Namco Gunmen Wars Service Manual
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4. MOVING THE MACHINE Security screw (M5 × 16) Security screw (M5 × 16)Frame cover 4-1 Removing the Header Assy and Side Poles The header assembly is heavy, approx 20kg. ensure that at least 2 people are available to remove the header assy and that there is sufficient space to work. 1. Remove the 6off security screws (M5x16) and remove the frame cover. This machine is fitted with castors to make it easier to move. Take care when moving the machine on an inclined surface. The overall height of the machine is 2080mm. Take care of any overhead obstructions. (e.g. Light Fittings, Electric Cables etc.) When moving the game, ensure that the game is dis-assembled into 2 parts: Monitor Assembly and Front Assembly. The Front Assy is unstable when seperated from the Monitor Assy. Take care that theFront assy does not over balance backwards or forwards when moving. Note: The Front assembly can be further dismantled by removing the Header assembly and Side poles. (see 4-1 below)

Connector Hex head screw (M8x20) Header assy Connector 2. Disconnect the connector. 3. Ensure that the header assy is being held firmly to prevent it falling and remove the 4off hex head set screws (M8x20), and remove the header assembly.

4. Disconnect the connector inside the Gun Base assembly. 5. Remove 4off hex head screws (M8x45) and remove the Side Pole. Note: The side pole is 1.92m high and approx 10kg. Ensure that at least two people are available to remove the side pole, and that there is adequate workspace. 6. Repeat to remove the other Side Pole. 7. Reassemble in reverse order. Gun base assembly Connector Hex head screw (M8 × 45) Hext head screw (M8 × 45)Side pole

\b\f 5. IêfSTALLATIOêf êfotes on Installation NOTE • If \bhe loca\bion si\be of \bhis machine has a polished floor i\b is recommended \bha\b rubber pads are fi\b\bed under \bhe level adjus\bers \bo preven\b \bhe machine sliding on \bhe floor. • In order \bo gain access \bo \bhe Power Supply and \fPU assemblies, make sure \bha\b \bhe rear of \bhe machine is separa\bed from a wall or o\bher machine by a\b leas\b 500mm. • When ins\balla\bion is comple\be, i\b is impera\bive \bha\b \bhe game is ini\bialized. (See sec\bion 7 page 56) WARêfIêfG • êfEVER turn the power to the machine Oêf until installation has been completed. WARêfIêfG • In order to prevent possible electric shocks, be sure that the machine is connected to the mains with a securely connected earthed plug. WARêfIêfG • So that customers are not injured , ensure that there is at least 500mm separation between other machines or walls. \fAUTION • In order \bo avoid damage \bo \bhe machine due \bo mis- opera\bion, ensure \bha\b \bhe vol\bage of \bhe mains supply is 230vol\bs A\f.

DIESES GERÄT IST NUR FÜR DIE GEWERBLICHE AUFSTELLUNG IN GESCHLOSSENEN RÄUMEN BESTIMMT. DAS GERÄT DARF AN FOLGENDEN PLÄTZEN NICHT AUFGESTELLT WERDEN 1. Im Freien. 2. In direktem Sonnenschein, an extrem feuchten und staubigen Plätzen, an Plätzen mit Wasseranschlüssen und möglichen Leckagen, nahe Klima- und Heizungsanlagen, an Plätzen mit extrem hohen oder niedrigen Temperaturen. 3. In der Nähe von Notausgängen oder Feuerlöschgeräten. 4. An unstabilen Plätzen oder Plätzen mit übermäßiger Vibration. 5. An Plätzen, die nicht eben sind. DENNE MASKINE ER KUN DESIGNET TIL INDENDØRSBRUG INSTALLER IKKE MASKINEN PÅ FØLGENDE STEDER 1. Udendørs 2. Direkte sollys, steder med høj fugtighed el. støv, steder med vand udslip, i nærheden af air-condition eller varme udstyr, steder med usædvanlig høj el. kold temperatur. 3. Steder hvor den vil stå i vejen for nødudgange eller brandslukningsudstyr. 4. Ustabile steder eller steder med for store vibrationer. 5. Steder der ikke er plane. ESTA MÁQUINA ESTA DISEÑADA ÚNICAMENTE PARA USO EN INTERIORES. NO INSTALE LA MÁQUINA EN LOS SIGUIENTES LUGARES. 1. Exteriores. 2. Bajo luz solar directa, en lugares con polvo o humedad excesiva, lugares donde hay filtraciones de agua, cerca de aparatos de calefacción o de aire acondicionado, lugares con temperatura ambiente muy alta o muy baja. 3. Lugares donde la máquina obstruya salidas de emergencia o equipos de extinción de incendios. 4. Suelos inestables o lugares con vibraciones excesivas. 5. Lugares con suelos no nivelados. This machine is designed for INDOOR USE ONLY. Do not install in the following places. 1. Outdoors 2. Direct Sunlight, places with excessive humidity or dust, places where there is water leakage, near air-conditioning or heating equipment, places with excessive heat or cold temperature. 3. Places where it would be in the way of emergency exits or fire extinguishing equipment. 4. Unstable places or places with excessive vibration. 5. Places that are not level. 6. This machine must not be cleaned with a water jet, or installed in an area where a water jet could be used.

