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Lucent Technologies Definity Release 7 Basic Call Management System Operations Manual

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call 
    Management System (BCMS) Operations  555-230-706  Issue 2
    June 1999
    BCMS Report Reference 
    4-29 Historical Reports 
    Header Definitions
    Table 4-7. Split Report Header Definitions 
    Header Definition
    Split The split number specified with the command line.
    Split Name  Displays the name that is administered for this split number. If no name 
    exists, BCMS displays the split extension (for example, EXT 65432).
    Service LevelThe desired time for an agent to answer a call for a given hunt group. 
    Timing for a call begins when the call enters the hunt group queue.
    TIME/DAY The time or day interval specified in the command line.
    Time is always expressed in 24-hour format. Start and stop times are 
    optional. Reports always start at the earliest time interval (either hour or 
    half-hour). If no start time is given, the oldest time interval is the default. A 
    stop time requires an associated start time. If no stop time is given, the 
    last completed time interval (hour or half-hour) is the default. If no start or 
    stop time is given, the report displays data accrued for the previous 24 
    time intervals. If you specify 
    day in the command and do not include a 
    start day or stop day, the report displays data accrued for the previous 6 
    days and data accrued through the most recently completed interval 
    (hour or half-hour).
    ACD CALLS The number of ACD calls completed for this split during the current 
    interval. This number also includes calls that flowed in from other splits 
    and Direct Agent (EAS only) calls.
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call 
    Management System (BCMS) Operations  555-230-706  Issue 2
    June 1999
    BCMS Report Reference 
    4-30 Historical Reports 
    ANSThe average amount of time answered ACD calls (split and Direct Agent) 
    spent in queue and ringing at an agent’s station before being answered 
    during the reporting interval. Calls that flowed in do not have queue time 
    from the previous split included in this average. This calculation is:
    Keep the following things in mind:
    nThis value does not include time listening to a forced first 
    nA completed call may span more than one time period. ACD calls 
    that are in process (have not terminated) are counted in the time 
    period in which they terminate. For example, if an ACD call begins 
    in the 10:00 to 11:00 time period, but terminates in the 11:00 to 
    12:00 time period, the data for this call is counted in the 11:00 to 
    12:00 time period.
    CALLSThe total number of ACD calls that have hung up while waiting to be 
    answered during this time interval. This value includes those calls that 
    have abandoned while in queue or while ringing. Calls that are not 
    queued (because the queue is full, the caller receives a forced first 
    announcement and abandons during the announcement, or no agents 
    are staffed) are not counted as abandoned. Also, calls that abandon 
    while on hold are not counted as abandoned.
    TIMEThe average time before an ACD call abandons. This value does not 
    include any time spent in another split’s queue before flowing into this 
    split. The calculation is:
    This value does not include time listening to a forced first announcement 
    or calls that 
    abandon while listening to a forced first announcement.
    Table 4-7. Split Report Header Definitions  — Continued
    Header Definition
    Continued on next page
    Sum of Each Completed Calls Time In Queue + Time Ringing
    Total Number of ACD Calls Answered --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
    AVG ABAND TIMETotal Abandon Time
    Total Number of Abandoned Calls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ = 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call 
    Management System (BCMS) Operations  555-230-706  Issue 2
    June 1999
    BCMS Report Reference 
    4-31 Historical Reports 
    TIMEThe average amount of time agents are active on ACD calls (split and 
    direct agent) for each split. This includes time spent talking. The 
    calculation does not include ring time at an agent’s telephone or time 
    spent on hold. The calculation is:
    AFTER CALLThe amount of time that the agents in this split spent in call-related or 
    noncall-related ACW mode during the reporting interval. This value 
    includes time spent on direct incoming or outgoing calls while in ACW. If 
    an agent entered ACW in one interval, but left ACW in another interval, 
    each interval is credited with ACW time.
