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MSI Military Class 2 Manual

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    P67A-SD60 seres 
    MS-7681 Manboard
    Copyrght  Notce
    The  materal n  ths  document  s  the ntellectual  property  of MICRO-STAR  INTERNA-TIONAL . We take every care  n the preparaton of ths document, but no guarantee  s 
    gven as to the correctness of  ts contents. Our products are under contnual  mprove-
    ment and we reserve the rght to make changes wthout notce.
    All trademarks are the propertes of ther respectve owners.
    MSI® s regstered trademark of Mcro-Star Int’l Co.,Ltd.
    NVIDIA® s regstered trademark of NVIDIA Corporaton.
    ATI® s regstered trademark of ATI Technologes, Inc.
    AMD® s regstered trademarks of AMD Corporaton.
    Intel® s regstered trademarks of Intel Corporaton.
    Wndows® s regstered trademarks of Mcrosoft Corporaton.
    AMI® s regstered trademark of Amercan Megatrends Inc.
    Award® s a regstered trademark of Phoenx Technologes Ltd.
    Sound Blaster® s regstered trademark of Creatve Technology Ltd.
    Realtek® s regstered trademark of Realtek Semconductor Corporaton.
    JMcron® s regstered trademark of JMcron Technology Corporaton.
    Netware® s a regstered trademark of Novell, Inc.
    Revson  Hstory
    Revson Revson  HstoryDate
    V1.0 Frst releaseOctober 2010
    V1.1Change coverDecember 2010
    Techncal  Support
    If  a  problem  arses  wth  your  system  and  no  soluton  can  be  obtaned  from  the  user’s 
    manual, please contact your place of purchase or local dstrbutor. Alternatvely, please 
    try the followng help resources for further gudance.
    Vst the MSI webste for FAQ, techncal gude, BIOS updates, drver updates, 
    and other nformaton: 
    Contact our techncal staff at: http://ocss.ms.com     
    Safety  Instructons
    Always read the safety nstructons carefully.
    Keep ths User’s Manual for future reference.
    Keep ths equpment away from humdty.
    Lay ths equpment on a relable flat surface before settng t up.
    The openngs on the enclosure are for ar convecton hence protects the equpment 
    from overheatng. DO NOT COVER THE OPENINGS.
    Make  sure  the  voltage  of  the  power  source  and  adjust  properly  110/220V  before 
    connectng the equpment to the power nlet.
    Place the power cord such a way that people can not step on t. Do not place any
    thng over the power cord.
    Always Unplug the Power Cord before nsertng any add-on card or module.
    All cautons and warnngs on the equpment should be noted.
    Never  pour  any  lqud  nto  the  openng  that  could  damage  or  cause  electrcal 
    If  any  of  the  followng  stuatons  arses,  get  the  equpment  checked  by  servce 
    The power cord or plug s damaged.
    Lqud has penetrated nto the equpment.
    The equpment has been exposed to mosture.
    The equpment does not work well or you can not get  t work accordng to User’s 
    The equpment has dropped and damaged.
    The equpment has obvous sgn of breakage.
    CAUTION: There s a rsk of exploson, f battery s ncorrectly replaced.   
    Replace only wth the same or equvalent type recommended by the manufacturer.
    For better envronmental protecton, waste batteres should be 
    collected separately for recycleng specal dsposal.
    FCC-B Rado Frequency Interference Statement
    Ths  equpment  has  been  tested  and  found 
    to  comply  wth  the  lmts  for  a  Class  B  dg-
    tal  devce,  pursuant  to  Part  15  of  the  FCC 
    Rules. These lmts are desgned to provde 
    reasonable protecton aganst harmful  nter
    ference  n  a  resdental  nstallaton.  Ths  equpment  generates,  uses  and  can  radate 
    rado  frequency  energy  and,  f  not nstalled  and  used  n  accordance  wth  the  nstruc
    tons,  may  cause  harmful  nterference  to  rado  communcatons.  However,  there  s  no 
    guarantee  that  nterference  wll  not  occur  n  a  partcular nstallaton.  If  ths  equpment 
    does  cause  harmful  nterference  to  rado  or  televson  recepton,  whch  can  be  deter
    mned by turnng the equpment off and on, the user  s encouraged to try to correct the 
    nterference by one or more of the measures lsted below.
    Reorent or relocate the recevng antenna. 
