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NEC Projector PX602UL-BK User Manual

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    ❾ Projecting 3D videos
    This	projector	supports	DLP-Link	glasses	and	3D	emitter.
    Health precautions
    Before	use,	please 	mak e 	sure 	to 	read 	an y 	health 	precautions 	that 	ma y 	be 	stated 	in 	the 	oper ating 	man uals 	enclosed 	
    with	the	3D	eyewear	and	3D	video	software	(Blu-ray	player,	games,	computer	animation	files,	etc.).
    Please	take	note	of	the	following	in	order	to	avoid	adverse	health	effects.
    •	 Please	do	not	use	the	3D	eyewear	for	purposes	other	than	to	watch	3D	videos.
    •	 Please	keep	a 	distance 	of 	at 	least 	2 	m 	a way 	from 	the 	screen 	when 	w atching 	videos .	W atching 	a 	video 	too 	close 	
    to	the	screen	will	increase	eye	fatigue.
    •	 Please	do	not 	w atch 	videos 	contin uously 	f or 	a 	long 	per iod 	of 	time .	Please 	tak e 	a 	15 	min utes’	break 	after 	e very 	
    hour	of	watching.
    •	 Please	consult	a 	doctor 	bef ore 	w atching 	if 	y ou 	or 	an y 	of 	y our 	f amily 	members 	ha ve 	a 	histor y 	of 	suff ering 	from 	
    seizures	caused	by	light	sensitivity.
    •	 Please	stop	w atching 	immediately 	and 	tak e 	a 	rest 	when 	y ou 	f eel 	ph ysically 	unw ell 	while 	w atching 	(v omiting, 	gid-
    diness,	nausea,	headaches , 	sore 	e yes, 	b lurred 	vision, 	cr amps 	and 	dumbness 	in 	the 	limbs , 	etc.).	Please 	consult 	
    a	doctor	if	the	symptoms	persist.
    •	 Please	watch	a 	3D 	video 	directly 	in 	front 	of 	the 	screen.	If 	y ou 	w atch 	a 	3D 	video 	ob liquely 	from 	the 	sides , 	this 	ma y 	
    result	in	physical	and	eye	fatigue.
    Procedure to watch 3D videos using this projector
    The	description	here	are	for	DLP®	Link.	[DLP® 	 Link] 	 is 	 default 	 setting 	 for 	 [3D 	 GLASSES] 	 at 	 the 	 factory.
    3D	eyewear	and	3D	emitter	preparations
    Use	DLP®	Link	glasses	or	other	compatible	commercially-available	liquid	crystal	shutter	spectacles.
    1.	 Connect	the	video	device	to	the	projector.
    2. Switch on the projector.
    3.	 Run	the	3D	video	software.	
    	 The	3D	video	will	be	projected.
    	 The	default	f actory 	setting 	is 	[A UTO].	When 	3D 	image 	is 	not 	projected, 	it 	ma y 	cause 	input 	signal 	does 	not 	contain 	
    3D	detection	signal	or	it	can	not	be	detected	by	this	projector.	In 	 this 	 case, 	 please 	 set 	 up 	 the 	 format 	 manually.
    (1)	Press	the	MENU	button.
    	 The	MENU	will	be	displayed.
    (2)	Press	the	▶	button,	select	[ADJUST],	then	press	ENTER.
    	 [PICTURE]	will	be	highlighted.
    (3)	Use	the	▶	button	to	select	[3D	SETTINGS].
    3. Convenient Features  
    	 The	[3D	SETTINGS]	screen	will	be	displayed.
    (4)	Use	the	▼	button	to	align	the	cursor	with	[FORMAT],	then	press	ENTER.
    	 The	[FORMAT]	screen	will	be	displayed.
    (5)	Use	the	▼/▲	buttons	to	align	the	cursor	at	one	among	format	options,	then	press	ENTER	for	setting	it	up.
    	 The	display	will	return	to	the	[FORMAT]	screen.
    	 Press	the	MENU	button	to	return	to	the	original	screen.