    FLOW IN The total number of completed calls that this split received as a coverage 
    point (intraflowed) from another BCMS-measured split, or are call 
    forwarded (interflowed) to this split and completed during the reporting 
    interval. This total does not include calls that are interflowed from a 
    remote switch by means of the Look Ahead Interflow feature. FLOW INs 
    are recorded when a call ends.
    Table 4-7. Split Report Header Definitions  — Continued
    Header Definition
    Continued on next page
    AVG TALK TIMETotal ACD Talk Time
    Total Number of ACD Calls Answered ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call 
    Management System (BCMS) Operations  555-230-706  Issue 2
    June 1999
    BCMS Report Reference 
    4-32 Historical Reports 
    FLOW OUT The total number of calls queued to this split that were:
    nSuccessfully sent to the split’s coverage point after queuing for the 
    don’t answer interval. (This does not include calls that 
    went to coverage based on any other criterion.)
    nForwarded-out via call forwarding
    nForwarded-out via a route to station extension vector step
    nAnswered via the Call Pickup feature
    nForwarded-out via Look Ahead Interflow
    nFirst queued to this split and then were answered by the second or 
    third split
    nWere redirected back to this split or its coverage path due to 
    Redirect On No Answer timing
    FLOW OUTs are recorded when a call ends.
    In a multiple split-queuing environment, inflows and outflows become a 
    bit more complicated. Consider the following scenarios:
    If a multiple queued call is answered in a nonprimary split (that is, a 
    second or third split), an outflow is recorded in the statistics for the first 
    split, and an inflow and an answer are recorded to the statistics for the 
    answering split. For example, suppose there are three splits numbered 1 
    through 3. A call comes in for split 1, but all agents are busy in this split. 
    The call then goes into queue for splits 2 and 3. An agent in split 3 
    answers the call. In this example, an outflow is recorded in the statistics 
    for split 1, and an inflow and an answer are recorded in the statistics for 
    split 3. A dequeued call is counted for split 2.
    If the call is answered in the primary split, no inflows or outflows are 
    recorded for any split. Splits 2 and 3 record the call as dequeued.
    If a call is queued to three splits (for example, splits 1, 2, and 3, with split 
    1 being the primary split), then encounters a
     route-to command that 
    sends the call to another VDN, that queues to different splits (for 
    example, splits 4 and 5), an outflow is recorded in the statistics for split 1. 
    If the call is answered in split 4, an answer is recorded in the statistics for 
    split 4. However, no inflow is recorded to the statistics for split 4.
    Table 4-7. Split Report Header Definitions  — Continued
    Header Definition
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call 
    Management System (BCMS) Operations  555-230-706  Issue 2
    June 1999
    BCMS Report Reference 
    4-33 Historical Reports 
    (cont.)If the call is answered in split 5, an outflow is recorded for the statistics for 
    split 4, and both an inflow and an answer are recorded in the statistics for 
    split 5.
    Similarly, if a multiple queued call routes to another split, an outflow is 
    recorded to the statistics for the primary split, but no inflow is recorded to 
    the statistics for the routed-to split.
    AUX/OTHERThe total time that logged-in agents in this split were unavailable to 
    receive calls during the reporting interval. This value includes time spent 
    on non-ACD calls while in AUX for this split. This value does not include 
    the time agents spent on another split’s calls or in ACW for another split.
    For example, a split totals AUX TIME whenever any agent logs into the 
    split and:
    nReceives an EXTN call while in AUX or AVAIL state
    nMakes an EXTN call while in AUX or AVAIL state
    nHits his/her AUX button
    Furthermore, the split report measurement AUX TIME is time-interval 
    based, since it is not directly related to a call. For example, if an agent is 
    in AUX for any of the previously identified reasons from 9:55 to 10:05, 
    then 5 minutes is recorded in the 9:00 to 10:00 time interval and 5 
    minutes is recorded in the 10:00 to 11:00 time interval.
