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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Release 4.0 Pocket Reference Manual

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    DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    System Description Pocket Reference  585-300-214  Issue 1
    May 1999
    ACalternating current 
    ACD automatic call distribution
    ADAPadministration and data acquisition package 
    ADU asynchronous data unit 
    ALTassembly load and test
    AMISAudio Messaging Interchange Specification
    APIapplication programming interface
    AUDIXAudio Information Exchange
    AWGAmerican wire gauge
    BIOSbasic input/output system
    bpsbits per second
    BRIbasic rate interface
    BSCbinary synchronous communications
    BTUBritish thermal unit
    CCAcall classification analysis
    CDHcall data handler process
    CELPcode excited linear prediction
    CICcustomer information center
    CICScustomer information control system
    CLcontrol link
    CMCCompact Modular Cabinet
    COcentral office
    COINcentral office implemented network
    COM1serial communications port 1
    COM2serial communications port 2
    CORclass of restriction
    COSclass of service 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    System Description Pocket Reference  585-300-214  Issue 1
    May 1999
    CPUcentral processing unit
    CSIcalled subscriber information
    CTSclear to send
    DACdial access code
    DCdirect current 
    DCEdata communications equipment
    DCIUdata communications interface unit 
    DCPdigital communications protocol
    DCSdistributed communications system
    DIDdirect inward dialing 
    DIPdata interface process
    DMAdirect memory access
    DNISdialed number identification service
    DOSSDelivery Operations Support System
    DSdisplay set
    DSPdigital signal processor
    DSUdata service unit
    DTEdata terminal equipment 
    DTMFdual tone multifrequency
    DTRdata terminal ready
    EIAElectronic Industries Association 
    ESDelectrostatic discharge
    ESSelectronic switching system
    FIFOfirst-in first-out
    FOOSfacility out of service
    FPROMflash programmable read-only memory 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    System Description Pocket Reference  585-300-214  Issue 1
    May 1999
    GBCSGlobal Business Communications Systems
    GOSgrade of service
    IDIisolating data interface
    IMAPIINTUITY messaging application programming interface
    IMMINTUITY Message Manager
    INADSinitialization and administration system 
    IRQinterrupt request
    ISDNintegrated services digital network
    IVC6integrated voice CELP card (6 channels)
    Kbpskilobits per second
    KBkilobyte (1024 bytes)
    LANlocal area network
    LCDliquid crystal display
    LEDlight-emitting diode 
    LWCleave word calling
    MANOOSmanually out of service
    MBmegabyte (one million bytes) 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    System Description Pocket Reference  585-300-214  Issue 1
    May 1999
    MCCMulti-Carrier Cabinet
    MPDMmodular processor data module
    MTmaintenance (Lucent INTUITY software component)
    MTBFmean time between failures
    MWImessage-waiting indicator
    NWINTUITY AUDIX Digital Networking
    OA&Moperations, administration, and maintenance
    OSoperating system
    PBXprivate branch exchange 
    PCpower converter or personal computer
    PDMprocessor data module 
    PECprice element code
    PGATEProcessor Gateway
    PIProcessor Interface
    POSTpower-on self test
    ppmparts per million
    psipounds per square inch
    RAMrandom-access memory 
    RENringer equivalence number
    ROMread-only memory 
    RSCLucent’s Remote Services Center 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    System Description Pocket Reference  585-300-214  Issue 1
    May 1999
    RTSrequest to send
    RTUright to use
    SCC Single-Carrier Cabinet
    SCSIsmall computer systems interface 
    SIDswitch integration device
    SIMMsingle in-line memory module
    SMSIsimplified message service interface
    SWswitch integration (Lucent INTUITY software component)
    TDDtelecommunications device for the deaf
    TDMtime division multiplex
    TRIPtip/ring input process
    TSCLucent’s Technical Services Center
    UCDuniform call distribution
    UPSuninterruptible power supply 
    VMINTUITY AUDIX Voice Messaging
    VPvoice platform (INTUITY software component)
    VRINTUITY Intro Voice Response
    VROPvoice response output process 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    System Description Pocket Reference  585-300-214  Issue 1
    May 1999
    DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    System Description Pocket Reference  585-300-214  Issue 1
    May 1999
    A network baseband medium using twisted pair wire, operating at 10 
    Mbits per second.
    Activity Menu
    The list of main options voiced to subscribers when they access the 
    The process of setting up a system (such as a switch or a voice mail 
    system) so that it will function as desired. Options and defaults are nor-
    mally set up (translated) by the system administrator or remote ser-
    vices personnel.
    Alarm Board (ALB)
    For release 3.2 and earlier versions, the hardware platform (TN2169 or 
    TN2170) that works with the Multifunction board to provide monitoring 
    for system power and environmental status, -48 VDC to +12 VDC 
    power conversion for the systems disk and tape drives, and remote 
    terminal access. The TN2170 also provides SCSI-to-Ethernet connec-
    tivity to support IMAPI.
    Hardware, software, or environmental problems that may affect system 
    operation. These faults are classified as major, minor, or warning. 
    They are recorded into an alarm log which can be accessed either 
    locally or remotely on a terminal connected to the system.
    Analog Port Emulation
    One of the two port emulation modes that DEFINITY AUDIX may 
    employ. The other mode is digital port board emulation. When emulat-
    ing an analog port board (the TN746), only control link (CL) integration 
    is possible.
    A processor activity that exchanges TDM bus control messages and 
    performs functions associated with call setup and port maintenance.
    Announcement Fragment
    A numbered piece of spoken voice mail information that makes up a 
    system message or prompt.
