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Lucent Technologies Definity Audix System Administration Instructions Manual

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Page 91

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Data Administration 
6-5 Maintaining Filesystem Sizes 
Checking for Threshold Exceptions
Monitor the threshold s field  on the STATUS line at the top  of the ad ministrative 
forms. This field d isp lays the word “ none”  if no exc ep tions exist. It may take up  to 
30 minutes for a threshold  exc eption to b e rep orted  or for the exc ep tion to c lear if 
suffic ient spac e is freed  up  in the filesystem. When a threshold...

Page 92

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Data Administration 
6-6 Backing Up Filesystems and Subdirectories 
Backing Up Filesystems and 
Some filesystems and  sub d irec tories are b ac ked  up  on tape or MO d isk 
automatic ally by the DEFINITY AUDIX system on a reg ular b asis. 
You may need  to manually b ac k up p ertinent filesystems and  sub d irec tories after 
making  major system c hang es, after entering  large numb ers of new sub sc rib ers,...

Page 93

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Data Administration 
6-7 Backing Up Filesystems and Subdirectories 
Bac kup  req uirements for ind ivid ual filesystems are as follows: 
Filesystem Backup Requirements
Storag e;
Announc ement 
Direc toryThe Announc ement Direc tory does not req uire a b ac kup  
unless you have c ustomized  announc ements. If you make 
c hang es to c ustomized  announc ements, c op y this 
d irec tory to a tap e or MO d isk using  the save...

Page 94

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Data Administration 
6-8 Adding an Additional Announcement Set 
Adding an Additional
Announcement Set
You c an install up  to nine announc ement sets on the DEFINITY AUDIX system 
sub jec t to the amount of storag e sp ac e that is availab le. Eac h announc ement set 
takes up  storag e spac e on the system and  may take storag e sp ac e away from 
voic e text information. Before installing  another announc ement set, c hec k...

Page 95

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Data Administration 
6-9 Recovering Backed-up Filesystem Information 
Recovering Backed-up
Filesystem Information
Oc c asionally, system hard ware p rob lems may oc c ur c ausing  all or p art of the 
information on the hard  d isk to b e d estroyed . You will b e notified  of filesystem or 
volume p rob lems b y an alarm ind ic ation on the STATUS line of your terminal. 
When an alarm is ind ic ated , c hec k the alarm log  to...

Page 96

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Data Administration 
6-10 Customizing Announcements 
The voic e p romp ts that you hear c onsist of one or more p iec es of rec orded  text 
frag ments. A frag ment c an b e a rec ord ed word , p hrase, or sentenc e. 
Eac h frag ment is id entified  b y an alp hanumeric  c od e starting  with the letter “ f” .
For example, the voic e prompt 
Previous log in inc orrec t. Please re-enter extension 
and  p ound...

Page 97

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Data Administration 
6-11 Customizing Announcements 
Figure 6-2.  Sample of How Announcements Link Voice Fragments to Events
Announc ements are fixed in p lac e. You c annot use an announc ement numb er to 
mark a different point in the DEFINITY AUDIX system. Therefore, you cannot add, 
c hang e, or d elete an announc ement numb er. However, you 
can add, change, or 
d elete fragments assigned  to announc ements and  thereb y c...

Page 98

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Data Administration 
6-12 Customizing Announcements 
System and Administrative Announcement Sets
Announc ements sets are id entified  to AUDIX as either system or administrative. 
Sys t e m means that this announc ement set is the d efault announc ement set for all 
system p rompts and  announc ements. 
Ad ministrative means that the set c an b e 
c ustomized . 
A set c an b e 
both system and ad ministrative. When this is...

Page 99

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Data Administration 
6-13 Customizing Announcements 
You c an c ustomize announc ements in the following ways: 
nRe-rec ord ing  a frag ment 
nEliminating  a frag ment 
nAd d ing  a frag ment 
How you c ustomize announc ements d ep end s on the announc ement and 
whether the fragments c ontained  in that announc ement are used in other system 
announc ements. The following  p roc ed ures d esc rib e how to c reate a new...

Page 100

DEFINITY AUDIX System Administration  585-300-507  Issue 7
May 1999
Ongoing Data Administration 
6-14 Customizing Announcements 
5. Enter change system-parameters features
 to b ring  up the 
System-Parameters Features
 sc reen. 
6. Enter the name of the new announc ement set in the Ad ministrative field  on 
the sec ond p ag e of this sc reen. 
Re-Recording a Fragment
There are at least two announc ements you may want to c hang e when you 
customize your DEFINITY AUDIX system: 
nThe d efault c all...
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