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NEC Projector PX602UL-BK User Manual

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Page 11

❻	Changing	LIGHT	MODE/Checking	Energy-Saving	Effect	Using	LIGHT	MODE	
[LIGHT	MODE]........................................................................\
Checking	Energy-Saving	Effect	[CARBON	METER] ..............................................31
	Correcting	Horizontal	and	V ertical 	 Keystone 	 Distortion 	 [CORNERSTONE] .................32
	Preventing	the	Unauthorized	Use	of	the	Projector	[SECURITY] ..................................35
	Projecting	3D...

Page 12

[MULTI	SCREEN]........................................................................\
	Menu	Descriptions	&	Functions	[SETUP] .....................................................................94

Page 13

❹	Controlling	the	Projector	over	a	LAN	(PC	Control	Utility	Pro	4/Pro	5) ........................149
9. Appendix ........................................................................\
	Throw 	 distance 	 and 	 screen 	 size ........................................................................\
Lens	types	and	throw	distance ........................................................................\
Tables	of	screen	sizes	and...

Page 14

1. Introduction
❶ What’s in the Box?
Make	sure	your	box	contains	everything	listed.	If 	 any 	 pieces 	 are 	 missing, 	 contact 	 your 	 dealer.
Please	save	the	original	box	and	packing	materials	if	you	ever	need	to	ship	your	projector.
Dust	cap	for	lens*	 The	projector	is	shipped	without	a	lens.	For 	 the 	 types 	 of 	 lens 	 and 	throw	distances,	see	page	153.
Remote	control(7N901041)AA	alkaline	batteries	(x2)
Power	cord(US:	79TG0251)(EU:	79TG0261)
3	Stacking	holders	(79TG0291)When...

Page 15

❷ Introduction to the Projector
This	section	introduces	you	to	your	new	projector	and	describes	the	features	and	controls.
Congratulations on Your Purchase of the Projector
This	projector	is 	one 	of 	the 	v ery 	best 	projectors 	a vailable 	toda y.	The 	projector 	enab les 	y ou 	to 	project 	precise 	images 	
up	to	500 	inches 	across 	(measured 	diagonally) 	from 	y our 	PC 	or 	Mac 	computer 	(desktop 	or 	notebook), 	VCR, 	Blu-r ay 	
player,	or	document	camera.
You	can	use 	the 	projector 	on 	a...

Page 16

•	 Power	lens	control	for	quick	and	easy	adjustment
	 By	using	buttons	on	the	projector	or	the	remote	control,	zoom,	focus,	and	position	(lens	shift)	can	be	adjusted.
•	 Wide	range 	of 	input/output 	terminals 	(HDMI,	Displa yPort,	BNC,	HDBaseT ,	etc.) 	and 	b uilt-in 	monaural 	speaker
	 The	projector	is 	equipped 	with 	a 	v ariety 	of 	input/output 	ter minals:	HDMI, 	Displa yPort, 	BNC 	(5-core), 	computer 	
(analog),	HDBaseT,	etc.
	 The	projector’s	HDMI	input/output	terminals	and...

Page 17

About this user’s manual
The	fastest	w ay 	to 	get 	star ted 	is 	to 	tak e 	y our 	time 	and 	do 	e verything 	r ight 	the 	first 	time .	T ake 	a 	f ew 	min utes 	no w 	to 	
review	the	user’ s 	man ual.	This 	ma y 	sa ve 	y ou 	time 	later 	on.	At 	the 	beginning 	of 	each 	section 	of 	the 	man ual 	y ou’ll 	find 	
an	overview.	If 	 the 	 section 	 doesn’t 	 apply, 	 you 	 can 	 skip 	 it.
1. Introduction  

Page 18

❸ Part Names of the Projector
The	lens	is	sold	separately.	The	 description 	 below 	 is 	 for 	 when 	 the 	 NP35ZL 	 lens 	 is 	 mounted.
Controls(→	page	7)
Remote	Sensor(→	page	11)
Lens	HoodProtects	the	lens.
Remote	Sensor	(located	on	the	front	and	the	rear)(→	page	11)
Adjustable	Tilt	 Foot 		
(→	page	22)
Indicator	Panel(→	page	7)
Adjustable	Tilt 	 Foot(→	page	22)
Exhaust	ventHeated	air	is	exhausted	from	here.
1. Introduction  

Page 19

Stacking	holder	fixing	position		(3	positions)For	stacking	up	the	projectors,	fas-ten	up	the	stacking	holders	supplied	with	this	projector.Safety	cover	fixing	hole		(7	positions)	The	fixing	holes	for	installing	the	safety	cover	(sold	separately)	that	is	used	for	portrait	installation.Remote	Sensor	(located	on	the	front	and	the	rear)(→	page	11)
AC	IN	terminalConnect	the	supplied	power	cord’s	three-pin	plug	here,	and	plug	the	other	end	into	an	active	wall	outlet.	(→	page	13)
Main	power	switchWhile...

Page 20

Controls/Indicator Panel
15 16 17
1. 	(POWER)	Button	
	(→	page	14,	24)
2.	 POWER	Indicator	
	(→	page	14,	15,	24,	168)
3. STATUS Indicator 
	(→	page	168)
4. LIGHT Indicator 
	(→	page	29,	169)
5.	 TEMP.	 Indicator 	
	(→	page	169)
6.	 SOURCE	Button	
	(→	page	16)
7.	 AUTO	ADJ.	 Button 	
	(→	page	23)
8.	 3D	REFORM	Button	
	(→	page	32)
9.	 MENU	Button	
	(→	page	62)
10.	 ▲▼◀▶
	( →	page	62)
11.	ENTER	Button	
	(→	page	62)
12.	EXIT	Button	
	(→	page	62)
13.	SHUTTER	Button
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