Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Maintenance For Survivable Remote EPN Manual
Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 8.2 Installation And Maintenance For Survivable Remote EPN Manual
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-25 Fault isolation procedures 2 TN2301 has d isc onnec ted from the SREPN, and the SRP is no long er in c ontrol. Connec tions have b een re-estab lished b etween the EI in the SREPN and its EI/SNI c ounterp art in the Release 7r. Fault isolation procedures Use the following p roc ed ure to isolate faults on a fib er link. This sec tion...
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-26 Fault isolation procedures 2 3. Type pnc in the Category field , then c hoose En t e r. NOTE: Sinc e the system is in Survive mod e, the Release 7r thinks it has lost its c onnec tions to the EPN. Therefore, alarms may b e p resent, even thoug h the p rob lem has been diag nosed and fixed . 4. Look for any on-b oard alarms other than...
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-27 Fault isolation procedures 2 c . After rep lac ing an SNI c irc uit p ac k, c lear alarms b y exec uting test board UUCSS long clear for all alarmed EXP-INTF c irc uit p ac ks. Wait 5 minutes for any SNI-BD or SNI-PEER alarms to c lear. NOTE: You c an sp eed this p roc ess with clear firmware counters [a-pnc |b-pnc ] for the repaired...
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-28 Fault isolation procedures 2 NOTE: Test #759 may fail if SNI c irc uit pac ks are p resent. 15. If all of the tests p ass, c lear the alarms b y exec uting test board UUCSS long clear f o r a l l a la r m e d EXP- I N TF c i rc u i t p a c ks . Wa it 5 m i n u t e s f o r a n y SNI-BD, SNI-PEER, FIBER-LK, or DS1C-BD alarms to c...
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-29 Fault isolation procedures 2 6. If No, Did SNI Test #756 fail? a. If Ye s, rep lac e the SNI c irc uit pac k and the lig htwave transc eiver (if p resent) and g o bac k to Step 12 in the ‘‘ Gather information’’ p roc ed ure ab ove. 7. If No, Did EXP-INTF Test #240 fail? a. If Ye s, rep lac e the EI c irc uit p ac k and g o b ac k...
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-30 Fault isolation procedures 2 13. Did the test return Board not inserted for the near-end c irc uit p ac k (nearest the SPE), o r f o r t h e f a r- e n d c irc u i t p a c k i n a s im p l e x PN C ? a. If Ye s, replac e the c abling b etween the DS1C c irc uit p ac k and the SNI or EI c irc uit p ac k. b . Wait 1 minute...
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-31 Fault isolation procedures 2 Fiber direct-connect system Fi g u re 2 - 1 7 shows the loopbacks performed on the SNI and EI circ uit packs. Figure 2-17. Fiber fault isolation tests for SNI and EI circuit packs Fi g u re 2 - 1 7 shows that: nTest #756 rep orts the result of the off-b oard loop b ac k nTest #757 rep orts the result of the...
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-32 Fault isolation procedures 2 DS1 CONV system Ad d itional DS1-CONV loop b ac k tests c an further isolate the p rob lem as shown in Fi g u re 2 - 1 8 . Figure 2-18. DS1 CONV loopback tests Fi g u re 2 - 1 8 shows that: nIf Test #799 fails at LB1, the p rob lem is with DS1C #1, CSU #1, or the c onnec tions b etween them. nIf Test #799 p...
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-33 Fault isolation procedures 2 2. If this test p asses from b oth sid es, b ut other tests fail, suc h as Test #241, this c ond ition ind ic ates either a faulty lig htwave transc eiver or a faulty fib er c ab le. To d etermine if either a lig htwave transc eiver or the fib er itself has failed, exec ute the Exp ansion Interfac e ‘‘ Manual...
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DEFINITY® Enterprise Communications Server Release 7 Installation and Maintenance for Survivable Remote EPN 555-233-102 Issue 2 June 1999 SREPN Maintenance 2-34 Fault isolation procedures 2 5. If the system has a two-level switc h node c arrier c onfig uration, that is (all must ap p ly) nSNI-SNI fib er links exist nThe SNIs and SNCs in the sec ond switc h nod e c arrier only (the switc h nod e c arrier that has no SNI c onnec ted to the PPN EI) are not inserted nAt least two SNI-SNI fib er...