    •	 The	3D	caution 	message 	screen 	will 	be 	displa yed 	when 	s witching 	to 	a 	3D 	video 	(def ault 	f actory 	setting 	when 	
    shipped).	Please	read 	the 	“Health 	Precautions”	on 	the 	pre vious 	page 	to 	w atch 	videos 	in 	the 	correct 	manner .	The 	
    screen	will	disappear	after	60	seconds	or	when	the	ENTER	button	is	pressed.	(→	page	95)
    4.	 Turn	on	the	power	supply	of	the	3D	eyewear	and	wear	the	eyewear	to	watch	the	video.
    	 A	normal	video	will	be	shown	when	a	2D	video	is	input.
    	 To	watch	a	3D	video	in	2D,	select	[OFF(2D)]	in	the	[FORMAT]	screen	mentioned	above	in	(3).
    •	 If	3D	content 	is 	played 	back 	on 	your 	computer 	and 	the 	per formance 	is 	poor , 	it 	may 	be 	caused 	by 	the 	CPU 	or 	graphics 	chip. 	In 	this 	
    case	you	may 	have 	difficulty 	seeing 	the 	3D 	images 	as 	they 	were 	intended. 	Check 	to 	see 	if 	your 	computer 	meets 	the 	requirements 	
    provided	in	your	user’s	manual	included	with	your	3D	content.
    •	 The	DLP®	Link	compatible 	3D 	eyeglasses 	allow 	you 	to 	view 	3D 	images 	by 	receiving 	synch 	signals, 	which 	are 	included 	in 	left 	eye 	
    and	right	eye 	images, 	reflected 	from 	the 	screen. 	Depending 	on 	environments 	or 	conditions 	such 	as 	the 	ambient 	brightness, 	screen	
    size	or	viewing	distance,	the	3D	eyeglasses	may	fail	to	receive	synch	signals,	causing	poor	3D	images.
    •	 When	the	3D	mode	is	enabled,	the	Keystone	correction	range	will	be	narrower.
    •	 When	the	3D	mode	is	enabled,	the	following	settings	are	invalid.
    •	 Signals	other	than	those	listed	in	“Compatible	Input	Signal	List”	on	page	160 and 161	will	be	out	of	range	or	displayed	in	2D.
    3. Convenient Features  
    Using a 3D emitter
    This	projector	can 	be 	used 	to 	w atch 	videos 	in 	3D 	using 	commercially-a vailable 	activ e 	shutter-type 	3D 	e yewear.	In 	
    order	to	synchroniz e 	the 	3D 	video 	and 	e yewear, 	a 	commercially-a vailable 	3D 	emitter 	needs 	to 	be 	connected 	to 	the 	
    projector	(on	the	projector	side).
    The	3D	eyewear	receives	information	from	the	3D	emitter	and	performs	opening	and	closing	on	the	left	and	right.	
    3D	eyewear	and	3D	emitter	preparations
    Please	use	an	active	shutter-type	3D	eyewear	that	conforms	with	the	VESA	 standard.
    A	commercially-available	RF	type	made	by	Xpand	is	recommended.
    3D eyewear ������������Xpand X105-RF-X2
    3D emitter
     ��������������Xpand AD025-RF-X1
    Connect	your	3D	emitter	to	the	3D	SYNC	terminal	of	the	projector.
    Change	[3D	GLASSES]	setting	to	[OTHERS].
    •	 Upon	switching 	to 	3D 	image, 	the 	following 	functions 	will 	be 	cancelled 	and 	disabled. 	[BLANKING], 	[PIP/PICTURE 	BY 	PICTURE], 	
    be	maintained.)
    •	 The	output	may	not	automatically	switch	to	a	3D	video	depending	on	the	3D	input	signal.
    •	 Check	the	operating	conditions	described	in	the	user	manual	of	the	Blu-ray	player.
    •	 Please	connect	the	DIN	terminal	of	the	3D	emitter	to	the	3D	SYNC	of	the	main	projector.
    •	 The	3D	eyewear	allows	videos	to	be	viewed	in	3D	by	receiving	synchronized	optical	signals	output	from	the	3D	emitter.
    	 As	a	result, 	the 	3D 	image 	quality 	may 	be 	affected 	by 	conditions 	such 	as 	the 	brightness 	of 	the 	surroundings, 	screen 	size, 	viewing 	
    distance, etc.
