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NEC Projector PX602UL-BK User Manual

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    Adjusting	Clock	and	Phase	[CLOCK/PHASE]
    This	allows	you	to	manually	adjust	CLOCK	and	PHASE.
    CLOCK �������������������Use this item to fine tune the computer image or to remove any vertical banding that might appear� This 
    function adjusts the clock frequencies that eliminate the horizontal ban\
    ding in the image�
    This adjustment may be necessary when you connect your computer for the first time�
    PHASE �������������������Use this item to adjust the clock phase or to reduce video noise, dot interference or cross talk� (This is 
    evident when part of your image appears to be shimmering�)
    Use [PHASE] only after the [CLOCK] is complete�
    NOTE:	The	[CLOCK]	and	[PHASE]	items	are	available	for	RGB	signals	only.
    5. Using On-Screen Menu  
    Adjusting	Horizontal/Vertical	Position	[HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL]
    Adjusts	the	image	location	horizontally	and	vertically.
    •	 An	image	can	be	distorted	during	the	adjustment	of	[CLOCK]	and	[PHASE].	This	 is 	 not 	 malfunction.
    •	 The	adjustments	f or 	[CLOCK], 	[PHASE], 	[HORIZONT AL], 	and 	[VER TICAL] 	will 	be 	stored 	in 	memor y 	f or 	the 	
    current	signal.	The	ne xt 	time 	y ou 	project 	the 	signal 	with 	the 	same 	resolution, 	hor izontal 	and 	v ertical 	frequency , 	
    its	adjustments	will	be	called	up	and	applied.
    	 To	delete	adjustments 	stored 	in 	memor y, 	from 	the 	men u, 	y ou 	select 	[RESET] 	→	[CURRENT	SIGNAL] 	and 	reset 	
    the	adjustments.
    Adjusts	the	display	range	(blanking)	at	the	top,	bottom,	left	and	right	edges	of	the	input	signal.
    Selecting	Overscan	Percentage	[OVERSCAN]
    Select	overscan	percentage	(Auto,	0%,	5%	and	10%)	for	signal.
    Projected	image
    Ov erscaned 	 by 	 10%
    •	 The	[OVERSCAN]	item	is	not	available:
    	 -		when	 [NATIVE] 	 is 	 selected 	 for 	 [ASPECT 	 RATIO].
    5. Using On-Screen Menu  
    Selecting	the	Aspect	Ratio	[ASPECT	RATIO]
    Use	this	function	to	select	the	screen’s	vertical:horizontal	aspect	ratio.
    Select	the	screen 	type 	(4:3 	screen, 	16:9 	screen 	or 	16:10 	screen) 	at 	the 	screen 	setting 	bef ore 	setting 	the 	aspect 	r atio.	
    (→	page	97)
    The	projector	automatically	identifies	the	signal	being	input	and	sets	the	optimum	aspect	ratio.
    For Computer signal
    For	Component/Video/S-Video	signals
    When	the	screen	type	is	set	to	4:3When	the	screen	type	is	set	to	16:9	or	16:10
    ResolutionAspect	RatioVGA640	×	4804:3
    SVGA800	×	6004:3
    XGA1024	×	7684:3
    WXGA1280	×	76815:9
    WXGA1280	×	80016:10
    HD(FWXGA)1366	×	768approx.	 16:9WXGA+1440	×	90016:10
    SXGA1280	×	10245:4
    SXGA+1400	×	10504:3
    WXGA++1600	×	90016:9
    UXGA1600	×	12004:3
    WSXGA+1680	×	105016:10
    FHD(1080P)1920	×	108016:9
    WUXGA1920	×	120016:10
    WQXGA2560	×	160016:10
    Options Function
    The	projector	will	automatically	determine	the	incoming	signal	and	display	it	in	its	aspect	ratio.	The	projector	may	erroneously	determine	the	aspect	ratio	depending	on	its	signal.	 If 	 this 	 occurs, 	 select 	the	appropriate	aspect	ratio	from	the	following.
    4:3The	image	is	displayed	in	4:3	aspect	ratio.
    5:4The	image	is	displayed	in	5:4	aspect	ratio
    16:9The	image	is	displayed	in	16:9	aspect	ratio
    15:9The	image	is	displayed	in	15:9	aspect	ratio
    16:10The	image	is	displayed	in	16:10	aspect	ratio
    5. Using On-Screen Menu  
    The	projector	displays	the	current	image	in	its	true	resolution	when	the	incoming	computer	signal	has	a	lower	or	higher	resolution	than	the	projector’s	native	resolution.	 (→	page	2)When	the	incoming	computer	signal	has	a	higher	resolution	than	the	projector's	native	resolution,	the	center	of	an	image	will	be	displayed.
