Motorola Astro Radio Software 68 81098e85 O Manual
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239 Conventional Radio Wide OptionsFrom the MAIN MENU, press F4, F6 and then F2 to access this screen. The options and parameters on this screen apply to all Conventional modes. Other Radio wide options that apply to both Conventional and Trunking operation are located on the RADIO WIDE OPTIONS screen (F4/F3/F2). Trunking options are located on the TRUNKING RADIO WIDE OPTIONS screen (F4/F4/F2) . Press Ta b to select the desired field, or press the desired function key (F1 - F10). If a field is highlighted, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the desired choice or value. Field Definitions Monitor Type (Portables Only)Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to make your selection. This option determines how the radio unmutes when the monitor button is pressed. Silent Monitor, also called PL Defeat, allows the user to monitor the channel before transmitting. Valid options are: Latch Enable Tone (Portables Only)Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to make your selection. The monitor button may be momentarily pressed, or may be latched by pressing the monitor button for a short period of time (Latch Enable Time). This option causes the radio to give a short beep each time the Permanent Monitor function is enabled. Permanent monitor is cancelled by pressing the monitor button a second time. Latch Enable Time (sec) (Porta- bles Only)Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to make your selection or enter a value directly. Select 0 (zero) to Disable this option. The monitor button may be momentarily pressed, or may be latched by pressing the monitor button for a short period of time (Latch Enable Time). Permanent monitor is cancelled by pressing the monitor button again. Valid values range from 0 (zero) to 6 seconds in 0.5 second increments. DFB MOTOROLA Radio Service Software Use UP/DOWN Arrows to Select Choice. ASTRO Model: MAIN:CHANGE/VIEW:CONV:WIDE OPTIONS CONVENTIONAL RADIO WIDE OPTIONS ------------------------------- Monitor Type................Open Squelch Latch Enable Tone..............Enabled Latch Enable Time (sec)............2.0 Smart PTT Retry Timer (ms)...........275 Smart PTT Quick Key Timer (ms).......500 Hub Defeats PL..................Disabled Direct Frequency Enabled........Disabled One Touch Button 1 Feature.........Phone One Touch Button 2 Feature........Status One Touch Button 3 Feature....Call Alert One Touch Button 4 Feature.......Message F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 HELP EXIT Open Squelch The radio will always unmute, even on noise, when the monitor button is pressed. Silent The radio will be carrier squelched in Monitor mode.
240 Smart PTT Retry Timer (ms)Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select a value for Smart PTT Retry Timer. When Smart PTT is enabled, this field adjusts the time interval at which the radio will sample for a clear channel. The valid range of values is 0 (zero) to 5000 ms in 25-ms increments. Smart PTT Quick Key Timer (ms)Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select a value for Smart PTT Retry Timer. When Smart PTT is enabled, a quick key (double press) of the PTT button can override the feature and cause the radio to transmit although the channel is busy. The timer determines the maximum amount of time between PTT presses, that is, how fast the user must press the PTT button to override. The valid range of values is 100 to 5000 ms in 100-ms increments. Hub Defeats PLThis feature is applicable to portable radios only when a Vehicular Adapter is used. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enable/disable the Hang-Up Box (HUB) Defeats PL feature. When Hub Defeats PL is enabled, PL/ DPL and Net ID for ASTRO will be disabled when the microphone is removed from the hang-up box. In the Secure mode, the radio will go out of Proper Code Detect. This allows for monitoring of a Conventional channel to prevent transmission during another conversation. Direct Frequency EnabledUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enable/disable this feature. If the Direct Frequency flag is enabled, the user can enter the Direct Frequency in the CONVENTIONAL PERSONALITY screen (F4/F6/F3) and modify it. If the Direct Frequency flag is disabled, the Direct Frequency will be copied from the Conventional Rx frequency. One Touch Buttons 1- 4 FeatureUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the desired One Touch Button feature. This field specifies which feature is entered upon a One Touch Button press. Based upon the radio model and purchased options, all features may not be available for all models. The available options are: Disabled, Phone, Select Call, Call Alert, Status and Message. Pressing a One Touch Button enables the selected feature according to the operation described below. Pressing the One Touch Button while the radio is already in the feature corresponding to the One Touch Button will cause the radio to abort the selected One Touch Feature. For more detailed information, refer to the RSS help screens for these fields.
