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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual

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Page 31

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Preparing for DEFINITY AUDIX System Operation 
2-7 Customer Initial Administration Tasks 
Task 5: Distributing Documentation to 
At this p oint, it is imp ortant for you to p rovid e your sub sc rib ers with the 
ap p rop riate d oc umentation to help  them use the DEFINITY AUDIX system 
p rop erly. Ap p end ix A, ‘‘Communic ating  with Sub sc rib ers’’, inc lud es several 
temp late letters that you c an c ustomize and  d...

Page 32

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Preparing for DEFINITY AUDIX System Operation 
2-8 What to Do After Initial Administration 
What to Do After Initial 
Basic  DEFINITY AUDIX initial administration is now c omp leted . At this point, you 
have estab lished  b asic  DEFINITY AUDIX servic e for your initial sub sc rib ers and  
set system p arameters. 
Your next task is to determine whic h DEFINITY AUDIX features you will use and  to 
ac tivate or d eac...

Page 33

Feature Administration 
3-1 Overview 
DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Feature Administration
This chapter describes administration you may need to perform to set up and 
use ind ividual DEFINITY AUDIX system and  sub sc rib er features. 
AUDIX System — Feature Desc rip tions
, 585-300-206, c ontains more d etailed  
information and  ad ministration p roc ed ures for all features. 
Besides the preliminary and initial administration described in...

Page 34

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Feature Administration 
3-2 AMIS Analog Networking 
AMIS Analog Networking
Aud io Messag ing  Interc hang e Sp ec ific ation (AMIS) Analog  Networking  is a 
DEFINITY AUDIX feature that p ermits sub sc rib ers to exc hang e voic e mail 
messag es with any other voic e mail system that also has AMIS analog  
c ap abilities, anywhere in the world . Messag es c an b e exc hang ed  with 
sub sc rib ers on remote voic e mail systems with...

Page 35

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Feature Administration 
3-3 Alarm Origination 
Alarm Origination
The Alarm Orig ination feature enab les the DEFINITY AUDIX system to c all you or 
a remote maintenanc e c enter when a major or minor alarm has oc c urred. If this 
feature is not ac tivated , no c all c an b e sent. To d isp lay the Alarm Orig ination 
feature, use the System-Parameters Maintenanc e sc reen.
Announcements and Announcement 
Up  to nine announc...

Page 36

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Feature Administration 
3-4 Automated Attendant 
Automated Attendant
The Automated  Attend ant feature allows you to set up  the DEFINITY AUDIX 
system to answer extensions and  p romp t c allers to p ress ap p rop riate keys on 
their touc h-tone telephones to transfer to d esired  extensions or leave messag es 
for ind ivid ual subsc rib ers. You c an set up  any numb er of automated attend ants, 
and  you c an nest them so that an...

Page 37

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Feature Administration 
3-5 Broadcast Messages 
Broadcast Messages
The Broad c ast Messag es feature allows selec ted  sub sc rib ers to send  b road c ast 
messag es to all local sub scrib ers and selec ted  remote sub scrib ers. Permission 
to send  b road c ast messag es c an b e assig ned  on a per-sub sc rib er b asis or b y 
c lass-of-servic e. You should  limit p ermission to send  b road c ast messag es to 
yourself or to a few...

Page 38

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Feature Administration 
3-6 Broadcast Messages 
Setting Up the Broadcast Mailbox
The b road c ast mailb ox is assoc iated with a “ p hantom”  sub sc rib er. (A “ p hantom”  
sub sc rib er in the DEFINITY AUDIX system is one that is ad ministered  on a 
Su b s c r ib e r
 sc reen in the DEFINITY AUDIX system for an extension that log ic ally 
exists in the DEFINITY AUDIX system b ut is not ad ministered on the switc h.) This 

Page 39

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Feature Administration 
3-7 Broadcast Messages 
The size of the b road c ast mailbox is d efined  on the Sub sc rib er sc reen. The 
maximum length of individual broadcast messages is defined by each 
orig inator’s maximum messag e length on p ag e 2 of the Sub sc rib er
 screen. A 
maximum of 16 messages c an be in the b roadc ast mailb ox at one time. 
However, because broadcast messages will be presented to subscribers before 

Page 40

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Feature Administration 
3-8 Broadcast Messages 
5. If you want the messag e to b e p rivate, p ress   in resp onse to the voic e 
p rompts, and  sub sc rib ers will b e unab le to forward  the messag e. In the 
d elivery op tions menu, you also c an sp ec ify filing  or future d elivery. Press 
 to file a c op y of your broad c ast messag e. Press   to sp ec ify d elivery 
for some time in the future. 
6. Optionally, p ress     to hear...
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