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Motorola Workabout Pro 4 User Guide

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    							Configuration 3 - 39
    The Estimated Battery Backup  is the amount of battery power that has been reserved or set aside to protect 
    data until a charged battery can  be installed in the hand-held. When the battery capacity is depleted up to the 
    Estimated Battery Backup  reserve specified in the Suspend Threshold menu, the Workabout Pro4 shuts off 
    automatically and uses the reserv e power to preserve the data stored on the computer. Once the Workabout 
    Pro4 shuts down, it cannot be s witched on until a fresh battery is installed, or the unit is inserted in a cradle.
    • Slide the  Suspend Threshold  button to the right to increase the batter y capacity reserved for backup pur-
    poses. Data will be preserved t o a maximum of 124 hours.
    • Slide the  Suspend Threshold  button to the left to decrease the power reserved for backup p urposes; this 
    increases the Workabout Pro4 operating time — the amount of tim e the unit will operate before shutting 
    down — but reduces th e power reserved for backup purposes to a minimum of 24 hours. 
    The internal super-cap acitor will protect the data stored in th e computer while the battery is swapped for a fully 
    charged one. 
    • In the  Power Properties  dialog box, open the  Advanced tab.
    Allow Suspend With
    This menu allows you t o specify whether or not your unit will enter Suspend Mode while i t is operating with an 
    active PPP connection, network in terface or active TCP/IP connection.
    IMPORTANTSelecting Maximum backup time will  reserve approximately 20% of the battery 
    capacity for memory backup. Once  the battery is drained, the system RAM memory 
    is lost and the unit must cold boot.
    In most real-time transaction en vironments this is not a problem (it only takes a few 
    seconds to cold boot). Batch tra nsaction environments, where da ta is not saved to a 
    non-volatile memory (such as an  SD FLASH card), may need to pay  particular atten-
    tion to this parameter. Zebra does not recommend the storage of  any valuable data in 
    system RAM.
    The Workabout Pro4 Windows Embe dded CE 6.0 environment does not store any 
    critical data in RAM (such as the registry or file system). 
    If your application does not sav e data to RAM, Zebra recommends  keeping the 
    Suspend Threshold setting as low  as possible to maximize battery run time.
    IMPORTANT Once the battery is re moved, the super-cap acitors will preserve the data stored on the 
    Workabout Pro4 for approximately  4 minutes. It is critical that you install a charged 
    battery before this time elapses. 
    							3 - 40 Workabout Pro4 (Windows Embedded CE 6.0) User Guide
    Low Power Warnings
    The sliding scale at the bottom of this menu allows you to spec ify the remaining battery capacity at which a 
    warning message is displayed on t he Workabout Pro4 screen, from 0% to 20%.
    Wakeup Sources
    • In the Power Properties  dialog box, open the  WakeUp Sources tab.
    This dialog box allo ws you to choose the  actions that will wake your unit from  a suspend state.
    Battery Health
    The Battery Health service provides an estimate of battery health based on a number of different measure-
    ments, beyond just capacity. 
    • In the  Power Properties  dialog box, open the  Battery Health tab.
    Current Battery Health Meter
    The Current Battery Health Meter default values are shown here  as ***** (Excellent), *** (Used), and * (Battery 
    should be replaced). If you tap o n the battery icon in the taskbar, a pop-up screen will show the state of the 
    battery. The image below shows the default  Excellent status screen.
    IMPORTANT Battery Health is an estimate an d should not be depended on to  provide a 100% account 
    of battery condition. 
    							Configuration 3 - 41
    Enable Battery Health Service
    This option allows you to enable the service. To access the menus after enabling the se rvice, you will need to 
    either wait until a resume from Suspend or restart the Workabou t Pro4.
    Wakeup Device on Battery Insert
    When this option is enabled, when ever the battery is replaced the Workabout Pro4 is powered up from 
    Suspend and the current health  of the battery is displayed. 
    Add Health Colour to the  Taskbar Battery Tray Icon
    Enabling this option changes the background colour for the batt ery icon in the Taskbar, based on battery condi-
    tion:  Green (excellent),  Yellow (used), and  Red (battery should be replaced).
    Show Popup UI on Device-Resume
    You can decide when the battery s tatus pop-up user interface (UI) will appear, for how many seconds, and 
    whether the battery cycle  count is displayed (off by default).
    Edit – Changing Ratings Text
    You can customize the ratings text with the  Edit option. By enclosing your text within the html tag used for  Bold 
     (or removing the tag to unbold the text), you  can change the text that will appear in the pop-up battery 
    status screen. For example, the default text “ Excellent” can be changed  to: “Battery is exce llent, and will last 
    one day shift.”...