241 Conventional Personality From the MAIN MENU, press F4 , F6 and then F3 to access this screen. This screen allows the user to edit information for Conventional operation. Press Ta b to select the desired field, or press the desired function key ( F1 - F10 ). If a field is highlighted, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the desired choice or value. Function Key Descriptions F2 - ADD PERS Adds a Conventional personality. Each personality must be “connected” to a channel on the ZONE/CHANNEL ASSIGNMENT screen ( F4/F8 ). F3 - PREV PERS Accesses the previous personality. F4 - NEXT PERS Accesses the next personality. F5 - DELETE PERS Removes the current Conventional personality. You will be prompted for confirmation before the personality is deleted. A minimum of one Conventional personality must be maintained. Note: The only way to recover a deleted personality is to immediately re-read the radio or the archive file. However, any other changes that were made and not previously saved will still be lost. F6 - SECURE OPTIONS This function will be active only when a radio equipped with Secure hardware has been read and the Secure Hardware Equipped field in F4/F3/ F2 is set to Yes . Brings up a screen where you can view and edit the Secure parameters linked to this personality. F7 - MDC OPTIONS This function will be active only when a radio with MDC capabilities has been read and the Signalling Type field is set to MDC. Not all radios have this capability. Brings up a screen where you can access the MDC parameters linked to this personality. Other system-wide MDC parameters are located on the MDC SYSTEM screen ( F4/F6/F4/F3 ). DFC MOTOROLA Radio Service Software Enter or Scroll to Select Frequency. ASTRO Model: MAIN:CHANGE/VIEW:CONV:PERS Personality........1 CONVENTIONAL PERSONALITY ------------------------ Signalling.....................MDC Receive Only..............Disabled MDC System #...................1 Direct / Talkaround........Enabled PTT ID..................Disabled Time Out Timer..........3- 60 Emerg PTT ID............Disabled Scan List........................1 Revert..........Selected Channel Hot Keypad................Disabled Rx Voice/Signal Type.....Non-ASTRO Phone Operation..........Unlimited Tx Voice/Signal Type.....Non-ASTRO Receive Transmit Direct Frequency (MHz) 851.01250 806.05000 851.01250 Squelch Type PL PL PL Code 67.0 Hz XZ 67.0 Hz XZ 67.0 Hz XZ DPL Invert F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 HELP ADD PREV NEXT DELETE SECURE MDC PHONE MORE EXIT PERS PERS PERS PERS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS OPTIONS
242 F8 - PHONE OPTIONS This function will be active only when the Phone Operation field has been set to a value other than None and the radio is Phone capable. Brings up a screen where you can access the Conventional interconnect access codes and digit timing parameters for this personality. F9 - MORE OPTIONS Brings up a screen where you can access additional parameters that can be used to customize a radio to specific system requirements. Field Definitions Personality Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the desired Conventional Personality. You may also enter the number directly. Note: Refer to the Motorola Radio Catalog Sheets for the maximum number of personalities allowed for this model. Receive Only Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enable/disable Receive-only operation on this personality. If this feature is enabled, all transmissions including signalling will be inhibited. Direct/Talkaround This field will not be visible if the Receive Only field is set to Enabled. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enable Talkaround operation on the current personality. In Talkaround (or Direct) mode, the radio will transmit on the receive frequency. This is useful when a Repeater is not in operation or is out of range. Talkaround may be used in a manual or automatic mode. For portables , talkaround can be set manually through a button ( F4/F3/F3/F2 ), a switch ( F4/F3/F3/F3 ) or a menu defined on the RADIO WIDE BUTTON CONFIGURATION screen ( F4/F3/F3/F4 ). The switch may be either on the top or side of the radio or on the keypad menu (if applicable). Talkaround for Mobiles can be set manually only through the buttons ( F4/F3/F3/F2 ). Note: If talkaround operation is enabled and no button/switch is assigned, the radio will default to talkaround operation on this personality. Time-Out Timer (sec) This field will not be visible if the Receive Only field is set to Enabled. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the Time-Out Timer (TOT) for this personality. Time-Out Timer determines the amount of time the radio can continuously transmit before it must be de-keyed. When the Time- Out Timer is about to expire, the radio beeps and then stops transmitting. Each personality may have one of four different TOT values. The range is 15 to 465 in 15 second increments and the value Infinite (that is, Time-Out Timer disabled). The four values for the radio can be changed on the RADIO WIDE OPTIONS screen ( F4/F3/F2/F9 ). Scan List Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the Scan List to be used for this personality. To change or view the scan list, access the SCAN LIST screen ( F4/F3/F5 ). Conventional personalities may use Conventional or Talkgroup type scan lists.
