NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Wireless System Manual
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CHAPTER 5 NDA-24301 Pag e 2 54 Revision 1.0 ASYD : Assignment of System Data 1. GENERAL The ASYD/ASYDL command is used to assign the system data of the following node; Local Node (LN) / Network Control Node (NCN) of the Fusion network. Stand alone PBX. List Up Command: LSYD 2. PRECAUTIONS This part describes only the contents of the command added in Built-in PCS system. For more details, refer to the “Office Data Specification.”
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NDA-24301 CHAPTER 5 Page 255 Revision 1.0 3. DATA ENTRY INSTRUCTIONS Define each bit corresponding data with referring to the SYSTEM DATA CONTENTS SYSTEM DATA TYPE ( SYS )DATA ( DATA ) 00-FF ( Hex ) SYSTEM DATA INDEX ( INDEX ) 0 - 511 BIT CORRE- SPONDING DATA DATA 0 / 1BITSYSTEM DATA CONTENTS DATA DATA BIT BIT DATA Hex 1 1b0 b1 b2 b3 b4 b5 b6 b7 1 0 0 0 0 0 0n n+1 FF031 1 0 0 0 0 0 0b0 b1 b2 Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Not used Number of zzz b3 b4 b5 b6 b7xxx service 0/1=Not to be...
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CHAPTER 5 NDA-24301 Pag e 2 56 Revision 1.0 SYSTEM DATA TYPE (SYS)SYSTEM DATA INDEX (INDEX) 0 - 511DATA (DATA) 00-FF (Hex)BIT CORRE- SPONDING DATA SYSTEM DATA CONTENTS DATA 0/1BIT 15b 0 Access Code for C.F.-Busy Line and C.F. – Don’t Answer Services 0/1 = Same/Separate Note 1:If a PCS system, C.F.-PS Incoming Call Incomplete also refers to this system data. Note 2:If “0” is assigned, assign either SID: 10 or 12 in command “ASPA”. b 1Maximum number of Multiple Call Forwarding – All Calls/Busy...
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NDA-24301 CHAPTER 5 Page 257 Revision 1.0 4. SYSTEM DATA PROGRAMMING SHEET (1) S Y S 1 SYSTEM DATA INDEX 0-511DATA 00-FFB I TSYSTEM DATA CONTENTS 30 060 Mounting Capacity of Data Memory (DM) : 1~63 Mbyte (01~3F) Normally assigned as “6” 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 4200Access code using Pre-set dialing (e.g.: Special Access Code + Station number) 0/1 : Out/In service 1By cancelling C.F.-PS INCOMING INCOMPLETE 0 = C.F.-DROPPED CALL is also cancelled 1 = C.F.-DROPPED CALL is not cancelled 2Not used 3 4 5 6 7 b7 b6 b5...
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CHAPTER 5 NDA-24301 Pag e 2 58 Revision 1.0 S Y S 1 SYSTEM DATA INDEX 0-511DATA 00-FFB I TSYSTEM DATA CONTENTS 4210 Miscellaneous Time Counter (MTC) is to be assigned a value from 1 Hex to F Hex.1) Announcement PS-Out of Zone disconnection timer (Release Guard timer) Timer value setting is as follows: (TC) sec. × (MTC) When the data is assigned as 00, the default data is 30 sec. 1 2 3 4 Timer class (TC) 0 : – 3 : 2 sec. 6 : – 1 : – 4 : – 7 : – 2 : – 5 : – 5 6 7 Not used 4220Miscellaneous Time...
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NDA-24301 CHAPTER 5 Page 259 Revision 1.0 AAED : Assignment of Announcement Equipment Data 1. GENERAL This command is used to assign the trunk information related to Announcement Equipment on a tenant basis. List Up Command: LAED 2. PRECAUTIONS This part describes only the contents of the command added in PCS system. For more details, refer to the “Office Data Specification”.
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CHAPTER 5 NDA-24301 Pag e 2 60 Revision 1.0 3. DATA ENTRY INSTRUCTIONS 0 = Common 1 = Japanese 2 = English 3 = German 4 = French 5 = Spanish 6 = Chinese 7 = Russian 8-15 = Spare Note: LANG is available for the Hotel application. LANG Enter EQP as the service feature provided by DAT. 0 ~ 59 : 60 : ANNOUNCEMENT-PS-OUT OF ZONE 61 : AUTOMATIC ANNOUNCEMENT-PS-OUT OF ZONE CALL 62 ~ 127 :EQP 0 = Single connection 1 = Multiple connection M TK parameter appears if M=1 is entered. TK...
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CHAPTER 5 NDA-24301 Pag e 2 62 Revision 1.0 ALGSL : Assignment of Telephone Number Data for LDM 1. GENERAL This command is used to assign the data pertaining to the relationship between the Telephone Number (TELN) and physical station. List Up Command : LLGSL 2. PRECAUTIONS 1. This Telephone Number can be used in the self (local) node only. Use the ALGSN command if the Telephone Number for the Fusion network is required. 2. TYPE parameter designates the programming method of physical station (the...
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NDA-24301 CHAPTER 5 Page 263 Revision 1.0 3. DATA ENTRY INSTRUCTIONS TYPE = 1 (LENS is used to specify the Telephone number.) TYPE = 2 (STN is used to specify the Telephone number.) TELEPHONE NUMBER (TELN) MAX. 16 DIGITSLINE EQUIPMENT NUMBER USER GROUP NUMBER (UGN) UGN TYPE 1 = User Group Number 1 (Fixed) LENS LENS of the physical stationTYPE 1 = LENS is used to specify the Telephone number 2 = STN is used to specify the Telephone number 1 1 1 1 (LENS) 11 TELN Telephone number assigned by the...