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Motorola Workabout Pro 4 User Guide

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    							Configuration 3 - 29
    Macro Keys
    • In the Keyboard Properties  dialog box, open the  Macros tab.
    A macro key is a single keypress  that can be configured to output up to 200 characters (including [ENTER], 
    [BACKSPACE], [DEL ], function keys, arrow k eys, etc.). This feature can save time and effort when entering 
    frequently used key sequences. F or example, a macro key can be programmed to output a standard signature, 
    such as “Sincerely yours, Bo b” with a single keypress.
    For all keyboard types, you can program up to 15 macro keys. So me Workabout Pro4 keyboards have macros 
    keys ([M1], [M2] and s o on) that are physically present on the  keyboard. When you record a macro sequence 
    and assign it to one of these predetermined macro keys, pressin g that key (e.g., [M1]) executes the macro and 
    sends the programmed key sequence  to the hand-held as if it were entered from the keyboard.
    Recording and Saving a Macro
    You can increase the number of virtual macro keys up to 15 usin g Scancode Remapping  (for details, see Scan-
    code Remapping on page 3-31). 
    • In the  Macro menu highlight a macro key numbe r, for example macro 1, to assign a macro to macro key 
    [M1]. Choose the  Record button. 
    A message screen is displayed instructing you to  Enter Key Strokes to Record.
    • Type the macro sequence you want  to assign to the Macro key. You can type text and numbers, and you 
    can program the function of  special keys into a macro.
    • When you’ve finished recording  your macro sequence, press the key sequence: [CTRL] [ALT] [Enter], or 
    choose the Stop Recording  button.
    A new screen  Verify Macro displays the macro se quence you created. The  Save button is highlighted.  
    							3 - 30 Workabout Pro4 (Windows Embedded CE 6.0) User Guide
    • Press [Enter] to save your macro, or hig hlight CANCEL and press [Enter] to discard it.
    Executing a Macro
    To execute a macro:
    • Press the macro key to which you’ve assigned the macro. 
    Deleting a Macro
    To delete a macro:
    • In the  Macros tab, highlight the  macro number you want to delete.
    • Choose the  Delete button.
    Unicode Mapping
    • In the  Keyboard Properties  dialog box, open the  Unicode Mapping tab.
    The  Unicode Mapping  tab is used to map combinations of virtual key values and [CTR L] and [SHIFT] states to 
    Unicode™ values. This tab shows the configured Unicode characte r along with the Unicode value. For 
    example, the sample screen above shows “a (U+0061)” indicating  that the character “a” is represented by the 
    Unicode value “0061”, and so on.  Keep in mind that Unicode configurations are represented as hexadecimal 
    rather than decimal values.
    All user-defined Unicode mappings are listed in the  Unicode Mapping tab in order of virtual key value, and then 
    by order of the shift  state. If a Unicode mapping is not listed , the Unicode mapping is mapped to the default 
    Unicode value.
    Adding and Changing Unicode Values
    1. Choose the  Add/Change button.
    IMPORTANT Changes to Unicode mappings are n ot saved until you exit the Keyboard Properties 
    dialog box. 
    							Configuration 3 - 31
    2. Highlight a value in the Unicode mapping list. In the sample screen above, a value will be assigned to 
    virtual key 0 (VK 0).
    3. Position the cursor in the  Unicode Mapping field, and type a Unicode value for the highlighted key.
    Removing Unicode Values
    • In the  Unicode Mapping  tab, highlight the item you wan t to delete, and choose the Remove button.
    Scancode Remapping
    A scancode is a number that is as sociated with a physical key on a keyboard. Every key has a unique scan-
    code that is mapped to a virtual key, a function or a macro.  Scancode Remapping allows you to change the 
    functionality of any key on the  keyboard. A key can be remapped  to send a virtual key (e.g. VK_F represents 
    the  F key; VK_RETURN represents the  [Enter] key, etc.), perform a function (e.g. turn the scanner on, chan ge 
    volume, etc.) or run a macro.
    There are four different tables of scancode mappings:  Normal, Orange , Blue , and  Shift.
    The  Normal  table defines unmodified key presses; the  Blue table defines key presses that occur when the 
    [FN/BLUE] modifier is on; the  Orange table defines key presses that o ccur when the [FN/ORANGE] modif ier is 
    on. The default mappings of these scancodes can be overwritten  for each of these three tables using the Scan-
    code Remapping  tab accessed from the  Keyboard Properties dialog box.
    NOTETo add a shifted state, [S HIFT] and/or [CTRL], press [TAB] to position the cursor in the check 
    box next to  SHIFT Pressed  and/or CTRL Pressed . Press [SPACE]  to select the shift state you 
    want to assign. 