    Increase the separaton between the equpment and recever. 
    Connect the equpment  nto an outlet on a crcut dfferent from that to whch the 
    recever s connected. 
    Consult the dealer or an experenced rado/televson techncan for help.
    Notce 1
    The changes or modficatons not expressly approved by the party responsble for com
    plance could vod the user’s authorty to operate the equpment.
    Notce 2
    Shelded  nterface cables and A.C. power cord,  f any, must be used n order to comply 
    wth the emsson lmts.
    Ths devce comples wth Part 15 of the FCC Rules. Operaton  s subject to the follow
    ng two condtons: 
    ths devce may not cause harmful nterference, and 
    ths devce must accept any  nterference receved, ncludng nterference that may 
    cause undesred operaton.
    Mcro-Star Internatonal
    WEEE (Waste Electrcal and Electronc Equpment) Statement
    To protect the global envronment and as an envronmentalst, MSI must re-
    mnd you that...
    Under the European Unon (“EU”) Drectve on Waste Electrcal and Electron
    c Equpment, Drectve 2002/96/EC, whch takes effect on August 13, 2005, 
    products of “electrcal and electronc equpment” cannot be dscarded as mu
    ncpal wastes anymore, and manufacturers of covered electronc equpment 
    wll be oblgated to take back such products at the end of ther useful lfe. MSI wll com
    ply wth the product take back requrements at the end of lfe of MSI-branded products 
    that are sold nto the EU. You can return these products to local collecton ponts.
    Hnwes von MSI zur Erhaltung und Schutz unserer Umwelt
    Gemäß  der  Rchtlne  2002/96/EG  über  Elektro-  und  Elektronk-Altgeräte  dürfen  Elek
    tro-  und  Elektronk-Altgeräte  ncht  mehr  als  kommunale  Abfälle  entsorgt  werden.  MSI 
    hat  europawet  verschedene  Sammel-  und  Recyclngunternehmen  beauftragt,  de  n 
    de Europäsche Unon  n Verkehr gebrachten Produkte, am Ende senes Lebenszyklus 
    zurückzunehmen.  Btte  entsorgen  Se  deses  Produkt  zum  gegebenen  Zetpunkt  aus
    schlesslch an ener lokalen Altgerätesammelstelle n Ihrer Nähe.
    En tant qu’écologste et afin de protéger l’envronnement, MSI tent à rappeler cec...
    Au  sujet  de  la  drectve  européenne  (EU)  relatve  aux  déchets  des  équpement  élec
    trques  et  électronques,  drectve  2002/96/EC,  prenant  effet  le  13  août  2005,  que    les 
    produts  électrques  et  électronques  ne  peuvent  être  déposés  dans  les  décharges  ou 
    tout smplement ms à la poubelle. Les fabrcants de ces équpements seront oblgés de 
    récupérer certans produts en fin de ve. MSI prendra en compte cette exgence relatve 
    au  retour  des  produts  en  fin  de  ve  au  sen  de  la  communauté  européenne.  Par  con
    séquent vous pouvez retourner localement ces matérels dans les ponts de collecte.
    Компания MSI предпринимает активные действия по защите окружающей среды, поэтому напоминаем вам, что.... 
    В соответствии с директивой Европейского Союза (ЕС) по предотвращению загрязнения окружающей среды использованным электрическим и электронным оборудованием (директива WEEE 2002/96/EC), вступающей в силу 13 августа 2005 года, изделия, относящиеся к электрическому и электронному оборудованию, не могут рассматриваться как бытовой мусор, поэтому производители вышеперечисленного электронного оборудования обязаны принимать его для переработки по окончании срока службы. MSI обязуется соблюдать требования по приему продукции, проданной под маркой MSI на территории EC, в переработку по окончании срока службы. Вы можете вернуть эти изделия в специализированные пункты приема.  
    MSI como empresa comprometda con la proteccón del medo ambente, recomenda:
    Bajo  la  drectva  2002/96/EC  de  la  Unón  Europea  en  matera  de  desechos  y/o  equ
    pos  electróncos,  con  fecha  de  rgor  desde  el  13  de  agosto  de  2005,  los  productos 
    clasficados  como  “eléctrcos  y  equpos  electróncos”  no  pueden  ser  depostados  en 
    los  contenedores  habtuales  de  su  muncpo,  los  fabrcantes  de  equpos  electróncos, 
    están oblgados a hacerse cargo de dchos productos al termno de su período de vda. 