243 Hot Keypad This field will not be visible if the Receive Only field is set to Enabled. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enable/disable Hot Keypad (DTMF while transmitting) operation for this personality. When this feature is enabled, the keypad is live during all dispatch operation. Pressing any digit 0 (zero) through 9, “*”, or “#” will cause that digit to be transmitted. Phone Operation This field will not be visible if the Receive Only field is set to Enabled. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the type of phone service for this personality: The Phone Options function key will be active only when this field has been set to a value other than None. Signalling Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enable MDC or other signalling types provided for this personality. MDC is a MOTOROLA proprietary, 1200- baud digital signalling protocol used for unit identification, selective signalling and emergency features. The MDC Options function key will be active only when this field has been set to MDC. Note: In order to choose MDC options in the RAC OPTIONS screen ( F4/F6/F3/F9/F7 ), this field must be set to MDC. If this field is not set to MDC, the only available RAC signalling type will be Singletone. MDC System # This field will be visible only if the Signalling field is set to MDC. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the MDC system to be used by this personality. Note: To add and/or configure MDC systems, access the MDC Systems screen ( F4/F6/F4/F3 ). PTT-ID Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enable the MDC Unit Identification feature for this personality. When this feature is enabled, the Unit ID will be broadcast each time the transmitter is keyed (if the Leading PTT-ID is enabled) and/or de-keyed (if the Trailing PTT-ID is enabled). Note: Access the MDC SYSTEMS screen ( F4/F6/F4/F3 ) to specify when the ID must be transmitted. Emerg. PTT ID This field is only visible if the MDC Emergency Type was set to Alarm and Call. Use the UP/DOWN to enable the MDC Emergency PTT ID feature for this personality. When the Emergency PTT ID is enabled, the radio Unit ID will be broadcast each time the PTT button is pressed while the radio is in emergency mode. The factory default is Disabled. List Only The user may only call pre-programmed numbers from the phone list stored in the radio. Unlimited The user may call phone numbers from the list, or directly enter any number via the keypad. None Disables phone operation for this personality.
