NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Hotel Office Data Specification
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NDA-24315 CHAPTER 4 Page 99 Issue 1 AGNPN: Assignment of Guest Numbering Plan for NDM AG N P N: Assignment of Guest Numbering Plan for NDM 1. General This command assigns the minimum number of digits needed to determine the service required by the first digit received (pre-translation). The data assigned on this command is written in the Network Data Memory (NDM) of the Network Control Node (NCN), updating the NDM at each Local Node (LN). 2. Precautions 1. This command is used for the Hotel...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24315 Page 100 Issue 1 AGNPN: Assignment of Guest Numbering Plan for NDM 4. Data Sheet TENANT NUMBER (TN) 1ST DIGIT (1ST DC) CONNECTION STATUS INDEX (CI) NUMBER OF NECESSARY DIGITS (NND) BUSY LAMP FIELD (BLF) REMARKS 1 NNormal HHooking BBusy 2 NNormal HHooking BBusy 3 NNormal HHooking BBusy 4 NNormal HHooking BBusy 5 NNormal HHooking BBusy 6 NNormal HHooking BBusy 7 NNormal HHooking BBusy 8 NNormal HHooking BBusy 9 NNormal HHooking BBusy 0 NNormal HHooking BBusy NNormal HHooking BBusy...
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NDA-24315 CHAPTER 4 Page 101 Issue 1 AASP: Assignment of Administration Special Access Code AASP: Assignment of Administration Special Access Code 1. General This command determines the kind of service to be executed or the route to be used when a Special Access code or trunk Access code has been dialed for the Administration Station. 2. Precautions 1. This command is used for the Hotel Application only. 2. If the Guest and Admin. Numbering are separated (the ASYD command, SYS1, INDEX 160, bit6 = 0),...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24315 Page 102 Issue 1 AASP: Assignment of Administration Special Access Code 9. For the following service features, the maximum number of digits is to be assigned in the parameter NND. 10. The variable parameter appears on the MAT depending on the data in the parameter SRV. 3. Data Entry Instructions SERVICE FEATURESRVSIDMAX. NND Account Code DialSSC4115 Authorization Code/Forced Account CodeSSC4215 Attendant Manual OverrideSSC605 Access code (Max. 6 digits) NND1 appears when SID = 15....
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NDA-24315 CHAPTER 4 Page 103 Issue 1 AASP: Assignment of Administration Special Access Code STATE (Hotel Service Code) 1 To be cleaned without ID code 2 Cleaning Completed without ID code 3 Ready for Occupancy without ID code 4 Use Not Allowed without ID code 5-8 - 9 Maid Dial Answer Back without ID code-1 10 Maid Dial Answer Back without ID code-2 11 Maid Dial Answer Back without ID code-3 12 Maid Dial Answer Back without ID code-4 13 Maid Dial Answer Back without ID code-5 14 Maid Dial Answer...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24315 Page 104 Issue 1 AASP: Assignment of Administration Special Access Code SERVICE INDEX (SID) 1-63 NO.1 56 NO.1 (Kind of Assignment Number) Available numbers are 0-15. This data is used to assign Floor Service data by the ASPF command. Note: When programming Floor Service data, ASYD SYS1 INDEX 165, bit7=1 must have been assigned. SERVICE INDEX (SID) 1-63NO.2KIND 57 NO.2 This parameter specifies the number (0-63) of the access code being assigned for...
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NDA-24315 CHAPTER 4 Page 105 Issue 1 AASP: Assignment of Administration Special Access Code NND NND appears when SIDA = 97 (Call Hold Conference). The number of digits for an access code should be assigned in NND. SERVICE INDEX A (SIDA) 1-255PNO 1-15A/G 56 PNO This parameter specifies the Admin./Guest Numbering Parameter Classification. After assigning the PNO, go to the AOSP command to skip this ACC. After skipping the access code, the system refers to the numbering data designated in the next parameter...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24315 Page 106 Issue 1 AASP: Assignment of Administration Special Access Code Assign the number of advanced trunk routes.ROUTE NUMBER (RT) COUNT Assign a dummy route number.RT 2nd DTAuthorization code after dialing ACC (LCR) + Destination number 0 = Out of Service 1 = In ServiceAH ISDN-Sub Address Dialing 0 = Out of Service 1 = In ServiceSUB ROUTE NUMBER (RT)SECOND DIAL TONE (2nd DT) 0/1AUTHORIZATION CODE (AH) 0/1SUB ADDRESS DIALING (SUB) 0/1 INDEX COUNTER (COUNT) INDEX ROUTE NUMBER (RT)...
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NDA-24315 CHAPTER 4 Page 107 Issue 1 AASP: Assignment of Administration Special Access Code SKIP DIGITS (SKIP) 0-5 When SRV = UNIF (Office termination) is assigned When SRV = ANNC (Announcement service-Single announcement) is assigned SKIP ANNOUNCEMENT EQUIPMENT NUMBER (EQP) 0-127 EQP Note: This data is available for ACIS only. For CCIS, use the AUNE command.Assign the skip digits to terminate the call. Assign the announcement equipment number. EQP3 and 5-14 can be used for SRV = ANNC (Single...
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CHAPTER 4 NDA-24315 Page 108 Issue 1 AASP: Assignment of Administration Special Access Code 4. Data Sheet (a) Service Code (SRV = SSC) Note:When Split Call Forwarding is in service (the ASYD command. SYS1 INDEX79 bit2=1), this access code is used for Split Call Forwarding. TENANT NUMBER (TN) ACCESS CODE (ACC)MAXIMUM6 DIGITS CONNECTION STATUS INDEX (CI) N/H/B KIND OFSERVICE (SRV) SERVICE INDEX(SID)1 – 63 NUMBER OF NECESSARY DIGITS (NND) NUMBER OF NECESSARY DIGIT FOR SPEED CALLING (NND1) 1 – 24...