    Table 4-7. Split Report Header Definitions  — Continued
    Header Definition
    Continued on next page 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call 
    Management System (BCMS) Operations  555-230-706  Issue 2
    June 1999
    BCMS Report Reference 
    4-34 Historical Reports 
    AVG STAFF The average number of agents who were logged into this split (staffed) 
    during the reporting interval.
    % IN SERV 
    LEVLThe percentage of calls answered within the administered service level.
    accepted is calls answered whose queue time was less than or equal to 
    the administered service level for the split
    dequeued is a call that encountered the split’s queue, but that was NOT 
    answered, abandoned, or outflowed. This occurs with multiple split 
    Not available with DEFINTY BCS and Guestworks.
    SUMMARY For those columns that specify averages, the summary is an average for 
    the entire reporting interval. For the ACD CALLS, ABAND CALLS, 
    HOLD TIME columns, the summary is the sum of individual time intervals 
    or specified days.
    Table 4-7. Split Report Header Definitions  — Continued
    Header Definition
    Continued on next page
    AVG STAFFTotal Staff Time
    Time Interval ------------------------------------------ =
    % IN SERV LEVLaccepted * 100
    ACDcalls + abandons + outflows + dequeued ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ = 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call 
    Management System (BCMS) Operations  555-230-706  Issue 2
    June 1999
    BCMS Report Reference 
    4-35 Historical Reports 
    BCMS Split Summary Report
    Use one of the following commands to generate the BCMS Split Summary report:
    list bcms summary split (split number) [time] [start time] [stop time] 
    list bcms summary split (split number) [day] [start day] [stop day] 
    The BCMS Split Summary report provides traffic measurement information for a 
    specified group of BCMS splits. Depending on specifics from the command line, 
    the information may be displayed as either a time interval or daily summary. If 
    time nor day is specified, time is the default. In this case, the report 
    displays data accrued for the previous 24 time intervals (hour or half-hour), 
    including data from the most recently completed time interval. To get information 
    on the current time interval, you must use a monitor bcms command.
    This report is similar to the Split Report except that this report provides one line of 
    data for each split, which includes all data for the specified times. A split does not 
    appear on the report if there is no data for that split. If you specify more than one 
    time period, and data exists for one or more, but not all, of the specified times, the 
    system uses the available data to calculate and display the one-line summary; the 
    system does not identify which times are not included in the calculations.
    When analyzing this report, keep the following in mind:
    nAll averages are for completed calls only.
    nAsterisks indicate that the maximum for the associated field has been 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call 
    Management System (BCMS) Operations  555-230-706  Issue 2
    June 1999
    BCMS Report Reference 
    4-36 Historical Reports 
    Sample Reports
    Screen 4-10. BCMS Split or Skill Summary Report — Hourly Summary
    Screen 4-11. BCMS Split or Skill Summary Report — Daily SummarySplit is displayed as “Skill” when EAS is optioned (EAS and skills 
    are not supported with DEFINITY BCS and GuestWorks).
    Split is displayed as “Skill” when EAS is optioned (EAS and skills are 
    not supported with DEFINITY BCS and GuestWorks).
     list bcms summary split 5 3 time 9:00-16:00
    Switch Name: Lab Model Date: 11:05 am MON MAY 15, 1995
    Time: 9:00-16:00
    AVG          AVG AVG    TOTAL             TOTAL       % IN
    Sales 32 :25 4 :32 5:15 16:00 3 5 3:30 4.0 75
     Service 8 :07 1 :03 3:20 :00 0 0 9:30 2.2 83*
    --------    ----- -----  ----  ----- ----- ------- ---- ---- ------- ----- ---
    SUMMARY 40 :21 5 :26 4:52 16:00 3 5 13:00 3.1 76
     list bcms summary split 5 3 day
    Switch Name: Lab Model Date: 11:05 am MON MAY 15, 1995
    Day: 5/15/95
    AVG          AVG AVG    TOTAL             TOTAL       % IN
    Sales 32 :25 4 :32 5:15 16:00 3 5 3:30 4.0 75
     Service 8 :07 1 :03 3:20 :00 0 0 9:30 2.2 83*
    --------    ----- -----  ----  ----- ----- ------- ---- ---- ------- ----- ---
    SUMMARY 40 :21 5 :26 4:52 16:00 3 5 13:00 3.1 76 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call 
    Management System (BCMS) Operations  555-230-706  Issue 2
    June 1999
    BCMS Report Reference 
    4-37 Historical Reports 
    Header Definitions
    Table 4-8. Split Summary Report Header Definitions 
    Header Definition
    TIME/DAY The time or day interval specified in the command line.
