MSI Military Class 2 Manual
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BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 3-11 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 X.M.P Support Informaton Press to enter the sub-menu. These tems dsplay the current status of the X.M.P support nformaton. Read only. CPU Feature Press to enter the sub-menu and the followng screen appears: Actve Processor Cores Ths tem allows you to select the number of actve processor cores. Lmt CPUID Maxmum It s desgned to lmt the lsted speed of the processor to older operatng systems. Execute Dsable Bt Intel’s Execute Dsable Bt functonalty can prevent certan classes of malcous “buffer overflow” attacks when combned wth a supportng operatng system. Ths functonalty allows the processor to classfy areas n memory by where applcaton code can execute and where t cannot. When a malcous worm attempts to nsert code n the buffer, the processor dsables code executon, preventng damage or worm propagaton. Intel Vrtualzaton Tech Ths tem s used to enable/dsable the Intel Vrtualzaton technology. For further nformaton please refer to Intel’s offical webste. Power Technology Ths tem allows you to select the Intel Dynamc Power technology mode. C1E Support To enable ths tem to read the CPU power consumpton whle dle. Not all processors support Enhanced Halt state (C1E). OverSpeed Protecton Overspeed Protecton functon can montor the current CPU draws as well as ts power consumpton. If t exceeds a certan level, the processor automatcally reduces ts clock speed. If you want to overclock your CPU, set t to [Dsabled]. Intel C-State C-state s a power management state that sgnficantly reduces the power of the processor durng dle. Ths field wll appear after you nstalled the CPU whch sup -ports c-state technology. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

3-12 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 Package C-State lmt Ths feld allows you to select a C-state mode. Long duraton power lmt(W) Ths feld allows you to adjust the TDP power lmt for the long duraton. Long duraton mantaned(ms) Ths feld allows you to adjust the mantanng tme for long duraton power lmt. Short duraton power lmt(W) Ths feld allows you to adjust the TDP power lmt for the short duraton. 1/2/3/4-Core Rato Lmt These felds show the 1/2/3/4 core rato lmt of CPU. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 3-13 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 Game Ths menu provdes several games for you to play. Smply clck any con to enter t and followng the game rules to play t. Important Before you enter to the Game menu, please place the MSI Drver DVD that be ncluded n the manboard package nto the DVD-ROM drve . Ths DVD provdes the necessary programs for the game utlty.

3-14 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 Settngs System Status System Date Ths allows you to set the system to the date that you want (usually the current date). The format s . day Day of the week, from Sun to Sat, determned by BIOS. Read-only. month The month from Jan. through Dec. date The date from 1 to 31 can be keyed by numerc functon keys. year The year can be adjusted by users. ▶

BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 3-15 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 System Tme Ths allows you to set the system tme that you want (usually the current tme). The tme format s . SATA Port1~6 It wll show the devce nformaton that you connected to the SATA connector. Important SATA Port1~6 are avalable when you connect the HDD devces to the SATA connec- tors on the manboard. System Informaton It shows the nformaton of your system (read only). Advance PCI Subsystem Settngs Press to enter the sub-menu. PCI Latency Tmer Ths tem controls how long each PCI devce can hold the bus before another takes over. When set to hgher values, every PCI devce can conduct transactons for a longer tme and thus mprove the effectve PCI bandwdth. For better PCI perfor - mance, you should set the tem to hgher values. ACPI Settngs Press to enter the sub-menu. ACPI Sleep State Ths tem specfies the power savng modes for ACPI functon. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

3-16 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 Integrated Perpherals Press to enter the sub-menu. == Onboard Lan Configuraton == Onboard Lan Controller1 Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the onboard LAN controller. LAN Opton ROM Ths tem s used to decde whether to nvoke the Boot ROM of the onboard LAN. == IEEE 1394 Configuraton == Onboard IEEE 1394 Controller Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the onboard IEEE 1394 controller. == SATA Configuraton == SATA Mode Ths tem s used to specfy RAID/ IDE/ AHCI mode for SATA port. == Audo Configuraton == HD Audo Controller Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the HD audo controller. == HPET Configuraton == HPET The HPET (Hgh Precson Event Tmers) s a component that s part of the chpset. You can to enable t, and wll provde you wth the means to get to t va the varous ACPI methods. USB Configuraton Press to enter the sub-menu. USB Devces: Ths tem shows the type of nstalled USB devce. USB Controller Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the USB controller. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 3-17 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 Legacy USB Support Select [Enabled] f you need to use a USB-nterfaced devce n the operatng sys -tem. Onboard USB 3.0 Controller Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the USB 3.0 controller. USB 3.0 Support Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the USB 3.0 support. Super IO Configuraton Press to enter the sub-menu. Seral Port 0 Configuraton Press to enter the sub-menu. Seral Port Ths tem allows you to enable/ dsable the seral port. Change Settngs Select an address and correspondng nterrupt for the seral port. H/W Montor Press to enter the sub-menu. CPU Smart Fan Target The Smart Fan functon controls the CPU fan speed automatcally dependng on the current temperature to keep t wth n a specfic range. You can enable a fan target value here. If the current CPU fan temperature reaches to the target value, the smart fan functon wll be actvated. CPU Mn.Fan Speed(%) Ths tem allows users to select how percentage of mnmum speed lmt for the CPU fan. SYS Fan 1/ 2 Control These tems allow users to select how percentage of speed for the SYSFAN1/ 2. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

