MSI X58 Proe Manual
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BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 3-9 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 Prmary Graphc’s Adapter Ths settng specfies whch graphc card s your prmary graphcs adapter. PCI Latency Tmer Ths tem controls how long each PCI devce can hold the bus before another takes over. When set to hgher values, every PCI devce can conduct transactons for a longer tme and thus mprove the effectve PCI bandwdth. For better PCI performance, you should set the tem to hgher values. CPU Feature Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears: ▶ ▶ ▶ Hyper-Threadng Technology The processor uses Hyper-Threadng technology to ncrease transacton rates and reduces end-user response tmes. The technology treats the two cores nsde the processor as two logcal processors that can execute nstructons smultaneously. In ths way, the system performance s hghly mproved. If you dsable the functon, the processor wll use only one core to execute the nstructons. Please dsable ths tem f your operatng system doesn’t support HT Functon, or unrelablty and nstablty may occur. Important Enablng the functonalty of Hyper-Threadng Technology for your computer system requres ALL of the followng platform Components: CPU: An Intel® Pentum® 4 Processor wth HT Technology; Chpset: An Intel® Chpset that supports HT Technology; BIOS: A BIOS that supports HT Technology and has t enabled; OS: An operatng system that supports HT Technology. For more nformaton on Hyper-threadng Technology, go to: Execute Bt Support Intel’s Execute Dsable Bt functonalty can prevent certan classes of malcous “buffer overflow” attacks when combned wth a supportng operatng system. Ths functonalty allows the processor to classfy areas n memory by where applcaton code can execute and where t cannot. When a malcous worm attempts to nsert code n the buffer, the processor dsables code executon, preventng damage or worm propagaton. Set Lmt CPUID MaxVal to 3 The Max CPUID Value Lmt s desgned lmt the lsted speed of the processor to older operatng systems. ▶ • • • • ▶ ▶

3-10 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 Overspeed Protecton Overspeed Protecton functon can montor the current CPU draws as well as ts power consumpton. If t exceeds a certan level, the processor automatcally re - duces ts clock speed. If you want to overclock your CPU, set t to [Dsabled]. Chpset Feature Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears: ▶ ▶ HPET The HPET (Hgh Precson Event Tmers) s a component that s part of the chpset. You can enable t, and t wll provde you wth the means to get to t va the varous ACPI methods. Boot Sequence Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears: ▶ ▶ 1st/ 2nd/ 3rd Boot Devce The tem allows you to set the first/ second/ thrd boot devce where BIOS attempts to load the dsk operatng system. Boot From Other Devce Settng the opton to [Yes] allows the system to try to boot from other devce, f the system fals to boot from 1st boot devce. Trusted Computng Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears: ▶ ▶ ▶ TCG/TPM SUPPORT Settng the opton to [Yes] enables TPM (Trusted Platform Module) to the system.▶

BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 3-11 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 integrated peripheraLS USB Controller Ths settng allows you to enable/dsable the onboard USB controller. USB Devce Legacy Support Select [Enabled] f you need to use a USB-nterfaced devce n the operatng system. Onboard LAN Controller Ths tem s used to enable/dsable the onboard 1st LAN controller. LAN Opton ROM Ths tem s used to decde whether to nvoke the Boot ROM of the LAN controller. Onboard IEEE1394 Controller Ths tem allows you to enable/dsable the onboard IEEE1394 controller. Extra RAID/ IDE Controller (JMB363 controller for SATA7 & E-SATA) Ths tem allows you to enable/dsable the extra RAID/ IDE controller. HD Audo Controller Ths settng s used to enable/dsable the onboard audo controller. On-Chp ATA Devces (for ICH10R) Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears: ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

3-12 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 PCI IDE BusMaster Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable BIOS to used PCI busmasterng for readng/ wrtng to IDE drves. On-Chp SATA Controller These tems allow users to enable or dsable the SATA controller. RAID Mode Ths tem allows you to configure RAID mode for onboard SATA devces. I/O Devces Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears: ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ COM Port 1 Select an address and correspondng nterrupt for the first seral port.▶

BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 3-13 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 power ManageMent Setup Important S3-related functons descrbed n ths secton are avalable only when your BIOS sup-ports S3 sleep mode. ACPI Functon Ths tem s to actvate the ACPI (Advanced Configuraton and Power Management In - terface) Functon. If your operatng system s ACPI-aware, such as Wndows 2000/XP, select [Enabled]. ACPI Standby State Ths tem specfies the power savng modes for ACPI functon. If your operatng system supports ACPI, such as Wndows 2000/ XP , you can choose to enter the Standby mode n S1(POS) or S3(STR) fashon through the settng of ths field. Settngs are: [S1] The S1 sleep mode s a low power state. In ths state, no system context s lost (CPU or chpset) and hardware mantans all system context. [S3] The S3 sleep mode s a lower power state where the n formaton of system configuraton and open applcatons/files s saved to man memory that remans powered whle most other hardware compo - nents turn off to save energy. The nformaton stored n memory wll be used to restore the system when a “wake up” event occurs. Restore On AC Power Loss Ths tem specfies whether your system wll reboot after a power falure or nterrupt occurs. Settngs are: [Off] Always leaves the computer n the power off state. ▶ ▶ ▶

3-14 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 [On] Always leaves the computer n the power on state. [Last State] Restores the system to the status before power falure or nterrupt occurred. Wake Up Event Setup Press and the followng sub-menu appears.▶ Wake Up Event By Settng to [BIOS] actvates the followng fields, and use the followng fields to set the wake up events. Settng to [OS], the wake up events wll be defined by OS. Resume From S3 By USB Devce The tem allows the actvty of the USB devce to wake up the system from S3 (Sus -pend to RAM) sleep state. Resume From S3 By PS/2 Keyboard Ths settng determnes whether the system wll be awakened from what power sav - ng modes when nput sgnal of the PS/2 keyboard s detected. Resume From S3 By PS/2 Mouse Ths settng determnes whether the system wll be awakened from what power sav - ng modes when nput sgnal of the PS/2 mouse s detected. Resume By PCI Devce (PME#) When set to [Enabled], the feature allows your system to be awakened from the power savng modes through any event on PME (Power Management Event). Resume By PCI-E Devce When set to [Enabled], the feature allows your system to be awakened from the power savng modes through any event on PCIE devce. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 3-15 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 Resume By RTC Alarm The field s used to enable or dsable the feature of bootng up the system on a scheduled tme/date. Date / HH:MM:SS These two fields can specfy the date/ tme for power-on by alarm. ▶ ▶

3-16 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 h/w Monitor Chasss Intruson The field enables or dsables the feature of recordng the chasss ntruson status and ssung a warnng message f the chasss s once opened. To clear the warnng mes - sage, set the field to [Reset]. The settng of the field wll automatcally return to [Enabled] later. CPU Smart Fan Target The manboard provdes the Smart Fan functon whch can control the CPU fan speed automatcally dependng on the current temperature to keep t wth n a specfic range. You can enable a fan target value here. If the current CPU fan temperature reaches to the target value, the smart fan functon wll be actvated. It provdes several sectons to speed up for coolng down automatcally. SYS FAN1/2 Control Ths tem allows users to select how percentage of speed for the SYS FAN1/2. PC Health Status CPU/ IOH/ System Temperature, CPU FAN/ SYS FAN1/ SYS FAN2 Speed, CPU Vcore, 3.3V, 5V, 12V These tems dsplay the current status of all of the montored hardware devces/com -ponents such as CPU voltage, temperatures and all fans’ speeds. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 3-17 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 bioS Setting paSSword When you select ths functon, a message as below wll appear on the screen: Type the password, up to sx characters n length, and press . The password typed now wll replace any prevously set password from CMOS memory. You wll be prompted to confirm the password. Retype the password and press . You may also press to abort the selecton and not enter a password. To clear a set password, just press when you are prompted to enter the pass- word. A message wll show up confirmng the password wll be dsabled. Once the password s dsabled, the system wll boot and you can enter Setup wthout enterng any password. When a password has been set, you wll be prompted to enter t every tme you try to enter Setup. Ths prevents an unauthorzed person from changng any part of your system configuraton.

3-18 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 green power CPU Phase Control When set to [Auto], the hardware wll auto adjust the CPU power phase accordng to the loadng of CPU to reach the best power savng functon. Motherboard LED Control Ths tem s used to enable/ dsable the power phase LEDs of the motherboard. ----- GreenPower Gene----- ICore/ I12V These tems show the amperage of Core/ 12V. Read only. Pout/ Efficency These tems show the power consumpton & efficency of the system. Read only. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