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Lucent Technologies Definity Release 7 Basic Call Management System Operations Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Release 7 Basic Call Management System Operations Manual
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DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Operations 555-230-706 Issue 2 June 1999 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-7 work state An ACD agent may be a member of up to three different splits. Each ACD agent continuously exhibits a work state for every split of which it is a member. Valid work states are Avail, Unstaffed, AUX-Work, ACW, ACD (answering an ACD call), ExtIn, ExtOut, and OtherSpl. An agent’s work state for a particular split may change for a variety of reasons (example: when a call is answered or abandoned, or the agent changes work modes). The BCMS feature monitors work states and uses this information to provide BCMS reports.

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Operations 555-230-706 Issue 2 June 1999 Glossary and Abbreviations GL-8

Index IN-1 DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Operations 555-230-706 Issue 2 June 1999 IN Index A ac c ep table service level ad ministration of ,1-5d efinition,1-4ACD d efinition of p arameters ,1-8d etermine how it is functioning,6-2eng ineering of interp olation method ,6-5 using BCMS reports,6-5 example ap p lication c lassified ad s d ep artment,6-8 insurance ag enc y,6-35 reservations d ep artment,6-8 split management,6-9 manag ing op erations with BCMS,1-1monitoring the operations of an app lic ation,1-1 op timization of,6-5overall d esig n criteria,6-2p lanned future g rowth,6-5 p lanning,6-1when exc essive time in answering calls,6-3ACD feature,6-1 ACD planning ag ent eng ineering/op timizing g uid elines,6-6p lanning /eng ineering objectives,6-1 ACD trunk eng ineering tab le,6-36Agent Rep ort example screen ,4-18Agent Summary Rep ort example screen,4-22 example summary,4-23ag ents c hang ing their sched ule,6-4 d etermine how time utilized,6-4determining required number,6-7 d etermining when to add more to a split,6-3evaluating time spent answering ExtnCalls,6-3evaluating when more training need ed,6-4 measured b y Login IDs,1-2measured b y p hysic al extension,1-2p lac ing in multip le sp lits,6-4 when to ad d more,6-5averag e amount of time for incoming calls,6-4 for outg oing c alls,6-4averag e leng th of time b efore a c all ab and ons the q ueue,6-2 taken b efore the ACD calls are answered,6-2the ag ents spend in ACW mod e,6-2the ag ents spend talking,6-2 averag e servic e time

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Operations 555-230-706 Issue 2 June 1999 Index IN-2 tab le,6-12, 6-14, 6-16, 6-18, 6-20, 6-22, 6-24, 6-26, 6-28, 6-30, 6-32 AVG ABAND TIME field,6-5A VG TA L K TI M E f i e l d,6-4, 6-7 B BCMS capacities,1-6changing password,2-5 c ollec tion of d ata,4-1c omp are rep ort head ing s with CMS,A-1d ata loss d uring software up grad es,1-3 description of,1-1feature,1-2interactions with external CMS,1-8 interactions with VuStats feature,1-8login,2-2password,2-2 c hanging,2-5 rep orts,1-2 how to ac cess,2-1 list of primary d ifferenc es from CMS rep orts,A-1 storag e of d ata,1-3terminal config urations for log g ing in,2-2 type of rep orts list,1-2 monitor rep orts,1-2 BCMS Agent Rep ort ACD p lanning ,6-4example screen,4-18purpose,4-17, 6-4 tab le of d ifferenc es with CMS Rep orts,A-7BCMS Agent Summary Rep ort example screen,4-22, 4-23 purpose,4-22BCMS c ommand s tab le of,4-2 BCMS Log in IDs,4-2BCMS Split or Skill Rep ort,6-7ACD p lanning,6-5 example screen,4-28purpose,6-5 BCMS Split or Skill Status Rep ort,4-3ACD Planning,6-3example screen,4-4 purpose,4-3, 6-3BCMS Split or Skill Summary Rep ort,4-35example screen,4-36 BCMS Split Rep ort purpose,4-27BCMS Sp lit Summary Rep ort purpose ,4-35BCMS System Status Report,4-8ACD p lanning,6-2 description,6-2example screen,4-9purpose,4-3, 4-8, 6-2

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Operations 555-230-706 Issue 2 June 1999 Index IN-3 tab le of d ifferenc es with CMS Rep orts,A-5 BCMS Trunk Group Report,4-42ACD p lanning,6-4example screen,4-43 purpose,6-4BCMs Trunk Group Report purpose,4-42 BCMS Trunk Group Summary Report example screen,4-48purpose,4-47 BCMS VDN Rep ort,4-53ACD p lanning,6-5example screen,4-53 purpose,4-52, 6-5BCMS VDN Status Rep ort,4-12ACD p lanning,6-3 example screen,4-12purpose,4-3, 6-3tab le of d ifferenc es with CMS Rep orts,A-6 BCMS VDN Summary Rep ort example screen,4-58, 4-59 C call hand ling evaluation of,6-5capacities BCMS ,1-6CCS traffic load,6-4chang e command,5-9 Chang e Report-Sc hed uler example screen,5-9Chang e Report-Sc hed uler sc reen field descriptions ,5-9commands tab le of,4-2 Comments,xicomp aring ag ents’ p erformanc es,1-1conventions used in this d ocument,x Customer Op tions form,1-5 D dial-up access c onstraints,2-1d isp laying real-time status rep orts,3-1 Doc uments,xi E EAS f e at u r e,1-2 error messag es,3-2evaluating a VDN or vector,6-3

