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Lucent Technologies DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6 Instructions Manual

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    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
    Maintenance for R6r Volumes 1 & 2  555-230-126  Issue 2
    January 1998
    Management Terminal 
    Page 3-7 Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification 
    Login permissions for a specified login can be set by the super-user to block any 
    object that may compromise switch security. Up to 40 administration or 
    maintenance objects commands can be blocked for a specified login in. When 
    an object (administrative or maintenance command) is entered in the blocked 
    object list on the Command Permissions Categories Restricted Object List form, 
    the associated administrative or maintenance actions cannot be performed by 
    the specified login.
    There are 3 command categories. Each of the 3 command categories has a 
    group of command subcategories listed under them, and each command 
    subcategory has a list of command objects that the commands acts on. See 
    Table 3-1 and Table 3-2 for a list of objects. A super-user can set a users 
    permissions to restrict or block access to any command in these categories. The 
    3 categories are:
    nCommon Commands
    — Display Admin. and Maint. Data
    — System Measurements
    nAdministration Commands
    — Administer Stations
    — Administer Trunks
    — Additional Restrictions
    — Administer Features
    — Administer Permissions
    nMaintenance Commands
    — Maintain Stations
    — Maintain Trunks
    — Maintain Systems
    — Maintain Switch Circuit Packs
    — Maintain Process Circuit Packs
    These categories are displayed on the Command Permissions Categories form.
    To Log In
     To log in to the switch:
    1. Enter your login name and password on the login and password screen 
    (Screen 3-2
    If your password has expired you see the message: 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
    Maintenance for R6r Volumes 1 & 2  555-230-126  Issue 2
    January 1998
    Management Terminal 
    Page 3-8 Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification 
    Screen 3-2. Password Expiration Screen
    The Password Expiration screen is displayed when you log in. If your password is 
    expired you are prompted to enter a new password. If your password is within 7 
    days of the expiration date you see:
    WARNING: Your password will expire in X days
    To Logoff
    To logoff, enter logoff at the command prompt.
    If facility test call notification or remote access notification are enabled for your 
    login (see Adding Customer Logins and Assigning Initial Passwords, below), you 
    receive a logoff screen. If either the facility test call or remote access 
    acknowledgments are required, you need to respond to the Proceed with 
    Logoff? prompt on the logoff screen. The response is defaulted to n; you will 
    need to enter y to override the default.
    To leave the facility test call administered after you logoff poses a 
    significant security risk.
    To Leave Remote Access feature administered after logging off poses a 
    significant security risk if you are using the feature in conjunction with the 
    Facility Test Call feature.
    Login: telmgr
          Your Password has expired, enter a new one.
      Reenter Current Password:
    New Password:
          Reenter New Password: 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
    Maintenance for R6r Volumes 1 & 2  555-230-126  Issue 2
    January 1998
    Management Terminal 
    Page 3-9 Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification 
    Screen 3-3. Logoff Screen
    To Display a Login
    To display a specified login:
    1. Enter the command display login [login name] and press the 
    Enter key.
    The system displays the requested login’s:
    nLogin type
    nService level
    nAccess to INADS Port value (V4)
    nPassword aging cycle length
    nFacility test call notification and acknowledgment
    nRemote access notification and acknowledgment
    To List Logins
    To list all of the system logins and the status of each login:
    2. Enter the command list logins.
    The system displays the following information for all current logins:
    nService level
    nStatus (active, inactive, disabled, svn-disabled, void)
    nPassword aging cycle length
    The system displays only those logins with the same, or lower, service 
    level as the requestor.
    To Remove a Login
    To remove a login from the system:
    1. Enter the command remove login [login name].
    Facility Test Call Administered
    Remote Access Administered
    Proceed with Logoff? [n] 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
    Maintenance for R6r Volumes 1 & 2  555-230-126  Issue 2
    January 1998
    Management Terminal 
    Page 3-10 Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification 
    The system displays the Login Administration form.
    2. Press the 
    Enter key to remove the login, or press Cancel to exit the remove 
    login procedure without making a change.
    To Test a Login
    1. Enter your login name at the login prompt.
    Screen 3-4. Login Prompt Form
    After the user enters the correct login name and password and the login is 
    administered correctly, the system displays the command line interface.
    Administering Customer Logins and Forced
    Password Aging
    Adding Customer Logins and Assigning Initial
    To add a customer login you must be a super-user, have administrative 
    permissions, and:
    1. Enter the add login [name] command to access the Login Administration 
    2. Enter your super-user password in the Password of Login Making Change 
    field on the Login Administration form.
    The 3- to 6-character login name (characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z) entered with 
    the add login [name] command is displayed in the Login’s Name field.
    3. Enter customer in the Login Type field. The system default for the 
    Login Type field is customer. The maximum number of customer logins 
    of all types is 11.