    Time is always expressed in 24-hour format. Start and stop times are 
    optional. Reports always start at the earliest time interval (either hour or 
    half-hour). If no start time is given, the oldest time interval is the default. A 
    stop time requires an associated start time. If no stop time is given, the 
    last completed time interval (hour or half-hour) is the default. If no start or 
    stop time is given, the report displays data accrued for the previous 24 
    time intervals. If you specify 
    day in the command and do not include a 
    start day or stop day, the report displays data accrued for the previous 6 
    days and data accrued through the most recently completed interval 
    (hour or half-hour).
    Split Name Displays the name that is administered for this split number. If no name 
    exists, BCMS displays the split extension (for example, EXT 65432).
    ACD CALLS The number of ACD calls completed for this split during the current 
    interval. This number also includes calls that flowed in from other splits 
    and Direct Agent calls.
    ANSThe average amount of time answered ACD calls (split and Direct Agent) 
    spent in queue and ringing at an agent’s station before being answered 
    during the reporting interval. Calls that flowed in do not have queue time 
    from the previous split included in this average. This calculation is:
    Keep the following in mind:
    nThis value does not include time listening to a forced first 
    nAsterisks indicate that the maximum for the associated field has 
    been exceeded.
    Continued on next page
    Sum of Each Completed Calls Time In Queue + Time Ringing
    Total Number of ACD Calls Answered -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call 
    Management System (BCMS) Operations  555-230-706  Issue 2
    June 1999
    BCMS Report Reference 
    4-38 Historical Reports 
    CALLSThe total number of ACD calls that have hung up while waiting to be 
    answered during this time interval. This value includes those calls that 
    have abandoned while in queue or while ringing. It also includes calls with 
    a talk time that is less than the value administered for the BCMS/VuStats 
    Abandon Call Timer. Calls that are not queued (because the queue is full, 
    the caller receives a forced first announcement and abandons during the 
    announcement, or no agents are staffed) are not counted as abandoned. 
    Also, calls that abandon while on hold are not counted as abandoned.
    TIMEThe average time before an ACD call abandons. This value does not 
    include any time spent in another split’s queue before flowing into this 
    split. The calculation is:
    This value does not include time listening to a forced first announcement 
    or calls that 
    abandon while listening to a forced first announcement.
    TIMEThe average duration of ACD calls (split and direct agent) for each split. 
    This includes time spent talking. The calculation does not include ring 
    time at an agent’s telephone or time spent on hold. The calculation is:
    AFTER CALLThe amount of time that the agents in this split spent in call-related or 
    noncall-related ACW mode during the reporting interval. This value 
    includes time spent on direct incoming or outgoing calls while in ACW. If 
    an agent entered ACW in one interval, but left ACW in another interval, 
    each interval is credited with ACW time.
    FLOW IN The total number of completed calls that this split received as a coverage 
    point (intraflowed) from another BCMS-measured split, or are call 
    forwarded (interflowed) to this split and completed during the reporting 
    interval. This total does not include calls that are interflowed from a 
    remote switch by means of the Look Ahead Interflow feature. FLOW INs 
    are recorded as they occur.
    Table 4-8. Split Summary Report Header Definitions  — Continued
    Header Definition
    Continued on next page
    AVG ABAND TIMETotal Abandon Time
    Total Number of Abandoned Calls ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ =
    AVG TALK TIMETotal ACD Talk Time
    Total Number of ACD Calls Answered ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- = 
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