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Operations 555-230-706 Issue 2 June 1999 Index IN-4 excessive ACD talk time,6-3 exp ert ag ent selection feature,1-2external CMS interactions with BCMS,1-8 F Feature-Related System Parameters sc reen,5-2form Customer Op tions ,1-5Hunt Group,1-5System-Parameters Customer Op tions,5-1 VD N,1-5 H historical rep orts d efinition ,4-16hunt g roup c ollec tion of d ata,4-1 Hunt Group form,1-5 I interp olation eq uation,6-6 L length of time that the old est call has been q ueued,6-2list c ommand s purpose ,3-3listing scheduled reports,5-7 logging in,2-1, 2-2from remote terminal,2-3 step s from loc al terminal,2-2 log g ing off,2-1step s,2-4 M monitor c ommand purpose,3-1Monitor Sp lit Status Rep ort.,6-2 monitoring the c alling volume for eac h sp lit,1-1the work load of eac h ag ent,1-1 trunk g roup usag e,1-1

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Operations 555-230-706 Issue 2 June 1999 Index IN-5 VDNs,1-1 N numb er of ag ents availab le to rec eive ACD c alls,6-2numb er of c alls that have ab and oned ,6-2that have b een answered,6-2waiting in the q ueue,6-2 numb er of inc oming and outg oing c alls,6-4numb er of inc oming calls that ab and oned,6-4 O Ord ering Doc uments,xi P Password Chang e sc reen,2-5 p assword for BCMS changing,2-5PC req uirements for collecting rep ort data ,1-3p eak traffic,6-4p erc ent of time that all trunks within this g roup are b usy,6-4 p erc ent within servic e level c alc ulation for hunt g roup s,1-4c alc ulation for VDNs,1-4 how calculated,1-4p erc entag e of c alls answered with in servic e level,6-2performance,1-8 p rint intervals,5-4, 5-5printer hardware ad ministration,5-2 p rob lem indic ators c onc erning sp lits,6-2 R real-time status rep orts description,3-1Rel a te d D oc u me nt s,xi remove c ommand,5-10Remove Rep ort Scheduler Command example screen,5-10 Remove Rep ort Scheduler Command screen,5-10field descriptions,5-11Rep ort Sc hed uler feature,ix, 5-3 ad d ing a rep ort,5-4change command,5-9enab ling,5-1 field descriptions,5-5

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Operations 555-230-706 Issue 2 June 1999 Index IN-6 p rint intervals,5-4 purpose,5-3remove c ommand,5-10what it prints,5-1 Rep ort Sc hed uler form typic al examp le,5-7Rep ort Sc hed uler sc reen field descriptions ,5-8rep orts adding to Report Scheduler,5-4 BCMS,1-2BCMS Ag ent Report,4-17ACD p lanning,6-4 BCMS Ag ent Summary Report,4-22BCMS Sp lit or Skill Rep ort,4-27 ACD p lanning,6-5 B C M S Sp l it or Ski l l St at u s Re p or t,4-3 ACD p lanning,6-3 B C M S Sp l it or Ski l l Su mma r y Re p or t,4-35 B C M S Sy st e m Sta t us Rep o r t,4-8ACD p lanning,6-2 BCMS Trunk Group Report,4-42ACD p lanning,6-4 BCMS Trunk Group Summary Rep ort,4-47BCMS VDN Rep ort,4-52ACD p lanning,6-5 BCMS VDN Status Report,4-12ACD p lanning,6-3 BCMS VDN Summary Rep ort,4-58c hang ing sc hed ule,5-9 C MS VD N St at u s Re p or t,4-12d isp laying list of scheduled rep orts,5-7d isp laying real-time status rep orts,3-1 listing sc hed uled,5-7maximum numb er for p rinting,5-3maximum p er nig ht,6-2 on ag ents,1-2on sp lits,1-2on trunk g roup s,1-2 on VDNs,1-2removing from Report Sc hed uler,5-10sp ec ifying day and time to p rint,5-3 step s for printing using Rep ort Sched uler feature,5-6type of list rep orts ,1-2 monitor rep orts,1-2 when scheduled rep orts c an’t b e p rinted,5-1 S scheduled reports time and date,5-6servic e level ac cep tab le ,1-4p ercent within,1-4setting the field,1-4 Split or Skill Rep ort

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Operations 555-230-706 Issue 2 June 1999 Index IN-7 example screen,4-28 Split or Skill Status Rep ort,4-3example screen,4-4purpose,4-3 Split or Skill Summary Rep ort,4-35example screen,4-36sp lits backup when to ad d more ,6-5 id entifying busy times,6-5staffed ag ents d etermining if enough for inc oming c alls,6-3 system p rinter,5-1ad ministering hard ware p arameters,5-2assump tions ab out op eration,5-3 d ata link maintenance,5-3 op eration,5-3 op erational states,5-3 minor alarm,5-3op eration different from CDR and journal p rinter,5-3 paper jams,5-3p arameters,5-1refill pap er b in,5-3 warning alarm,5-3System Printer Hard ware Ad ministration example screen,5-2 example screen for G3i,5-2System Status Report,4-8example screen,4-9 System-Parameters Customer-Options form,5-1form System-Parameters Customer-Op tions,1-5 T terminal typ es for accessing BCMS ,2-1Trunk Group Report,4-42example screen,4-43 trunks determining the number required,6-34 g uid elines for eng ineering,6-34range of typ ical numb er,6-34ratio to numb er of ag ents,6-34 when to ad d more,6-5 V VDN form,1-5 VDN Rep ort,4-53example screen,4-53VDN Status Rep ort,4-12 example screen,4-12purpose,4-12

DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Basic Call Management System (BCMS) Operations 555-230-706 Issue 2 June 1999 Index IN-8 VDN Summary Rep ort example screen ,4-58, 4-59vec tors evaluation of p erformanc e,6-5 VuStats feature,1-2description of,1-8