    4. Enter super-user or non-super-user in the Service Level field. Default is 
    n“super-user” gives access to the add, change, display, list, and 
    remove commands for all customer logins and passwords. The 
    super-user can administer any mix of super-user/non-super-user 
    logins up to a total of ten additional system logins. 
    n“non-super-user” permissions are limited by restrictions specified 
    by the super-user when administering the non-super-user login. A 
    non-super-user can change his/her password with permission set 
     Login: telmgr
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
    Maintenance for R6r Volumes 1 & 2  555-230-126  Issue 2
    January 1998
    Management Terminal 
    Page 3-11 Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification 
    by the super-user, however once a password has been changed 
    the non-super-user must wait 24 hours before changing the 
    password again. A non-super-user cannot change other user 
    passwords, login characteristics, or permissions.
    5. Enter y in the Disable Following a Security Violation field to 
    disable a login following a login security threshold violation. This field is a 
    dynamic field and only appears on the Login Administration form when the 
    SVN Login Violation Notification feature is enabled. The system default for 
    the Disable Following a Security Violation field is y.
    6. Enter y in the Access to INADS Port? field to allow access to the 
    remote administration port. This field only displays if Acct. has first 
    enabled customer super-user access to the INADS Remote Administration 
    Port. Default is n. This step is valid for V4 and higher systems only.
    7.Enter a password for the new login in the Login’s Password field. A 
    password must be from 4 to 11 characters in length and contain at least 1 
    alphabetic and 1 numeric symbol. Valid characters include numbers, 
    and!&*?;’^(),.:- (the system will not echo the password to the screen as 
    you type).
    8. Re-enter the password in the Login’s Password field. The system will not 
    echo the password to the screen as you type.
    9. Enter the number of days (1 to 99) from the current day, that you want the 
    password to expire, in the Password Aging Cycle Length field. If a you 
    enter a blank in this field, password aging does not apply to the login.
    10. Decide whether or not to leave the default of yes (“y”) in the Facility 
    Test Call Notification? field. If you retain the default, the user 
    receives notification at logoff that the facility test call feature access code 
    is administered. If you do not want the notification to appear, set the field 
    to n.
    Leaving The facility Test Call administered after logging off poses a 
    significant security risk.
    11. Decide whether or not to leave the default of yes (“y”) in the Facility Test 
    Call Notification Acknowledgment Required field. If you retain the default, 
    the user is required to acknowledge that they wish to logoff while Facility 
    Test Call is still administered. If you do not want to force the user to 
    acknowledge, set the field to n. This field appears only if the Facility 
    Test Call Notification field is set to y.
    12. Decide whether or not to leave the default of yes (“y”) in the Remote 
    Access Notification? field. If you retain the default, the user receives 
    notification at logoff that remote access is still administered. If you do not 
    want the notification to appear, set the field to n. 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
    Maintenance for R6r Volumes 1 & 2  555-230-126  Issue 2
    January 1998
    Management Terminal 
    Page 3-12 Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification 
    To Leave Remote Access feature administered after logging off 
    poses a significant security risk if you are using the feature in 
    conjunction with the Facility Test Call feature.
    13.Decide whether or not to leave the default of yes (“y”) in the Remote 
    Access Acknowledgment Required? field. If you retain the default, 
    the user is required to acknowledge that they wish to logoff while remote 
    access is still administered. If you do not want to force the user to 
    acknowledge, set the field to n. This field appears only if the Facility 
    Test Call Notification field is set to y.
    Screen 3-5. Login Administration
    Changing a Login’s Attributes
    To change a customer login’s attributes you must be a super-user, have 
    administrative permissions (specifically, the Administration Permission 
    field must be set to y for the super-user), and:
    1. Enter the change login [name] command to access the Login 
    Administration form.
    2. Enter your super-user password in the Password of Login Making 
    Change field on the Login Administration form.
    The 3- to 6-character login name (characters 0-9, a-z, A-Z) entered with 
    the change login [name] command is displayed in the Login’s Name 
    3. Enter customer in the Login Type field. 
    4. Enter super-user or non-super-user in the Service Level field.
                   Password of Login Making Change:
                                  Login’s Name:xxxxxxx
                                    Login Type:
                                 Service Level:
        Disable Following a Security Violation?
    Access to INADS Port? 
                              Login’s Password:
                      Reenter Login’s Password:
                   Password Aging Cycle Length:
    Facility Test Call Notification? y  Acknowledgment Required? y
    Remote Access Notification? y  Acknowledgment Required? y 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
    Maintenance for R6r Volumes 1 & 2  555-230-126  Issue 2
    January 1998
    Management Terminal 
    Page 3-13 Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification 
    You cannot change your own service level.
    5. To disable a login following a login security threshold violation, enter y in 
    the Disable Following a Security Violation field. This field is a 
    dynamic field and only appears on the Login Administration form when the 
    SVN Login Violation Notification feature is enabled.