    LETTER	BOXThe	image	of	a	letterbox	signal	(16:9)	is	stretched	equally	in	the	horizontal	and	vertical	directions	to	fit	the	screen.
    WIDE	SCREENThe	image	of	a	squeeze	signal(16:9)	is	stretched	left	and	right	in	16:9.
    ZOOMThe	image	of	a	squeeze	signal	(16:9)	is	stretched	left	and	right	in	4:3.Parts	of	the	displayed	image	are	cropped	at	the	left	and	right	edges	and	therefore	not	visible.
    FULLProject	to	full	screen	size.
    •	 Image	position	can	be	adjusted	vertically	using	[POSITION]	when	the	[16:9],	[15:9],	or	[16:10]	aspect	ratios	are	selected.
    •	 The	term	“letterbox” 	refers 	to 	a 	more 	landscape-oriented 	image 	when 	compared 	to 	a 	4:3 	image, 	which 	is 	the 	standard 	aspect 	
    ratio for a vide source.
    	 The	letterbox	signal	has	aspect	ratios	with	the	vista	size	“1.85:1”	or	cinema	scope	size	“2.35:1”	for	movie	film.
    •	 The	term	“squeeze”	refers	to	the	compressed	image	of	which	aspect	ratio	is	converted	from	16:9	to	4:3.
    The	resolution	is 	assigned 	automatically 	when 	the 	resolution 	of 	the 	input 	signal 	from 	the 	computer 	video 	input 	ter minal 	
    or	BNC	video	input	terminal	(analog	RGB)	cannot	be	distinguished.
    5. Using On-Screen Menu  
    Using	Noise	Reduction	[NOISE	REDUCTION]
    When	projecting	a 	video 	image , 	y ou 	can 	use 	the 	[NOISE 	REDUCTION] 	function 	to 	reduce 	the 	screen 	noise 	(roughness	
    and	distortion).	This	de vice 	is 	equipped 	with 	three 	types 	of 	noise 	reduction 	functions .	Select 	the 	function 	according 	to 	
    the	type	of 	noise .	Depending 	on 	the 	noise 	le vel, 	the 	noise 	reduction 	eff ect 	can 	be 	set 	to 	[OFF], 	[LO W], 	[MEDIUM] 	or 	
    [HIGH].	[NOISE 	 REDUCTION] 	 can 	 be 	 selected 	 for 	 SDTV, 	 HDTV 	 signal 	 and 	 component 	 signal 	 input.
    RANDOM NR ���������Reduces flickering random noise in an image� 
    MOSQUITO NR ������Reduces mosquito noise that appears around the edges of an image during \
    Blu-ray playback�
    BLOCK NR �������������Reduces block noise or mosaic-like patterns by selecting ON�
    Selecting	Interlaced	Progressive	Conversion	Process	Mode	[DEINTERLACE]
    This	function	allows	you	to	select	an	interlaced-to-progressive	conversion	process	for	video	signals.
    NORMAL ����������������Automatically distinguishes a moving image from a static image to create\
     a distinct image� Please select 
    [MOVIE] if there are any obvious jitter and noises�
    MOVIE �������������������Select when projecting moving images� This is suitable for signals with a lot of jitter and noise�
    STILL ���������������������Select when projecting static images� The video will flicker when a moving image is projected�
    NOTE:	This	function	is	not	available	with	RGB	signals.
    Using	the	characteristics	of	the	human	eye,	a	picture	quality	with	a	sense	of	contrast	and	resolution	is	achieved.
    OFF ������������������������Suite vision is switched off�
    AUTO ���������������������Contrast and picture quality are automatically improved using the suite \
    vision function�
    NORMAL ����������������Adjust the gain manually�
    5. Using On-Screen Menu  
    Selection	of	RGB 	and 	component 	signals .	Nor mally, 	this 	is 	set 	to 	[A UTO].	Please 	change 	the 	setting 	if 	the 	color 	of 	the 	
    image	remains	unnatural.
    AUTO ���������������������Automatically distinguishes RGB and component signals�
    RGB �����������������������Switches to the RGB input�
    COMPONENT ���������Switches to the component signal input�
    Selection	of	the 	video 	signal 	le vel 	when 	connecting 	an 	e xternal 	de vice 	to 	the 	HDMI 	IN 	ter minal, 	Displa yPort 	input 	
    terminal,	and	HDBaseT	input	terminal	of	the	projector.
    AUTO ���������������������The video level is switched automatically based on the information from \
    the device outputting the signal�
    Depending on the connected device, this setting may not be made properly� In this case, switch to [NORMAL” 
    or “ENHANCED” from the menu and view with the optimum setting�
    NORMAL ����������������This disables the enhanced mode�
    ENHANCED ������������This improves the image’s contrast, expressing the dark and light sections more dynamically�
    SUPER WHITE �������The video contrast is improved and the dark areas appear more dynamic�
    5. Using On-Screen Menu  
    Please	refer	to	“3-9	 Projecting 	 3D 	 videos”	 (→	page	38)	for	the	operation.