3-18 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 CPU/ System Temperature, CPU FAN/ SYS FAN 1/ 2 Speed, CPU Vcore, CPU IO, CPU SA, DRAM Voltage, 3.3V, 5V, 12V These tems show the current status of all of the montored hardware devces/com -ponents such as CPU voltage, temperatures and all fans’ speeds. Power Management Setup Press to enter the sub-menu. EuP 2013 Ths tem s desgned for Energy Usng Products Lot 6 2013 (EuP) aka Energy Re - lated Products (ErP). To reduce Power Consumpton when system off or standby mode. Note: When “Enabled” EuP 2013 settng, system don’t support RTC wake up event functon. Restore on AC Power Loss Ths tem specfies whether your system wll reboot after a power falure or nterrupt occurs. Settngs are: [Power Off] Always leaves the computer n the power off state. [Power On] Always leaves the computer n the power on state. [Last State] Restore the system to the status before power falure or nterrupt occurred. Wake Up Event Setup Press to enter the sub-menu. Wake Up Event By Settng to [BIOS] actvates the followng fields, and use the followng fields to set the wake up events. Settng to [OS], the wake up events wll be defined by OS. Resume By RTC Alarm The field s used to enable or dsable the feature of bootng up the system on a scheduled tme/date. Date/ HH:MM:SS If Resume By RTC Alarm s set to [Enabled], the system wll automatcally resume (boot up) on a specfic date/hour/mnute/second specfied n these fields (usng the and to select the date & tme settngs). Resume By PCI or PCI-E Devce When set to [Enabled], the feature allows your system to be awakened from the power savng modes through any event on PCI or PCIE devce. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 3-19 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 Resume From S3 by USB Devce The tem allows the actvty of the USB devce to wake up the system from S3 (Sus -pend to RAM) sleep state. Resume From S3/S4/S5 by PS/2 Mouse/ Keyboard These tems determne whether the system wll be awakened from what power sav - ng modes when nput sgnal of the PS/2 mouse/ keyboard s detected. Mflash BIOS Boot Functon Ths allows you to enable/ dsable the system to boot from the BIOS file nsde USB drve (FAT/ 32 format only). Select one file to Boot When the BIOS Boot functon as sets to [Enabled], ths tem s selectable. Ths tem allows to select partcular BIOS file from the USB/ Storage (FAT/ 32 format only) drve. And the system wll boot from selected BIOS file. Save BIOS to storage Please setup a specfic folder n specfic USB/ Storage drve to save BIOS file from BIOS ROM chp data. Note: t only supports FAT/ 32 file system drve. Select one file to update BIOS Ths tem allows you to select partcular BIOS file from the USB/ Storage (FAT/ 32 for - mat only) drve for updatng BIOS. Securty ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶

3-20 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 BIOS SetupMS-7681 Chapter 3 Admnstrator Password Ths tem s used to set the admnstrator password. When a admnstrator password has been set, you wll be prompted to enter t every tme you try to enter BIOS Setup. User Password Ths tem s used to set the user password. When a user password has been set, you wll be prompted to enter t every tme you try to enter the operatng system. Important When you select the Admnstrator Password / User Password tem, a password box wll appear on the screen. Type the password, and press . The password typed now wll replace any prevously set password from CMOS memory. You wll be prompted to confirm the password. Retype the password and press . You may also press to abort the selecton and not enter a password. To clear a set password, just press when you are prompted to enter the pass- word. A message wll show up confirmng the password wll be dsabled. Once the password s dsabled, the system wll boot and you can enter Setup/ OS wthout enter - ng any password. These two tems prevent an unauthorzed person from changng any part of your system configuraton. U-Key Ths tem s used to enable/ dsable USB drver devce as a key. Make U-Key at When the “U-Key” as sets to [Enabled], ths tem s selectable. Ths tem allows you to specfy the USB drver devce. Chasss Intruson Configuraton Press to enter the sub-menu. Chasss Intruson Ths tem enables or dsables the feature of recordng the chasss ntruson status and ssung a warnng message f the chasss s once opened. To clear the warnng message, set the field to [Reset]. The settng of the field wll automatcally return to [Enabled] later. Mult BIOS Auto Update When “Enabled”, and the prmary BIOS has faled, the system wll allow the secondary BIOS to reflash the prmary BIOS for bootng successfully, and the screen wll show the progress message as below. Mult BIOS auto update startng. Flashng... XX% Do not press any buttons to shutdown or restart the computer durng the BIOS flashng operaton. ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶ ▶