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Motorola Astro Radio Software 68 81098e85 O Manual

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    Transmit Deviation 
    AlignmentFrom the MAIN MENU, press F2 twice and then F4 to access this 
    Refer to your Radio Service Manual for the Transmit Deviation Balance 
    Alignment (Compensation) procedure.
    This alignment procedure balances the modulation contributions of 
    the low and high frequency portions of a baseband signal. Power 
    alignment is critical to the operation of signalling schemes that have 
    very low frequency components (i.e., DPL) and could result in 
    distorted wave-forms if improperly adjusted.
    This procedure must be performed at multiple frequencies to allow for 
    proper alignment across the entire RF band. The RF band is divided 
    into frequency zones with a calibration point (value) in each zone.
    Balanced attenuator alignment balances the modulation sensitivity of 
    the VCO and reference modulation (synthesizer low-frequency port) 
    lines. It is a method of correcting for deviation sensitivity versus RF 
    frequency variations in the VCO. The transmit and receive bands are 
    divided into frequency zones with a calibration point in each zone.
    Note: Balanced attenuator alignment is required after controller
    board or RF board replacement and servicing.
    Using the UP/DOWN arrow keys, adjust compensations according to 
    instructions provided in your Radio Service Manual. Performing this 
    procedure automatically calculates compensation alignment.
    MOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Use UP/DOWN Arrows To Adjust Softpot.   
    ASTRO            Model:                                                         
    MAIN:SERVICE:TX ALIGN:BAL ATTN                                                  
                       TRANSMIT DEVIATION BALANCE (COMPENSATION)                    
              Frequency   Value                         New Softpot Value           
              ---------   -------                       -----------------           
              806.0125      31                                 31                   
              815.0125      32                                 32                   
              824.9875      32                                 32                   
              851.0125      41                                 41                   
              860.0125      45                                 45                   
              869.9875      47                                 47                   
           0                                                               63       
         MIN |----+----+----+---X+----+----+---+----+----+----+----+----| MAX      
       F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9     F10   
      HELP         TOGGLE LOW             TOGGLE HIGH        PROGRAM          EXIT  
                    TONE PTT               TONE PTT           VALUE                 
    This procedure should be attempted only by qualified 
    service personnel. Failure to perform alignment 
    procedures properly may result in seriously degraded 
    radio or system performance. 
    Function Key Descriptions
    F4 - TOGGLE LOW TONE PTTAlternately keys and de-keys the radio being serviced with a low 
    frequency audio tone.
    F6 - TOGGLE HIGH TONE PTTAlternately keys and de-keys the radio being serviced with a high 
    frequency audio tone.
    F8 - PROGRAM VALUEPrograms the selected value into the radio.
    Field Definition
    New Softpot ValueThis is the balance value for this frequency. The status bar shows the 
    relationship between this setting and the minimum and maximum 
    Transmit Deviation 
    Limit (Portables 
    Only)From the MAIN MENU, press F2 twice and then F5 to access the 
    This screen can be accessed for Portables only. Refer to your Radio Service 
    Manual for the Transmit Deviation Limit Alignment procedure.
    Transmit deviation limit alignment is a method of correcting for 
    deviation sensitivity versus RF frequency variations in the VCO. The 
    transmit and receive bands are divided into frequency zones with a 
    calibration point (value) in each zone.
    Note: Compensation for each of these points must be checked
    and adjusted if the VCO is replaced.
    Function Key Descriptions
    F6 - TOGGLE PTTAlternately keys and de-keys the radio being serviced.
    F8 - PROGRAM VALUEPrograms the selected value into the radio.
    Field Definitions
    New Softpot ValueThis is the VCO softpot value for this frequency. The status bar shows 
    the relationship between this setting and the minimum and 
    maximum settings.
    MOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Use UP/DOWN Arrows To Adjust Softpot.   
    ASTRO PORTABLE  Model:                                                          
    MAIN:SERVICE:TX ALIGN:DEVIATION                                                 
                                TRANSMIT DEVIATION LIMIT                            
              Frequency  Value                         New Softpot Value            
              ---------  -------                       -----------------            
              806.0125      54                                 54                   
              815.0125      53                                 53                   
              824.9875      51                                 51                   
              851.0125      55                                 55                   
              860.0125      54                                 54                   
              869.9875      54                                 54                   
           0                                                               255      
         MIN |----+----+--X-+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----| MAX      
       F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9     F10   
      HELP                                   TOGGLE          PROGRAM          EXIT  
                                              PTT             VALUE                 
    This procedure should be attempted only by qualified 
    service personnel. Failure to perform alignment 
    procedures properly may result in seriously degraded 
    radio or system performance. 
