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Lucent Technologies Definity Systems Little Instruction Book For Advanced Administration
Lucent Technologies Definity Systems Little Instruction Book For Advanced Administration
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Index 93 DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book for advanced administration 555-233-757 Issue 1 April 2000 I inserting a step, vectors,47 ISDN-BRI trunks,3 ISDN-PRI trunks,3 L list of options, vectors,46 listing scheduled reports,56 M management systems, call center,79 measuring agent performance, call center ,77 message line,xii message, vector,43 N night service hunt group ,10 interactions,17 night station,11 trunk group,13 types,9 night station service,11 O online books,xv out-of-service trunks, report,64 P performance, attendant group,61 planning, call center,72 printer parameters, setting,53 printing reports,55 Q queue, setting up,31 queueing calls,40 R recording announcements,23 redirecting calls, vectors,44 removing scheduled reports,58 report attendant group measurements ,60 attendant positions measurement ,61 attendant speed of answer,61 least used trunks,65 out-of-service trunks,64 trunk group status,65 trunk group summary,62 reports listing scheduled ,56 printing,55 scheduling,55 RLT trunks,3

Index 94 DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book for advanced administration 555-233-757 Issue 1 April 2000 S scheduled reports, removing,58 scheduling reports,55 screens,xii Announcements/Audio Sources,23 Attendant Group Measurements,60 Call Vector,40, 42, 43, 44 Console Parameters,16 Event Report,49, 50 Hunt Group,10, 30, 32, 34 Listed Directory Numbers,12 Report Scheduler,55, 56 Trunk Group,5, 14 Vector Directory Numbers,52 security concerns ,xiii service agreement, extended,xvii setting up a queue,31 setting, printer parameters,53 status line,xii system capacity, call center,77 T tandem trunks,3 testing, call center,75 tie trunks,3 time of day, vector,42 toll fraud,xiii trunk group adding ,4 least used report,65 night service,13 reports,62 status report,65 summary report,62 trunks CAMA ,2 CO,2 CPE,2 DID,2 DIOD,2 DMI-BOS,2 FX,2 ISDN-BRI,3 ISDN-PRI,3 RLT,3 tandem,3 tie,3 WATS,3 trunks, out-of-service report,64 V vector directory numbers (VDN),50 vectors announcements ,41 definition,38 deleting a step,48 inserting a step,47 list of options,46 message,43 queueing calls,40 redirecting calls,44 time of day routing,42 writing,38 voice terminals, see phones VuStats ,79 W WATS trunks,3 writing vectors,38

We’d like your opinion. We welcome your feedback! Please let us know what you think about this book. DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book for advanced administration 555-233-757, Issue 1, April 2000, Comcode 108600834 1. Please check the ways you feel we could improve this book: Please add details about what you think. ___________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ 2. What did you like most about this book? ____________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ 3. Feel free to write additional comments.______________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________________ ____________________________________________________________________ If we may contact you concerning your comments, please complete the following: Name:______________________________Telephone Number: ( ) __ Company/Organization_____________________________________Date:_________ Address:_______________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ When you have completed this form, please fax your feedback to +1 303 538-1741. Thank you.rImprove the overviewrAdd more examples rImprove the table of contentsrAdd more detail rImprove the organizationrMake it more concise rAdd more figuresrAdd more step-by-step procedures

DEFINITY System’s Little Instruction Book for advanced administration 555-233-757 Issue 1 April 2000 Helpful BCS Customer Catalogs 97 Helpful BCS Customer Catalogs Take a few minutes and visit both our product publications and our training websites to find the latest on-line customer catalogs. You can access the web-based catalogs to find descriptions of current BCS documentation and learning products. BCS Publications Catalog http://www.lucent.com/enterprise/documentation Browse here to find information about the latest documentation products, including books on CD-ROM and in paper format. You can use the BCS Publications Catalog to order the documentation you need right from this page. For some books, you can even download electronic copies of the book! Global Learning Solutions site http://training.lucent.com Browse here for catalog of course titles and descriptions. The catalog includes a complete listing of products, including classroom, CD-ROM, and video training solutions. Look to the Global Learning Solutions site for: ndetailed curriculum maps ninformation about certificate programs nlocations and contact information for US training centers

TELL US WHAT YOU THINK email: [email protected] fax: 303-538-1741 write: Lucent Technologies Product Documentation Rm 22-2G12, 11900 N. Pecos St, Denver, CO 80234 Why this new book? You’ve told us that you want more step-by-step instructions on everyday administration tasks for your DEFINITY system, and we’ve been listening. This book contains information on trunks, night service, announcements, hunt groups, vectors, reports, and call centers.