DENNE MASKINEN ER BARE KONSTRUERT FOR INNENDØRS BRUK IKKE INSTALLER MASKINEN PÅ FØLGENDE PLASSER. 1. Utendørs 2. Konstant sollys, plasser med mye fuktighet og støv, plasser hvor det er vannlekasje, nære luft kjølere eller varme elementer, plasser med overdreven høy eller lav temperatur. 3. Plasser hvor det vill stå i veien for nødutganger eller brannslukking utstyr. 4. Ustabile plasser eller plasser med overdreven vibrasjon. 5. Plasser som ikke er i vater. DEZE MACHINE IS ALLEEN VOOR GEBRUIK BINNENSHUIS ONTWORPEN INSTALLEER DE MACHINE NIET OP DE VOLGENDE PLAATSEN 1. Buiten 2. In direct zonlicht, op plaatsen met een zeer hoge vochtigheidsgraad of met veel stof, op plaatsen waar een waterlek is, dichtbij airco’s of verwarmingsapparatuur, op plaatsen met een zeer hoge of koude temperatuur. 3. Op plaatsen waar nooduitgangen of blusapparatuur worden geblokkeerd. 4. Op onstabiele plaatsen of plaatsen waar grote trillingen voorkomen. 5. Op plaatsen die niet vlak zijn.CETTE MACHINE EST DESTINEE UNIQUEMENT A UN USAGE INTERIEUR NE PAS INSTALLER LA MACHINE DANS LES ENDROITS SUIVANTS 1. A l’extérieur. 2. Directement exposée au soleil, aux endroits excessivement humides ou poussiéreux, aux endroits où il y a des risques de fuite d’eau, près de ventilateurs ou source de chaleur, aux endroits très chauds ou froids. 3. Dans des zones de proximité des sorties de secours ou d’accès aux équipements d’extinction du feu. 4. Dans des emplacements instables ou soumis à de fortes vibrations. 5. Dans des endroits dénivelés. Τ ΜΗΑΝΗΜΑ ΕΙΝΑΙ ΣΕ∆ΙΑΣΜΕΝ ΓΙΑ ΡΗΣΗ ΣΕ ΕΣΩΤΕΡΙΚ ΩΡ ΜΝ ΜΗΝ ΤΠΘΕΤΗΣΕΤΕ Τ ΜΗΑΝΗΜΑ ΣΤΥΣ ΑΚΛΥΘΥΣ ΩΡΥΣ 1. Εωτερικά 2. Απευθείας στν ήλι,σε µέρη /πυ υπάρ0ει υγρασία ή σκ/νη,µέρη /πυ υπάρ0ει άφθν νερ/,κντά σε air-condition ή άλλυ είδυς θέρµανση,µέρη µε υπερ=λική υψηλή ή 0αµηλή θερµκρασία. 3. Σε µέρη /πυ εµπδί@υν µέσα ανάγκης π.0. πυρσ=εστήρες ή άλλα. 4 Μη σταθερά µέρη ή µέρη µε πλλύς κραδασµύς. 5. Μέρη πυ δεν είναι επίπεδα. QUESTA MACCHINA E’ PROGETTATA PER ESSERE USATA ESCLUSIVAMENTE IN AMBIENTI INTERNI. NON INSTALLARE LA MACCHINA NEI SEGUENTI LUOGHI. 1. In ambienti esterni. 2. Alla luce diretta del sole, in posti con eccesiva umidità o polvere, in luoghi dove ci siano infiltrazioni d’acqua, vicino ad apparecchi di condizionamento d’aria oppure riscaldamento, in posti eccessivamente caldi o freddi. 3. In luoghi dove potrebbe esserci un uscita di emergenza o un’attrezzatura per lo spegnimento del fuoco. 4. In posti non stabili o con eccessive vibrazioni. 5. In luoghi non piani.

