Macrotel Mt360 Series Digital Key System Installation Manual
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KSU SOFTWARE VERSION DISPLAYThis feature shows the software revision number currently installed in system. Default: None. Press : NEXT p!c-G$Press : SHOW ps&-Kgq DEFAULT SETTINGWhen this function is activated, all settings are returned to default status, and any operation in progress is terminated. Default: None. Press : NEXTPress : SHOW pizGz-1Enter six-digit database password jsKsplCHK PSWD . 000000 if password is 000000 Press : SHOW Press : YES pipy--j(to activate default settings.) (system is returned to -Defaultdefault status.) Or, Press : NO Nothing happens. RESTRlCTlON CATEGORYThe Restriction Category refers to features that are used to restrict and/or control calling. - The features that fall under the Restriction Category are: Toll restriction and least cost routing Press: F#(to enter database programming) Enter PasswordIf password is 000000 Press: SHOWPress : NEXT Press : NEXT Press : NEXT Press : Show2. Line l-iiExA TOLL RESTRICTIONOutside calls with a sequence of digits which are within the tables will be denied or allowed. NOTE: The digit ’ t ’ is used as a “wildcard” digit in the toll control tables.Default: All toll restriction tables are empty. General description and default value : IIII100 EMPTY ‘EMPTY NNNNNNNNNNNNNN From /To : Maximum 10 digits can be programmed ; valid digitsare O-9 and x (wild card). Day /Night Class : These two fields relate to the station’s “Class of Service ” and the system “Service Mode”. If the dialed digits are assigned in the range between “From *and “To”, the system will check the “Day Class” or “Night Class”and station “Class of Class Of Service”> If the corresponding field is programmed as ‘N’, then the call is restricted, otherwise the system will continue checking the following entries of the tables until all the tables are checked. NOTE : F7 # generates “x” generates “xl’ during the keyphone programming.Press : SHOW Press : 001-l 00 to select table. Press : SHOW Press :CHG

Enter Digit 0 _ 9 or x Press saveNote :X = don’t care. Enter Via Function 7# Up to 10 digits are allowed Press : NEXT Press : CHG [ ::Cf?mp&XT,,I Enter Digit 0 w 9 or x Press save NoteX = don’tcare. Enter Via Function 7#. Up to IO digits are allowed Press : NEXT Press : Show 1 &%CSNEXT show 1 Press : CHG to Change or next to accept. Press : SHOW Press : CHG to Change or next to accept. LEAST COST ROUTING Least cost routing allows the system to choose the mosteconomical route when making a call. Routes aredefined in the route table, and are accessed by route lists. - Each route list contains the first choice route number and up to three alternative route numbers, - Each user is assigned to one of four routing classes of service. Selective routing by class of service determines which routesthe user can access and at what times during the day, based onhis routing class of service.Default: All LCR tables are empty. Press : NEXT LCR TableBACK NEXT SHOW Press : SHOW Press : SHOW Enter a table number from 001 to 200. Press : 001Press : SHOW Press : CHG Select time list 01 - 45. Press : 25 Press : SAVE Press : NEXT Press : CHG Press : 1407 Press : SAVE 1 &!:P SAVE CHG I Continue pressing NEXT and CHG to build time lists.Day Time Table Programming: Press : NEXT1 %TKi”“N’E”xbcB SHOW] Press : SHOW Enter table number to show, from 01 - 45. Press : 01 Press : SHOW Enter time period from 1 - 6. Press: 1 Press : SHOW Press : CHG Press : 0825 Start Time : 08:25BKSP SAVE CHG Press : SAVEStart Time : 08:25BACK NEXT CHG Press : NEXT --