    							3 - 32 Workabout Pro4 (Windows Embedded CE 6.0) User Guide
    The first column in the Scancode Remapping tab displays the scancodes in  hexadecimal. If the scancode is 
    remapped to a virtual key, that v irtual key is displayed in the next column labelled V-Key. A virtual key that is 
    Shifted  or Unshifted  is displayed in the third column labelled  Function.
    If the scancode is remapped to a function or a macro, the first  and second columns remain blank while the third 
    column contains the function name  or macro key number (e.g., Macro 2).
    Adding a Remap
    To add a new remapping:
    • Choose the  Add button at the bottom  of the dialog box.
    The  Remap Scancode  dialog box is displayed.
    • Type the scan code in hexad ecimal in the field labelled Scancode.
    Virtual Key, Function and Macro
    The drop-down menu under  Key Modifier: allows you to define to what the scan code will be remapped: Virtual 
    Key, Function or Macro. 
    When one of the  Virtual Key options is selected, you can  choose to force [SHIFT] to be  on or  off when the 
    virtual key is sent. If  No Force is selected, the shift state is dependent on whether the shift  state is on or off at 
    the time the virtual key is sent.
    When  Function Key  is selected, a list of valid f unctions appears in the dialog box. 
    When  Macro is selected, the macro keys ava ilable on your unit are listed in the dialog box.
    NOTEThe Label field displays the defa ult function of the scancode you are remapping. 
    							Configuration 3 - 33
    • Choose one of the Virtual Key options, the  Function Key option or the  Macro Key option.
    • Choose a func tion from the Function list in the dialog box, and tap on  OK.
    Editing a Scancode Remap
    To edit a scancode:
    • In the  Scancode Remapping tab, tap on the rema p you want to edit.
    • Tap on the  Edit button, and make the appropriate changes.
    • Tap on  OK to save your changes.
    Removing a Remap
    To delete a remap:
    • In the  Scancode Remapping tab, highlight the scancode yo u want to delete, and tap on the 
    Remove button.
    • Tap on  OK.
    Lock Sequence
    The  Lock Sequence  menu allows you to lock the Workabout Pro4 keyboard to prevent  keys from being 
    pressed accidentally when, for example, the unit is inserted in  a holster.
    • To lock the keyboard, tap in the check box next to  Enable key lock sequence.
    • Tap in the check box next to Keyboard locked at startup .
    • In the  Key sequence  drop-down menu, cho ose the key sequence you will need to type to unlock 
    the keyboard.
    A  locked keyboard  icon is displayed in the taskbar when the keyboard is locked.
    • Type the key sequence to unlock the keyboard.
    NOTE It is useful to leave the  Show popup message enabled (default) so that anyone attempting to use 
    the keyboard will see the key se quence they will need to enter to unlock the keyboard displayed 
    on the screen. 
    							3 - 34 Workabout Pro4 (Windows Embedded CE 6.0) User Guide
    Manage Triggers
    Allows users to configure how barcode scanners and other device s such as RFID readers are triggered. You 
    can configure the trigger ID for  each trigger button for both single- and double-click, and the double-click time.
    • In the  Control Panel , choose the Manage Triggers  icon.
    • In the  Manage Triggers  screen you’ll see a list of trigger mappings.
    Trigger Mappings
    A trigger mapping is an association between a particular key on  the keyboard and a driver or application, the 
    module(s) — sometimes referred to as “trigger consumer(s)” — of  the trigger source. Along with keyboard 
    keys, the external trigger (scan button) is software-based. Whe n the specified key is pressed, the owner (for 
    example, a decoded scanner) is sent a message.
    When a key is pressed and releas ed, then pressed again within the configured time (between 0 to 1000 msec), 
    a double-click occurs. See also  Trigger-Press Type on page 3-36 .
    Show All Modules
    By default, the trigger mapping  list only shows active mappings . Mappings for drivers or applications that are 
    not currently active are not normally displayed. By checking th is check box, all mappings, both active and inac-
    tive, are displayed.
    IMPORTANT It is not possible to have two or  more identical mappings — for  example [F1] cannot be 
    mapped to the Non-Decoded Scanner  twice — even if the trigger type is different.
    A keyboard key that is used as  a trigger source will no longer generate key data, or 
    perform its normal function. For example, if the space button i s used as a trigger source, 
    it will not be able to  send space characters to applications. 
    							Configuration 3 - 35
    Tapping this button brings up the Add Mapping dialog (see next section), so that you can add new 
    trigger mappings.
    Tapping this button brings up the  Edit Mapping dialog (see Add and Edit Trigger Mapping on page 3-35 ), so 
    that you can edit existing trigger mappings.
    Tapping this button removes an existing mapping.
    The  OK button in the top right of the  Manage Triggers screen saves all changes made. If the cancel button  X is 
    tapped instead, or the [ESC] key  is pressed, all changes made w ill be discarded.
    Add and Edit Trigger Mapping
    These dialogs allow you to a dd and edit trigger mappings. 
