NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Fusion Network System Manual
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CHAPTER 3 NDA-24299 Page 16 Revision 1.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION System Considerations 3. System Considerations 3.1 Fusion Network Conditions This section explains conditions when designing a Fusion network. In the following diagram, a Fusion Link is printed in a thick line while a CCIS link is printed in a dotted line. Condition 1: The maximum number of nodes on a Fusion network is sixteen (16) nodes. Figure 3-9 Fusion Network Topologies 23 1 4 Node A Node B Node D Node C Node A Node D Node C Node A Node B Node C N od e A N o de C 21N o d e D N o d e A N o d e B N o d e C N ode D N ode B N ode C 2 3 4 Node A Node B Node B N ode B Node B Node CNode C Node DNode D Node ANode A Node ENode C Node DNode D Node C FCCS FCCS FCCS FCCS FCCS FCCSFCCS FCCS FCCS FCCS FCCSFCCS FCCS FC CS FCC S FC C S 1 2 1 exam ple 1 exam ple 3example 4 exam ple 2 Node A R ou ting fro m N o d e A N od e CR o utin g from N o de D N o d e C
NDA-24299 CHAPTER 3 Page 17 Revision 1.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION System Considerations Condition 2: A maximum of four (4) Non ACD nodes can be connected as tandem nodes with 1D channel. 64k (1D-channel) will support 4 nodes 128k (2D-channels) will support 5 nodes 256k (4D-channels) will support 6 nodes See Figure 3-10. Figure 3-10 Fusion Tandem Connections Condition 3: The available connection-route number ranges from 1 to 1023. Condition 4: The available connection-trunk number of each route ranges from 1 to 4095. See Figure 3-11. Figure 3-11 Maximum Number of Ports between Nodes FCCS FCCS FCCS Tandem Connection over FCCS links Node A Node B Node C Node D maximum 4 Non ACD nodes A maximum of 4095 ports can be assigned on a connection-route basis between nodes. DTI card DTI card : : : :: : : :: : : :: : : : D ch D chB ch DTI cardDTI card DTI cardDTI card DTI cardDTI card DTI card D ch: Data Link B ch: Connection Trunk T1 T1T1 max 4095 ch C_RT Max 4095 trunks per connection-routeT1 IPX/IMXIPX/IMXIPX/IMX
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24299 Page 18 Revision 1.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION System Considerations Condition 5: Up to eight (8) routes can be assigned as alternate routes for a connection trunk. See Figure 3-12. Figure 3-12 Connection Trunk Alternate Routing Condition 6: Connection trunks and the Fusion data link must be assigned on an “associated” basis. See Figure 3-13. Figure 3-13 Fusion Network on an Associated Basis Condition 7: One Fusion data link must be assigned on each T1 link. Condition 8: A maximum of eight (8) data links can be used for a connection trunk for redundancy. : : : : Node Node Node Node Node Alt-C_RT1 Alt-C_RT2 Alt-C_RT3 Alt-C_RT4 Alt-C_RT8 Node A Node B Alt-C_RT: Alternate Connection Route NCN 430000430001 NDM LN Node A Node C Centralized MAT Data Change... copyupdating NDM at each node TCP/IP
NDA-24299 CHAPTER 3 Page 19 Revision 1.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION System Considerations Condition 9: The maximum data link speed is “1.5 Mbps.” Condition 10: Connection Trunks (B ch) conform to the following specifications: Existing external trunk cannot be used as alternate routes for connection trunks. Billing information on connection trunks cannot be output. Under the following conditions, “connection trunk seizure NG” will occur: Data Link Failure Connection Trunk all busy LANI (built-in) - FCH failure Connection test for connection trunks is not provided. Nailed Down connection is not provided for connection trunks. PAD value for connection trunks is fixed to 0 db. Echo canceller (EC) / MPC control is not provided. Nailed Down connection is not provided for connection trunks. Condition 11: If a “layer 2 failure” occurs, the connections are released. Condition 12: When fusion links and CCIS links coexist on a Fusion network, the following conditions should be considered: A Fusion link may be used as a CCIS link through data programming. In this instance, if the other node accommodates a dedicated CCIS card, CCIS will not work even if the self-node accommodates a Fusion- Link-Card. Therefore, the same Fusion-Link-Card must be accommodated at both nodes. Figure 3-15 shows an example of CCIS-FUSION networks.
