Lucent Technologies
Communications System
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual
Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual
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Page 81
DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-9 Evaluating Subscriber Classes of Service 5 Class of servic e op tions d efined in a sp ec ific c lass of servic e c an b e overrid d en on a sub sc rib er-b y-sub sc rib er b asis. Customizing the subsc rib er’s c lass of servic e b y entering information d irec tly in the c lass of service fields on the change Subscriber screen overrides the values of the assig ned c lass of servic e. You...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-10 Changing the DEFINITY AUDIX Extension Length 5 nPERM I SSI ON S, O u t c a ll in g You c an enab le or d isab le whether a sub sc rib er c an ac tivate Outc alling , whic h alerts a sub sc rib er to new messag es b y p lac ing a c all to that sub sc rib er. nPERM I SSI ON S, Pri o r it y M e s sa g e s You c an enab le or d isab le whether a sub sc rib er c an send p riority voic e mail...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-11 Subscriber Features 5 8. Reb oot the system using the Reset System Reb oot sc reen. 9. Alert sub sc rib ers to these c hang es sinc e they will have to use more or fewer dig its when log g ing in, ad d ressing voic e mail, and c alling other extensions. They also should c hec k their outc alling numb er; if it is an extension in the switc h numbering system, they will have to re-enter...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-12 Subscriber Features 5 Full Mailbox Answer Mode The Full Mailb ox Answer Mod e feature enab les the DEFINITY AUDIX system to resp ond to a c all d irec ted to a full mailb ox with the subsc rib er’s p ersonal g reeting , if ac tive, followed b y system announc ements. The announc ements inform the c aller ab out the full mailb ox c ond ition and offer other availab le c all answer op tions,...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-13 Responding to Subscriber Issues 5 Security Password The Sec urity Password feature p rotec ts your DEFINITY AUDIX system from unauthorized ac c ess b y req uiring that sub sc rib ers enter a numeric p assword in ad d ition to their extension numb er when log g ing in to the DEFINITY AUDIX system. A default numeric p assword is assig ned on the Sub sc rib er sc reen for eac h sub sc...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Subscriber Administration 5-14 Remote Subscriber Administration 5 Bec ause you know the system so well, you mig ht c orrec tly c onc lud e that this is b ec ause the rec ip ient’s mailb ox is full. The solution is either for the rec ip ient to d elete any unnec essary messages or for you to inc rease the rec ipient’s mailb ox size. This is an overly simplified examp le b ut one that illustrates the kind of situation that...
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Ongoing Data Administration 6-1 Overview 6 DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 6 Ongoing Data Administration This chapter describes data administration that is performed as required during normal DEFINITY AUDIX system op eration. Overview Ong oing d ata ad ministration inc lud es ac tivities that you p erform as a p art of your d aily or weekly routine, and other ac tivities that you need to p erform only when c irc umstanc es d ic tate ac tion on your part. For...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Data Administration 6-2 How DEFINITY AUDIX Data Are Organized 6 To help und erstand these c onc ep ts, think of a filing c ab inet, its d rawers, and the files within eac h drawer as shown in Fi g u re 6 - 1, Example of Volume, Filesystems, and Files. In this analog y, the filing c ab inet rep resents a DEFINITY AUDIX system volume. It is d ivid ed into d rawers (or filesystems), eac h of whic h c ontains d ifferent...
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Data Administration 6-3 How DEFINITY AUDIX Data Are Organized 6 Filesystems A filesystem is a c ollec tion of files and their assoc iated d irec tories. Filesystem information may b e b ac ked up and rec overed d uring the c ourse of DEFINITY AUDIX system ad ministration. It is p ossib le for some filesystems to g row to the limits of the alloc ated d isk sp ac e, jeopard izing overall system effic ienc y....
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DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration 585-300-507 Issue 7 May 1999 Ongoing Data Administration 6-4 Maintaining Filesystem Sizes 6 Filesystem Interactions During normal op eration, DEFINITY AUDIX filesystems work ind ep end ently of eac h other und er the d irec tion of a set of software manag ers. These managers, in tandem with hard ware and firmware manag ers, allow the files, filesystems, and system hardware to work smoothly tog ether. Sinc e filesystems are hand led sep arately, it is p...