    Kiosk Access
    Kiosk Access  enables you to customize your computer settings, remove or add  shortcuts to the desktop and 
    Control Panel, and limit access to various different components  on the computer and the system tray icons 
    for security.  
    							3 - 42 Workabout Pro4 (Windows Embedded CE 6.0) User Guide
    • In the Control Panel , choose the Kiosk icon.
    When opening the Kiosk  application, the Kiosk Access dialog will come up  that enables you to either proceed 
    to the  Kiosk Settings  menus, or change from you current Access mode to the other (Ad ministrator or User). 
    The computer must be reset following a change, and a confirmati on will appear to enable you to continue or 
    dismiss the change.
    When opening the Kiosk Settings  option, the following menus will be available:
    Figure 3-3Kiosk Settings
    Administrator Password
    By setting an Administrator Pass word, you can limit access to various different components on the computer 
    and the system tray icons for security. The default security setting allows User access to  all options, therefore 
    restrictions and settings can be  configured without setting a password.
    NOTEThe Desktop theme can be chang ed from the default Windows Class ic Shell to the Kiosk Shell 
    either in the  Kiosk Access settings (see  Other Shell Themes on page 3-44 ) or by tapping on the 
    Desktop icon  Kiosk Shell (see The Kiosk Desktop Shell on page 2-20 ). 
    NOTEIf a setting or restriction is c onfigured without setting an Ad ministrator password, the following 
    message is displayed: “ !Administrator password is currently not  set.” Once a password has been 
    set, the message will disappear.  
    							Configuration 3 - 43
    When an administrator password is set, the restricted options are accessed using a key combination. If a pass-
    word has been set, the user would be prompted for the password.  
    The option  Show Password  changes the displayed password from hidden (***) to readable. 
    Shell Settings
    The Shell Settings applic ation has two menus: Applications and Advanced . 
    The Applications menu lists all  the applications installed on the computer, alphabetically. The items checked in 
    this view are shown on the Desktop.
    The  Add and  Edit buttons allow you to search for and add an application to the  list of items in the selection 
    window. You can add a maximum of  18 applications, after which the Add option will be greyed out and the 
    following message is displayed: “!Maximum 18 entries reached.” 
    When you select an application  and tap on Edit, you will see fields for Command, Parameters, and Display 
    Name .
    • Command:  The Command field is prefilled with the path  and name of the executable (.exe) or corre-
    sponding link (.lnk) . If the selected file can’t be  found (e.g. external memory car d has been removed, 
    files have been delet ed), a message will be displayed at the bottom of the screen:  These files cannot 
    be found.
    • Parameters:  The Parameters  option provides the option of a dding extra parameters to the application 
    (for  .exe  files only, not  .lnk). For example, if the Command field is running  pword.exe (Microsoft Word-
    Pad), the Parameters field could specify a document to open.
    • Display name:  This is an editable  field which is prefilled with the name of  the application.  
    							3 - 44 Workabout Pro4 (Windows Embedded CE 6.0) User Guide
    The Applications menu allows you to enable or disable some devi ce functions. 
    Windows Classic Shell
    The following options can be enabl ed or disabled in the Windows Classic Shell Desktop theme:
    • Start Menu Bar : If disabled, access to both Start Menu and Notifications are  disabled. The Notification 
    tooltips will still display. Any changes made will occur after  a device reset.
    • Start Button:  If disabled, access to the Start Button and Notifications are  disabled. The Notification tool-
    tips will still display.
    Notifications:  If disabled, the Notifications  tooltips will still display.
    Administrator Access in Start Menu:  When this box is checked, the Kiosk Access program will be 
    shown in the  Start Menu>Programs  list.
    The following item i s not optional: 
    • Administrator  Key Sequence:  Sets the key sequence to open  Kiosk Access.
    Other Shell Themes
    The following options can be enab led or disabled in the Kiosk Shell Desktop themes (shown in the drop-down 
    list as  Windows Classic Shell, Clear_Run, Ingenuity , Active_Glow, and  Flip_Side_Blue):
    NOTEIf “Disable access to the Start B utton” is selected, but the “Kiosk Access by Key Sequence” 
    remains unchecked, y ou will see the following  status-message “!A Key Sequence is required 
    when the Start Button is disabled.”, the check box will be auto -checked, and the focus will be set 
    to the key-sequence selection.  
    							Configuration 3 - 45
    •Use this picture a s the background:  You can select a picture a s the Desktop background.
    • Notifications:  If disabled, the Notifications  tooltips will still display.
