MSI X58 Proe Manual
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Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 2-15 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 Important Please do not fold the Seral ATA cable nto 90-degree angle. Otherwse, data loss may occur durng transmsson. Please always use the Intel default SATA connectors (SATA1~6) first. Front Panel Connector: JFP1, JFP2 Ths connector s for electrcal connecton to the front panel swtches and LEDs. The JFP1 s complant wth Intel® Front Panel I/O Connectvty Desgn Gude. 1 .+3 .- 1 0 . N o P in 5 .-R e s e t Sw i t c hH D DL ED Po w e rSw i t c hPo w e rL ED 7 .+9 . R e s e r v e d 8 .-6 .+4 .-2 .+ JFP11. G r o u n d3 . S u s p e n d L ED 5 . P o w e r L ED 7 . N oP in 8 .+6 .-4 .+2 .- B u z z e rSp e a k e r JFP2 Fan Power Connectors: CPUFAN1, SYSFAN1~3 The fan power connectors support system coolng fan wth +12V. When connectng the wre to the connectors, always note that the red wre s the postve and should be con- nected to the +12V; the black wre s Ground and should be connected to GND. If the manboard has a System Hardware Montor chpset on-board, you must use a specally desgned fan wth speed sensor to take advantage of the CPU fan control. 1.Ground 2.+12V3.Sensor 4.Control 1.Ground 2.+12V3.Sensor 1.Ground 2.+12V3.No Use CPUFAN1SYSFAN1/2SYSFAN3 Important Please refer to the recommended CPU fans at processor’s offical webste or consult the vendors for proper CPU coolng fan. CPUFAN1 supports fan control. You can nstall Overclockng Center utlty that wll automatcally control the CPU fan speed accordng to the actual CPU temperature. Fan cooler set wth 3 or 4 pns power connector are both avalable for CPUFAN1. SYSFAN1 and SYSFAN2 support fan control, too. You may select how percentage of speed for the SYSFAN1/2 n BIOS. • • • • • •

2-16 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 Chasss Intruson Connector: JCI1 Ths connector connects to the chasss ntruson swtch cable. If the chasss s opened, the chasss ntruson mechansm wll be actvated. The system wll record ths status and show a warnng message on the screen. To clear the warnng, you must enter the BIOS utlty and clear the record. 1.CINTRU 2.Ground CD-In Connector: JCD1 Ths connector s provded for external audo nput. 4.R3.Ground 2.Ground 1.L IEEE1394 Connector: J1394_1 Ths connector allows you to connect the IEEE1394 devce va an optonal IEEE1394 bracket. 10.Ground 8.+12V6.TPB-4.Ground2.TPA- 1.TPA+ 3.Ground 5.TPB+ 7.+12V 9.No Pin IEEE1394 Bracket (optonal)

Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 2-17 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 Front USB Connector: JUSB1 / JUSB2 / JUSB3 Ths connector, complant wth Intel® I/O Connectvty Desgn Gude, s deal for con- nectng hgh-speed USB nterface perpherals such as USB HDD, dgtal cameras, MP3 players, prnters, modems and the lke. USB 2.0 Bracket (optonal) 1.VCC 3.USBD- 10.USBOC 5.USBD+ 7.Ground 9.No Pin 8.Ground6.USBD+4.USBD-2.VCC Important Note that the pns of VCC and GND must be connected correctly to avod possble damage. Front Panel Audo Connector: JAUD1 Ths connector allows you to connect the front panel audo and s complant wth Intel® Front Panel I/O Connectvty Desgn Gude. 1.MIC L 3.MIC R 10.Head Phone Detection 5.Head Phone R 7.SENSE_SEND 9.Head Phone L 8.No Pin6.MIC Detection 4.PRESENCE# 2.Ground

2-18 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 Seral Port Connector: JCOM1 Ths connector s a 16550A hgh speed communcaton port that sends/ receves 16 bytes FIFOs. You can attach a seral devce. 1.DCD 3.SOUT 10.No Pin 5.Ground 7.RTS 9.RI 8.CTS6.DSR4.DTR2.SIN TPM Module connector: JTPM1 Ths connector connects to a TPM (Trusted Platform Module) module (optonal). Please refer to the TPM securty platform manual for more detals and usages. 10.No Pin 14.Ground8.5V Power 12.Ground6.Serial IRQ 4.3.3V Power 2.3V Standby power 1.LPC Clock 3.LPC Reset 5.LPC address & data pin0 7.LPC address & data pin1 9.LPC address & data pin2 11.LPC address & data pin3 13.LPC Frame

Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 2-19 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 S/PDIF-Out Connector: JSP1 (for HDMI graphcs card only) Ths connector s used to connect S/PDIF (Sony & Phlps Dgtal Interconnect Format) nterface for dgtal audo transmsson to the HDMI graphcs card. GNDSPDIFO S/PDIF Bracket (Optonal)

