MSI X58 Proe Manual
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BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 3-19 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 ceLL Menu Important Change these settngs only f you are famlar wth the chpset. Current Core / DRAM / QPI Frequency These tems show the current clocks of CPU core, Memory and QPI speed. Read- only. ▶

3-20 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 CPU Specficatons Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears. ▶ Ths sub-menu dsplays the nformatons of nstalled CPU. CPU Technology Support Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears.▶ Ths sub-menu dsplays the technologes that the nstalled CPU supported. Intel EIST The Enhanced Intel SpeedStep technology allows you to set the performance level of the mcroprocessor whether the computer s runnng on battery or AC power. Ths field wll appear after you nstalled the CPU whch support EIST technology. Intel C-STATE tech C-state s a power management state that sgnficantly reduces the power of the proces - sor durng dle. Ths field wll appear after you nstalled the CPU whch support c-state technology. Base Clock (MHz) Ths tem allows you to set the CPU Base clock (n MHz). Intel Turbo Boost tech ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 3-21 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 Ths tem wll appear when you nstall a CPU nclude Intel Turbo Boost technology.Ths tem s used to enable/ dsable Intel Turbo Boost technology. For further nformaton please refer to Intel’s offical webste. Adjusted Core Frequency (MHz) It shows the adjusted CPU frequency (Base clock x Rato). Read-only. QPI Configuraton Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears. ▶ ▶ QPI Lnks Speed Ths tem allows you to select the QPI lnks speed type. QPI Frequency Ths tem allows you to select the QPI frequency. MEMORY-Z Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears. ▶ ▶ ▶ DIMM1~6 Memory SPD Informaton Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears.▶ These tems dsplay the current status of the current DIMM Memory speed nforma- tons. They are read only.

3-22 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 Advance DRAM Configuraton Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears.▶ 1N/2N Memory Tmng Ths tem controls the SDRAM command rate. Select [1N] makes SDRAM sgnal controller to run at 1N (N=clock cycles) rate. Selectng [2N] makes SDRAM sgnal controller run at 2N rate. CAS# Latency (CL) Ths controls the CAS latency, whch determnes the tmng delay (n clock cycles) before SDRAM starts a read command after recevng t. tRCD When DRAM s refreshed, both rows and columns are addressed separately. Ths setup tem allows you to determne the tmng of the transton from RAS (row ad -dress strobe) to CAS (column address strobe). The less the clock cycles, the faster the DRAM performance. tRP Ths settng controls the number of cycles for Row Address Strobe (RAS) to be allowed to precharge. If nsufficent tme s allowed for the RAS to accumulate ts charge before DRAM refresh, refresh may be ncomplete and DRAM may fal to retan data. Ths tem apples only when synchronous DRAM s nstalled n the sys -tem. tRAS Ths settng determnes the tme RAS takes to read from and wrte to memory cell. Advanced Memory Settng Settng to [Auto] enables DRAM tmngs automatcally to be determned by BIOS based on the configuratons on the SPD (Seral Presence Detect) EEPROM on the DRAM module. Extreme Memory Profile Ths tem s used to enable/dsable the Intel Extreme Memory Profile (XMP). For further nformaton please refer to Intel’s offical webste. Memory Rato Ths tem allows you to set the memory multpler. Adjusted DRAM Frequency (MHz) It shows the adjusted Memory frequency. Read-only. ClockGen Tuner Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 3-23 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 CPU Clock Drve/ PCI Express Clock Drve These tems are used to select the CPU/ PCI Express clock ampltude. CPU CLK Skew/ MCH CLK Skew These tems are used to select the CPU/ North Brdge chpset clock skew. They can help CPU to reach the hgher overclockng performace. Adjust PCI Frequency (MHz) Ths field allows you to select the PCI frequency (n MHz). Adjust PCI-E Frequency (MHz) Ths field allows you to select the PCIE frequency (n MHz). Auto Dsable DRAM/PCI Frequency When set to [Enabled], the system wll remove (turn off) clocks from empty DIMM and PCI slots to mnmze the electromagnetc nterference (EMI). CPU Voltage (V)/ CPU Vcore/ CPU PLL Voltage (V)/ QPI Voltate (V))/ DRAM Volt-age (V)/ DDR_VREF_CA_A (V)/ DDR_VREF_CA_B (V)/ DDR_VREF_CA_C (V)/ DDR_VREF_DQ_A (V)/DDR_VREF_DQ_B (V), DDR_VREF_DQ_C (V)/ NB Voltage (V)/ ICH Voltage (V) These tems are used to asjust the voltage of CPU, Memory, QPI and chpset. For CPU Voltage: The value here s the offset for you to adjust/add based on the current CPU voltage. Please read the real-tme CPU voltage n “CPU Vcore” n the “H/W montor” page. Please note the based CPU Voltage wll vary dependng on the dfferent CPU you nstall. For QPI Voltage: The value here s the offset for you to adjust/add based on the current QPI voltage. The default based QPI Voltage s from 1.1V to 1.22V, and t wll vary dependng on the dffer - ent CPU you nstall. You can read the QPI voltage n GreenPower Center. For DRAM Voltage: Accordng to the Inte CPU spec, DRAM Voltage settng 1.65V may damage the CPU permanently. It s strongly recommended that you nstall the DRAM wth the voltage set - tng below 1.65V. You can read the DRAM voltage n GreenPower Center. Spread Spectrum When the manboard’s clock generator pulses, the extreme values (spkes) of the pulses create EMI (Electromagnetc Interference). The Spread Spectrum functon reduces the EMI generated by modulatng the pulses so that the spkes of the pulses are reduced to flatter curves. If you do not have any EMI problem, leave the settng at Dsabled for opt - mal system stablty and performance. But f you are plagued by EMI, set to Enabled for EMI reducton. Remember to dsable Spread Spectrum f you are overclockng because even a slght jtter can ntroduce a temporary boost n clock speed whch may just cause your overclocked processor to lock up. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