    •	 When	playing	a 	3D 	video 	software 	on 	a 	computer , 	the 	3D 	image 	quality 	may 	be 	affected 	if 	the 	computer 	CPU 	and 	graphics 	chip 	
    performance	are	low . 	Please 	check 	the 	required 	operating 	environment 	of 	the 	computer 	that 	is 	stated 	in 	the 	operating 	manual 	
    attached	to	the	3D	video	software.
    •	 Depending	on	the	signal,	[FORMAT]	and	[L/R	INVERT]	may	not	be	able	to	be	selected.	Please	change	the	signal	in	that	case.
    3. Convenient Features  
    When videos cannot be viewed in 3D
    Please	check	the	following	points	when	videos	cannot	be	viewed	in	3D.
    Please	also	read	the	operating	manual	attached	to	the	3D	eyewear.
    Possible	reasonsSolutions
    The selected signal does not support 3D output�Please change the video signal input to one that supports 3D�
    The format for the selected signal is turned to [OFF(2D)]�Please change the format in the on-screen menu to [AUTO] or a format that supports 3D�
    A eyewear that is not supported by the projector is being used�Please purchase a commercially-available 3D eyewear or 3D emit-ter (recommended)� (→ page 40)
    Please check the following points when a video cannot be viewed 
    in 3D using a 3D eyewear that is supported by the projector�
    The power supply of the 3D eyewear is turned off�Please turn on the power supply of the 3D eyewear�
    The internal battery of the 3D eyewear is flat�Please charge or replace the battery�
    The viewer is located too far away from the screen�Please get closer to the screen until the video can be seen in 3D�
    Please turn the L/R INVERT in the on-screen menu to [OFF]�
    Due to multiple 3D projectors working at the same time in the vicinity, the projectors may interfere with one another�  Alter-natively, there may be a bright light source near the screen�
    Please maintain sufficient distance between the projectors�
    Please keep the light source away from the screen�
    Please turn the L/R INVERT in the on-screen menu to [OFF]�
    Please check the following points when videos played back on the computer cannot be viewed in 3D�
    Settings on the computer are not compatible with 3D video playback�Check to make sure that settings on the computer meet require-ments for 3D video playback�
    Image resolution on the computer cannot be recognized by the projector as 3D video�Change the image resolution on the computer to one that the projector can recognize as 3D video�
    The vertical scan rate on the computer cannot be recognized by the projector as 3D video�Change the vertical scan rate on the computer to 60 Hz or 120 Hz�
    There is an obstacle between the optical receiver of the 3D eye -wear and the 3D emitter�Please remove the obstacle�
    The 3D format of the 3D video contents is not supported�Please check with the company selling the 3D video contents�
    3. Convenient Features  
    ❿ Controlling the Projector by Using an HTTP Browser
    The	HTTP	Server	function	provides	settings	and	operations	for:
    1.	 Setting	for	wired	network	(NETWORK	SETTINGS)
    	 To	use	wired 	LAN 	connection, 	connect 	the 	projector 	to 	the 	computer 	with 	a 	commercially 	a vailable 	LAN 	cab le.	(→	
    page	133)
    2. Setting Alert Mail (ALERT MAIL)
    	 When	the	projector	is	connected	to	a	wired	network,	error	messages	will	be	sent	via	e-mail.
    3. Operating the pr ojector
    	 Power	on/off,	selecting	input,	volume	control	and	picture	adjustments	are	possible.
    4.	 Setting	PJLink	PASSWORD	and	AMX	BEACON
    Access	to	the	HTTP	server	function	is	available:
    •	 Start	the	W eb 	br owser 	on 	the 	computer 	via 	the 	netw ork 	connected 	to 	the 	pr ojector 	and 	enter 	the 	f ollowing 	
    URL :
     http:// /index.html
    TIP:	The	factory	setting	IP	address	is	[DHCP	ON].
    •	 To	use	the	projector	in	a	network,	consult	with	your	network	administrator	about	network	settings.
    •	 The	display’s 	or 	button’ s 	response 	can 	be 	slowed 	down 	or 	operation 	may 	not 	be 	accepted 	depending 	the 	settings 	of 	your 	network.