    Select	the	3D 	video 	f ormat 	(recording 	/ 	tr ansmission 	f ormat).	Select 	to 	match 	the 	3D 	broadcast 	and 	3D 	media.	Nor-
    mally,	[AUTO]	is 	selected.	Please 	select 	the 	3D 	input 	signal 	f ormat 	when 	the 	3D 	detection 	signal 	of 	the 	f ormat 	cannot 	
    be	distinguished.
    Invert	the	display	order	of	the	left	and	right	videos.
    Select	[ON]	if	you	feel	uncomfortable	with	the	3D	display	when	[OFF]	is	selected.
    5. Using On-Screen Menu  
    ❻ Menu Descriptions & Functions [DISPLAY]
    Select	the	input	signal	to	be	displayed	in	the	sub-display.
    Please	refer	to	“4-2	 Displaying 	T wo 	 Pictures 	 at 	 the 	 Same 	Time”	 (→	page	52)	for	details	on	the	operation.
    Select	either	PIP	or	PICTURE	BY	PICTURE	when	switching	to	2-screen	display.
    The	videos	in	the	main	display	and	sub-display	will	be	switched.
    Please	refer	to	“4-2	 Displaying 	T wo 	 Pictures 	 at 	 the 	 Same 	Time”	 (→	page	54)	for	details.
    Select	the	display	position,	position	adjustment	and	size	of	the	sub-display	in	the	PIP	screen.
    START POSITION ���Selection of the display position of the sub-display when switching to t\
    he PIP screen�
     ������������������������������Adjust the display position of the sub-display in the horizontal directi\
    on� The respective corners will serve 
    as reference points�
     ������������������������������Adjust the display position of the sub-display in the vertical direction� The respective corners will serve as 
    reference points�
    SIZE �����������������������Select the display size of the sub-display�
    5. Using On-Screen Menu  
    The	horizontal	position 	and 	vertical 	position 	are 	the 	amount 	of 	movement 	from 	the 	reference 	points. 	For 	example, 	when 	TOP-LEFT 	
    is adjusted, the position is displayed with the same amount of movement \
    even if displayed with other starting positions.
    The maximum amount of movement is half the resolution of the projector.
    Reference	point
    Sub-display Main
    Select	the	display	boundary	of	the	main	display	and	sub-display	of	the	[PICTURE	BY	PICTURE]	screen.
    Display	boundary
    Main	displaySub-display
    displaySub-displayMain	display
    •	 6	steps	can	be	selected	on	this	projector.
    5. Using On-Screen Menu  
    Display	the	trapezoid	correction	screen	and	adjust	the	trapezoidal	distortion	of	the	projection	screen.
    To	display	the 	[KEYST ONE] 	screen, 	select 	→	[DISPLAY]	→	[GEOMETRIC 	CORRECTION] 	→	[KEYSTONE]	in 	the 	
    on-screen	menu.	The 	[GEOMETRIC 	CORRECTION] 	screen 	can 	also 	be 	displa yed 	b y 	pressing 	the 	3D 	REFORM 	
    button	on	the	remote	control.
    HORIZONTAL ���������Adjustments when projecting from a diagonal direction to the 
    VERTICAL ��������������Adjustments when projecting from the top or bottom direction to 
    the screen�
    TILT �����������������������Adjusts the distortion when performing trapezoidal correction with the screen moved in the vertical direction 
    using the lens shift�
    THROW RATIO �������Adjusts according to the projection ratio of the optional lens used�
    Model	name	of	lens	unitAdjustment	range
    NP35ZL 12–17
    NP36ZL 12–17
    NP37ZL 15–31
    •	 When	power	is 	supplied 	to 	the 	device, 	the 	adjustment 	value 	of 	the 	[KEYSTONE] 	used 	previously 	is 	retained 	even 	if 	the 	gradient 	
    of the device is changed.
    •	 When	clearing	the	adjustment	value	of	[KEYSTONE],	press	the	3D	REFORM	button	for	2	or	more	seconds.
    •	 When	setting	other 	[GEOMETRIC 	CORRECTION] 	functions, 	the 	[KEYSTONE] 	menu 	cannot 	be 	selected. 	When 	per forming 	trapezoidal	
    correction,	press	the	3D	REFORM	button	for	2	or	more	seconds	to	clear	the	adjustment	value	of	[GEOMETRIC	CORRECTION].
    •	 As	electrical	correction 	is 	carried 	out 	by 	[KEYSTONE], 	the 	brightness 	may 	be 	reduced 	or 	the 	screen 	quality 	may 	deteriorate 	
    5. Using On-Screen Menu  
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