3-24 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 Important If you do not have any EMI problem, leave the settng at [Dsabled] for optmal system stablty and performance. But f you are plagued by EMI, select the value of Spread Spectrum for EMI reducton. The greater the Spread Spectrum value s, the greater the EMI s reduced, and the system wll become less stable. For the most sutable Spread Spectrum value, please consult your local EMI regulaton. Remember to dsable Spread Spectrum f you are overclockng because even a slght jtter can ntroduce a temporary boost n clock speed whch may just cause your over -clocked processor to lock up. • • •

BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 3-25 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 Important Faled Overclockng Resoluton Ths motherboard supports overclockng greatly. However, please make sure your pe - rpherals and components are bearable for some specal settngs. Any operaton that exceeds product specficaton s not recommended. Any rsk or damge resultng from mproper operaton wll not be under our product warranty. Two ways to save your system from faled overclockng... Reboot Press the Power button to reboot the system three tmes. Please note that, to avod electrc current to affect other devces or components, we suggest an nterval of more than 10 seconds among the reboot actons. At the fourth reboot, BIOS wll determne that the prevous overclockng s faled and restore the default settngs automatcally. Please press any key to boot the system normally when the followng message appears on screen. Warnng !!! The prevous overclockng had faled, and system wll restore ts defaults settng, Press any key to contnue....... Clear CMOS Please refer to “Chapter 2” for more nformaton about how to clear CMOS data. • •

3-26 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 uSer SettingS Save Settngs 1/ 2/ 3/ 4 These tems are used to save the settngs set by yourself to CMOS. Load Settngs 1/ 2/ 3/ 4 These tems are avalable after you save your settngs n Save Settngs 1/ 2/ 3/ 4 tems , and are used to load the settngs from CMOS. ▶ ▶

BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 3-27 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 M-fLaSh == BIOS Update or Load BIOS From USB drve== M-Flash functon as M-Flash funcon allows you to flash BIOS from USB drve/ storage drve (FAT/ FAT32 format only), or allows the system to boot from the BIOS file nsde USB drve (FAT/ FAT32 format only). [Dsabled] Dsable M-Flash functon. [BIOS Update] Flash BIOS va the USB/ Storage drve drectly. Update BIOS ROM chp data from selected file, whch s download from offical webste and must be saved n the root drectory of the USB/ Storage drve. It only supports partcular file name, whch s the offical BIOS file name from us. [Boot] After allocated partcular BIOS file, system wll boot from ths BIOS file whch saved n the root drectory of USB drve. System wll skp MB ROM chp data and boot wth thspartcular BIOS nsde USB drve.Note: ths opton s for USB drve only. ▶

3-28 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 BIOS Setup▍MS-7522 Important Please refer to the block dagram below about the M-Flash functon.Due to the specal desgn of some graphcs cards wll cause dark screen durng M-flash operaton, and you may refer the beeps from the system to confirm the current M-flash process. • • Load BIOS source file from When the M-Flash functon as sets to [USB Drve] or [BIOS Update], ths tem s se - lectable. Usng ths tem to select partcular BIOS file from the USB/ Storage (FAT/32 format only) drve. ▶