244 Revert Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the Emergency transmit channel. The choices are Selected Channel, or Channel 1, 2, or 3. Selected Channel will cause the emergency transmission to always be broadcast on the current personality. However, the emergency transmission can also be reverted to another personality. Each MDC System also contains a table of three emergency revert channels which are configured on the MDC SYSTEM screen ( F4/F6/F4/F3 ). Channels 1, 2, and 3 refer to that table. Note: Receive-only personalities must always revert. Rx Voice/Signal Type Use UP/DOWN arrow keys to select one of the following: Note: The selection of ASTRO Mode automatically overrides any previous Personality-type selection made in the Signalling field. Note: Setting this field to ASTRO and then setting it back to Non-ASTRO or Mixed Mode will cause the Receive, Transmit, and Direct Squelch Types to be set to PL regardless of their current values. Tx Voice/Signal Type Use UP/DOWN arrows keys to select one of the following: To prevent Rx-Tx mismatch, this field will not allow you to enter a different signal type than the type entered in the Rx Voice/Signal Type. For example, if you selected ASTRO in the Rx Voice/Signal Type field, you must select ASTRO in this field as well. Note: Depending on the RSS version in use and/or the capability of your radio, Phone Operation may be unavailable in ASTRO mode. Frequency (MHz) The Transmit and Direct Frequency fields will not be visible if the Receive Only field is set to Enabled. The Direct Frequency field will not be visible if the Direct/Talkaround field is set to Disabled. Enter the Receive, Transmit or Direct (Talkaround) frequency directly in MHz. Alternatively, the UP/DOWN arrow keys may be used to scroll through the valid channels. Blank receive frequency fields are not allowed. Note: Refer to the MOTOROLA Catalog Sheets/Price Pages for valid receive frequencies for this model. ASTRO Only ASTRO signals will be received. Non-ASTRO Analog signals will be received. Mixed Both ASTRO and Analog signals will be received. ASTRO Only ASTRO signals will be transmitted. Non-ASTRO Analog signals will be transmitted.
245 Squelch Type Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select Receive, Transmit and/or Direct (Talkaround) squelch type from among the following: A data field for a Receive code will be displayed if PL or DPL is selected. PL Code Enter the PL (Private-Line) code directly in Hz (192.8 for instance) or use the alphanumeric code (7A for instance). Alternatively, the UP/ DOWN arrow keys may be used to scroll through standard frequencies and codes. Press F1 HELP while in this field to view a list of standard frequencies and their respective codes. Note: A low-level hum or buzz in the received audio MAY be experienced when TPL code OZ (254.1 Hz) is used. This PL code is at the high end of the sub-audible frequency range and may be heard in the audio under certain circumstances. Use of this code should be avoided if possible. DPL Code Enter the DPL (Digital Private-Line) code directly (023 for instance). Leading zeros are required . Alternatively, the UP/DOWN arrow keys may be used to scroll through the standard codes. Press F1 HELP while in this field to view a list of standard frequencies and their respective codes. DPL Invert This field will be active (or can be accessed) only if the Squelch Type field is set to DPL. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to invert the received DPL code for this personality. CSQ Carrier Squelch (Receive Only) PL Tone Private-Line DPL Digital Private-Line Disabled (Transmit and Direct Only)
246 Conventional Secure Personality From the MAIN MENU, press F4 , F6, F3 and then F6 to access this screen. Note: For radios equipped with CAI, the fields: Secure/Clear Strapping will read Voice Secure/Clear Strapping Key Strapping will read Voice Key Strapping Key Selection will read Voice Key Selection This screen can be accessed only when a radio equipped with Secure hardware has been read and the field Secure Hardware Equipped is set to Yes . This screen permits access to Secure parameters linked to the current personality. Press Ta b to select the desired field, or press the desired function key ( F1 - F10 ). If a field is highlighted, use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the desired choice or value. Function Key Descriptions F3 - PREV PERS Accesses the previous personality. F4 - NEXT PERS Accesses the next personality. Field Definitions Personality Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the desired Conventional personality. The number may also be entered directly. Note: Refer to the Radio Catalog Sheet for the maximum number of personalities allowed for this model. Secure Voice/Signal Type This is a view-only field. It will display SECURENET or ASTRO based on whether you specified ASTRO or Non-ASTRO in the Rx Voice/Signal Type field on the CONVENTIONAL PERSONALITY screen (F4/F6/F3). DFCFMOTOROLA Radio Service Software Use UP/DOWN Arrows to Select Choice. ASTRO Model: MAIN:CHANGE/VIEW:CONV:PERS:SECURE Personality........1 CONVENTIONAL SECURE PERSONALITY ------------------------------- Secure Voice/Signal Type....Securenet Secure/Clear Strapping.........Secure OTAR Tx.....................Enabled Key Strapping..................Select Proper Code Detect..........Enabled Key Selection.......................1 Key ID.........................None Echo Mute Time (ms).................0 XL Delay Following Key ID........0 XL Transmit..................Disabled Scan Select...................Non-XL Scan Holdoff Strapping...........Both F1 F2 F3 F4 F5 F6 F7 F8 F9 F10 HELP PREV NEXT EXIT PERS PERS