ESTA MAQUINA FOI CONCEBIDA PARA UTILIZAÇÃO EM ESPACOS INTERIORES APENAS NÃO INSTALAR A MAQUINAS NOS SEGUINTES LOCAIS:- 1. Exteriores. 2. `Luz solar directa, locais com humidade excessiva ou pó, locais aonde existam fugas de água perto de ar condicionados ou equipamentos calorificos e locais com temperaturas excessivamente quentes ou frias. 3. Locais aonde ficaria colocada no caminho de saidas de emergência ou equipamentos extintores de fogo. 4. Locais estruturalmente instaveis ou locais com vibrações excessivas. 5. Locais não nivelados. 1. Utomhus 2. I direkt solsken, platser med extremt hög luftfuktighet eller damm, platser där det förekommer vattenläckage, nära luftkonditionering eller värmeelement, i extremt hög eller låg temperatur. 3. Platser där den skulle kunna vara i vägen för nödutgångar och brandsläckningsutrustning. 4. Instabila ställen eller där stark vibration förekommer. 5. Platser med nivåskillnad. 1. Ulkotilaan 2. Suoraan aurinkovaloon, kosteisiin tai pölyisiin paikkoihin, vesivuotopaikkojen läheisyyteen, ilmanvaihto- tai lämmityslaitteen lähistölle tai paikkoihin, jossa on erittäin kuumaa tai kylmää. 3. Varauloskäytävien, muiden pakoteiden tai tulensammutusvälineiden eteen. 4. Epävakaisiin tai täriseviin paikkoihin. 5. Kaltevalle alustalle.

2. Push the Front assembly up to the monitor assembly completely, taking care not to trap any wires. 3. Remove the rear door from the Monitor assembly. 4. Fit 6off hex head screws (M10x50) to retain the Front assembly to the Monitor assembly. Hex head screw (M10×50) 5-1 Fitting the Front assy to the Monitor assy 1. Place the Front assembly close to the Monitor assembly and connect the connectors. Connector ConnectorControl Assy Front Assy 5. When the assembled game is in its final position, lower the eight (8) level adjusters,(4off Monitor Assy and 4off Gun Assy), with a spanner so that the machine is level and all castors are raised from the floor by approx. 5mm. Tighten the lock nuts with a spanner to ensure that the level adjusters do not move. Note: If the location site of this machine has a polished floor it is recommended that rubber pads are fitted under the level adjusters to prevent the machine sliding on the floor when in use.

Page 40 5-2. Lin\bing t\fo Machines 1. Switc\b bot\b \fac\bines off. 2. Re\fove 2off pozi \bead screws (M5x12) and re\fove t\be Link Cover Bracket. 3. Fit t\be Link Cable (supplied) as s\bown in t\be following diagra\f 4. Refit t\be Link Cover Bracket wit\b t\be 2off pozi \bead screws (M5x12). 5 . See section 6-3-2 pa\oge 42 to set the game PCB I\oD. Failure to set the ID \fill prevent the games operating correctly. Rear of t\be front asse\a\fbly (1) Rear of t\be asse\fbly (2)