    MSI estará comprometdo con los térmnos de recogda de sus productos venddos en 
    la Unón Europea al final de su perodo de vda. Usted debe depostar estos productos 
    en  el  punto  lmpo  establecdo  por  el  ayuntamento  de  su  localdad  o  entregar  a  una 
    empresa autorzada para la recogda de estos resduos.
    Om het mleu te beschermen, wl MSI u eraan hernneren dat….
    De  rchtljn  van  de  Europese  Une  (EU)  met  betrekkng  tot  Vervulng  van  Electrsche 
    en  Electronsche  producten  (2002/96/EC),  de  op  13  Augustus  2005  n  zal  gaan  kun
    nen  net  meer  beschouwd  worden  als  vervulng.  Fabrkanten  van  dt  soort  producten 
    worden  verplcht  om  producten  retour  te  nemen  aan  het  end  van  hun  levenscyclus. 
    MSI zal overeenkomstg de rchtljn handelen voor de producten de de merknaam MSI 
    dragen  en  verkocht  zjn  n  de  EU.  Deze  goederen  kunnen  geretourneerd  worden  op 
    lokale nzamelngspunten.
    Da  b  zašttl  prrodnu  srednu,    kao  preduzeće  koje  vod  računa  o  okoln    prrodnoj 
    sredn, MSI mora da vas podest da…
    Po  Drektv  Evropske  unje  (“EU”)  o  odbačenoj  ekektronskoj    elektrčnoj  oprem,  D
    rektva  2002/96/EC,  koja  stupa  na  snagu  od  13.  Avgusta  2005,  prozvod  koj  spadaju 
    pod  “elektronsku    elektrčnu  opremu”  ne  mogu  vše  bt  odbačen  kao  občan  otpad   
    prozvođač ove opreme bće prnuđen da uzmu natrag ove prozvode na kraju njhovog 
    uobčajenog  veka  trajanja.  MSI  će  poštovat  zahtev  o  preuzmanju  ovakvh  prozvoda 
    kojma je  stekao vek trajanja, koj  maju MSI oznaku  koj su prodat u EU. Ove proz
    vode možete vratt na lokalnm mestma za prkupljanje.
    Aby chronć nasze środowsko naturalne oraz jako firma dbająca o ekologę, MSI przy-
    pomna, że...
    Zgodne  z  Dyrektywą  Un  Europejskej  (“UE”)  dotyczącą  odpadów  produktów  elektry
    cznych    elektroncznych  (Dyrektywa  2002/96/EC),  która  wchodz  w  życe  13  serpna 
    2005, tzw. “produkty oraz wyposażene elektryczne   elektronczne “ ne mogą być trak
    towane jako śmec komunalne, tak węc producenc tych produktów będą zobowązan 
    do  odberana  ch  w  momence  gdy  produkt  jest  wycofywany  z  użyca.  MSI  wypełn 
    wymagana  UE,  przyjmując  produkty  (sprzedawane  na  terene  Un  Europejskej)  wy
    cofywane  z  użyca.  Produkty  MSI  będze  można  zwracać  w  wyznaczonych  punktach 
    Çevrec özellğyle blnen MSI dünyada çevrey korumak çn hatırlatır:
    Avrupa  Brlğ  (AB)  Kararnames  Elektrk  ve  Elektronk  Malzeme  Atığı,  2002/96/EC 
    Kararnames altında 13 Ağustos 2005 tarhnden tbaren geçerl olmak üzere, elektrkl 
    ve elektronk malzemeler dğer atıklar gb çöpe atılamayacak ve bu elektonk chazların 
    üretcler,  chazların  kullanım  süreler  bttkten  sonra  ürünler  ger  toplamakla  yükümlü 
    olacaktır. Avrupa Brlğ’ne satılan MSI markalı ürünlern kullanım süreler bttğnde MSI 
    ürünlern  ger  alınması  steğ le şbrlğ  çersnde  olacaktır.  Ürünlernz  yerel  toplama 
    noktalarına bırakablrsnz.
    Záleží nám na ochraně žvotního prostředí - společnost MSI upozorňuje...