    	 Should	this	happen, 	consult 	your 	network 	administrator . 	The 	projector 	may 	not 	respond 	if 	its 	buttons 	are 	repeatedly 	pressed 	in 	
    rapid	intervals.	Should 	this 	happen, 	wait 	a 	moment 	and 	repeat. 	If 	you 	still 	can’t 	get 	any 	response, 	turn 	off 	and 	back 	on 	the 	projec-
    •	 If	the 	PROJECTOR 	NETWORK 	SETTINGS 	screen 	does 	not 	appear 	in 	the 	web 	browser , 	press 	the 	Ctrl+F5 	keys 	to 	refresh 	your 	web 	
    browser	(or	clear	the	cache).
    •	 This	projector	uses 	“JavaScript” 	and 	“Cookies” 	and 	the 	browser 	should 	be 	set 	to 	accept 	these 	functions. 	The 	setting 	method 	will 	
    vary	depending	on	the	version	of	browser.	Please	refer	to	the	help	files	and	the	other	information	provided	in	your	software.
    Preparation before Use
    Connect	the	projector	to	a	commercially	available	LAN	cable	before	engaging	in	browser	operations.	(→	page	133)
    Operation	with	a 	bro wser 	that 	uses 	a 	pro xy 	ser ver 	ma y 	not 	be 	possib le 	depending 	on 	the 	type 	of 	pro xy 	ser ver 	and 	the 	
    setting	method.	Although 	 the 	 type 	 of 	 proxy 	 server 	 will 	 be 	 a 	 factor, 	 it 	 is 	 possible 	 that 	 items 	 that 	 have 	 actually 	 been 	 set 	
    will	not	be 	displa yed 	depending 	on 	the 	eff ectiveness 	of 	the 	cache , 	and 	the 	contents 	set 	from 	the 	bro wser 	ma y 	not 	be 	
    reflected	in	operation.	It 	 is 	 recommended 	 that 	 a 	 proxy 	 server 	 not 	 be 	 used 	 unless 	 it 	 is 	 unavoidable.
    3. Convenient Features  
    Handling of the Address for Operation via a Browser
    Regarding	the	actual 	address 	that 	is 	entered 	f or 	the 	address 	or 	entered 	to 	the 	URL 	column 	when 	oper ation 	of 	the 	pro-
    jector	is	via 	a 	bro wser, 	the 	host 	name 	can 	be 	used 	as 	it 	is 	when 	the 	host 	name 	corresponding 	to 	the 	IP 	address 	of 	the 	
    projector	has	been 	registered 	to 	the 	domain 	name 	ser ver 	b y 	a 	netw ork 	administr ator, 	or 	the 	host 	name 	corresponding 	
    to	the	IP	address	of	the	projector	has	been	set	in	the	“HOSTS”	file 	 of 	 the 	 computer 	 being 	 used.
    Example	1:		When 	 the 	 host 	 name 	 of 	 the 	 projector 	 has 	 been 	 set 	 to 	“pj.nec.co .jp”, 	 access 	 is 	 gained 	 to 	 the 	 network 	
    setting	by	specifying 
    for	the	address	or	the	entry	column	of	the	URL.
    Example	2:		When 	 the 	 IP 	 address 	 of 	 the 	 projector 	 is 	“”, 	 access 	 is 	 gained 	 to 	 the 	 network 	 setting 	 by 	
    for	the	address	or	the	entry	column	of	the	URL.
    POWER:	This	 controls 	 the 	 power 	 of 	 the 	 projector.
    ON �������������������������Power is switched on�
    OFF ������������������������Power is switched off�
    VOLUME:	Can 	 not 	 be 	 used 	 for 	 this 	 device.
    AV-MUTE:	This	 controls 	 the 	 mute 	 function 	 of 	 the 	 projector.
    PICTURE ON ����������Mutes the video�
    PICTURE OFF ���������Cancels the video muting�
    SOUND ON ������������Cannot be used for this device�
    SOUND OFF �����������Cannot be used for this device�
    ALL ON ������������������Mutes the video functions�
    ALL OFF �����������������Cancels the muting of the video functions�
    3. Convenient Features  
    PICTURE:	Controls 	 the 	 video 	 adjustment 	 of 	 the 	 projector.