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24299 Page 20 Revision 1.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION System Considerations 3.2 Centralized Billing - Fusion (Polling Method) This section explains the conditions of Centralized Billing - Fusion, focusing on when CCIS links are involved. To use this feature, select Center Node(s) on the Fusion network. See Figure 3-14. Figure 3-14 Centralized Billing - Fusion (1/3) FCCS FCCS FCCS Fusion Network - Node A (Fusion - Center Node) collects the billing inform ation of Nodes B and C via FCCS using polling m ethod. Exam ple 1 b illin g in fo rm atio n of Node C billing inform ation of Node B Exam ple 2 Exam ple 3 CCIS IP Xnon IPX CCIS IP Xnon IPX CCIS - Center Node CCIS - Center Node CCIS IP XIP X IP X CCIS IP X CCIS - Center Node CCIS - Center Node In either case, Centralized Billing - CCIS is used. (The size of call base table is 144 Bytes.) In either case, Centralized Billing - CCIS is used. (The size of call base table is 144 Bytes.) IPX IP XIP X 0!KK01090010030020210 100100100202070010010 0000000004111106341997 1225223209199712252314 010112345000000000008 ................. B illin g F orm at: C C IS 144 Bytes Call Base Table 0!KK01090010030020210 100100100202070010010 0000000004111106341997 1225223209199712252314 010112345000000000008 ................. B illin g Fo rm at: C C IS 144 Bytes C all Base Table 0!KK01090010030020210 100100100202070010010 0000000004111106341997 1225223209199712252314 010112345000000000008 ................. Billin g F orm a t: C C IS 144 B ytes Call Base Table 0!KA 01090010030020210 100100100202070010010 0000000004111106341997 1225223209199712252314 010112345000000000008 ................. B illing Fo rm a t: C CI S 144 Bytes Call Base Table Node A Node A Node A Node A Node C Node B Node B Node B Node B 1 2345566 4 5156646 5 8 7646464 6 6 4652213 0 0 2213131 31 6 5465465 4 12 34 55 66 4 51566 46 5 87646 4646 6 46522130 02 213 13 131 65 46 54 654 polling : Fusion Call Control Signal (FCCS) : Common Chanel Inte r-O ffice S ign aling (C C IS) SMDR equipment polling Fusion - Center Node
NDA-24299 CHAPTER 3 Page 21 Revision 1.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION System Considerations Figure 3-14 Centralized Billing - Fusion (2/3) FCCS FCC S Fusion N etw ork - Exam ple 4 - Example 5 CCIS IP X IP XIP X Node B N ode C Fusion - Center Node CCIS - Center Node FCCS Fusion Netw ork Fusion Network CCISCCIS CCIS IP X non IPX non IPXIP X IP X IP X IP X Fusion - Center Node FCCS FCCS FCCS Fusion - Center N ode DPC0: Node D DPC0: Node C DPC0: Node A CCIS - Center Node ¥ N o d e A c o lle cts th e b illin g in fo rm a tio n o f N o d e B a n d N o d e C via F C C S u sin g p o llin g m e th o d . ¥ N o d e A s e n d s th e b illin g in fo rm a tio n o f N o d e A , N o d e B , a n d N o d e C . C C IS - C enter N ode Node A Node B Node C N ode A Node ANode B Node C Node DSM D R equipm entSMDR equipment SM DR equipm ent SMDR equipment SMDR equipment ign ores 1 234 55 66 4 515 66 46 5 8 764 64 64 6 6 465 22 13 0 0 221 31 31 31 6 546 54 65 4 1234 556 6 4515 664 65 8764 64646 6465 2213 0 0 221 3131 31 6 54654654 B illin g In form ation of N ode B 1 2 34 55 66 45 15 6 64 65 8 76 46 4 646 64 65 2 21 30 0 22 131 31 31 65 46 546 54 B i ll ing I nf or mat i on o f N ode B B illing In fo rm a tio n o f N o de Cp ollin g 1 23 455 66 4 51 566 46 5 8 76 464 64 6 6 46 522 13 0 0 22 131 31 31 6 54 654 65 4 12 345 56 6 45 156 64 65 87 646 46 46 64 652 21 30 02 213 13 13 