NEC Neax 2400 Ipx Fusion Network System Manual
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CHAPTER 5 NDA-24299 Page 76 Revision 1.0 DATA PROGRAMMING Assignment of Telephone Numbers Table 5-1 Route Class Data Assignment CDN Node A Node B Description type B-channel D-channel B-channel D-channel RT C_RT: 10 C_RT: 11 C_RT: 12 C_RT: 13 1TF3333Trunk Kind 3: Bothway (fixed) 2TCL4444Trunk Class: 4 (fixed) 3RLP2222Release Method: Assign 2-First Party Release. 4SMDR0000Assign 0. 5 LSG 12 13 12 13 B-ch: 12, D-ch: 13 6PAD 7 TRKS 0 (1) 0 0 (1) 0 0: FIFO (1: LIFO) 8TC/EC 9FINT0000Fusion Interface Kind: Assign 0. 10FPEG0000Fusion Trunk Peg Count: Assign 0. 11TC0000Timer Class 12MTC0000 Timer Counter: Status Enquiry: 0 0/1=-/cancel 13STSEQ0000 14FGH0000Assign 0. 15 MMN

NDA-24299 CHAPTER 5 Page 77 Revision 1.0 DATA PROGRAMMING Assignment of Telephone Numbers CDN 1: Trunk Kind 0-2: - 3: Bothway Trunk CDN 2: TCL (Trunk Class) 0-3: - 4: Fusion Trunk 5-31: - CDN 3: RLP (Release Pattern) 0: Calling Party Release 1: - 2: First Party Release 3: - CDN 4: SMDR (SMDR for station-to-station call) Assign 0. CDN 5: LSG (Line Signal) 12: B channel for No.7 CCIS/ISDN 13: D channel for No.7 CCIS/ISDN CDN 6: PAD Note 0: Depending Key Setting of Circuit Card 1: Send 8 dB, Receive 0 dB 2: Send 4 dB, Receive 4 dB 3: Send 8 dB, Receive 12 dB 4: Send 8 dB, Receive 8 dB 5-6: - 7: 0 dB Note:When PAD data is assigned by AFPD command, AFPD data takes precedence over this data. For more information on AFPD command, see the “Office Data Specification.” CDN 7: TRKS (Trunk Select) 0: FIFO 1: LIFO CDN 8: TC/EC 0: No MPC/EC 1: EC 2: MPC 3: - CDN 9: FINT (Fusion Interface Kind) 0: Fusion 1-15: Not used

CHAPTER 5 NDA-24299 Page 78 Revision 1.0 DATA PROGRAMMING Assignment of Telephone Numbers CDN 10: FPEG (Fusion Trunk Peg Count) Assign 0. CDN 11: TC (Timer Class) 0: - 1: 1 sec. 2: 2 sec. 3: 8 sec. 4: 20 sec. 5-7: - CDN 12: MTC (Miscellaneous Timer Counter) CDN 13: STSEQ (Status Enquiry) 0: - 1: cancel CDN 14: FGH (Fusion Gateway Handler) Assign 0. CDN 15: MMN (Kind of Multiple Equipment) 0: TDM 1: MM-Node 2-3: - CDN 16: Fusion Link 0: via DTI 1: via ISW 2: Fusion over IP (Router) 3-15: Not used CDN 17: IPLYR (Voice over IP) 0: DTI interface 1.5 Mbps 1: DTI interface 2.0 Mbps

NDA-24299 CHAPTER 5 Page 79 Revision 1.0 DATA PROGRAMMING Assignment of Telephone Numbers STEP 2: ACTK Assign the connection trunk data of both B-channel and D-channel using the ACTK command. Assign the Connection Equipment Number (C_LENS) referring to Figure 5-23 through Figure 5-26. The ACTK command display should look similar to Figure 5-23. Figure 5-23 ACTK Command Display (example) The mounting location of the FCH, DTI cards can be classified into the following two types: Regular Density Slot (16-port slot) -See Figure 5-24. High Density Slot (32-port slot) -See Figure 5-25 and Figure 5-26. 6.1.1 When FCH is mounted in a Extended Density Slot If the FCH is to be mounted in the Extended Density Slot, the connection trunk should be assigned as shown in the figures below. If the card’s mounting location is in any of the Slot Nos. 04, 06, 08, or 15, 17, 19, the following extended Group should be used for the Dch trunk: G27, 29, or 31. Figure 5-24 shows an example where the cards are mounted in density Slots 04 or 05. Figure 5-24 Mounting FCH and DTI Cards in Regular Density Slots C_RT C_TK C_LENS WRT? ACTK (Assignment of Connection Trunk Data for Local Data Memory) Y 10 1 000010C_RT: Connection Route (1-1023) C_TK: Connection Trunk (1-4095) C_LENS: Connection Line Equipment Numbers PIM 000204 05 06 07 08 09 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 202122 23 12 13 1415 16171819 20212223 00 01 02 04 0406 06 0808 1010 03 05 05 07 07 09 09 11 11 1213 1415 1617 1819 20 212223 PW R DPW R 32 Port16 Port32 Port 16 Port FRONT VIEW example TSW/MUX TSW/MUX

CHAPTER 5 NDA-24299 Page 80 Revision 1.0 DATA PROGRAMMING Assignment of Telephone Numbers Table 5-2 Data Programming Sheet for Regular Density Slot C_RT (1-1023)C_TK(1-4095)C_LENS Time Slot Allocation MG U G LV 10 (B-ch)1 000010 2000011 3000012 4000013 5000014 6000015 7000016 8000017 9000020 10000021 11000022 12000023 13000024 14000025 15000026 16000027 17000030 18000031 19000032 20000033 21000034 22000035 23000036 11 (D-ch)1000037 2000270 0405 01 2703 00 02Dch (TK1) Bch (TK23) Bch (TK1) Dch (TK2) Bch (TK8) Bch (TK9) Slot No. Example Group No. Specify Dch -TS by setting switch on FCH. FCH DTImounting slot Extended Group

