MSI X58 Proe Manual
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A-9 MS-7522 When you are playng the first audo source (for example: use Wndows Meda Player to play DVD/VCD), the output wll be played from the rear panel, whch s the default settng. Then you must to select the Realtek HD Audo 2nd output from the scroll lst first, and use a dfferent program to play the second audo source (for example: use Wnamp to play MP3 files). You wll find that the second audo source (MP3 musc) wll come out from the Lne-Out audo jack of Front Panel.

A-10 Realtek Audo▍ Playback control Playback devceThs functon s to let you freely decde whch ports to output the sound. And ths s essental when mult- streamng playback enabled. - Realtek HD Audo Rear Output - Realtek HD Audo Front Output Tool Mute Mute You may choose to mute sngle or multple volume controls or to completely mute sound output. Tool - Show the followng volume controls Ths s to let you freely decde whch volume control tems to be dsplayed. - Advanced controls - Enable playback mult-streamng Wth ths functon, you wll be able to have an audo chat wth your frends va headphone (stream 1 from front panel) whle stll have musc (stream 2 from back panel) n play. At any gven perod, you can have maxmum 2 streams operatng smultaneously. ■

A-11 MS-7522 Recordng control Recordng devce-Back Lne n/Mc, Front Ln n -Realtek HD Audo Input Tool Mute Mute You may choose to mute sngle or multple volume controls or to completely mute sound nput. Tool - Show the followng volume controls Ths s to let you freely decde whch volume control tems to be dsplayed. - Enable recordng mult-streamng Important Realtek audo allows you to record the CD, Lne, Mc and Stereo Mx channels smul- taneously, frees you from mxng efforts. At any gven perod, you may choose 1 of the followng 4 channels to record. ■

A-12 Realtek Audo▍ Audo I/O In ths tab, you can easly configure your mult-channel audo functon and speakers. You can choose a desred mult-channel operaton here. Headphone for the common headphone 2CH Speaker for Stereo-Speaker Output 4CH Speaker for 4-Speaker Output 6CH Speaker for 5.1-Speaker Output 8CH Speaker for 7.1-Speaker Output Speaker Configuraton:Plug the speakers n the correspondng jack. Dalogue “connected devce” wll pop up for your selecton. Please select the devce you have plugged n. - If the devce s beng plugged nto the correct jack, you wll be able to find the con besde the jack changed to the one that s same as your devce. - If not correct, Realtek HD Audo Manager wll gude you to plug the devce nto the correct jack. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ ■ 1. 2.

A-13 MS-7522 Connector Settngs Clck to access connector settngs. Dsable front panel jack detecton (optonal) Jack detecton functon only works wth HD audo front panel. Please check f front jacks on your system are so-called AC’97 jacks. If so, please check ths tem to dsable front panel jack detecton. Mute rear panel output when front headphone plugged n. Enable auto popup dalogue, when devce has been plugged n Once ths tem checked, the dalog “Connected devce” would automatcally pop up when devce plugged n. ■

A-14 Realtek Audo▍ S/PDIF Short for Sony/Phlps Dgtal Interface, a standard audo file transfer format. S/PDIF al - lows the transfer of dgtal audo sgnals from one devce to another wthout havng to be converted first to an analog format. Mantanng the vablty of a dgtal sgnal prevents the qualty of the sgnal from degradng when t s converted to analog. Output Samplng Rate 44.1KHz: Ths s recommend whle playng CD. 48KHz: Ths s recommended whle playng DVD or Dolby. 96KHz: Ths s recommended whle playng DVD-Audo. 192KHz: Ths s recommended whle playng Hgh qualty Audo. Output Source Output dgtal audo source: The dgtal audo format (such as .wav, .mp3,.md etc) wll come out through S/PDIF-Out. S/PDIF-n to S/PDIF -out pass though mode: The data from S/PDIF-In can be real-tme played from S/PDIF-Out.

A-15 MS-7522 Test Speakers You can select the speaker by clckng t to test ts functonalty. The one you select wll lght up and make testng sound. If any speaker fals to make sound, then check whether the cable s nserted firmly to the connector or replace the bad speakers wth good ones. Or you may clck the auto test button to test the sounds of each speaker automatcally. Center Front Rght Sde Rght Subwoofer Rear Rght Front Left Sde Left Rear Left

A-16 Realtek Audo▍ Mcrophone In ths tab you may set the functon of the mcrophone. Select the Nose Suppresson to remove the possble nose durng recordng, or select Acoustc Echo Cancellaton to cancel the acoustc echo drung recordng. Acoustc Echo Cancellaton prevents playback sound from beng recorded by mcro - phone together wth your sound. For example, you mght have chance to use VOIP functon through Internet wth your frends. The voce of your frend wll come out from speakers (playback). However, the voce of your frend mght also be recorded nto your mcrophone then go back to your frend through Internet. In that case, your frend wll hear hs/her own voce agan. Wth AEC(Acoustc Echo Cancellaton) enabled at your sde, your frend can enjoy the benefit wth less echo.

A-17 MS-7522 3D Audo Demo In ths tab you may adjust your 3D postonal audo before playng 3D audo applcatons lke gamng. You may also select dfferent envronment to choose the most sutable envronment you lke.

A-18 Realtek Audo▍ Informaton In ths tab t provdes some nformaton about ths HD Audo Configuraton utlty, nclud- ng Audo Drver Verson, DrectX Verson, Audo Controller & Audo Codec. You may also select the language of ths utlty by choosng from the Language lst. Also there s a selecton Show con n system tray . Swtch t on and an con wll show n the system tray. Rght-clck on the con and the Audo Accessores dalogue box wll appear whch provdes several multmeda features for you to take advantage of.