    BRIGHTNESS ▲ ����Increases the brightness adjustment value�
    BRIGHTNESS ▼ ����Decreases the brightness adjustment value�
    CONTRAST ▲ ��������Increases the contrast adjustment value�
    CONTRAST ▼ ��������Decreases the contrast adjustment value�
    COLOR ▲ ��������������Increases the color adjustment value�
    COLOR ▼ ��������������Decreases the color adjustment value�
    HUE ▲ �������������������Increases the hue adjustment value�
    HUE ▼ �������������������Decreases the hue adjustment value�
    SHARPNESS ▲ �����Increases the sharpness adjustment value�
    SHARPNESS ▼ �����Decreases the sharpness adjustment value�
    •	 The	functions	that 	can 	be 	controlled 	will 	v ary 	depending 	on 	the 	signal 	being 	input 	to 	the 	projector .	(→	page	76,	
    SOURCE	SELECT:	This 	 switches 	 the 	 input 	 terminal 	 of 	 the 	 projector.
    HDMI ���������������������Switches to the HDMI IN terminal�
    DisplayPort ������������Switches to the DisplayPort IN�
    BNC �����������������������Switch to BNC video input�
    BNC(CV) ����������������Switch to BNC (CV) video input�
    BNC(Y/C) ���������������Switch to BNC (Y/C) video input�
    COMPUTER �����������Switches to the COMPUTER 1 IN terminal�
    HDBaseT ����������������Switch to image input sent from a transmission device that supports HDBa\
    SLOT ����������������������The projector switches to video input from the optional board when an optional board (sold separately) is 
    equipped on�
    PROJECTOR	STATUS:	This	 displays 	 the 	 condition 	 of 	 the 	 projector.
    LIGHT HOURS USED ����������Displays how many hours the light module has been used�
    ERROR STATUS ������������������Displays the status of errors occurring within the projector�
    LOG	OFF:	Logging 	 off 	 your 	 projector 	 and 	 returning 	 to 	 the 	 authentication 	 screen 	 (LOGON 	 screen).
    3. Convenient Features  
    SETTINGSet	for	wired	LAN.
    APPLYApply	your	settings	to	wired	LAN.
    PROFILE	1/PROFILE	2Two	settings	can	be	set	for	wired	LAN	connection.	Select 	 PROFILE 	 1 	 or 	 PROFILE 	 2.	
    DISABLETurn	off	wired	LAN	connection
    DHCP	ONAutomatically	assign	IP 	address , 	subnet 	mask, 	and 	gate way 	to 	the 	projector 	from 	y our 	
    DHCP	server.
    DHCP	OFFSet	IP	address , 	subnet 	mask, 	and 	gate way 	to 	the 	projector 	assigned 	b y 	y our 	netw ork 	
    IP	ADDRESSSet	your	IP	address	of	the	network	connected	to	the	projector.
    SUBNET	MASKSet	your	subnet	mask	number	of	the	network	connected	to	the	projector.
    GATEWAYSet	the	default	gateway	of	the	network	connected	to	the	projector.
    AUTO	DNS	ONDHCP	server	will 	automatically 	assign 	IP 	address 	of 	DNS 	ser ver 	connected 	to 	the 	
    AUTO	DNS	OFFSet	your	IP	address	of	DNS	server	connected	to	the	projector.
    3. Convenient Features  
    •	NAME
    PROJECTOR	NAMEEnter	a	name 	f or 	y our 	projector 	so 	that 	y our 	computer 	can 	identify 	the 	projector .	A 	
    projector	name	must	be	16	characters	or	less.	
    TIP:	Projector 	 name 	 will 	 not 	 be 	 affected 	 even 	 when 	 [RESET] 	 is 	 done 	 from 	 the 	 menu.
    HOST	NAMEEnter	the	hostname 	of 	the 	netw ork 	connected 	to 	the 	projector .	A 	host 	name 	m ust 	be 	
    15	or	less.
    DOMAIN	NAMEEnter	the	domain 	name 	of 	the 	netw ork 	connected 	to 	the 	projector .	A 	domain 	name 	
    must	be	60	characters	or	less.