2-20 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 Switch Hardware Overclock Base clock Swtch: CPU_CLK1 You can overclock the Base clock to ncrease the processor frequency by changng ths swtch. Follow the nstructons below to set the base clock. 133 MHz (default)166 MHz200 MHz mportant Make sure that you power off the system before changng the swtch.HW overclockng may cause nstablty or crash durng boot, then please re-set the swtch to default. You can also overclock by settng BIOS. BIOS overclockng may also cause crash durng boot and then please reboot the system 3 tmes to restore default BIOS set - tngs. For more detals, please refer to the BIOS chapter. • • •

Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 2-21 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 buttonS The motherboard provdes the followng button for you to set the computer’s functon. Ths secton wll explan how to change your motherboard’s functon through the use of button. Clear CMOS Button: CLR_CMOS1 There s a CMOS RAM on board that has a power supply from external battery to keep the system configuraton data. Wth the CMOS RAM, the system can automat- cally boot OS every tme t s turned on. If you want to clear the system configuraton, use the button to clear data. Press the button to clear the data. Important Make sure that you power off the system before clearng CMOS data. Power Button: POWER1 Ths power button s used to turn-on or turn-off the system. Press the button to turn-on or turn-off the system. Ths button wll lght after you power-on the system, and the lght wll turn-off when you power-off the system. Reset Button: RESET1 Ths reset button s used to reset the system. Press the button to reset the system. Ths button wll lght when the system s n S0 status.

2-22 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 SLotS PCI (Perpheral Component Interconnect) Express Slot The PCI Express slot supports the PCI Express nterface expanson card. PCI Express x16 Slot PCI Express x1 Slot ATI CrossFreXTM (Mult-GPU) Technology ATI CrossFreXTM s the ultmate mult-GPU performance gamng platform. Enablng game-domnatng power, ATI CrossFreXTM technology enables two or more dscrete graphcs processors to work together to mprove system performance. ATI CrossF-reXTM technology allows you to expand your system’s graphcs capabltes. It allows you the ablty to scale your system’s graphcs horsepower as you need t, supportng two or more ATI RadeonTM HD graphcs cards, makng ths the most scalable gamng platform ever. The motherboard can auto detect the CrossFreXTM mode by software, therefore you don’t have to enable the CrossFreXTM n BIOS by yourself. The followng detals the 2-way CrossFreXTM nstallaton. Install one ATI RadeonTM HD graphcs card n the first PCIE x16 (PCI_E1) slot , then nstall one ATI RadeonTM HD graphcs card n the thrd PCIE x16 (PCI_E4) slot. Wth two cards nstalled, an CrossFreXTM Vdeo Lnk cable s requred to connect the golden fingers on the top of these two graphcs cards (refer to the pcture be - low). Please note that although you have nstalled two or more graphcs cards, only the vdeo outputs on the graphcs card nstalled n PCI_E1 wll work. Hence, you only need to connect a montor to ths graphcs card. 1. 2. CrossFreXTM Vdeo Lnk cable

Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 2-23 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 Important Motherboard photos shown n ths secton are for demonstraton only. The appear- ance of your motherboard may vary dependng on the model you purchase. If you ntend to nstall TWO graphcs cards for CrossFreX TM mode, make sure that: a. these two graphcs cards are of the same brand and specficatons; b. these two cards are nstalled on both mazarne PCIE x16 slots. Make sure that you connect an adequate power supply to the power connector on the graphcs card to ensure stable operaton of the graphcs card. Only Wndows ®XP wth Servce Pack 2 (SP2)& Wndows®XP Professonal x64 Ed- ton & Wndows®Vsta support the CrossFreXTM functon. • • • • When all of the hardware and software has been properly set up and nstalled, re - boot the system. After enterng the O.S., clck the “CatalystTM Control Center” con on the desktop. There s a settng n the CatalystTM Control Center that needs to be enabled for CrossFreXTM to operate. The followng aspect appears n CatalystTM Control Center: 3. Select the Advanced Vew from the vew drop menu. Important A CrossFreXTM system has four possble dsplay modes: SuperTlng Scssor ModeAlternate Frame RenderngSuper Ant-alasng. for more detals, please consult the graphcs card manual from the manufacturer. • • • •

2-24 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 Hardware Setup▍MS-7522 PCI (Perpheral Component Interconnect) Slot The PCI slot supports LAN card, SCSI card, USB card, and other add-on cards that comply wth PCI specficatons.32-bt PCI Slot Important When addng or removng expanson cards, make sure that you unplug the power sup- ply first. Meanwhle, read the documentaton for the expanson card to configure any necessary hardware or software settngs for the expanson card, such as jumpers, swtches or BIOS configuraton. PCI Interrupt Request Routng The IRQ, acronym of nterrupt request lne and pronounced I-R-Q, are hardware lnes over whch devces can send nterrupt sgnals to the mcroprocessor. The PCI IRQ pns are typcally connected to the PCI bus pns as follows: Order1 Order2 Order3 Order4 PCI Slot1 INT E# INT F# INT G# INT H# PCI Slot2 INT F# INT G# INT H# INT E#