    Podle směrnce Evropské une (“EU”) o lkvdac elektrckých a elektronckých výrobků 
    2002/96/EC platné od 13. srpna 2005 je zakázáno lkvdovat “elektrcké a elektroncké 
    výrobky” v běžném komunálním odpadu a výrobc elektronckých výrobků, na které se 
    tato  směrnce  vztahuje,  budou  povnn  odebírat  takové  výrobky  zpět  po  skončení  je
    jch  žvotnost.    Společnost  MSI  splní  požadavky  na  odebírání  výrobků  značky  MSI, 
    prodávaných v zemích EU, po skončení jejch žvotnost. Tyto výrobky můžete odevzdat 
    v místních sběrnách.
    Annak érdekében, hogy környezetünket megvédjük,  lletve környezetvédőként fellépve 
    az MSI emlékeztet Önt, hogy ...
    Az  Európa  Unó  („EU”)  2005.  augusztus  13-án  hatályba  lépő,  az  elektromos  és  elek
    tronkus berendezések hulladékaról szóló 2002/96/EK  rányelve szernt az elektromos 
    és  elektronkus  berendezések  többé  nem  kezelhetőek  lakosság  hulladékként,  és  az 
    lyen  elektronkus  berendezések  gyártó  kötelessé  válnak  az  lyen  termékek  vsszavé
    telére  azok  hasznos  élettartama  végén.    Az  MSI  betartja  a  termékvsszavétellel  kapc-solatos  követelményeket  az  MSI  márkanév  alatt  az  EU-n  belül  értékesített  termékek 
    esetében, azok élettartamának végén. Az  lyen termékeket a legközelebb gyűjtőhelyre 
    Per proteggere l’ambente, MSI, da sempre amca della natura, t rcorda che….
    In base alla Drettva dell’Unone Europea (EU) sullo Smaltmento de Materal Elettrc 
    ed Elettronc, Drettva 2002/96/EC  n vgore dal 13 Agosto 2005, prodott appartenent 
    alla categora de Materal Elettrc ed Elettronc non possono pù essere elmnat come 
    rfiut  muncpal:    produttor  d  dett  materal  saranno  obblgat  a  rtrare  ogn  prodotto 
    alla  fine  del  suo  cclo  d  vta.  MSI  s  adeguerà  a  tale  Drettva  rtrando  tutt    prodott 
    marchat  MSI  che  sono  stat  vendut  all’nterno  dell’Unone  Europea  alla  fine  del  loro 
    cclo d vta. È possble portare  prodott nel pù vcno punto d raccolta 
    Copyrght  Notce ............................................................................................
    Trademarks ....................................................................................................
    Revson  Hstory.............................................................................................
    Techncal  Support..........................................................................................
    Safety  Instructons .........................................................................................
    FCC-B Rado Frequency Interference Statement..........................................v
    WEEE (Waste Electrcal and Electronc Equpment) Statement ....................v
    Chapter 1 Gettng Started............................................................................1-1
    Manboard Specficatons .....................................................................................1-2
    Manboard Layout
    Packng Checklst
    Chapter 2 Hardware Setup ..........................................................................2-1
    Quck Components Gude ....................................................................................2-2
    Screw Holes .........................................................................................................2-3
    CPU (Central Processng Unt)
    Memory ................................................................................................................2-8
    Power Supply .....................................................................................................2-10
    Back Panel .........................................................................................................2-11
    Connectors .........................................................................................................2-13
    Jumpers .............................................................................................................2-20
    Buttons ...............................................................................................................2-21
    Slots ...................................................................................................................2-23
    LED Status Indcators
    Chapter 3 BIOS Setup .................................................................................3-1
    Enterng Setup .....................................................................................................3-2
    The Man Menu
    Green Power ........................................................................................................3-5
    OC ........................................................................................................................3-7
    Game .................................................................................................................3-13
    Appendx A Realtek Audo ..........................................................................A-1
    Installng the Realtek HD Audo Drver .................................................................A-2
    Software Configuraton
    Hardware Default Settng
    Appendx B Intel RAID ................................................................................B-1
    Introducton ..........................................................................................................B-2
    BIOS Configuraton
    Installng Drver
    Degraded RAID Array ........................................................................................B-12
    Appendx C Marvell RAID (optonal) ...........................................................C-1
    RAID Configuraton .............................................................................................C-2
    Appendx D JMcron RAID (optonal) ..........................................................D-1
    Introducton .........................................................................................................D-2
    JMcron RAID BIOS Utlty
    Deletng RAID set
    Installng Drver
    JMcron Rad Configurer
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