NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Wireless System Manual
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CHAPTER 5 NDA-24301 Pag e 3 04 Revision 1.0 DLIN : Display of a List of Roaming PS 1. GENERAL This command is used to display/delete a list of data related to the Roaming PS that is available on the Home Location Register (HLR) or Visitor Location Register (VLR). 2. PRECAUTIONS None 3. DATA ENTRY INSTRUCTION FUNK (FUNCTION NUMBER) : 1 = PS – Moving to another PBX (HLR Display) 2 = PS – Moving from another PBX (VLR Display) CNT (DELETION NUMBER) : Used to delete the currently Roaming PS data, displayed...
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NDA-24301 CHAPTER 5 Page 305 Revision 1.0 DPSN : Display of PS Station Data 1. GENERAL This command is used to display the PS station data. The display appears when the Tenant Number and Physical Station/Telephone Number are entered. This command can also be used to display information on Hot Line station, details on PS data, Call Pickup Group data, Station Hunting data and Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) data. 2. PRECAUTIONS Station Hunting data and Uniform Call Distribution (UCD) data are displayed...
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CHAPTER 5 NDA-24301 Pag e 3 06 Revision 1.0 PSNO.: PS Number CPCNT: Call Pickup Group Station Count CP STN 0-n: Call Pickup Group Station Number LNFLG: LDM/NDM 0: Input STN is DM 1: Input STN is PS TELN (LDM) 2: Input STN is PS TELN (NDM) MID EN: Middle EN FPC NO.: Fusion Point Code for Node Number Log Index: Logical Index MASTER TN: Master Tenant Number MASTER STN: Master Station Number MASTER LENS: Master Equipment Number MASTER TN: Master Tenant Number MASTER TEC: Master Telephone Equipment Number...
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NDA-24301 CHAPTER 5 Page 307 Revision 1.0 DRPS : Display for Reverse Develop PS Data 1. GENERAL This command is used to read/display the PS operation data from a PS number or PS-ID. 2. PRECAUTIONS None 3. DATA ENTRY INSTRUCTION IKIND (INPUT KIND) Note : 1 = Individual PS number (5 digits or less) 2 = PS-ID (1–268435455) 3 = PS number (12 digits or less: Decimal) 4 = PS number (13 digits or less: Decimal) 5 = PS number (13 digits or less: Hexadecimal) IPSNO Note : PS Number Note:Reading process is...
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CHAPTER 5 NDA-24301 Pag e 3 08 Revision 1.0 DTFP : Display of CS/ZT Peg Count Data 1. GENERAL This command is used for displaying the result of traffic measurement data for “Type”=17 (CS Peg Count) assigned by the ATRF command. 2. PARAMETERS Traffic Data 1 : Terminal Traffic-DTF101 Route Traffic-DTF102 Station Peg Count-DTF103 Attendant Peg Count-DTF104 Route Peg Count-DTF105 Traffic Data 2 : Service Peg Count-DTF201 Traffic Data 3 : UCD Route Peg Count-DTF301 UCD Group Peg Count-DTF302 UCD Station Peg...
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NDA-24301 CHAPTER 5 Page 309 Revision 1.0 DPSN : Display of PS Station Data 1. GENERAL This command is used to display the PS station data. The display appears when the Tenant Number and Physical Station/Telephone Number are entered. This command can also be used to display information on Hot Line station, details on PS data and Call Pickup Group data. 2. PRECAUTIONS None 3. PARAMETERS a. Parameters on PS Station Number TN/UGN: Tenant Number/User Group Number STN/PS TELN: Station Number/PS Telephone...
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CHAPTER 5 NDA-24301 Pag e 3 10 Revision 1.0 LNFLG: LDM/NDM 0: Input STN is DM 1: Input STN is PS TELN (LDM) 2: Input STN is PS TELN (NDM) MID EN: Middle EN FPC NO.: Fusion Point Code for Node Number Log Index: Logical Index MASTER TN: Master Tenant Number MASTER STN: Master Station Number MASTER LENS: Master Equipment Number MASTER TN: Master Tenant Number MASTER TEC: Master Telephone Equipment Number MASTER RSC: Master Route Restriction Class MASTER SFC: Master Service Feature Class
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NDA-24301 CHAPTER 5 Page 311 Revision 1.0 DTFP : Display of CS/ZT Peg Count Data 1. GENERAL This command is used for displaying the result of traffic measurement data for “Type”=17 (CS Peg Count) assigned by the ATRF command. 2. PARAMETERS Traffic Data 1 : Terminal Traffic-DTF101 Route Traffic-DTF102 Station Peg Count-DTF103 Attendant Peg Count-DTF104 Route Peg Count-DTF105 Traffic Data 2 : Service Peg Count-DTF201 Traffic Data 3 : UCD Route Peg Count-DTF301 UCD Group Peg Count-DTF302 UCD Station Peg...
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CHAPTER 5 NDA-24301 Pag e 3 12 Revision 1.0 MBCSL : Make Busy of CS/ZT for Local Data Memory 1. GENERAL This command is used to assign and delete IDLE/BUSY status of B/D channel of the CS/ZT. 2. PRECAUTIONS This command is used for the Local Node. 3. PARAMETERS PCN (PHS COMMUNITY NUMBER) : 1-1024 ERN (CALLING AREA NUMBER) : 1-32 GRN (GROUP NUMBER) : 1-8 CSN (CS/ZT NUMBER) : 1-32 APCH (APPOINTMENT CHANNEL) : CS/ZT B2 B3 B4 Make-busy cancel/set between CS/ZT and CS/ZT Make-busy cancel/set of B2 channel...
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NDA-24301 CHAPTER 5 Page 313 Revision 1.0 MBCSN : Make Busy of CS/ZT for Network Data Memory 1. GENERAL This command is used to assign and delete IDLE/BUSY status of B/D channel of the CS/ZT. 2. PRECAUTIONS This command is used for the Network Control Node. 3. PARAMETERS PCN (PHS COMMUNITY NUMBER) : 1-1024 ERN (CALLING AREA NUMBER) : 1-32 GRN (GROUP NUMBER) : 1-8 CSN (CS/ZT NUMBER) : 1-32 APCH (APPOINTMENT CHANNEL) : CS/ZT B2 B3 B4 Make-busy cancel/set between CS/ZT and CS/ZT Make-busy cancel/set of B2...