    Announcement Set
    A set of audible menus the DEFINITY AUDIX system uses to prompt 
    subscribers or callers for command choices. 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    System Description Pocket Reference  585-300-214  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Asynchronous Transmission
    A form of serial communications where each transmitted character is 
    bracketed with a start bit and one or two stop bits.
    Asynchronous Data Unit (ADU)
    A small device that can extend data transmission far beyond recom-
    mended Electronic Industries Association (EIA) limits over building wir-
    Audio Messaging Interchange Specification (AMIS)
    An analog networking feature that allows subscribers of different voice 
    mail systems to send voice mail messages to one another.
    A software program that resolves filesystem incompatibilities and 
    updates restored filesystems to a workable level of service. Audits are 
    done automatically on a periodic basis, or can be performed on 
    Audio Information Exchange (AUDIX)
    A complete voice-mail messaging system accessed and operated by 
    touch-tone telephones and integrated with a switch.
    AUDIX Administration and Data Acquisition Package 
    A software package that allows the DEFINITY AUDIX administrator to 
    transfer system subscriber, maintenance, or traffic data over the 
    administration port to a personal computer (PC) or Work Group Sys-
    tem (WGS).
    Automated Attendant
    A DEFINITY AUDIX feature that allows a customer to set up a main 
    number with a menu of options that routes callers to an appropriate 
    department at the touch of a button.
    A duplicate copy of a filesystem saved on a removable tape or MO 
    disk. The backup filesystem may be copied back (restored) if the active 
    version is damaged (corrupted) or lost.
    On the DEFINITY AUDIX LAN connection, the adapter needed to con-
    nect the twisted-pair breakout cable to the coaxial building wire distri-
    bution system.
    Baud Rate
    Transmission signaling speed.
    Boot (or Reboot)
    The operation to start a computer system by loading programs from 
    disk to main memory (part of system initialization). 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    System Description Pocket Reference  585-300-214  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Boot Filesystem
    The filesystem from which the system loads its initial programs.
    Broadcast Messaging
    A feature that enables the system administrator and other designated 
    users to send a voice mail message to all subscribers automatically.
    Memory used to compensate for time differences in transmission by 
    temporarily storing data.
    Busyout Service
    When a technician or administrator blocks service to keep customers 
    from using faulty equipment until it can be repaired or tested. For 
    instance, when ports (or a link) are busied out, subscribers who try to 
    access their mailboxes hear a 
    fast busy reorder tone. People who 
    would normally reach DEFINITY AUDIX through Call Answering are 
    not forwarded; they hear ringing and no answer at the number they 
    Call Answer
    A feature that allows the system to answer a call and record a mes-
    sage when the subscriber is unavailable. Callers may be redirected to 
    the system through the call coverage or Call Forwarding switch fea-
    tures. Subscribers may record a personal greeting for these callers.
    Call Answer Language Choice
    Call answer multilingual option where a user can alternate between a 
    primary language set and a secondary language. The two languages 
    are administered on a per subscriber basis. If this feature is enabled, 
    the subscriber may not use the standard DEFINITY AUDIX Multiple 
    Personal Greetings feature.
    A system shutdown option that waits for ports to become idle before 
    blocking service to them. This allows subscribers to finish calls in 
    Central Office (CO)
    A main telephone office where private customer lines are terminated 
    and connected to the public network through common carriers.
    Central Processing Unit (CPU)
    The Multifunction boards main processor that controls system data 
    transfer, input/output (I/O), and logical instructions.
    Class of Service (COS)
    The standard set of features given to subscribers when they are first 
    administered (set up with a voice mailbox). 
    							DEFINITY AUDIX System Release 4.0
    System Description Pocket Reference  585-300-214  Issue 1
    May 1999
    Command Mode
    A system state in DEFINITY AUDIX system releases earlier than 4.0 
    where flashware is in control and software is shut down. In this state, a 
    technician has access to menu options to see flashware status and ini-
    tialization history, run through flashware diagnostics, and to start or 
    continue system initialization.
    The particular composition and hardware selected for a system, includ-
    ing internal options and peripheral equipment.
    Control Link (CL)
    The integration, or interface, between the DEFINITY AUDIX System 
    and the switch that enables the transmission of control messages from 
    the DEFINITY AUDIX System to the switch over a DCIU data link. The 
    control messages are transmitted over a separate cable connection 
    and carry information such as calling-party identification and mes-
    sage-waiting indicator status and control.
    Control Link Mode
    The type of switch-link integration for which the DEFINITY AUDIX Sys-
    tem, R2.0 or later, is connected to the switch via analog-line card emu-
    lation and a digital connection.
    Delivery Operations Support System (DOSS) Configurator
    Lucent Technologies’ algorithmic system for configuring products for 
    customers’ specific needs.
    Digital Communications Protocol (DCP)
    An Lucent Technologies proprietary protocol for networking remote 
    communication systems.
    DCP Mode 1
    A Lucent Technologies proprietary Digital Communications Protocol 
    (DCP) connection using a data rate of 56 Kbps for AUDIX Digital Net-
    working. DCP Mode 1 uses a DS1 facility on the switch or a dedicated 
    facility on the switch or a dedicated facility on a T1 carrier.
    DCP Mode 2
    DCP Mode 2 is an asynchronous, low-speed (9600 or 19,200 bps) 
    connection for AUDIX Digital Networking. DCP Mode 2 uses a 
    modem/data module or modem/Asynchronous Data Unit (ADU) 
    arrangement and connects over analog or voice-grade data lines.
    DCP Mode 3
    A DCP connection using a data rate of 64 Kbps for AUDIX Digital Net-
    working. DCP Mode 3 uses a DS1 or ISDN facility on the switch or a 
    dedicated facility on a T1 carrier.
    A value that is automatically supplied if no other value is specified. 
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