MSI X58 Proe Manual
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Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 C-9 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 Recovery Volume Optons Select opton 4 Recovery Volume Optons and press to change recovery volume mode. The followng screen appears:■ Recovery mode wll change from Contnuous Update to On-Request after you en- able “Only Recovery Dsk” or “Only Master Dsk”.
C-10 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 inStaLLing driver Important Please follow the nstructon below to make an “Intel® RAID Drver” for yourself. Insert the MSI CD nto the CD-ROM drve. Clck the “Browse CD” on the Setup screen.Copy all the contents n \\IDE\Intel\ICH10R\Floppy to a formatted floppy ds -kette. The drver dskette for Intel® ICH10R RAID Controller s done. 1.2.3. 4. Install Drver n Wndows Vsta / XP ?New Wndows Vsta / XP Installaton The followng detals the nstallaton of the drvers whle nstallng operatng system. When you start nstallng Wndows XP, you may encounter a message statng, “Setup could not determne the type of one or more mass storage devces nstalled n your system”. If ths s the case, then you are already n the rght place and are ready to supply the drver. If ths s not the case, then press F6 when prompted at the begnnng of Wndows setup. Press the “S” key to select “Specfy Addtonal Devce”. You should be prompted to nsert a floppy dsk contanng the Intel ® RAID drver nto the A: drve. Note: For Wndows XP, you can use the USB floppy drve only. For Wndows Vsta you can use CD/ DVD/ USB drve. 1. 2. 3. For Wndows Vsta: Durng the Operatng system nstallaton, after selectng the locaton to nstall Vsta clck on “Load Drver” button to nstall a thrd party SCSI or RAID drver. When prompted, nsert the floppy dsk or meda (CD/DVD or USB) you created n step 3 and press Enter. You should be shown a lst of avalable SCSI Adapters. Select the approprate Intel RAID controller and press ENTER. The next screen should confirm that you have selected the Intel® RAID controller. Press ENTER agan to contnue. You have successfully nstalled the Intel ® Matrx Storage Manager drver, and Wn- dows setup should contnue. Leave the dsk n the floppy drve untl the system reboots tself. Wndows setup wll need to copy the files from the floppy agan after the RAID volume s formatted, and Wndows setup starts copyng files. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 C-11 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 Exstng Wndows Vsta/ XP Drver InstallatonInsert the MSI CD nto the CD-ROM drve. The CD wll auto-run and the setup screen wll appear. Under the Drver tab, clck on Intel IAA RAID Edton. The drvers wll be automatcally nstalled. Confirmng Wndows Vsta/ XP Drver Installaton From Wndows Vsta/ XP, open the Control Panel from My Computer followed by the System con. Choose the Hardware tab, then clck the Devce Manager tab. Clck the “+” n front of the SCSI and RAID Controllers hardware type. The drver Intel(R) ICH10R SATA RAID Controller should appear. ■ 1. 2. 3. 4. ■ 1. 2. 3.
C-12 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 inStaLLing Software Install Intel Matrx Storage ConsoleThe Intel Applcaton Accelerator RAID Edton drver may be used to operate the hard drve from whch the system s bootng or a hard drve that contans mportant data. For ths reason, you cannot remove or un-nstall ths drver from the system after nstallaton; however, you wll have the ablty to un-nstall all other non-drver components. Insert the MSI CD and clck on the Intel IAA RAID Edtor to nstall the software. Clck on ths tem
Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 C-13 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 The InstallSheld Wzard wll begn automatcally for nstallaton showed as followng: Clck on the Next button to proceed the nstallaton n the welcomng wndow.
C-14 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 The wndow shows the components to be nstalled. Clck Next button to contnue. After readng the lcense agreement n the followng wndow, clck Yes button to con- tnue.
Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 C-15 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 The followng wndow appears to show the Readme Fle Informaton. It shows the sys- tem requrements and nstallaton nformaton. Once the nstallaton s complete, the followng wndow appears.
C-16 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 raid Migration inStructionS Important A “Create from Exstng Dsk” operaton wll delete all exstng data from the added dsk and the data cannot be recovered. It s crtcal to backup all mportant data on the added dsk before proceedng. However, durng the mgraton process, the data on the source dsk s preserved. The Intel Matrx Storage Console offers the flexblty to upgrade from a sngle Seral ATA (SATA) hard drve to RAID configuraton when an addtonal SATA hard drve s added to the system. Ths process wll create a new RAID volume from an exstng dsk. However, several mportant steps must be followed at the tme the system s first configured n order to take advantage of RAID when upgradng to a second SATA hard drve: BIOS must be configured for RAID before nstallng Wndows on the sngle SATA hard drve. Refer to “BIOS secton” properly settng. Install the Intel Applcaton Accelerator RAID Drver durng Wndows Setup. Refer to “Installng Software” for nstructons on nstallng the drver durng Wndows Setup. Install the Intel Matrx Storage Console after the operatng system s nstalled. To create a volume from an exstng dsk, complete the followng steps: 1. 2. 3. After the Intel Matrx Storage Console has been successfully nstalled and the sys - tem has rebooted, clck on the Intel Applcaton Accelerator shortcut lnk (Start --> All Programs --> Intel Matrx Storage Manager --> Intel Matrx Storage Console) and the followng wndow wll appear:
Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 C-17 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 Create RAID Volume from Exstng DskTo create a RAID volume from an exstng dsk, choose Acton --> Create RAID Volume from Exstng Hard Drve. The Create RAID Volume from Exstng Hard Drve Wzard pops up to lead you for the followng procedure. Clck Next to contnue.
C-18 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 Intel ICH10R SATA RAID▍MS-7522 (1) Configure Volume Here you can configure the new RAID volume by enterng the volume name, selectng the RAID level and strp sze. RAID Volume Name: A desred RAID volume name needs to be typed n where the “Volume_0000” text currently appears above. The RAID volume name has a maxmum lmt of 16 char - acters. The RAID volume name must also be n Englsh alphanumerc ASCII char-acters. RAID Level: Select the desred RAID level: RAID 0 (Performance) : A volume optmzed for performance wll allow you to access your data more quck -ly. RAID 1 (Redundancy) : A volume optmzed for data redundancy wll provde you wth a realtme duplcate copy of your data. Note: Only half of the avalable volume space wll be avalable for data storage. RAID 5 (Useful) : RAID 5 can be used on three or more dsks, wth zero or more spare-dsks. The resultng RAID-5 devce sze wll be (N-1)*S, where N s the how many drve, S s the sze of the smallest drve n the array. If one of the dsks fal, all data are stll ntact. It can rebuld the dsk from the party nformaton. If spare dsks are avalable, recon - structon wll begn mmedately after the devce falure. If two dsks fal smultane- ously, all data are lost. RAID-5 can survve one dsk falure, but not two or more. Both read and wrte performance usually ncrease, but can be hard to predct how much. Reads are smlar to RAID-0 reads, wrtes can be ether rather expensve (requrng read-n pror to wrte, n order to be able to calculate the correct party nformaton), or smlar to RAID-1 wrtes. The wrte efficency depends heavly on the amount of ■ ■