1 65 465 46 5412 345 56 6 45 156 64 65 87 646 46 46 64 652 21 30 02 213 13 13 1 65 465 46 54123 45 566 451 56 646 5 876 46 464 6 646 52 213 0 022 13 131 31 654 65 465 4 B illin g In fo rm ation of N od e B 123 4556 6 45 1566 465 87 6464 646 64 6522 130 0 2213 1313 1 6 5465 4654B illin g In fo rm atio n of No de C po llin g pol ling po llin g ign o re s polling ¥ N o d e A trie s to co lle c t th e b illin g in fo rm a tio n o f N o d e B , a n d N o d e C via F C C S u s in g p o llin g m e th o d . (N o d e A ca n n o t co lle c t th e b illin g in fo rm a tio n o f N o d e C v ia F C C S .) ¥ N o d e C se n d s th e b illin g in fo rm a tio n via C C IS , ig n o rin g p o llin g fro m N o d e A . ¥ N o d e C d e le te s th e se lf-P o in t C o d e (C C IS ) w h e n re q u irin g to s e n d b illin g in fo rm a tio n fo r p o llin g fro m N o d e A . ¥ Node A tries to collect the billing infor mation of Node B via F CCS using polli n g method. (Node A cannot collect the billing infor mation of Node B via F CCS.) ¥ N o d e B s e n d s th e b illin g in fo rm a tio n to N o d e C v ia C C IS , ig n o rin g p o llin g fro m N o d e A . ¥ N o d e B d e le te s th e s e lf-P o in t C o d e (C C IS ) w h e n re q u irin g to se n d b illin g in fo rm a tio n fo r p o llin g fro m N o d e A . - Example 6 B illing In fo rm atio n of Nodes A, B, C
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24299 Page 22 Revision 1.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION System Considerations Figure 3-14 Centralized Billing - Fusion (3/3) FCCS FCCS FCCS F u sion N etw o rk - Exam ple 7 - Example 8 CCIS DPC0: Node D C CIS - C enter N ode SM DR equipm ent SM D R equipm ent Fusion - Center Node FCCS FCCS FCCS Fusion Network CCIS DPC0: N ode B CCIS - Center Node SM D R equipm ent SM DR equipm ent Fusion - C enter N ode ¥ N o d e A co lle cts b illin g in fo rm a tio n o f N o d e B a n d N o d e C via F C C S b y p o llin g m e th o d . (B illin g in fo rm a tio n o f N o d e B ca n n o t b e co lle cte d .) ¥ N o d e B se n d s b illin g in fo rm a tio n to N o d e D via C C IS , ig n o rin g p o llin g fro m N o d e A . ¥ N o d e B d e le te s th e se lf-N o d e P o in t C o d e (C C IS ) w h e n N o d e B w a n ts to se n d b illin g in fo rm a tio n . ¥ N o d e A co lle cts th e b illin g in fo rm a tio n o f N o d e B , N o d e C , a n d N o d e D w h ich a re sto re d in N o d e B a n d N o d e C b y p o llin g m e th o d . ¥ N o d e D s e n d s b illin g in fo rm a tio n to N o d e B . Node ANode B Node C Node D Node ANode B Node C Node D 12345566 451566465 876464646 646522130 0221313131 654654654 12345566 451566465 876464646 646522130 0221313131 65465465412345566 451566465 876464646 646522130 0221313131 654654654 Billing Inform ation o f N o d e B Billing Inform ation of N ode BBilling Inform ation of N ode D 1 23 45 566 4 51 56 646 5 8 7 64 64 64 6 64 65 221 30 02 213 1 3 13 1 654 65 465 4Bi l li ng I nf o r ma ti on o f No de C 1 234 55 66 4 5 15 66 465 8 7 64 646 46 646 52 21 3 0 0 22 13 131 31 6 546 5 4 65 4Bil li ng In f or ma ti on o f N o de C p o llin g p o ll i n g ig n o re s : Fusion Call Control Signal (FCCS) : Com m on Chanel In te r-O ffic e S ig n a lin g (C C IS )D P C : D e s tin a tio n P o in t C o d e n on IP X IP X IP X IP X IP X IP X non IP X IP X
