 cm/11.8" 	 or 	 greater
    Intake 	 vent
    The drawing shows the proper clearance required for the front, back and \
    top of the projector.
    Example 2 – In the case of portrait projection.
    Intake	vent Saf ety 	 cover
    	 cm/11.8" 	 or 	 greater
    •	 The	drawing	shows	the	proper	clearance	required	for	the	front,	back	and	top	of	the	projector.
    •	 See	page	135 for an installation example on portrait projection.
    Important Information  
    Table of Contents
    Important Information ........................................................................\
    1. Introduction ........................................................................\
    	What’s 	 in 	 the 	 Box? ........................................................................\
    	Introduction	to	the	Projector ........................................................................\
    Congratulations	on	Y our 	 Purchase 	 of 	 the 	 Projector ..................................................2
    Light	source	·	Brightness ........................................................................\
    About	this	user’s	manual ........................................................................\
    	Part	Names	of	the	Projector ........................................................................\
    Controls/Indicator	Panel ........................................................................\
    Terminals	Features ........................................................................\
    	Part	Names	of	the	Remote	Control ........................................................................\
    Battery	Installation ........................................................................\
    Remote	Control	Precautions ........................................................................\
    Operating	Range	for	Wireless 	 Remote 	 Control .......................................................11
    Using	the	Remote	Control	in	Wired	 Operation ........................................................11
    2. Projecting an Image (Basic Operation) ...............................................12
    	Flow	of	Projecting	an	Image ........................................................................\
    	Connecting	Y our 	 Computer/Connecting 	 the 	 Power 	 Cord ..............................................13
    	Turning 	 on 	 the 	 Projector ........................................................................\
    Note	on	Startup	screen	(Menu	Language	Select	screen) .......................................15
    	Selecting	a	Source ........................................................................\
    Selecting	the	computer	or	video	source.................................................................. 16
    	Adjusting	the	Picture	Size	and	Position ........................................................................\
    Adjusting	the	vertical	position	of	a	projected	image	(Lens	shift) .............................19
    Adjusting	the	Tilt 	 Foot ........................................................................\
    	Optimizing	Computer	Signal	Automatically ..................................................................23
    Adjusting	the	Image	Using	Auto	Adjust ...................................................................23
    	Turning 	 off 	 the 	 Projector ........................................................................\
    	After	Use........................................................................\
    ............................................... 25
    3. Convenient Features ........................................................................\
    	Turn 	 off 	 the 	 light 	 of 	 the 	 projector 	 (LENS 	 SHUTTER) ....................................................26
    	Turning 	 off 	 the 	 Image ........................................................................\
    	Turning 	 Off 	 the 	 On-Screen 	 Menu 	 (On-Screen 	 Mute) ....................................................26
    	Freezing	a	Picture ........................................................................\
    	Magnifying	a	Picture ........................................................................\
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