NDA-24299 CHAPTER 5 Page 81 Revision 1.0 DATA PROGRAMMING Assignment of Telephone Numbers 6.1.2 When FCH is Mounted in a High Density Slot If the FCH is to be mounted in the High Density Slot, the connection trunk data should be assigned as shown in Figure 5-25. Figure 5-25 shows when these cards are mounted in Slots 11 and 12. Figure 5-25 Mounting FCH and DTI Cards in High-Density Slots 00 02 04 05 06 07 08 09 10 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 12 13 1415 0001 02 0001 02 0404 0606 08 0810 1003 03 0505 0707 0909 11 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 11 12 TSW/MUX TSW/MUX DPWR PWR

CHAPTER 5 NDA-24299 Page 82 Revision 1.0 DATA PROGRAMMING Assignment of Telephone Numbers When the DTI cards are mounted in a double density slot, the C_LEN data for the FCH and DTI cards are assigned as follows in Figure 5-26. Figure 5-26 How to Assign C_LEN Data (Type 2) 0002 04 05 06 0708 09 1011 12 1314 1516 1718 1920 2122 23 04 02 00 06 1005 07 11 12 131415 161718 0001 02 04 06 08 10 03 05 07 09 11 1213 14 15 1617 18 19 20 21 22 23 08 09 PIM Universal SlotsUniversal Slots PWR DPWR TSW/MUX TSW/MUX03 01 FCH DTI DTI 20 FCH 23 22 21 19 Exam ple

NDA-24299 CHAPTER 5 Page 83 Revision 1.0 DATA PROGRAMMING Assignment of Telephone Numbers Table 5-3 Data Programming Sheet for High Density Slot C_RT (1-1023)C_TK (1-4095)C_LENS Time Slot Allocation MG U G LV 10 (B-ch)1 000210 2 000211 3 000212 4 000213 5 000214 6 000215 7 000216 8 000217 9 000220 10 000221 11 000222 12 000223 13 000224 14 000225 15 000226 16 000227 17 000230 18 000231 19 000232 20 000233 21 000234 22 000235 23 000236 11 (D-ch)1 000237 2 000190 1112 19 23 22 21Dch (TK1) Bch (TK23) Bch (TK17) Dch (TK2) Bch (TK9) Bch (TK16) Bch (TK1) Bch (TK8) Slot No. Group No. 20 FCH DTImounting slot

CHAPTER 5 NDA-24299 Page 84 Revision 1.0 DATA PROGRAMMING Assignment of FCH Related Data STEP 3: MBCT Unbusy the connection trunk data assigned in the previous step using MBCT (Make Busy of Connection Trunk) command. This step is required for both B-channel and D-channel trunk. The MBCT command should look similar to Figure 5-27. Figure 5-27 MBCT Command Display 7. Assignment of FCH Related Data STEP 1: For Fusion with FCH only: Assign FCH Number on an FCH (PA-FCHA) circuit card basis. The FCH Number must conform to the following conditions: FCH Number range must be between 1 and 255. At the network level, the same FCH Numbers can be assigned. However, they must be unique at the node level. MBCT (Make Busy of Connection Trunk for Local) 1 05 C_RT C_TK MB WRT? YC_RT: 1-1023 C_TK: 1- 4095 Make Busy Information 0: Make Idle 1: Make Busy (Outgoing)

NDA-24299 CHAPTER 5 Page 85 Revision 1.0 DATA PROGRAMMING Assignment of FCH Related Data Figure 5-28 shows a sample data assignment when FCH cards are located in the PIM 0 slot 4 and PIM 2 slot 11. Figure 5-28 Assignment of FCH Number The AFCH command display should look similar to Figure 5-29. Figure 5-29 AFCH Command Display (example) N ECNE AX 2 40 0 IM S FCHN=2 LENS: 000270FCHN=1 Data Assignment PIM 0 Slot 04 LENS 011190 PIM 2 Slot 11 FCHN: 2 FCHEN: 01 0 19 0FCHN: 1 FCHEN: 00 0 27 0 AFCH (Assignment of FCH Number for.....) Slot No. Dch (TK1) Bch (TK23) Bch (TK1) Bch (TK8) Bch (TK9) Bch (TK16) Bch (TK17) 20 Dch (TK2) 11 12Group No.1923 22 21 DTI FCH Use odd number as the Group No. and Level 0 for the FCHN. example 2 (High-density slot 11) example 1 (Regular-density slot 04) FCHEN xx x 19 0 MG UGr Lv Use this LENS. odd No. Lv=0 FCH card PBX FCHEN xx x 27 0 MG UGr Lv Use this LENS. 0405 01 2703 00 02Dch (TK1) Bch (TK23) Bch (TK1) Dch (TK2) Bch (TK8) Bch (TK9) Slot No. Group No. FCH DTI Extended Group U ntitled - E clip se C m d File ViewHelp A F C H (A ssig nm e nt of F C C H N um b er for.....) FCHN FCHNEN WRT?1 000270 Y FC H N (1-2 55) FCHEN x x x x x x MG: 0-7 U: 0-3 Group: 00 - 31 Lv: 0-7 MG UGrLv Note:Before assigning FCHN, assign the trunk data using the ACTK command.