MSI Military Class 2 Manual
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JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D D-9 JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D Solvng a Mrror Conflct A Mrror conflct occurs when both dsks n a RAID 1 (Mrror) configuraton are un- plugged from the system n turn, then plugged n agan. Snce both dsks contan exactly the same data, the system wll be unable to determne whch of the two s the source drve. Ths opton allows you to set the source drve and rebuld the Mrror drve accord - ng to the contents of the source drve. To solvng a Mrror conflct: Select “Solvng a Mrror Conflct” and press . In the Hard Dsk Drver Lst menu use key to select the dsks you want to set as source drve. Usng the , move to the RAID Dsk Drve Lst menu and hghlght the RAID set that you want to rebuld. Press to begn rebuldng the Mrror configuraton. A status bar at the bottom of the screen shows the progress of the rebuldng.
D-10 JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D Rebuldng a Mrror drve When one of the dsk n a RAID 1 (Mrror) configuraton s unplugged from the system, then plugged n agan, a dalogue box appears to ask you to rebuld the Mrror drve. Press to confirm; otherwse, press . Ths opton allows you to rebuld the Mrror drve later and synchronze the data between two hard dsks. To rebuld a Mrror drve: Select “Rebuld Mrror Drve” and press . Usng the , move to the RAID Dsk Drve Lst menu and hghlght the RAID set that you want to rebuld. Press to begn rebuldng the Mrror configuraton. A status bar at the bottom of the screen shows the progress of the rebuldng.
JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D D-11 JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D Installng Drver Install Drver n Wndows Vsta / XP New Wndows Vsta / XP Installaton The followng detals the nstallaton of the drvers whle nstallng Wndows OS. When you start nstallng Wndows XP and older operatng systems, you may en - counter a message statng, “Setup could not determne the type of one or more mass storage devces nstalled n your system”. If ths s the case, then you are already n the rght place and are ready to supply the drver. If ths s not the case, then press F6 when prompted at the begnnng of Wndows setup. Press the “S” key to select “Specfy Addtonal Devce”. You should be prompted to nsert a floppy dsk contanng the JMcron RAID drver nto the A: drve. ■ 1. 2. 3. Important Please follow the nstructon below to make an “JMcron RAID Drver” for yourself. Insert the MSI Drver DVD nto the DVD-ROM drve.Clck the “Browse CD” on the Setup screen.Copy all the contents n the \\Storage\JMcron\Floppy32 (for 32-bt OS) or \\Storage\ JMcron\Floppy64 (for 64-bt OS) to a formatted floppy drve. The drver dskette for JMcron RAID Controller s done. • • • • When prompted, nsert the floppy dsk you created n step 3 and press Enter. You should be shown a lst of avalable SCSI Adapters. Select the approprate JMcron RAID controller and press ENTER. The next screen should confirm that you have selected the JMcron RAID controller. Press ENTER agan to contnue. You have successfully nstalled the JMcron RAID drver, and Wndows setup should contnue. Leave the dsk n the floppy drve untl the system reboots tself. Wndows setup wll need to copy the files from the floppy agan after the RAID volume s formatted, and Wndows setup starts copyng files. For Wndows Vsta: After selectng the locaton to nstall Wndows Vsta, please clck on the “Load Drver” button to nstall the RAID drver. Please refer the Important notce above to make a RAID Drver medum. And then, follow the nstructons to complete the RAID drve n - stallaton and the Wndows Vsta nstallaton. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Note : For Wndows XP, you can use the USB floppy drve only. For Wndows Vsta you can use CD/ DVD/ USB drve.
D-12 JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D Exstng Wndows Vsta/XP Drver InstallatonInsert the MSI CD nto the CD-ROM drve. The CD wll auto-run and the setup screen wll appear. Under the Drver tab, clck on JMcron JMB362 Drvers. The drvers wll be automatcally nstalled. Confirmng Wndows Vsta/XP Drver Installaton From Wndows Vsta/XP, open the Control Panel from My Computer followed by the System con. Choose the Hardware tab, then clck the Devce Manager tab. Clck the “+” n front of the SCSI and RAID Controllers hardware type. The drver JMcron JMB36X Controller should appear. ■ 1. 2. 3. 4. ■ 1. 2. 3.
JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D D-13 JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D JMcron Rad Configurer There s an applcaton called JMRadTool whch helps you perform the followng tasks of JMcron RAID. Vewng RAID Array Configuratons: Vew an array configuraton (mrrored, strped) Creatng RAID Arrays Deletng a RAID Array Rebuldng RAID Arrays Solvng Mrror Conflct Vew RAID Array Configuratons Left-clck the “Show Dsks” button and the nformaton of all hard dsks wll dsplay on the rght sde of the wndow. Left-clck the name of the dsk array and the nformaton of all hard dsks of the selected dsk array wll dsplay on the rght sde of the wndow. The nformaton of the dsk array wll also dsplay on the lower-left part of the wndow. ■ ■ ■ ■ ■
D-14 JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D Create RAID JMRadTool supports the creaton of RAID 0, 1 and JBOD.Left-clck the “Create Rad” button. A CREATE RAID WIZARD dalogue wll dsplay on the screen, followng the de - scrpton of every step to complete the creaton. Create RAID from Exstng Dsk You can combne the Exstng Dsk (Source dsk may content OS and Data) wth other HD (must be larger than source Dsk) to be RAID. The data on Source Dsk wll be re- served. After RAID s bult, system wll need to reboot. Left-Clck the “Create RAID from Exstng Dsk” con on the toolbar. A “CREATING RAID FROM EXISTING DISK” wzard dalogue wll dsplay on the screen, followng the descrpton of every step to complete the creaton. 1. 2. 1. 2.
JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D D-15 JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D Remove RAID There are two ways you can choose to remove RAID. Way 1Rght-clck the name of the dsk array you want to delete and the “Remove” menu wll appear. Select the “Remove Rad” of the pop-up menu.1. A warnng message appears to remnd you that the data wll be lost. Press the “Yes” button f you really want to delete the dsk array. 2.
D-16 JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D Way 2Left-Clck the “Remove Rad” con on the toolbar. A “REMOVE RAID” wzard dalogue wll dsplay on the screen, followng the de - scrpton of every step to complete the deleton. 1. 2. Rebuld RAID RAID 1 can be rebuld whle RAID 0, JBOD cannot be rebuld. There are two ways you can choose to rebuld RAID. Way 1 Rght-clck the name of the dsk array you want to rebuld and the “Rebuld” menu wll appear. 1.
JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D D-17 JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D Select “Rebuld Rad”. A “REBUILD RAID WIZARD” dalogue wll dsplay on the screen, followng the de - scrpton of every step to complete the rebuldng. 2. 3. Way 2 If the dsk array needs to rebuld then the rebuld button wll be enabl ng on the toolbar.1.
D-18 JMcron RAIDMS-7681 Appendx D Left-Clck the “Rebuld Rad” button on the toolbar. A “REBUILD RAID WIZARD” dalogue wll dsplay on the screen, followng the de - scrpton of every step to complete the rebuldng. 2. 3. Solve Mrror Conflct If the conflct occurs, t wll show the “REBUILDING RAID WIZARD” dalogue to ask you f you want to rebuld RAID, followng the descrpton of every step to rebuld the RAID.