    6. To allow access to the remote administration port, enter y in the Access 
    to INADS Port? field. This field only displays if Lucent has first enabled 
    customer super-user access to the INADS Remote Administration Port.
    7.Enter a password for the new login in the Login’s Password field. A 
    password must be from 4 to 11 characters in length and contain at least 1 
    alphabetic and 1 numeric symbol. Valid characters include numbers, 
    and!&*?;’^(),.:- (the system will not echo the password to the screen as 
    you type).
    8. Re-enter the password in the Login’s Password field. The system will not 
    echo the password to the screen as you type.
    9. Enter the number of days (1 to 99) from the current day, when you wish the 
    password to expire, in the Password Aging Cycle Length field. If a 
    blank is entered in this field, password aging does not apply to the login. 
    Administering Login Command Permissions
    To administer command permissions, log in as super-user and:
    1. Access the Command Permissions Categories form by entering the 
    command change permissions login [login name]. When the Command 
    Permission Categories form is displayed for a login, the default 
    permissions for that “login type” are shown on the form. The super-user 
    administering the login can change a y to n for each subcategory field on 
    the form.
    2. Select a category for the login and enter y in each field where permission 
    to perform a administrative or maintenance action is needed. The 
    command object you select must be within the permissions for the login 
    type you are administering.
    If the Maintenance option is set to y on the Customer Options form, the 
    super-user can enter y in the Maintain Switch Circuit Packs? or 
    Maintain Process Circuit Packs fields.
    3. A super-user with full super-user permissions (super-user administering 
    the login cannot have the Additional Restrictions field set to y for 
    his/her own login) can restrict additional administrative or maintenance 
    actions for a specified login by entering y in the Additional 
    Restrictions field on the Command Permission Categories form. Enter 
    the additional restrictions for a login in the Restricted object list  
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
    Maintenance for R6r Volumes 1 & 2  555-230-126  Issue 2
    January 1998
    Management Terminal 
    Page 3-14 Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification 
    fields on the Command Permission Categories Restricted Object List form. 
    You can enter up to 40 command names (object names) to block actions 
    associated with a command category for a specified login.
    Screen 3-6. Command Permission Categories (Page 1 of 3)
    Screen 3-7. Command Permissions Categories (Page 2 of 3)
                                                                        Page 1 of 3
                               COMMAND PERMISSION CATEGORIES
                                 Login Name: Sup3ru
                      Display Admin. and Maint. Data? y
                                 System Measurements? _
             Administer Stations? y             Administer Features? y
               Administer Trunks? y          Administer Permissions? y
         Additional Restrictions? n
               Maintain Stations? n       Maintain Switch Circuit Packs? n
                 Maintain Trunks? n      Maintain Process Circuit Packs? n
                Maintain Systems? n
                                                                        Page 2 of 3
                                  RESTRICTED OBJECT LIST
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________ 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
    Maintenance for R6r Volumes 1 & 2  555-230-126  Issue 2
    January 1998
    Management Terminal 
    Page 3-15 Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification 
    Screen 3-8.  Command Permissions Categories (Page 3 of 3)
    Table 3-1. Command Permissions Form Entries — Display Administration and 
    Change Display List Monitor Remove StatusTes
    aar analysis X X
    aar digit-conversion X X
    aar route-chosen  X
    abbreviated-dialing 7103A-buttons X
    abbreviated-dialing enhanced X
    abbreviated-dialing group X X
    abbreviated-dialing personal X X
    abbreviated-dialing system X
    aca-parameters X
    access-endpoint X X X X
    adjunct-names X
    adjunt-controlled-agents X
    administered-connection X X X
    agent-loginID X X
    alarms X X
    alias-station X
    alphanumeric-dial-table X
    alternate-frl X
    Continued on next page
                                                                        Page 3 of 3
                                  RESTRICTED OBJECT LIST
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________
               _______________________        ______________________ 
    							DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 6
    Maintenance for R6r Volumes 1 & 2  555-230-126  Issue 2
    January 1998
    Management Terminal 
    Page 3-16 Switch-Based Bulletin Board Message Notification 
    analog -testcallX
    announcements X
    ars analysis X X
    ars analysis X
    ars digit-conversion X
    ars digit-conversion X
    ars route-chosen X
    ars-toll X
    attendant X X
    bcms agent X
    bcms lignites X
    bcms split X
    bcms trunk X
    bcms vdn X
    bridged-extensions X
    bulletin-board X
    button-location-aca X
    cabinet X X
    call-forwarding X
    call-screening X
    capacity X
    circuit-packs X
    communication-interface hop-channels X X
    communication-interface links X
    configuration all X
    Table 3-1. Command Permissions Form Entries — Display Administration and 
    Maintenance  — Continued
    Change Display List Monitor Remove StatusTes
    Continued on next page 
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