NDA-24299 CHAPTER 3 Page 23 Revision 1.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION System Considerations 3.3 Centralized Management Report-Fusion For collection of fault information in a Fusion network, the Centralized Management Report-Fusion is used. This feature provides automatic reporting of fault occurrence from Local Nodes to Center Node. Figure 3-15 shows service conditions for this feature. Figure 3-15 Centralized Management Report-Fusion Center Node for Centralized Management Report-Fusion is specified in the following system data: ASYDL, SYS1, Index 532 (FPC of Center Node for Centralized Management Report-Fusion). At Center Node, system messages received from the other nodes are stored in the buffer memory for Centralized Management Report-Fusion. The MAT connected to Center Node polls only the self-node. Office Name (ASYD, Index 96 through 115) is used for identification of each node. When a system message printer is connected to a node other than Center Node, system messages sent to Center Node are also output to the system message printer. When a system message has been sent to Center Node, the message is regarded as an old message. When the system fails transmission of a system message to Center Node, retry operation is executed. When the retry operation also fails, transmission is aborted, and the message is sent together with the next system message. FCCSFCCS FCCSFCCS Centralized MATNode ANode B Node C Node D Fusion 13-H 1. xxxx xx xx 0010 1222 4. x0010 1110 10110 1FFF 7. E23C C AAB12 000 0000 NE C Fault!
CHAPTER 3 NDA-24299 Page 24 Revision 1.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION System Considerations The following explains service conditions for the network including both FCCS and CCIS links. Example: 1When the network comprises FCCS and CCIS links (See Figure 3-16.) Figure 3-16 Centralized Management Report-Fusion (Example 1) Node A: To send system messages to Node C via Office B, assign Point Code of Node C (12) to ASYD, SYS 1, Indexes 184 and 185. Node B: To send system messages to Node C, assign Fusion Point Code of Node C (3) to ASYDL, SYS1, Index 532. When this system data is assigned, system messages received from Node A are also transferred to Node C. However, when data is not assigned (0), system messages received from Node A are ignored and not transferred to Node C. System messages received from Node A are not output to the system message printer connected to Node B. Node C: Received system messages are stored in the memory area for Centralized Management Report-Fusion. Node D: To send system messages to Node C, assign Fusion Point Code of Node C (3) to ASYDL, SYS1, Index 532. Centralized MAT Center Node: Node CFusion NE C 13-H 1 . x x x x x x x x 0010 1222 4. x0010 1110 10110 1FFF 7. E23C C AAB12 000 0000 NEC PRT PC=10FPC=4 PC=11 FPC=2PC=12 FPC=3 Node B Node C Node A Node DFCCS FCCS CCIS
NDA-24299 CHAPTER 3 Page 25 Revision 1.0 SYSTEM CONFIGURATION System Considerations Example: 2 When both FCCS and CCIS links are established between two nodes (See Figure 3-17). Figure 3-17 Centralized Management Report-Fusion (Example 2) Node A/B/C:Refer to Example 1 on the previous page. Node D: When Point Code of Node C (12) is assigned to ASYD, SYS 1, Indexes 184 and 185, System messages are sent to Node C with use of CCIS. When this system data is not assigned (0), and Fusion Point Code of Node C (3) is assigned to ASYDL, SYS 1, Index 532, system messages are sent to Node C using FCCS. Centralized MAT Center Node: Node CFusion 13-H 1 . x x x x x x x x 0010 1222 4. x0010 1110 10110 1FFF 7. E23C C AAB12 000 0000 NEC PC=10FPC=4 PC=11 FPC=2PC=12 FPC=3 Node B Node C Node A Node DCCIS FCCS FCCS CCIS