Press : CHGRCS 1 Rate :BKSP SAVE- CHG Press : 054 Press : SAVE Route List Table Programming : Continue for routing classes of service 0 - 3. Press : NEXT I1Press : SHOW / ;gTa%m CHG1Select route list table to show, from 001 - 200. Press : 001 Press : SHOW Press : SHOW Press : CHG Press : 001 Modify Table : 001 BKSP SAVE CHG IPress : SAVE Press : CHG I Line 1 : Y ) BACK NEXT CHG Continue pressing NEXT and CHG for each of Lines 1 - 8. Press : NEXT Digit Modification Table Programming: Repeat above for choices 1 - 4. 1 2gnAdCCKhoi&XT SHOW1Press : NEXT Dgt ModificationBACK NEXT SHOW Press : SHOW Enter table # from 001-l 00 Press : 001 Press : SHOW Enter the deleted digit number, fromPress : CHG Press : 01 Press : SAVE Press : NEXT Press : SHOW Press : CHG Enter a maximum of 16 digits Press : 123456789 Press : SAVE Deleted Digit :BKSP SAVE-CHG Inserted DigitBACK NEXT SHOW PERIPHERAL CATEGORYThe sixth and final category, Peripheral Category, refers to those features associated with peripheral equipment, as fol- lows:SMDR Output Loud Bell RMT X Rate SLT Hook FlashSMDR X RateVoice Mail Ext Hunt Group Press: F#’(to enter database programming) Enter Password1 DB PSWD : 00000000 / 1 BKSP SHOW CHG )If password is 00000000 Press: SHOW Press : NEXT Press : NEXT 1 :A:p NEXT CHG /Press : NEXT 1 “,ACR;;“‘%T SHOW]Press : NEXT Press : NEXT 2-24

SMDR OUTPUT This determines the information to be sent to the SMDR report. Default: All types of SMDR call records will appear on theprintout. Press : SHOWI Service : Disable Press : SHOW Press : SHOW To Change to No,Press : CHG Press : NEXT Press : CHG Account Code . NBACK NEXT CHG DATA RATE SELECTIONFor RS-232C Data Port. Two RS-232Cdata ports are provided on the KSU. One is usedas a DCE terminal to interface to a serial printer or data terminal for output of SMDR records. The other data port is to beconnected to a MODEM for remote programming, or to a PCfor on-site programming. - The data rate is selectable as 110, 300, 600, 1200, 2400, 4800,9600, or 19200 bits per second.DefaukThe default data rate is 9600 bps. Press : CHG Continue to press CHG until the required data rate is shown.BACK NEXT CHG Press : CHG Continue to press CHG until the required Service mode is shown. (Disable, Day, Night, Always). Press : NEXT Press : NEXT Press : CHG piiz%Eq Line 2 : Y 1 BACK NEXT CHG 1Continue to press NEXT and CHG for each line (l-6). SLT HOOK FLASH TIMEPROGRAMMING The hook flash time for SLToperation is programmable to start at60,100,200,300 ,...1400ms,andtoendat100,200,300,...1500ms. Thestarttimemustalwaysbelessthantheend time. Default: The hook flash time is from 300 to 900 ms. Press : NEXT Press : SHOW Press : CHG Continue to press CHG until the required hook flash start time is shown. (60, 100,200,300,...1400 ms.) Press : NEXT End Time : 1500BACK NEXT CHG Press : NEXT Press : CHG p&i-g@- Continue to press CHG until the required data rate is shown. LOUD BELL INTERFACE Press : CHGEnd Time : 200BACK NEXT CHG The end time of 100 has been skipped because the start time has been changed to 100 ms: Press : CHGEnd Time : 300BACK NEXT CHG Continue to press CHG until the required end time for hook flash is shown. (100, 200, 300,...1500 ms.) One loud bell interface is provided, which can be assigned to ring for one or more lines.If the loud bell is assigned to a certainline, the loud bell will sound when that line is signaling, and beturned off when the line is answered. Default: The loud bell is not assigned to any line. Press : NEXT j k&BellN~~~ SHOWI 2-25