    ALERT	MAILThis	option	will 	notify 	y our 	computer 	of 	lamp 	replace 	time 	or 	error 	messages 	via 	e-mail 	
    when	using	wired	LAN.	
    Placing	a	checkmark	will	turn	on	the	Alert	Mail	feature.
    Clearing	a	checkmark	will	turn	off	the	Alert	Mail	feature.
    Sample	of	a	message	to	be	sent	from	the	projector:
    Subject:	[Projector] 	 Projector 	 Information
    PROJECTOR	NAME:		PX602UL 	 Series
    LIGHT	HOURS	USED:		0000[H]
    SENDER’S	ADDRESSEnter	sender’s	address.	
    SMTP	SERVER	NAMEEnter	the	SMTP	server	name	to	be	connected	to	the	projector.
    1,	2,	3
    Enter	your	recipient’s	address.	 Up 	 to 	 three 	 addresses 	 can 	 be 	 entered.
    TEST	MAILSend	a	test	mail	to	check	whether	your	settings	are	correct	or	not
    •	 If	you	execute 	a 	test, 	you 	may 	not 	receive 	an 	Alert 	mail. 	Should 	this 	happen, 	check 	 if 	network 	
    settings are correct.
    •	 If	you	entered 	an 	incorrect 	address 	in 	a 	test, 	you 	may 	not 	receive 	an 	Alert 	mail. 	Should 	this 	
    happen,	check	if	the	Recipient’s	Address	is	correct.
    SAVEClick	this	button	to	save	your	settings	to	the	projector’s	memory.
    3. Convenient Features  
    PJLink	PASSWORDSet	a	password 	f or 	PJLink*.	A 	pass word 	m ust 	be 	32 	char acters 	or 	less .	Do 	not 	f orget 	
    your	password.	However, 	 if 	 you 	 forget 	 your 	 password, 	 consult 	 with 	 your 	 dealer.
    HTTP	PASSWORDSet	a	password	for	HTTP	server.	A 	 password 	 must 	 be 	 10 	 characters 	 or 	 less.
    When	a	pass word 	is 	set 	up , 	y ou 	will 	be 	prompted 	f or 	y our 	user 	name 	(arbitr ary) 	and 	
    password	during	LOGON.
    AMX	BEACONTurn	on	or 	off 	f or 	detection 	from 	AMX 	De vice 	Disco very 	when 	connecting 	to 	the 	netw ork	
    supported	by	AMX’s	NetLinx	control	system.
    When	using	a 	device 	that 	supports 	AMX 	Device 	Discover y, 	all 	AMX 	NetLinx 	control 	system 	will 	
    recognize	the	device 	and 	download 	the 	appropriate 	Device 	Discover y 	Module 	from 	an 	AMX 	ser ver.
    Placing	a	checkmark	will	enable	detecting	the	projector	from	AMX	Device	Discovery.
    Clearing	a	checkmark	will	disable	detecting	the	projector	from	AMX	Device	Discovery.
    NOTE: If you forget your password, contact your dealer. 
    *What	is	PJLink?
    PJLink	is	a 	standardization 	of 	protocol 	used 	f or 	controlling 	projectors 	of 	diff erent 	man ufacturers.	This 	standard 	
    protocol	is	estab lished 	b y 	J apan 	Business 	Machine 	and 	Inf ormation 	System 	Industr ies 	Association 	(JBMIA) 	in 	2005.
    The	projector	supports	all	the	commands	of	PJLink	Class	1.
    Setting	of	PJLink	will	not	be	affected	even	when	[RESET]	is	done	from	the	menu.
    •	ROOMVIEW	for	managing	from	the	computer.
    •	CRESTRON	CONTROL	for	managing	from	the	controller.
    IP	ADDRESSSet	your	IP	address	of	CRESTRON	SERVER.
    WIRED	LANDisplay	a	list	of	settings	of	wired	LAN	connection.
    UPDATEReflect	settings	when	they	are	changed.
    TIP:	The	CRESTRON	settings	are	required	only	for	use	with	CRESTRON	ROOMVIEW.
    For	more	information,	visit	http://www.crestron.com
    3. Convenient Features  
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