247 Secure/Clear StrappingUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the Secure/Clear Strapping for this personality. The valid choices are: The factory default is Select. Voice Secure/Clear StrappingUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the Secure/Clear Strapping for this personality The factory default is Select. Key StrappingUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the Key Strapping for this personality. Voice Key StrappingUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the Voice Key Strapping for this personality. The factory default is Select Key SelectionUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the encryption key for this personality. The range is from 1 to the largest valid key. The factory default is 1. Voice Key SelectionUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the encryption key for this personality. The range is from 1 to the largest valid key. The factory default is 1. Echo Mute Time (ms)This field is visible if the Receive Frequency is not equal to the Transmit Frequency. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the echo mute time for this personality. Values between 0 and 1500 ms may be selected in 50 ms increments. Clear The current personality’s transmit mode will be clear. Secure The current personality’s transmit mode will be secure. Select The user is allowed to select the Secure or Clear transmit modes via the Secure/Clear button (for mobiles) or Secure/Clear switch (for portables). Clear The current personality’s transmit mode will be clear. Secure The current personality’s transmit mode will be secure. Select The user is allowed to select the Secure or Clear transmit modes via the Secure/Clear button (for mobiles) or Secure/Clear switch (for portables). Select An encryption key may be selected from the Key Selection menu for this personality. Strapped The Key Number selected from the Key Selection field will be strapped to this personality. Select An encryption key may be selected from the Key Selection menu for this personality. Strapped The Key Number selected from the Key Selection field will be strapped to this personality.
248This field defines the time period that the user’s radio will remain muted when dekeying following a secure transmission. In radio systems having a large amount of data throughput delay, the tail end of the user’s transmitted message could be heard following dekey if this field is not set correctly to account for systems delays. XL TransmitUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enable XL transmit mode for this personality. This field configures the transmit mode of the XL chip. If this feature is enabled, XL encrypted data will be transmitted in Secure transmit mode. If this feature is disabled, Non-XL (Cipher Feedback) encrypted data will be transmitted in Secure transmit mode. The receive mode of the XL chip need not be configured since it will automatically decrypt both XL and Non-XL data streams. Scan SelectUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to specify whether the Secure scan unsquelch duration for this personality is based on the XL or Non-XL Scan Unsquelch Duration field in the RADIO WIDE SECURE OPTIONS screen (F4/F3/F2/F6). This field is visible if the field XL Transmit is Disabled. When scanning for coded transmissions, the radio will wait for a Secure detect following a carrier detect for a different duration depending on the setting in this field: Scan Holdoff StrappingThis field is only visible if Rx voice/Signal Type on the Conventional Personality screen (F4/F6/F3) is set to Non-ASTRO. Use the UP/DOWN arrow keys to select the desired choice. This feature is used to optimize the scan search algorithm and is normally based off on the receive signal type desired during scan operation. The value selected will determine the duration that the radio will wait on a channel for valid signal activity during scan. Valid choices are: Proper Code DetectUse the UP/DOWN arrow keys to enable proper code detect operation for this personality. When this field is set to Enabled, the speaker will unmute on secure data only if it is encrypted with the correct key. Non-XL The radio will wait for the time period specified by the Non-XL (Cipher Feedback) Scan Unsquelch Duration field on the RADIO WIDE SECURE OPTIONS screen. Non-XL&XL The radio will wait for the time period specified by the XL Scan Unsquelch Duration on the RADIO WIDE SECURE OPTIONS screen. Clear Only or Secure OnlyThe radio will wait the preset time period specified for the signal type specified in the RADIO WIDE CONFIGURATION screen. Both The radio will use the longest preset time period to ensure that enough time is allocated to detect both signal types.