    • Launch an application Startup:  A window is displayed listing all of the installed and added applica-
    tions. Any applications selected will startup af ter a reboot.
    The following item i s not optional: 
    • Administrator  Key Sequence:  Sets the key sequence to open  Kiosk Access.
    This section deals with items t hat are by default available to  users but can be restricted by an administrator.
    The Advanced menu lists the system features you can restrict or block. 
    The Notifications menu  allows you to block or disable notifications. 
    Control Panel Settings
    In these menus you can set which  applets and tabs you want to Hide in Control Panel, and  which applets and 
    tabs will be  Accessible as a shortcut icon from the Desktop.
    NOTEThe Desktop theme can be changed  from the default Windows Classic Shell to one of the Kiosk 
    themes shown here — but by t apping on the Desktop icon Kiosk Shell (see The Kiosk Desktop 
    Shell on page 2-20 ), the “Ingenuity” theme is autom atically loaded. The computer must be reset in 
    order for the shell to change. 
    							3 - 46 Workabout Pro4 (Windows Embedded CE 6.0) User Guide
    • You have the option of setting the entire applet or specific t abs within the applet as hidden or accessible. 
    Any applet that can’t be set is greyed out. 
    • You can add a maximum of 18 applications, after which the foll owing message is displayed: “!Maximum 18 
    entries reached.” 
    Import/Export to File
    This option enables you to  Export your settings file ( .xml), and save it in the location of your choice. In addition, 
    an Administrator has the option to Import  these settings from one device to multiple devices of the same oper-
    ating system. 
    Tapping on the  Export button will display a “Save As” Export Settings dialog, with the default name  Kiosk_Set-
    tings.xml, which the Administrator can ch ange even after it has been saved.
    The  .xml file contains all of the Kiosk c onfigured settings, including the  Administrator Password. When the file 
    is imported to a devic e, the new password is applied immediatel y.  
    • Whether choosing to import or e xport files, the same file loca tion options under  My Device will be listed. 
    Following the action, a message stating the success of the oper ation and the location of the file will 
    be displayed.
    • With the exception  of the password, changes made to settings w ill take effect only after a warm reset. If 
    further changes to th e configuration are made, they will overwr ite the changes caused by the import oper-
    ation. After importi ng a file, a dialog will appear  to enable you to reset now or later.
    IMPORTANT A copy of this file should also be saved in a central repositor y for all Zebra .xml files with a 
    predefined name so th at other Zebra utilities can  locate it.  
    							Configuration 3 - 47
    Remote Desktop Connection 
    Remote Desktop Connection, located in Start>Programs , is an Workabout Pro4 application used to connect 
    to a Windows Terminal Server so  that you can run a “session” on the Server machine, using the Workabout 
    Pro4 (Windows Embedded CE device). 
    Refer to the following web site  for step-by-step information ab out setting up this connection: 
    http://windows.microsoft.com/en-CA /windows7/products/features/remote-desktop-connection or Zebra 
    Customer Support at:  http://www.zebra.com/support .
    Storage Manager
    The Storage Manager allows you to  view information about the storage devices that are present in the Worka-
    bout Pro4, such as SD-MMC flash cards and Compact Flash cards.
    Formatting a Memory Card
    Formatting a memory card bulk-er ases it. Once a card is erased, partitions may be created in it, similarly to 
    those on a hard drive. Memory-card devices are normally  mounted (made available to the system) automati-
    cally when they are inserted. They must be dismounted before th ey can be formatted.
    To format an entire memory card:
    1. Select  Start> Settings>Control Panel . 
    2. In Control Panel, double-click on the  Storage Manager icon. The Storage Manager menu opens: 
    							3 - 48 Workabout Pro4 (Windows Embedded CE 6.0) User Guide
    1. Select the memory card from the drop-down list.
    2. Press the Dismount button to dismount the memory card. All partitions on the card  will be dismounted.
    3. Press the  Format button to format  the memory card.
    All partitions and information  on the card will be erased during the formatting process.
    Creating Partitions
    Once the card is formatted, new partitions can be created in it. The default is to create one partition that occu-
    pies the whole card, but a card can be divided into more than o ne partition if desired. Each partition appears as 
    a separate folder in Windows Explorer.
    To create new partitions:
    1. Press the  New button next to the  Partitions list box. The Create New Partition  dialog box appears:
    2. Type a name for  the partition. 
    3. If more than one partition is desired, uncheck the  Use All Available Diskspace check box, then specify 
    the desired number o f sectors to be used by the partition.
    4. Press  OK. The new partition appears in the  Partitions list. 
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