    Transmit Current 
    Limit Alignment 
    (Mobiles Only)From the MAIN MENU, press F2 twice and then F6 to bring up the 
    This screen can be accessed for Mobiles only. Transmit current limit 
    alignment is required after RF board servicing or replacement. Refer to 
    your Radio Service Manual for the Transmit Current Limit Alignment 
    procedure. This alignment procedure limits the transmitter current 
    drain of the radio.
    Press Ta b to select the desired field, or press the desired function key 
    (F1 - F10). If a desired field is selected, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys 
    to select the desired choice or value.
    Programming Procedure1. Press F6 to key up the radio. (The radio’s RF output must be 
    terminated into a 50 ohm load).
    2. While transmitting, measure current drain on the first test 
    3. Press F6 to de-key the radio and Ta b to move between frequency 
    Repeat the steps above for each frequency.
    4. Press Ta b to select the frequency which had the highest current 
    5. While transmitting, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to adjust the 
    transmit current limit according to instructions in the Service 
    MOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Use UP/DOWN Arrows To Adjust Softpot.   
    ASTRO MOBILE    Model:                                                          
    ...CURRENT LIMIT                                                               
                                     CURRENT LIMIT                                  
          Frequency      Current Value                 New Softpot Value            
          ---------      -------------                 -----------------            
          821.0125          15                               15                     
          851.0125          15                               15                     
          866.0125          15                               15                     
          869.0125          15                               15                     
           0                                                               15       
         MIN |----+----+----+----+----X----+----+----+----+----+----+----| MAX      
       F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9     F10   
      HELP                                   TOGGLE          PROGRAM          EXIT  
                                              PTT             VALUE                 
    This procedure should be attempted only by qualified 
    service personnel. Failure to perform alignment 
    procedures properly may result in seriously degraded 
    radio or system performance. 
    							73 Note: This procedure needs to be performed on a single
    frequency only. All other frequencies will be adjusted
    6. Press F8 to save the new values.
    Function Key Descriptions
    F6 -TOGGLE PTTAlternately keys and de-keys the radio being serviced.
    F8 - PROGRAM VALUEPrograms the selected value into the radio.
    Field Definition
    New Softpot ValueThis is the Current Limit softpot value for all frequencies. The status 
    bar shows the relationship between this setting and the minimum and 
    maximum settings. 
    Receive Alignment 
    Menu (Portables 
    Only)From the MAIN MENU, press F2 and then F3 to access this screen.
    This screen is accessible for UHF and VHF Portable models only. Standard 
    periodic receiver alignment procedures are performed from this menu. 
    Refer to your Radio Service Manual for Receive Alignment procedures.
    Function Key Descriptions
    (Front-End Filter Alignment)This screen is accessible for Portable models only. Brings up the FRONT 
    END FILTER ALIGNMENT screen. Refer to your Radio Service Manual 
    for detailed Front-End Filter Alignment procedures. These procedures 
    should be attempted only by qualified service personnel.
    (Receiver VCO Crossover)This screen is accessible for Portable models only. Brings up the RECEIVE 
    VCO CROSSOVER screen. Refer to your Radio Service Manual for 
    detailed Receiver VCO Crossover procedures. These procedures should 
    be attempted only by qualified service personnel.
    MOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Select Function F1 - F10.               
    ASTRO           Model:                                                          
    MAIN:SERVICE:RX ALIGN                                                           
                                RECEIVER ALIGNMENT MENU                             
               F1  - HELP                                                           
               F2  - Front End Bandpass Filter                                      
               F3  - Rx VCO Crossover Frequency                                     
               F4  -                                    
               F5  -                                      
               F6  -                                   
               F7  -                                                  
               F8  -                                   
               F9  -                                                                
               F10 - EXIT, Return to Service Menu                                   
       F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9     F10   
      HELP FRONT END  RX VCO                                                  EXIT  
           FILT ALGN  XOVER                                                         
    This procedure should be attempted only by qualified 
    service personnel. Failure to perform alignment 
    procedures properly may result in seriously degraded 
    radio or system performance. 
    Front-End Filter 
    (Portables Only)From the MAIN MENU, press F2, F3 and then F2 to access this screen.
    This screen is valid for UHF and VHF Portable models only. Refer to your 
    Radio Service Manual for the Front-End Filter Alignment procedure. 
    This procedure should only be attempted by qualified service 
    personnel. Use the UP/DOWN arrows to change the value of the 
    squelch. Use the Ta b key to move between frequency points.
    Programming Procedure1. Apply the appropriate RF signal to the radio.
    2. Modify the Squelch Attenuator setting with the UP/DOWN
    arrow keys.
    3. Press Ta b to move between frequency points.
    4. Press F8 to save the new value.
    Function Key Descriptions
    F4 - READ RSSIReads the Receive Signal Strength Indicator (RSSI) from the radio.
