NEC Projector PX602UL-BK User Manual
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Page 91
78 [IMAGE OPTIONS] Adjusting Clock and Phase [CLOCK/PHASE] This allows you to manually adjust CLOCK and PHASE. CLOCK �������������������Use this item to fine tune the computer image or to remove any vertical banding that might appear� This function adjusts the clock frequencies that eliminate the horizontal ban\ ding in the image� This adjustment may be necessary when you connect your computer for the first time� PHASE �������������������Use this item to adjust the clock phase or to reduce video noise,...
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79 Adjusting Horizontal/Vertical Position [HORIZONTAL/VERTICAL] Adjusts the image location horizontally and vertically. • An image can be distorted during the adjustment of [CLOCK] and [PHASE]. This is not malfunction. • The adjustments f or [CLOCK], [PHASE], [HORIZONT AL], and [VER TICAL] will be stored in memor y f or the current signal. The ne xt time y ou project the signal with the same resolution, hor izontal and v ertical frequency , its adjustments will be...
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80 Selecting the Aspect Ratio [ASPECT RATIO] Use this function to select the screen’s vertical:horizontal aspect ratio. Select the screen type (4:3 screen, 16:9 screen or 16:10 screen) at the screen setting bef ore setting the aspect r atio. (→ page 97) The projector automatically identifies the signal being input and sets the optimum aspect ratio. For Computer signal For Component/Video/S-Video signals When the screen type is set to 4:3When the screen type is set to 16:9 or 16:10...
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81 OptionsFunction NATIVE The projector displays the current image in its true resolution when the incoming computer signal has a lower or higher resolution than the projector’s native resolution. (→ page 2)When the incoming computer signal has a higher resolution than the projector's native resolution, the center of an image will be displayed. LETTER BOXThe image of a letterbox signal (16:9) is stretched equally in the horizontal and vertical directions to fit the screen. WIDE SCREENThe image of a...
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82 [VIDEO] Using Noise Reduction [NOISE REDUCTION] When projecting a video image , y ou can use the [NOISE REDUCTION] function to reduce the screen noise (roughness and distortion). This de vice is equipped with three types of noise reduction functions . Select the function according to the type of noise . Depending on the noise le vel, the noise reduction eff ect can be set to [OFF], [LO W], [MEDIUM] or [HIGH]. [NOISE REDUCTION] can be selected...
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83 [SIGNAL TYPE] Selection of RGB and component signals . Nor mally, this is set to [A UTO]. Please change the setting if the color of the image remains unnatural. AUTO ���������������������Automatically distinguishes RGB and component signals� RGB �����������������������Switches to the RGB input� COMPONENT ���������Switches to the component signal input� [VIDEO LEVEL] Selection of the video signal le vel when connecting an e xternal de vice to the HDMI IN ter minal,...
Page 97
84 [3D SETTINGS] Please refer to “3-9 Projecting 3D videos” (→ page 38) for the operation. FORMAT Select the 3D video f ormat (recording / tr ansmission f ormat). Select to match the 3D broadcast and 3D media. Nor- mally, [AUTO] is selected. Please select the 3D input signal f ormat when the 3D detection signal of the f ormat cannot be distinguished. L/R INVERT Invert the display order of the left and right videos. Select [ON] if you feel uncomfortable with the 3D...
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85 ❻ Menu Descriptions & Functions [DISPLAY] [PIP/PICTURE BY PICTURE] SUB INPUT Select the input signal to be displayed in the sub-display. Please refer to “4-2 Displaying T wo Pictures at the Same Time” (→ page 52) for details on the operation. MODE Select either PIP or PICTURE BY PICTURE when switching to 2-screen display. PICTURE SWAP The videos in the main display and sub-display will be switched. Please refer to “4-2 Displaying T wo Pictures at the Same Time” (→ page 54) for...
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86 TIP: The horizontal position and vertical position are the amount of movement from the reference points. For example, when TOP-LEFT is adjusted, the position is displayed with the same amount of movement \ even if displayed with other starting positions. The maximum amount of movement is half the resolution of the projector. Reference point Adjust using the horizon- tal position Sub-display Main display Reference point Adjust using the vertical position TOP-LEFT...
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87 [GEOMETRIC CORRECTION] KEYSTONE Display the trapezoid correction screen and adjust the trapezoidal distortion of the projection screen. To display the [KEYST ONE] screen, select → [DISPLAY] → [GEOMETRIC CORRECTION] → [KEYSTONE] in the on-screen menu. The [GEOMETRIC CORRECTION] screen can also be displa yed b y pressing the 3D REFORM button on the remote control. HORIZONTAL ���������Adjustments when projecting from a diagonal direction to the screen� VERTICAL...