MSI Military Class 2 Manual
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Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B B-3 Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B BIOS Configuraton The Intel Matrx Storage Manager Opton ROM should be ntegrated wth the system BIOS on all motherboards wth a supported Intel chpset. The Intel Matrx Storage Man- ager Opton ROM s the Intel RAID mplementaton and provdes BIOS and DOS dsk servces. Please use + keys to enter the “Intel ® RAID for Seral ATA” status screen, whch should appear early n system boot-up, durng the POST (Power-On Self Test). Also, you need to enable the RAID functon n BIOS to create, delete and reset RAID volumes. Usng the Intel Matrx Storage Manager Opton ROM Creatng, Deletng and Resettng RAID Volumes: The Seral ATA RAID volume may be configured usng the RAID Configuraton utlty stored wthn the Intel RAID Opton ROM. Durng the Power-On Self Test (POST), the followng message wll appear for a few seconds: Important The “Devce Model”, “Seral #” and “Sze” n the followng example mght be dfferent from your system. After the above message shows, press and keys smultaneously to enter the RAID Configuraton Utlty. Important The followng procedure s only avalable wth a newly-bult system or f you are renstall- ng your OS. It should not be used to mgrate an exstng system to RAID.
B-4 Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B After pressng the and keys smultaneously, the followng wndow wll ap-pear: Create RAID Volume Select opton 1 “Create RAID Volume” and press key. The follow ng screen appears. Then n the Name field, specfy a RAID Volume name and then press the or key to go to the next field. Use the arrow keys to select the RAID level best suted to your usage model n RAID Level. ■ 1. 2.
Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B B-5 Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B In the Dsk field, press key and the followng screen appears. Use key to select the dsks you want to create for the RAID volume, then clck key to finsh selecton.3. Then select the strp value for the RAID array by usng the “upper arrow” or “down arrow” keys to scroll through the avalable values, and pressng the key to select and advance to the next field. The avalable values range from 4KB to 128 KB n power of 2 ncrements. The strp value should be chosen based on the planned drve usage. Here are some typcal values: RAID0 -128KB / RAID10 - 64KB / RAID5 - 64KB. Then select the capacty of the volume n the Capacty field. The default value s the maxmum volume capacty of the selected dsks. 4. 5.
B-6 Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B Important Snce you want to create two volumes (Intel Matrx RAID Technology), ths default sze (maxmum) needs to be reduced. Type n a new sze for the first volume. As an ex- ample: f you want the first volume to span the first half of the two dsks, re-type the sze to be half of what s shown by default. The second volume, when created, wll automat - cally span the remander of two hard drves. Then the followng screen appears for you to confirm f you are sure to create the RAID volume. Press to contnue.6. Then the followng screen appears to ndcate that the creaton s finshed.7.
Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B B-7 Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B Delete RAID Volume Here you can delete the RAID volume, but please be noted that all data on RAID drves wll be lost. Important If your system currently boots to RAID and you delete the RAID volume n the Intel RAID Opton ROM, your system wll become un-bootable. Select opton 2 Delete RAID Volume from the man menu wndow and press key to select a RAID volume for deleton. Then press key to delete the selected RAID volume. The followng screen appears. Press key to accept the volume deleton. ■
B-8 Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B Reset Dsks to Non-RAID Select opton 3 Reset Dsks to Non-RAID and press to delete the RAID volume and remove any RAID structures from the drves. The followng screen appears: Press key to accept the selecton. Important You wll lose all data on the RAID drves and any nternal RAID structures when you perform ths operaton. Possble reasons to “Reset Dsks to Non-RAID” could nclude ssues such as ncom - patble RAID configuratons or a faled volume or faled dsk. ■ • •
Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B B-9 Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B Recovery Volume Optons Select opton 4 Recovery Volume Optons and press to change recovery volume mode. The followng screen appears: Recovery mode wll change from Contnuous Update to On-Request after you en- able “Only Recovery Dsk” or “Only Master Dsk”. ■
B-10 Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B Important Please follow the nstructon below to make an “Intel® RAID Drver” for yourself. Insert the MSI DVD nto the DVD-ROM drve. Clck the “Browse CD” on the Setup screen.Copy all the contents n \\Storage\Intel\PCH\f6flpy-x86 or f6flpy-x64 to a formatted floppy dskette. The drver dskette for Intel ® RAID Controller s done. • • • • Installng Drver New Wndows 7/ Wndows Vsta / Wndows XP Installaton The followng detals the nstallaton of the drvers whle nstallng operatng system. When you start nstallng Wndows XP, you may encounter a message statng, “Setup could not determne the type of one or more mass storage devces nstalled n your system”. If ths s the case, then you are already n the rght place and are ready to supply the drver. If ths s not the case, then press F6 when prompted at the begnnng of Wndows setup. Press the “S” key to select “Specfy Addtonal Devce”. You should be prompted to nsert a floppy dsk contanng the Intel ® RAID drver nto the A: drve. Note: For Wndows XP, you can use the USB floppy drve only. For Wndows Vsta/ Wndows 7 you can use CD/ DVD/ USB drve. ■ 1. 2. 3. For Wndows Vsta/ Wndows 7: Durng the Operatng system nstallaton, after selectng the locaton to nstall Vsta / Wndows 7 clck on “Load Drver” button to nstall a thrd party SCSI or RAID drver. When prompted, nsert the floppy dsk or meda (CD/DVD or USB) you created n step 3 and press Enter. You should be shown a lst of avalable SCSI Adapters. Select the approprate Intel RAID controller and press ENTER. The next screen should confirm that you have selected the Intel® RAID controller. Press ENTER agan to contnue. You have successfully nstalled the Intel ® Matrx Storage Manager drver, and Wn- dows setup should contnue. Leave the dsk n the floppy drve untl the system reboots tself. Wndows setup wll need to copy the files from the floppy agan after the RAID volume s formatted, and Wndows setup starts copyng files. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.
Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B B-11 Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B Exstng Wndows Drver InstallatonInsert the MSI DVD nto the DVD-ROM drve. The DVD wll auto-run and the setup screen wll appear. Under the Drver tab, clck on Intel RAID Drvers. The drvers wll be automatcally nstalled. Confirmng Wndows Drver Installaton From Wndows, open the Control Panel from My Computer followed by the System con. Choose the Hardware tab, then clck the Devce Manager tab. Clck the “+” n front of the SCSI and RAID Controllers hardware type. The drver Intel(R) SATA RAID Controller should appear. ■ 1. 2. 3. 4. ■ 1. 2. 3.
B-12 Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B Intel RAIDMS-7681 Appendx B Degraded RAID Array A RAID 1, RAID 5 or RAID 10 volume s reported as degraded when one of ts hard drve members fals or s temporarly dsconnected, and data mrrorng s lost. As a result, the system can only utlze the remanng functonal hard drve member. To re-establsh data mrrorng and restore data redundancy, refer to the procedure below that corre - sponds to the current stuaton. Mssng Hard Drve Member Make sure the system s powered off. Reconnect the hard drve. Reboot the system to Wndows; the rebuld wll occur automatcally. Faled Hard Drve Member Make sure the system s powered off. Replace the faled hard drve wth a new one that s of equal or greater capacty. Reboot the system to Intel RAID Opton ROM by press and keys smul - taneously durng the Power-On Self Test (POST). 1. 2. 3. 1. 2. 3. Select the port of the destnaton dsk for rebuldng, and then press ENTER.4.