vom MAIL Voice MailBACK NEXT SHOW Stations can be assigned to be forwarded to their voice mail ports upon a busy or no answer condition. They can be programmed such that the system will see the CPID digits, and know whether it was busy or no answer, internal or external, inorder to give the appropriate personal greeting. _ lt is then programmed to either tell the reason (N,Y), and the originator (external, or a certain station). Press : NEXT Press : SHOW Press : SHOW Press : CHG Enter CPID digits, maximum of five digits. ,I ( %!FfXii::3-CHG 1If 7.23 are he W/D digits lo be sent with busy stationPress : SAVE Press : NEXT Make changes as above. No-Ans EXT : EMPTY BACK NEXT CHG Press : NEXT Make changes as above. Press : NEXT Make changes as above. Press : NEXT Make changes as above.Busy INT : EMPTY BACK NEXT CHG No-Ans INT : EMPTY BACK NEXT CHG Press : NEXT Make changes as above. Press : NEXT This feature sends the CPIDdigits for reason the call is forwarded (as programmed above). Press : SHOWReason : N BACK NEXT CHG Press : CHGPress : NEXTOriginator : N BACK NEXT CHG This feature sends the CPID digits for originator of the call. Press : CHGOriginator : Y BACK NEXT CHG NOTE: F = FUNCTION KEY fxlHuslON HUNT GROUPS Eight Hunt Groups are available. Upto 24stations can be in onehunt group. A station can be in only I hunt group. Press : NEXT Press : SHOW HuntGroup: BKSP SHOW CHG Press : l-8 Press: SHOWPress : SHOW Press: CHGPress: 10 (If 10 is Station youwish to be member) Press: SAVEContinue to add members, go to next Hunt Group or EXIT. 2-26


Voice Mail Port Assignment (Y, N) Line Assignment (J) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Ring Assignment(J) 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Y Y Y Y Y Y,I Y Y 10 10 10 10 10 10 1010. . . , , , , , , , Forced Account Codes (Y,N)N Forced LCR (Y, N)N Night Service Station (Y, N) Station Group (1,2,3,456,7,8) NI Warning Tone (Y, N) 1 N Drop Time-out (Y, N)NI Station Position (two-digit number 1 O-89) Mail Box Assignmentlo-33010.031 I I 1 I I I 1 SYSTEM TYPE MF KF0 SET CATEGORt III STATIONNUMBERDEF.101112131415 16171819202122 23242526272829 Day Class of Service (O-7)I I I I I I I I I III II I II 1 II i I Night Class of Service (O-7) Routing Class of Service (O-3) 3-l

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 56 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 t i i i i i i i i’i i i 3-2

LINE CATEGOTY Line #: Def.12345678 7Auto Attendant (Y,N)No Hunt Group Answer (l-8)1 Dialing Type (Tone, Pulse)Tone Hold Abandon (Y, N) N Line Type (C.O., PBX)C.O. Line Group (1,2)1 Private To (Station Number)None CALL HANDLING CATEGORY Barge-In (Y, N) Barge-In Alert Tone (Y, N) Exclusive Hold Time (0, 1,2, 3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8 minutes) Flash Time (.l , .2, .3, . . .1.5 seconds) Hold Reminder Time (0, 1,2,3,4, . . . 8 minutes) Recall Time (Transfer) (30, 60, 120 or 180 seconds) Pause Time (1.5, 2, 3.5 or 5 seconds) PABX Access Code (O-9 or 00-99) Tone Duration (70, 120 or 150 milliseconds) Warning Tone Time (1, 2,3, 4,5, 6, 7, 8 minutes) DEF.IN 1120ms 1 pz-1 Boss/Secretary Secretary Secretary 11Secretary Boss1Boss1Boss1 Boss2Boss2 Boss2 DISA: Active Line (None, 1, 2,3,4,5, 6,7,8) DISA Service (Day, Night, Never, Always) SecretaryBoss 1 I-1Boss 2 1I DISA Talk Time (1, 2,3, 5, 10 or 15 minutes) 3-3

DISA ACCESS Code (Up to nine digits up to 21 passwords) 11 12 DISA Ring (l-99) External Call Forward Incoming Line (None, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Outgoing Line (None, 1, 2, 3,4, 5, 6, 7, 8) Service (Never, Day, Night, Always) Talk Time (1, 2, 3, 5, 10 or 15 minutes) 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24Def. 1 None 1II IN tone IN 1ever11I I 5 min. I I INote: Program the number to which calls will be forwarded in speed dial bin number 99. Line-To-Line Conference Talk Time (1,2,3,5, 10 or 15 minutes)pYzJ Camp-On Time (0, 10,20,30,40 or 50 seconds) RESOURCE CATEGORY SystemAlarmClockDef.12345678Remind Time Null Def. Attendant (Station Number)110 System Service Mode (Day, Night Time)LI5aIIl Night ServiceStart Time[NullI~] End Time 3-4