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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual

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Page 71

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Preventive Maintenance 
4-3 Weekly Preventive Maintenance Tasks 
Weekly Preventive Maintenance Tasks
Perform the following  p reventive maintenanc e tasks eac h week: 
1. Back up appropriate data on a removable tape or MO disk. 
The c ritic al filesystems are b ac ked  up  automatic ally eac h nig ht or eac h 
week. Normally, you will not have to bac k up  any extra d ata. Refer to 
Chapter 6, ‘‘Ong oing  Data Ad...

Page 72

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Preventive Maintenance 
4-4 Monthly Preventive Maintenance Tasks 
Monthly Preventive Maintenance 
Ta s k s
Perform the following  p reventive maintenanc e tasks eac h month: 
1. Chec k system limits and  up d ate as nec essary. 
System limits, whic h d efine system-wid e p arameters suc h as the 
maximum numb er of subsc ribers allowed , the total numb er of messag es 
allowed  ac ross all sub sc rib er mailb oxes, and  the...

Page 73

Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
5-1 Overview 
DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Subscriber Administration
This chapter describes subscriber administration that is performed as required 
d uring normal DEFINITY AUDIX system op eration. 
Ong oing  sub sc rib er ad ministration inc lud es ad ministrative ac tivities that you 
must c omp lete d aily as well as some that you must c omp lete only oc c asionally. 
Many of these p roc ed ures may have b...

Page 74

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
5-2 Adding New Subscribers 
Adding New Subscribers
After the initial group  of sub sc rib ers has b een add ed , you must still reg ularly ad d  
sub sc rib ers as new emp loyees join your c omp any or existing  emp loyees without 
DEFINITY AUDIX servic e are ad d ed . Ad d ing  a subsc riber involves assig ning  the 
individ ual a login and  (op tionally) a password , d efining  a set of p ermissions...

Page 75

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
5-3 Adding New Subscribers 
4.If none of the p red efined  c lasses of servic e meet a p artic ular sub sc rib er’s 
need s, you c an c ustomize the sub sc rib er’s servic e options b y assig ning  a 
c lass of servic e and  then c hang ing  information via the Sub sc rib er
 sc reen. 
The sub sc rib er’s servic e op tions then are ind ep end ent of the assig ned  
c lass of servic e and  will not b e...

Page 76

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
5-4 Creating and Changing Subscriber Name Recordings 
Creating and Changing Subscriber 
Name Recordings
Even if Luc ent p ersonnel add ed subsc rib ers d uring  the initial ad ministration 
p hase, you (or the sub sc rib er) must still rec ord  voic ed  name frag ments for eac h 
subsc riber. Lucent does not make these rec ordings during initial administration. 
The sub sc rib er name rec ord ing is...

Page 77

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
5-5 Removing Subscribers 
If you d o not use the Name Rec ord  By Sub sc rib er feature (or want to rec ord  the 
names initially even thoug h you will allow sub sc rib ers to c hang e the rec ord ing ), 
p erform the following  step s to c reate or c hang e a subsc riber’s name rec ord ing : 
1. Dial the DEFINITY AUDIX system extension. 
2. Enter your extension (the one that has announc ement c...

Page 78

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
5-6 Reassigning Subscriber Default Passwords 
Reassigning Subscriber Default 
If sub sc rib ers forg et their p assword s, you must reassign a d efault p assword  to 
allow them to ag ain log  in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. The sub sc rib er then 
should  c hang e the d efault p assword  to a unique, p ersonal password . 
Althoug h reassig ning  a d efault p assword  is simp le, it is...

Page 79

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
5-7 Changing a Subscriber’s Name or Extension 
Changing a Subscriber ’s Name or 
Sub sc rib ers may req uest that their names b e c hang ed  in the system d irec tory for 
a variety of reasons, or they may b e assig ned a d ifferent extension. 
If you c hang e a sub sc rib er’s name, you or the sub sc rib er must rec ord  a new 
name frag ment over the sub sc rib er’s existing  name frag...

Page 80

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Subscriber Administration 
5-8 Evaluating Subscriber Classes of Service 
Evaluating Subscriber Classes of 
Eac h sub sc rib er’s c lass of servic e is c ontrolled  b y servic e op tions that you 
ad minister to b est meet individ ual sub sc rib er req uirements. These servic e 
op tions c ontrol features suc h as ad dressing  mod e (b y name or b y extension) and  
the ord er in whic h messag es are read  out to the sub...
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