    F8 - PROGRAM VALUEPrograms the selected value into the radio.
    Field Definition
    New Softpot ValueThis is the front-end filter softpot value for this frequency. The status 
    bar shows the relationship between this setting and the minimum and 
    maximum settings.
    MOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Use UP/DOWN Arrows To Adjust Softpot.    
    ASTRO PORTABLE  Model:                                                          
    MAIN:SERVICE:RX ALIGN:FE ALIGN                                                  
                           FRONT END FILTER (VHF & UHF ONLY)                        
              Frequency       Value         New Softpot Value    RSSI...0
              ---------       -------       -----------------            
              450.02500           0                  0                   
              465.22500           0                  0                   
              475.22500           0                  0                   
              484.97500           0                  0                   
              500.27500           0                  0                   
              511.97500           0                  0                   
              519.97500           0                  0                   
           0                                                               255      
         MIN |----+----+----+---X+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----| MAX      
       F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7     F8       F9     F10   
      HELP                    READ                          PROGRAM           EXIT  
                              RSSI                           VALUE                   
    Receiver VCO 
    (Portables Only)From the MAIN MENU, press F2 and then F3 twice to access this 
    This screen is valid for UHF and VHF Portable models only. Refer to your 
    Radio Service Manual for the Receive VCO Alignment procedure. This 
    alignment procedure warps the reference oscillator of the radio.
    The squelch attenuator setting is increased or decreased by pressing 
    the UP/DOWN arrow keys respectively. A relative value between 0 and 
    255 will be displayed on the screen. 
    Function Key Description
    F8 - PROGRAM VALUEPrograms the selected value into the radio.
    Field Definitions
    Current FrequencyThis is the current VCO Crossover Frequency. The status bar shows the 
    relationship between this setting and the minimum and maximum 
    New FrequencyThis is the working VCO Crossover Frequency. The status bar shows 
    the relationship between this setting and the minimum and 
    maximum settings.
    MOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Use UP/DOWN Arrows To Adjust Softpot.   
    ASTRO PORTABLE  Model:                                                          
    MAIN:SERVICE:RX ALIGN:VCO CROSSOVER                                 
                            RECEIVE VCO CROSSOVER                                   
           Current                                     New                          
           Frequency                                   Frequency                    
           ---------                                   ---------            
            162.1750                                    162.1750                    
           0                                                               255      
         MIN |----+----+--X-+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----+----| MAX      
       F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9     F10   
      HELP                                                   PROGRAM          EXIT  
    This procedure should be attempted only by qualified 
    service personnel. Failure to perform alignment 
    procedures properly may result in seriously degraded 
    radio or system performance. 
    Menu Functions
    This section describes all the functions available from the GET/SAVE/
    PROGRAM MENU. To guide you through these functions, GET/SAVE/
    PROGRAM-related menus and screens are shown with their respective 
    programming procedures from the MAIN MENU, function key 
    descriptions and field definitions.  
    All functions (supported and unsupported) will be
    displayed in the menu’s working area. The unsupported
    functions (based on the radio’s model or options) will NOT be
    displayed in the F-key ID area. 
    Menu Map
    G E
    Read Data from Radio Codeplug (Requires RIB)
    Get Codeplug Data from Archive Disk File
    Clone Radio
    Save Codeplug Data to Archive Disk File
    Program Data into Radio Codeplug (Requires RIB)
    IProgramming History
    At the MAIN MENU, press   
     to bring up this screen.
    The GET/SAVE functions are used to transfer codeplug data from your 
    radio or an archive file into your computer so that you can change, 
    view, or print the data. GET/SAVE functions also permit you to 
    program modified data back into your radio and save a copy of the 
    codeplug data in an archive file.
    MOTOROLA Radio Service Software        Select Function F1 - F10.             
    ASTRO          Model:                                                        
                                GET/SAVE/PROGRAM MENU                            
              F1  - HELP                                                         
              F2  - Read Data from Radio Codeplug (Requires RIB)                 
              F3  - Get Codeplug Data from Archive Disk File                     
              F4  -                                                              
              F5  - Clone Radio                                                  
              F6  -                                                              
              F7  - Save Codeplug Data to Archive Disk File                      
              F8  - Program Data into Radio Codeplug (Requires RIB)              
              F9  - Radio Programming History                                    
              F10 - EXIT Return to Main Menu                                        
      F1      F2      F3      F4      F5      F6      F7      F8      F9     F10 
     HELP    READ    GET            CLONE            SAVE   PROGRAM  VIEW    EXIT
            RADIO  ARCHIVE          RADIO           ARCHIVE  RADIO  HISTORY      
    Do NOT turn off the radio or disconnect it from the 
    computer when the codeplug is being programmed. 
    Interrupting the programming process will destroy the 
    codeplug contents and completely DISABLE the radio! 
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