    Trigger Key
    This drop-down list allows you to  specify the source of the trigger events, such as the Soft Scan, Left Scan , 
    etc., for the trigger module selected.
    Add Key
    Only existing trigger sources ar e shown in the Source combo-box . To add a new source to this list, tap on the 
    Add Key  button. A dialog will  pop up and allow you to select the keybo ard key to use as a trigger source.
    NOTEIt is possible to map the same s ource to different modules (trigger consumers) – for example, 
    to both the Imager and Non-Deco ded Scanner. If so, both devices/operations will occur simulta-
    neously. This is not recommended  in most cases, especially with devices such as Imagers or 
    RFID Readers.
    It is also possible to map different sources to the same module  (trigger consumer) – for example, 
    two different trigger keys can be mapped to the RFID File System . 
    							3 - 36 Workabout Pro4 (Windows Embedded CE 6.0) User Guide
    Trigger-Press Type 
    You can enable either an Up/Down or Double Click  response to a trigger press. Normally, when a trigger 
    (keyboard key, etc.) is pr essed and released, a trigger down  event is sent to the owner — that is, the applica-
    tion receiving the trigger press  information — followed by a trigger up. If Double Click  is chosen in this menu, 
    when the trigger is pressed, rel eased, and then pressed again, a double-click  event will have occurred. If a 
    mapping with the type  Up/Down has also been configured for the same s ource, it will only receive the first set 
    of trigger events.
    Module Trigger
    This identifies the driver or app lication receiving the trigger presses.
    Show All Modules
    By default, inactive owners are  not shown. By checking this che ck box, all owners, both active and inactive, 
    are displayed.
    • In the  Control Panel , choose the Microphone icon. Use this dialog  box to adjust the gain for the specific 
    microphones associated with your hand-held.
    • Tap on the drop-down menu, an d choose the microphone for which you want to adjust the gain.
    • Slide the microphone tab to the l eft to decrease the gain and to the right to increase the gain. 
    Tapping on the  Default button sets the current microphone you’ve chosen to the default gain. Tapping on 
    Default All  sets all microphones listed to their default gain. 
    							Configuration 3 - 37
    TekTerm Client
    TekTerm Client is a powerful emulation application ideally suited for real time data transaction applications 
    associated with mainframes and servers. The Workabout Pro4 includes unique features that support TekTerm, 
    a Zebra application that has the ability to  maintain multiple simultaneous sessions with a variety of host 
    computers. For detailed inform ation, please refer to the Open TekTerm Software User Manual , PN 8000073.
    This app displays a number of pre-loaded applications. Tapping  on an app in the list takes you to an associated 
    web site.
    The operator can then install the application. If a license is  required, it can be obtained by sending an e-mail to 
    the software license ma ilbox or by contacting a Sales Represent ative from the contact web page.
    Additional pieces of software suc h as a server must be obtained through Zebra.
    Tapping on a preloaded client in  this screen displays a drop-down menu from which the operator can choose 
    from an array of related options. 
    Power Properties
    This icon displays a Power Properties dialog box that indicates the battery capacity and allows you to manage 
    battery use.
    • In the  Control Panel , choose the Power icon.
    Battery Capacity
    • In the Power Properties  dialog box, open the  Battery tab to view battery details.  
    							3 - 38 Workabout Pro4 (Windows Embedded CE 6.0) User Guide
    Power Saving Suspend
    • In the Power Properties  dialog box, open the  Suspend tab.
    Power Source
    This drop-down menu a llows you to specify whether the unit is using AC Power or  Battery Power .
    Suspend Timeout
    When the Workabout Pro4 is idle —  not receiving any user input (a key touch, a scan, and so on) or system 
    activity (serial data, an activi ty initiated by an application,  and so on) — the hand-held uses the value assigned 
    in the  Suspend Timeout  field to determine wh en the unit will go to sleep (appear to be  off). 
    When the time in the  Suspend Timeout field elapses without any activity, the unit enters  suspend state. In 
    suspend state, the Workabout Pro4  CPU enters a sleep state, and wireless communication is shut off. The 
    state of the device (RAM contents) is preserved. Pressing  [Enter] wakes the system from suspend state. 
    Suspend Threshold and Estimated Battery Backup
    The Suspend Threshold  adjustment tells the system when to shut down when the battery  drains. If you choose 
    Maximum Operating Time , the unit will run until the batt ery is completely empty; the RAM is only backed up for 
    a short period of ti me. If you choose Maximum Backup Time , the hand-held shuts off with more energy left in 
    the battery so RAM can be backed up for a l onger period of time.
    IMPORTANTZebra recommends setting the Sus pend value to 3 minutes. To further reduce power 
    consumption, carefully consider t he duration of time that the display backlight is on (see 
    Backlight on page 3-20 ). 
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